Chapter 5: The wrong way of raising miko
Rudeus pov
I woke up feeling refreshed. (I feel like I can run for a whole mile but I know with the hole I felt yesterday the best I can do is fast crawl maybe 10 meters since I just got healed I will have to wait until I'm fully healed).
(To my knowledge children tend to heal faster because of the growth spurt and with healing magic I think I will be fully healed at age of 3).
As I started to move myself from bed and made a sound trying to remove the blanket I found myself getting carried with 2 big hands.
"Just in time Rudi! I was coming to wake you up. You know I always wanted to show my kid how amazing swordsmanship is." The blonde man carried me then ran fast like he was doing something wrong and when we finished I realised what he did.
"Look Rudi! Zenith went to the village clinic because Mr Peter had a strong fever. And he needed healing magic because his age weakened his health a lot. And I sent Lilla to buy the monthly groceries early. Using the fact that the apples you love ate the last one yesterday. And now Zenith and Lilla are out. So, now we are men together. Because we need to talk about important things. After I demonstrate some swordplay. You are my kid. Of course, you are going to be a great swordsman like me."
Said the blonde swordsman after he put me on the ground. About 10 meters away from a very big boulder. (first time getting me out of the house since my reincarnation. And why didn't they break down this boulder then move it out? It Destroys the view.)
Then dad starts to do strange movements with a sword like fast and flashy. And how he can even be this fast. Then when he got very drenched with sweat. He removed his shirt making my jaw drop for 2 reasons. First I took back every word of comparing my past build with him. That man can very easily win any muscle competition back on Earth.
The second reason is how many scars he got in his body. Like what kind of life or death situation or what kind of accident gives him these scars. Well describing them, the first one will be a very long three scratches. Like wolf paws, but very big for a normal one. Maybe it belongs to a wounded bear missing a finger. The next one will be around his hands like he was in the middle of war or something. Like how many people could graze like this with swords and his arms still intact. And when I thought he had finished. I saw his back which shows how bad his training was, making his right side have better muscles than his left. And how he got a dangerous stab on his back. And from how there is a very big deep hole now. I think it was very bad back when he got it.
"Well Rudi what do you say about my swordsmanship you know this style is called sword god style known for fast finishing in fights ideally is finishing the fight in one move and it's known for is this" suddenly he made a very strange pose almost like he made his upper part like a ball. But strangely the air tensed and I felt my breath stiffen. (And what's all about being a swordsman? What year did I reincarnate to?).
Until after 2 seconds I took every word I just said about swordsmanship. This man Paul Greyrat cut a very big stone almost like a mini hill with a wooden sword and it was very clean cut too with a silenced mouth and very wide opened eyes and I think my lower jaw almost touched the grass. I was looking at my father, the reason for my amazement.
(Every law of physics is broken right in front of my eyes and to make matters worse from his smirk I think he expects me to do this in the future too and how fast he was moving last seconds I think 30m/s. Is this even possible with humans!).
"What do you say Rudi this was a long sword of silence. It's the second strongest move in Sword god style. That's the best you can see in these parts until maybe you meet Ghislaine." Said the smirking blonde swordsman to me.
"Dad, cool." When I said it I saw him smile very wide and clench his fist jumping, celebrating and muttering some happy words.
(How old is this guy? Is he still a teenager?).
"Well Rudi when you grow up a little I will teach you swordsmanship. Not just sword god style my favourite I will teach you water god style and if you like maybe even the rat style." Said the swordsman while he processed in carrying me getting me up.
"Okay, Rudi about the men took first. Can you keep this between us? No need to get Zenith or Lilla into this." (I was going to do this in the first place. I'm sure my body won't take me getting out in the air outside of the house just after waking up peacefully).
I just nodded to him. He sighed in relief then said.
"Okay, Rudy now straight into the business. I found out yesterday that you are miko. And you got your consciousness early. Well, if the case were different I would have asked you to talk freely with me. Men talk but I know you are doing your best to talk now." (Lilla, me and you are gonna have a long talk when we are alone).
I just nodded. (I hope no-one heard me yesterday chanting, wait wasn't the door ajar yesterday).
"Well Rudi I would love to see you with a girlfriend or two soo..." "Paul Greyrat what's the meaning of this? Why is Rudi out and what were you talking about with our little Rudi." Mom is talking suddenly with dad back with a very fake smile and the air is very tense. (I'm scared).
"Oh dear, I and Rudi were talking men and weren't you supposed to come later and you Rudi why didn't you warn me about this aren't we men." Said the blonde swordsman trying to escape from what's coming. (I wish you luck but sorry no one can save you from mom now, and did you just accuse me of treason).
Dad and mom are going to have a nice talk alone after waiting for Lilla to get home. And asks her to feed me some apples as usual. And not interfere except in emergencies. That's what mom said. If anything, poor Dad, I hope he survives. But this is perfect. I need to talk with Lilla.
"Lilla!" for the first time she didn't flinch when I called her. She just looked at me with a poker face smile. (And it's the first time I called her from a distance). "We need to talk." It's the first time I said a full sentence in front of someone.
