Mushoku tensei: failed reincarnation

Chapter 4: Family pov

Zenith pov

I am Zenith Greyrat formally known as Zenith Latria the second Daugher of Latria family. I used to be perfect millis lady even though. I didn't have my second birthday yet. I was mom favourite. the first place on millis school above my classmates and friends always the centre of the praise. to mom that's to be expected as lady from the Latria household the biggest and the most important noble house in millis.

At first I liked being complemented here and there. And our huge library in the house makes every day enjoyable from fairy tales stories to heros stories but my favourite was romance ones (yes, I just wanted to have a great love story to remember) but that's will never happens if anything that's impossible because I am latrian lady. our family men becomes knights and women married for alliances. Years passed. and I was already on my last school year when mom suddenly said.

"Zenith after you finishes school you are getting married." (yes, I am almost adult. But, that's not what I wanted. I want to have love story to be Remembered not just a noble marriage to man I don't even know how he looks like).


"I am preparing marriage between you and the next head of big noble fami.."

"I REFUSE!" that's the first time i refused mom is orders

"What did you say?" mom said with a glare

"I said. No, I refuse to be married like this." as I finished my words I felt intense pain on my face mom just slapped me she slapped me very hard. (I felt tears forming in my eyes).

"Then, you are under house arrest you are not allowed to leave your room. and your books will be taken from you." As she said she gestured the maid to prepare a lock and take books from my room.

" . " I didn't answer my brain couldn't comprehend what's going on.

Suddenly, I found my self locked on my room without my books. without anything. the only thing left was the window from the second floor have the view of the garden. suddenly, I heard knocking on the door.

"Leave, I want to be alone" I shouted

"It's me Zenith, I am Therese." my youngest sister just came therese 6 year-old girl and my favourite on the house and I think the feeling is mutual.

"What do you want? if you want me to say 'sorry'. and accept whatever mom saying then, leave. you are wasting both of our time. GO LEAVE" You know. I am not sure. why, I was screaming on face of my youngest sister who isn't the blame in at all, if anything. I am sure she came to calm me down and talk with me. so, I don't harm myself. But I was frustrated. and need a victim for my frustration.

I just heard cries. and Therese left me alone. and after sometime, I thought of my escape plan. I wrote a farewell note. and jumped out of the window at night breaking my legs then healed them with intermediate healing and escaped not looking back looking for my love story. which, I found one. Not the one I wanted. But, I got married with love.


Before Rudeus birth.

I expected everything will be easy I got job at village clinic (in the village Paul's cousin made us settle in). I worked there till my third trimester. Lilla was helping us on the house quite nicely (she is our maid and she appears to have a history with Paul which I feel I wouldn't like to hear). So, I left things as it's between them without asking about it.

The birth itself wasn't hard. The problem what happened. After, that. Rudeus, my boy, my son, he was dead.

I was heartbroken and was about to cry. but, Lilla didn't waste time. she ran pushing me to reach him. and started to do strange movements on his chest to get him breath. And after some time he started to breathe a very weak hurted breath with agnoy something isn't supposed to happen. (both that Rudeus my boy somehow breathing and the other is he is a baby who was just born breathing with agnoy something a kid isn't supposed to feel).

he was breathing a weak breath. But, still he was breathing. Suddenly, she started shouting explaining to me what, I'm supposed to heal him non-stop. if, I wanted him to live. while I was proceeding with healing him I realised he was losing his colour. because, he can't breathe. he was suffocating. my normal healing was just delaying the inevitable. and I was scared to chant intermediate one and found him dead while chanting.

suddenly he opened his eyes very weakly trying to make sound which wasn't audible so I healed him again just to be heard by a very hurt moan that's was barely audible. when, I finally chanted the intermediate one he cried. this cry improved the whole room mood then I processed in feeding him. (It's good he is healed. I don't think, I can cast anymore healing for the day. I almost suffered mana exhaustion).

When I thought the problem is resolved. I found the next day Lilla calling me as hard as she can. from the room Rudeus in. when, I entered. I found him blue dying. if Lilla was late for one more hour. He was going to be dead.

After healing him with normal healing just to stabilise his state. Untill I can chant intermediate one when I finished like his body had returned to live he pooped and cried hungry at the same time.

While we was taking care of him paul stormed into the room. with, terrifying speed like our adventure days. when he was fighting monsters. and he was carrying his sword in his hand. (I suspect he was in middle of his village round when he heard Lilla screams).

Lilla after that explained to us that he sufferers from being stillborn. and he may suffer for quite some time. if his lungs wasn't damaged by her. when, she was pushing his chest. she apologised for failing to help in the birth the right way we just shrugged it off by saying if she wasn't around we wouldn't know what to do and he will be left to die. (Mills I can't understand this woman is too preserved and stoic makes me remember mom a lot).

