Mushoku tensei: The renegade heir

Chapter 27: Someone familiar

[Before we start please give me power stones]

I continued with my sword swinging session for about half an hour, My Master Wii Taa had told me that if I didn't do this at least once a day the training was useless, besides it served to check my mood and I was currently confused, the swinging wasn't all I was concentrating on, on my mind there's my mother and sister, Lilia's health and that comment from Hitogami.

The last time I followed his advice I destroyed an entire mansion, but I rescued Lilia, call me insensitive but I don't know how this benefits me honestly other than to have a little less weight on my conscience for the others affected by the mana disaster.

"Whoa...that's enough..." I muttered and the tip of my common sword hit the ground with a metallic sound, the weather in Millis was mild despite it being almost winter, I guess it doesn't snow in this area?...

I wiped the sweat off my face and went back into the inn to have breakfast.

After saying goodbye to Hilda and Flute I went out with Roxy to the adventurers' guild, we hadn't done a mission together, but we would when I rank up.

"Paul? Are you okay? you been looking around a lot... is someone following us?" she muttered as she approached me with a worried expression.

"No..." I muttered and looked at the alleyway.

"In fact, I'm exploring the city and I want to take another path to the guild, you can go ahead" I muttered.

"Is something wrong?..." she muttered again and I shook my head with the most sincere smile I could make.

and as a result she shrugged and sighed a "be careful" and continued walking.

"Well... go around the market" I muttered trying to remember Hitogami's words.

I had my two swords at my waist, ready to draw them if needed as I walked through the place.

The streets of Millision were quiet but I could hear some murmurs from the citizens who were beginning to wake up, turning behind me I could see in the distance the central cathedral of Millis.

There was what I longed for the most and what I despised the most, on one hand who knows what spells are protected in that place and that have never been revealed and on the other hand hides a corrupt corporation built over centuries, enriching itself from the naive people who search for some meaning in their lives.

but I couldn't think about that now, my goal was to see what Hitogami plans.

I kept walking for ten minutes until everything became a single alley, as I recall around here it is the path used by nobles to travel in carriages without being bothered, something different from Ars who always traveled through the main streets but obviously with bodyguards behind.

According to Hitogami if I continued along this path I could meet someone important while heading to the adventurer's guild, but if that important person turns out to be a random victim of Ars, I will sincerely stop paying attention to that bastard.

Also from what I can remember, nearby there is an intersection that leads to the noble district and then to the Royal Academy of Millis but I had had enough with school currently.

I passed through the intersection until I reached the path that continued to the guild and...

(booom!!, crash!!, slash!!)

"Sounds of battle..." I muttered with a sigh while unsheathing my swords.

Fucking Hitogami, from today I will stop following you!!.

I started to jog with both swords in hand towards the sound of the battle until I turned a corner.

There I found myself in a situation that brought back bitter memories, in the middle of the street there was a destroyed carriage decorated luxuriously and among the rubble there were a total of seven people, two of them fighting against masked men wearing the insignia of the knights of Millis...

those damn people.

"Run Lady Zenith, Lady Teresa!! We will delay them!!" a swordsman in fine clothes shouted and from the rubble two girls ran out in two different directions and more masked swordsmen came out from the alleys in the direction of the girls.

"Well... let's see where this leads us" I said getting into a combat position.

The older girl ran towards me with a desperate expression, apparently she hadn't noticed my presence, but three masked swordsmen were already running towards her.

Well, it's time

I crouched slightly and with my two swords I lunged towards them.

I ran past the girl in the blink of an eye, the pressure of my speed made her fall on her ass, but I would apologize later.

But outside of my expectations the three swordsmen were able to react, well, reacting and dodging are two different things, only two were able to move in time and the third tried to counterattack, but with Sakka his sword was cut like butter as well as the upper half of his body.

I looked in front of me, the younger girl had already been captured by a swordsman and they were taking her away...

"fuck!!" I complained helplessly looking at the two swordsmen behind me.

"Shit!! You killed Nicolas!" one of them shouted but the other stopped him.

"Calm down Douglas!! Nicolas was an advanced from the North God Style, this kid must be powerful!" the other swordsman shouted while looking at me cautiously or so I think.