"As you wish young master Rudeus how I can help you?" (She didn't even flinch when I finished a full sentence in front of her so she did see me finish one before?). "Why do you think I'm a miko? Lilla!" I said to the stoic woman who had sweat drop from her forehead. (I know she is the one who told Paul).
So after 10 minutes of her explaining that. I did grow up very fast compared to normal children who are healthy. Also I have a very strong illness and still I fought it easily unlike how I suppose that proved to her. So, she tested me with some hard words and I understood it.
(So I was the idiot who exposed himself. I will let it pass this time, at least I had seen something awesome to be mad for what happened today).
After some time mom came with black eyed dad and a very red faced poor man. He got slapped. His pride is destroyed by a blonde angry monster.
"Well Rudi since you can understand what's happening starting from today we will read you books daily." (Forget what I said about being angry about what Lilla did, I just owe you one for this you helped me very much).
I tried to look at her side to agree but I coughed very hard. And couldn't stop coughing.
And suddenly I can't breathe.
"Rudi what happened? Rudeus, answer me Rudeus!"
"Madame heal him first then do detoxify magic on him. He may have gotten an illness from getting outside."
"Mother of merciful god heal this one's wounds let the satisfying nourishment regain the lost vigor regaining the lost strength. X-Healing,
O god of nourishment cure this one who lost the strength to regain their strength. Antidote." Said mom in a very fast paced way like how bad I was so she was that afraid and chanted very fast too (I was barely able to memorise the chant).
After she finished it did better than X-Healing did and it removed the pain with illness will be a new spell thanks mom. But it didn't affect the pain itself like normal healing does.
"Thank god you are lucky he got healed fast if he didn't I was going to double the punishment." Said the blonde cleric to the dark blonde swordsman, getting him pale and looking for me pleading for help. (You owe me one dad).
"Mommy! cool pain gone." (I cringed internally for faking inability to talk at this level. But, if I didn't. I think dad will be in a big trouble.)
When I said it mom jumped like a deer celebrating then came to give me the tightest hug I got in my life. I think I heard some of my ribs crack and I needed healing magic after that. (Two lessons learnt that day: first, never interfere in adults' talk; second, mom is the scariest one in this house).
The day ended by mom reading me 'wandering around the world' which is a book talks about this world from countries with details to species and even religions from the adventures of "bloody kant"
(My summary of what I just learned from the book, this world has many species and many of them speak different languages and the one we use is called the human tongue. There are at least 9 races. Humans, demons, beast people, sky people, sea people, elves, dwarves and hobbits. Some even say there are even dragon people but there are no records for them in the book other than being mentioned twice).
(As for cities the biggest one is in asura and it's name is Ars and the most beautiful one is in millis it name millishion, and for some reason mom had melancholy look when she was reading this part also the town of lapan in Berrigriet continent and rikarsi in the demon continent and finally the city of sharia they are the most famous around the world but in the book there is at least 100 city mentioned).
(For my advancement in languages it's almost blank but don't be disheartened. I understand how this language is written. It's similar to the western in letters but at the same time the words are almost like drawings and also grammatically like Eastern, especially Japanese).
Also I realised how dad wanted to read a different book first but with glare from mom he got shut down. (Scary).
Also to my disappointment we only have 5 books in a small chest in a small room on the upper floor next to the stairs. I get that the books are expensive in an illiterate world and without printers and print presses on that too but couldn't they at least have a shelf?
I also saw that we have at least 5 rooms on the upper floor but couldn't discover them now I will leave it for later because when I yawned to make mom stops reading me the book which we finished at least 1/3 of the book on one go (even if I have consciousness the baby body have it's limits you know and they didn't even feed me the whole day).
"Mommy hungry." I said when I realised she was going to put me on bed before feeding me so I have to retort to this.
Skipping this part. Even when they discovered I have consciousness they didn't try to put the milk on a bottle or anything first.
(god please make my teeth grow up fast. Is it me or since I reincarnated I increased my prayers to god).
After she finished she left me but not before as usual demanded the new 'mommy' and hugged me but not very tight as the usual
(maybe cracking my ribs did a good job with her?).
After 20 minutes to make sure no one was listening to me I started chanting. After putting my hand on my chest I tried to focus and "Mother of merciful god heal this one's wounds let the satisfying nourishment regain the lost vigor regaining the lost strength. X-Healing." As I finished I felt the electricity that passed through my body and I will name it mana since I have to name it.
Now I will focus on doing chantless magic. Let's review the steps one by one.
First focus on imaging my hurt lung with a hole in it.
Second controlling my mana to pass my hand right to my body healing my lung
Third, imaging the spell X-Healing.
And voola I did it.
I tried it with normal healing and it worked then tried it with detoxify but failed.
So I tried to chant the spell first.
"O god of nourishment cure this one who lost the strength to regain their strength. Antidote."
And after I finished I felt the mana movement of the spell and after memorising the feeling I got the spell right and chantless.
After finishing I started to feel sleepy and almost asleep but my amazement kept me awake. That's when I decided it's time for another X-Healing on my lungs but chantless since I'm sleepy and as I started the spell I fell asleep.