The days continued the same with the only differences are Lilla is every day putting more distance between her and Rudi. (She definitely knows something and she doesn't want to talk about it).

Until one day after some months of repeated loop Rudi started crawling a very happy and energetic crawl until suddenly stops not even after 3 meters he stops and breath heavily. (Oh Mills even crawling will be hard on his weak body this boy definitely don't deserve this).

When I heal him these days after he started crawling his body became better not cured but better he can be good for 5 days without my healing magic. (The problem at this rate he won't have a good childhood it's a good thing at the time people don't have memories until they became at least 3)

After the healing he usually smiles like he is trying to ease me. (like he is understanding everything but that's impossible he is still cute little kid). He usually tries to crawl away to explore the house but his breathing problems holding him back.

And days continue by broken paul who wanted healthy son to become swordsman like him but that's will never happen at this rate it will be a dream but him being healthy adult will be our hope.

Just when my mood was going down again he give me the best gift I could ask for he called me 'mom' in middle of my happiness i jumped celebrating and screaming just to find paul with used diapers on his head

(I had to hold the urge to laugh it was going to be like pouring oil on flames). Then like he wanted to calm him down he called him 'dad'.

For a moment I thought Paul was lost expression or something but what happened was he was celebrating jumping like madman and screaming happy words. After, some thinking it's deserved the suffering for.

Days continued until Lilla demanded a meeting. (which is unbelievable considering her character).

I hope it's a good thing.


Paul pov

Well I am Paul Greyrat formally known as Paul Notos Greyrat my life as noble man failed miserably for 3 reason.

Firstly, I don't like the nobility even a bit where people smile in front each other to stab each on the back there where your biggest enemy is your family so I eloped the house after my mother death if want to describe reason for that will be Philemon Notos Greyrat but for real he deserves a spot for his own.

Secondly, I used to be what dad called a 'sex deviant' so dad not wanting to waste his time according to him. talking to me and solve the problem he picked the simple solution. he house arrested me so nobody can take advantage of me and semi prepared philemon to be the head. Which I wouldn't mind. Until I learnt the only way he can be head while I was alive and I have to be kicked out of the household so he pressured me and father. So, father can put me on forever house arrest where I suddenly found dead. Before, this I escaped the house losing the Notos name. but, not before breaking philemon disgusting face.

Thirdly is Valentina Notos Greyrat. my mother, my protection wall, my escape, from harshly noble world to her love. To me it was my safe side or the pain remover. She died because philemon delayed father from getting healer doctor for her. Untill she became lost cause. Then, he made me the blame. So, he can fuel father to follow what ever he says about me.

Yes, I wasn't cut for in the first place nobility. But, my supposed called brother is the reason to make it living hell to me. He is the biggest reason I hate nobility my only link to it now my cousin, my friend, Philip who didn't want to help me at first. But, when uncle Saourus came he changed his mind. and made me knight of Buena village.

The truth, I don't blame Philip for not wanting to deal with his uncontrolled cousin. who happen to be the original head of now enemy clan when he is suffering on his own. To him I am just unnecessary nuisance. But, still I owe him one.

He put me a knight. on a very peaceful village. With 4 Asuran gold coins salary every month. with, a big house in the middle of the village. (The salary is for me and the watchtowers guards who I should put in the future because the last knight died fighting monsters in stamped along with the watchtowers hunters).

When, I reached the villagers made me remember. why, I left nobility 6 years ago. and lived on the slums for a year. then, as an adventurer for 5 years. They welcomed me very nicely. Then, the oldest reeve Mr Smith. (Who was the deputy chief of the village declared me the new cheif). He was the vilage elder and leader of council of the vilage and also the strongest of the 7 reeves. He treated me as proud father who taking care of his son he made me love the village and the villagers.

With his treatment to me he made me remember Rudd my friend from the slums and Mary anne. They helped me in everything and took care of me. Especially When he Introduced me to the gang from the slums. Also he did introduce me as the gang new boss. The only difference they treated me as friends. while, Mr Smith is akin to a proud father he sees me as a son.

The first thing I did as knight was a quick hunt on monsters who infisted the fields. Then, built the house of Bragg. (one of the reeves who wanted to settle with family). Then, solved the very shy elf-hunter problems and asked him to be on of the watchtowers. (For 2 silver Asuran coins). Which he accepted. And becoming my best friend in the village and I think the feeling is mutual.

With this I solved all village problems in a month but realised all the other reeves treat me with caution. So, I went for Mr Smith for help he told me that's the reeves are lower than slaves to nobility. (which from my name they thought I was part of it).

And to make matter worst he told me in near village the knight who had nobility bloodline give orders to the reeves to be castrated. So, they can focus on their work only. But, the truth he wanted to humiliate them. So, they have to respect him more.