"tch!! damn!" the other shouted and they both lunged at me.

they were fast.. both can be advanced range, I was barely able to dodge them and with a sonic boom I got away from them and at the same time I made them fall.

shit, I looked behind me, the girl was almost out of my sight, the bodyguards were dead and these guys were a nuisance.

I immediately conjured a Quagmire where they both fell and I threw hollow stone bullets at both of them.

Fortunately, both of them thought of stopping the attack and the shrapnel exploded in their faces leaving them blind and screaming in pain, to end their misery I decapitated them at the speed of sound and looked behind them.

A blonde girl of about eight years old with a white dress with blue stripes and white sneakers... absolutely adorable, one of those girls that you would want to hug just because of how adorable they are and how when they grow up they become absolute beauties...

But that's not the point.

"Little girl!! You must return to your house immediately!! What is your name?" I yelled at her.

The girl looked behind me horrified by the battle that had just happened for a few seconds, but when she looked at me she blushed like a tomato.

"Ah... Z-zenit Latreia..." she murmured shyly.

"Well, go back to your mansion and tell your parents what happened to you!" I ordered her.

"Huh?... Ah, yes, b-but my sister!! They took her away!!" She screamed.

"Tell me her name"

"Teresa!! They're taking her away!!" She screamed and pointed behind me.

"Okay, I'll go rescue her, go back to your house!" I said and ran away.

But unfortunately the assassins were already gone.

I clicked my tongue in frustration and with a sonic boom I soared over the rooftops.

Using wind and earth magic I practiced parkour for the first time in my life, luckily the roofs were sturdy so I continued running.

Luckily after running for three blocks I could see one of the assassins running in the opposite direction so I followed him.

The guy had his sword sheathed but he was still masked.

With another sonic boom I fell in front of him and created two three meter high earth walls, one in front and one behind.

"W-what?!, fucking brat!!, who do you think you are!!" The man shouted and unsheathed his sword.

"Tell me...why would Millis' church try to attack a couple of girls? Is their entire church this rotten?!" I shouted in indignation and unsheathed both of my swords.


The man tried to scream but I closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye, cutting off his right arm in an instant.

"Yeaaagh!!" The guy screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Who sent them to kidnap those girls?!" I screamed pointing my sword at him.

"Damn brat!" The guy screamed trying to get up but I cut off his left arm and he fell to the ground with another scream.

I approached him, with my foot on his neck and my normal sword centimeters from his eye.

"If you tell me who sent you and what they plan to do with those girls I will let you live" I muttered and brought my sword closer to his eye, the guy stood paralyzed despite the fear, if he moved even a centimeter the tip of my sword would burst his eye.

"O-okay please just don't kill me!!" He screamed in desperation and I changed the position of my sword to his heart.

"Well, who sent them and where did you take that girl?, answer me!"

"It's okay!, it's okay!, we're just...we're just mercenaries, a man from the central chapel hired us, one called Adolf!, he said that we had to kidnap Zenit and Teresa Latreia and to put on the uniforms of the Pope's faction!" he shouted almost sobbing.

"And where are you taking the girl?!" I said and lightly buried my sword in his skin

"Nghh!, to the slave market!!, the guy said

"to keep them there until further notice!!" He continued as he writhed in pain

"Is it the truth?..." I murmured burying the tip of my sword a little deeper.

"Ugh!, yes, yes I swear, I swear to you!!" he shouted and tears began to come out of his eyes in desperation.

"Okay..." I murmured and immediately decapitated him. "But I can't leave scum like you alive"

I broke down the earth walls and started running towards the adventurer's guild. I had obtained the information, but I had no idea where the hell the slave market was. I had no need to ask about such an unpleasant place.


"The slave market?..." Gesse muttered scratching his chin "Is that why you're so late? You want your own slave to get some action huh?" He muttered with a mocking smile.

I gave him a hard punch in the liver with a disgusted expression.

"This is serious damn it!" I shouted.

"Ugh! Damn brat...well! It's right in the merchant zone just near the red light district, it's a single building and it literally says slave market!" He said between gulps and sitting on the floor.

"Well! Let's skip today's mission I'll explain later!" I shouted and left the guild.

Geese's protest screams barely reached my ears but I ignored them.