Then, I asked him to clarify that I'm different from the other knight. and asked him to stop calling me 'Lord Paul' so, it will help and with this I became friends with all of the reeves especially the young boy pete who was 13 year old but had great potential.

Also Zenith worked at the clinic gaining love. and support. from, all the villagers because she works as healing doctor not because of money but rather than that to help the village and villagers. who, dont have another healing doctor. All of that while she was in her second trimester of pregnancy.

Also, when I posted work for maid job appears in front of me Lilla who cames as maid and midwife.

(She was the last person I suspected to meet again with. Especially after what I did). She came more professional and stoic than she was at her father dojo. (If all goes right with the birth I have to apologise for her).

I told her she will work for me and Zenith and take care of the house for (3 Asuran silver coins). She give me one of her new pocker fake smiles. And agrees. (I really should apologise for what I did for her at her father Augusts dojo).

The time ran fast here zenith reached 3rd trimester and stayed home and made a garden for herself and started decorating the house. To enjoy her time.

The birth

The birth was quite easy for Zenith at first. But, when she finished we realised. the kid, our son, is dead. (stillborn). Me and Zenith were heartbroken I was about to cry and throw the tantrums (I think Zenith was the same). Then Lilla proved once again why she was the star student at her father dojo. She always took her job seriously and diligently jumped pushing Zenith. to start do some strange moves to the kid. to make him breath and have pulse.

Then, ordered Zenith to spam healing him. After what seemed forever to us the kid opened his eyes weakly and breathed hard hurted breath with agnoy. Then, when Zenith healed him again he made a very weak sound of pain moan when Zenith used X-healing he started to cry normal cry of pain this cry made all of us relieved that he survived.

When the birth finished when Zenith went to sleep I went to Lilla to apologise for her and asked her about how flute and August is doing she said they are fine and she already forgot about what I did. (A very bad lie. It was one of my worst mistakes). So, I apologised again saying what I did isn't that simple. she just smiled one of her real smile. then, twisted one. where, she told I suppose to celebrate my son birth. and foget about the past. and by celebrating I'm must eat his birth cake.

(She knows will how to take revenge she know how I hate sweet things and love munching meat & crunchy food and harsh food).

She brought the Asuran cake she made. (The cake is kind of traditional cake for celebrating).

The cake was all squishy and very sweet I chocked myself many times and. tried very hard not to vomit. and she didn't bring a single drop of water. she had a very twisted smile till I finished the cake. then, she brought water.

After that, next day I was doing the morning village round when I heard Lilla screaming calling Zenith by her name. When I heard her I came running as fast as I could reaching to find Rudeus suffocating and Zenith healed him and he is know wellbeing.

When we left the room Lilla explained the situation to us he will suffer for sometime if circumstances are good and if they are bad he is going to suffer for the rest of his life.

When she told me that I remembered mother illness and Mary Anne they both were very ill. Like Rudy I hope he lives healthy life.

I was heartbroken my hope always was for my son to be a better person than me. (ideally in swordsmanship too but that's impossible now).

The days became repeated loop for Zenith and Rudi where he wake-up crying from pain she heals him his body starts working he poop and be fed then sleep for almost all the day.

After, 5 months of repeated loop Rudi started crawling he was very fast and energetic for young toddler but his illness got better of him he can't move 3 meters without stopping to catch his breath.

But he got better gradually and I feel he will be okay. (He is my son after all).

Then, after 10 days Zenith screamed and jumped celebrating I was going to ask what happened to find a used diapers with poop fallen into my face and hair.

I got annoyed and frustrated with what's happening when I was about to demand an explanation the best one came to me Rudi my wonderful son called me 'Dad' I got really happy with his word I think understand Zenith happiness.

2 days ago, after Zenith went as usual hugging Rudi very tightly and demanding "Mom" from him almost every minute since he talked. then, Lilla give her the harshest comment I wanted to say in the first place. Because, she treat him very wrong way. (I'm not jealous)

What Zenith did was quite the opposite of what Lilla said by hugging Rudi even tighter than the usual and demanded Mom again then thanked her for the advice. I think she didn't understand what Lilla said because that's very wrong. (I'm not jealous).

Yesterday, Zenith came after she sent Rudi to bed deer jumping hitting Lilla in the way breaking Zenith plate but she didn't care she came said to me Rudi called her "pretty" and she came to rub it in my face. (I'm not jealous).

I said trying to appear unfazed that's Rudi called her pretty i answered. "when we have a daughter I will make her call me handsome." I said it with fake smile. (I'm not jealous).

Today while we were in middle of dinner Lilla out of nowhere demanded family meeting.

"Master Paul, madam Zenith there is important matter we need to talk about."

I hope it's nothing dangerous.


Rudeus pov

I woke up very early very refreshed. (Don't get me wrong the pain is still there but it's weaker than the usual because of the healing magic on me).

I got down from the crib. and crawled my way out. to start, search for the people of this house. as usual found mom and dad flirting. (Can they for a moment think anything other than that).

I know when they enter this mode they will never notice anything around them. At least they will stop if they know I will remember what they did in front of me. (I don't think it's a good idea to say to them your son is reincarnated well and also thinking about it only my soul and knowledge is what I have with me but the rest are normal kid I think).

Crawling near Lilla as usual. Our column of the house. without, her I think the house will fall in hands of the two young couple.

As usual the moment she realises my existence like she saw satan she either flinch, gasp, jump scared, make a fast scream, I am starting to think. I am turning into assassination moving doll. Because her scare of me maybe, I just maybe should ask and know. why she is so scared of me? at first, she was afraid. I would die at any moment. now what.

"Lilla... .. up" (I can talk naturally but I don't she is already afraid by my speed running and growing up I think if she discovers everything. she maybe will declare me demon and burns me). As usual the stoic woman flinch. before, carrying me. (Well let's try something new). I gestured her to go out.

"Can't do young master you have to be a year old at least." At least I tried. then, I will ask for the usual.

"Hungry" and she brought the same apple like fruit. The only difference it is milky in the inside. and my brain for some reason loves it. (I hope it hasn't anything to do with Paul genetics).

She brought the fruit cut it as usual but done what I was afraid of. (Maybe I cursed myself yesterday by bringing the idea). She started chewing the fruit to feed me. (I need to refuse fast) when she tried to feed me. I closed my mouth and shook my head.

She gasps understanding what I meant. (thank god). Then she cuts the fruit into small cubes. So, I can eat them alone.

"Young master do you happen to be a miko." I just rasied an eye brow unintentionally. Well let's play safe I will refuse. So, I shocked my head.

"Young master do you understand what's the word 'miko' means?" I just shooked my head (this woman asks too many questions today, I want to ask too. but, I will leave it till. I'm older where I can talk without rasing suspicions).

She just sighs then explains to me the meaning of the word which apparently miko means blessed child and people who are mikos are born with either of knowledge, (probably like me) & super powers (cool) & or unexplained strength like the prince miko of shrione. (Aren't there one of them who can give others unlimited regeneration I need one like that to stop the pain).

But she also told me this power comes with a price. losing freedom is the least of it. (Then I have to act like normal baby thanks for the undirected advice Lilla). Some of them lose part of their characteristics. or, emotions and it's an unspoken taboo the marriages of female mikos. (then I can act normally no one will suspect me since I'm still acting like cute little over smart toddler).

I wanted her to close the conversation. so, I yawned. (Pretty bad mannered if you want my opinion). She just smiles and carrys me to put me on bed I wanted to ask obvious question where are the 2 blondes I didn't see them. And when we were near of the rooms my answer reached me.

I got useless information of who has more stamina. between, the two and who is submissive. on their good time. If anything poor Lilla and why in hell they are doing it in the afternoon. (I wish when I grow up I will forget this. Scratch that more better if they do it in moderation when I grow up).

Lilla putted me on crib. So, I can sleep. (peacefully I hope). Then she left the room leaving me alone.

After 10 minutes of useless tries of sleeping. with, the hangover above my head I got the good idea of using healing magic to sleep maybe even train on the chantless one. After 5 minutes of trying to figure out how I did it last time and failing miserably. I just sighed then started chanting.

"Let the satisfying nourishment regain the lost vigor regaining the lost strength. Healing."

When I finished the chant. I felt electric pass through my body. started from my liver. moved to my brain. then, to my arms. after, that my hands lit. dim green light. (and is the electrical charge in my body is connected to nervous system I feel like it is the same but not at the same time not. Maybe, human body have a different structure in this world).

I felt the charge. and I also felt. what did this spell did to my left lung. which, apparently is holed from the pain. and the fact I'm not dead yet. it appears to be small hole almost healed. but, this healing magic is too weak to make a difference. I have 2 choices. either, continuing on trying to figure chantless magic. or, try the higher calibre first. (the intermediate one).

After 5 seconds the pain came back so it was deciding X-healing it is.

"Mother of merciful god heal this one's wounds let the satisfying nourishment regain the lost vigor regaining the lost strength to stand up again. X-healing." When I finished the long chant. I felt my electric charge moves. In a very fast speed compared to the former spell. And I felt very sleepy all of a sudden but the pain lessen by a lot it didn't touch the hole. but, the pain subdued. (Thankfully).

I started to feel very sleepy. almost asleep. but, I realised the door was ajar. Not closed. (Not like I supposed to care now). and I slept.

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