I ran like never before, sometimes colliding with pedestrians who insulted me but I ran ignoring them, it was still early in the morning but they would enslave that little girl and I couldn't allow it.

unfortunately with a couple of questions I was able to get to the place, it was repulsive to see that this thing is in plain sight in the daylight...

at the entrance there were two guards with swords, they looked experienced but only because of their age.

I passed between them without any problem, the only reaction I got from them was raised eyebrows and mutterings to themselves.

upon entering I was hit by a putrid smell of urine and human excrement

I immediately covered my nose and frowned, in front of me there was a man with a scruffy beard writing something down on a counter, on the sides there were naked beastly men and women with dead expressions...

and behind the man there was a swordsman.

When the bearded man noticed me he raised an eyebrow and looked me up and down, but when he saw my expensive luggage a big smile formed on his face and he stood up from his chair.

"Welcome young man, may I know what you are looking for? We have everything, humans, Doldias, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits...we have a bit of everything!" he said excitedly

"...I was interested in your most recent batch...have you brought any human girl here by chance recently? Blonde more specifically" I murmured looking into his eyes.

The man stopped halfway and his smile disappeared into a frown and the swordsman looked directly at me.

"No...we haven't had any humans for a couple of months, why do you ask?" he murmured disdainfully looking sideways at the swordsman behind him.

"Is that true? One of the mercenaries told me that Terese Latreia had been brought here..." I said with hatred.

The man's frown turned to one of momentary panic, my instincts screamed danger, I quickly ducked and a sword grazed my hair.

The guards outside had come quickly and attacked me, it was my turn, with a simple stone bullet the head of the first one was totally destroyed, the bearded man at the counter started to run towards the other room but with another stone bullet to the knee he fell to the ground.

The bodyguard and the other guard attacked me in unison.

But they were nothing relevant, maximum intermediate range.

With a simple long sword of silence the upper halves of both flew through the air.

The bearded man gave a cry for help and more guards came out of the back room.

But still, nothing to highlight, I made my way through all of them until none came out and so I reached the man who was crawling.

"P-please!! Don't kill me!! I'll give you whatever you want but please!!" He said trying to escape from me.

"Guide me to Teresa Latreia, now!!" I shouted

"Yes, yes, she's in the back, she's just chained up!!" he shouted desperately.

I buried his feet with earth magic and thus I went to the other part of the store.

The other area was worse than the previous one, it was totally dark and hundreds of cages containing humans, elves and dedoldias were here.

A feeling of repulsion completely invaded me but I focused on my main objective.

"Terese Latreia!!" I shouted as I walked through the cages breaking the locks in the process.

"h-here!!" I heard a child's voice from one of the cages, thank goodness only an hour had passed, the girl was unharmed but very scared.

"Hey, are you okay? Did they do something to you?" I asked as I took her out of the cage and picked her up in my arms.

"T-they locked me in here..." She muttered in fear, clinging to me.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to your family, what noble family are you from?" I asked.

"...the Latreia" she said

"Okay, we'll get out of here, just act naturally okay?" I said lowering her to the floor.

It took me about ten minutes to break the other locks in the place.

All the slaves here looked malnourished and had terrible wounds all over their bodies which only increased my anger.

But as I walked deeper into the room...

"...aul...Paul..." A familiar voice, almost like a slight murmur, called me from one of the cages. I was in the deepest part of the place and I couldn't see well, so I used fire magic to illuminate it.

When I did, a painfully familiar image revealed itself to me.

"H-Hilda?!" I screamed in shock and immediately pulled her out of the cage.

Her red hair was totally dirty and she was malnourished but not at the level of Lilia, she had wounds all over her body...and she was naked...

"Hilda! Hilda! What did these bastards do to you?!" I screamed as I applied healing magic to her.

"They... raped me!! W-where are we?!!" She screamed and buried her face in my chest as she started to cry.

The poor Hilda began to cry heartbreakingly while I stroked her head, i used my green robe to cover her and took her in my arms

Even though she was two years older she was quite light, again not as much as Hilda but still below her ideal weight.

The other slaves were undecided whether or not to leave their curves while others had already left completely.

The bearded man was still buried in the ground but he looked dead... perhaps by one of the slaves.

I didn't pay any attention to this and left the place with Teresa and Hilda.

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