Chapter 28: Hilda
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[Hilda's POV]
"Father... are you sure this is the only way?" I asked uncertainly, my father had not allowed me to go to Paul's birthday because of his plan...
My father's plans and my own attempts to attract Paul to our faction had failed these past few years.
As I suspected the boy is smarter than I thought but everything changed that day.
Apparently my father allied himself with Minister Darius to attack the Notos faction which not even my mother agreed with, enough rumors have already spread that Darius was a pervert with a taste for girls, even at dinners with the king I was able to surprise that horrible fat man looking at me with lust which disgusted me.
I could even hear that guy trying to win my heart or rape me, but fortunately my father was able to prevent it... or rather, Paul.
It happened 6 months before her birthdays, my parents and I were returning home after the introduction ceremony of Lord Philemon, Paul's younger brother.
Everything had happened without any notable incident until the time of returning, I could barely process what happened and I was left unconscious.
I woke up gagged and with a bandage on my eyes and mouth, I didn't know what had happened and I could hear the voices of several guys while they carried me.
"Hey, how much do you think they'll give us for her?" one of the men said.
"I don't know, but with that we can live forever without having to worry about anything else!" the other guy said.
"Yeah, but seriously, that pig Darius, although the girl has nice breasts but she's still very small!"
What? What the fuck are these bastards referring to?!, Darius?!, these sons of bitches are taking me to Darius!!
I writhed like a worm in his grasp, desperately trying to escape but nothing I did had any effect.
I started crying, I tried to scream, I tried to complain but nothing worked, and when I gave up he appeared.
Even though I pestered him all these years trying to seduce him without success... he still cared about me and I couldn't help it
I fell in love with him... the brave way he faced the mercenaries that day and how he rescued me even after being scolded harshly by his father, he never blamed me for that.
Also I was able to become more honest with him, I was no longer afraid to show who I was in front of him, I had never felt that way and I thought we would have more time to get to know each other but...
That day happened...
It was Paul's birthday, as much as I wanted to go my father didn't allow me.
"Today is the day Hilda, today the Notos Greyrat faction will fall and by the way, I will take care of Saurus" my father said.
"Huh?... Uncle Saurus? Why?" I asked confused.
"Darius lent me his most powerful bodyguard, the guy is an eccentric and I also want to kill the entire Notos family, that involves Philemon and Valentina and because she is Saurus' sister he too" he said.
"So...the Boreas too? B-but what will happen to Paul?!, you can't kill him after he saved my life!!" I shouted desperately.
"I'm sorry my daughter, when you grow up and become the leader of the Zephyrus you will thank me, guards, take her to her room" my mother said with disdain and I was taken to my room by the guards.
I couldn't get out, I was a prisoner again and now they were going to kill the boy I love and I couldn't do anything to prevent it.
But... that catastrophe happened...
I didn't realize what happened, I was crying, with my face hidden between the sheets and my pillow.
And suddenly a light covered me and I appeared in the middle of a field.
I was in shock, I didn't know what had happened and the tears kept running down my face.
I walked for hours without stopping, I had never been through a similar situation and I was already panicking, only when night came I arrived at a community, it was a small town but from the architecture I knew I wasn't in Ars.
People looked at me strangely, my dress was totally dirty and I was completely exhausted, I wandered around the place until dawn, hunger and thirst consumed me and I had no choice but to steal some bread, but I was caught in the act.
I tried to claim, to use my position, my name, to get out of that mess but nothing worked, when the baker saw that I had no money to pay he sent me to the local jail where I spent two days locked up but when I got out I was kidnapped... no matter how much I fought, no matter how much I cried, no one came to save me, not even Paul.
They had me gagged for hours until we got to an abandoned building or so I think.
...those bastards stripped me and put me in a cage, but one of them when he saw my body and attacked me one nigth, took my virginity, raped me and disposed of me as if I were a toy, but he didn't stop there, it was day after day, the same man raped me, hurt me and after several days more men joined in.
Was this my destiny? What did I do to deserve it?!
In the end I simply gave up, no one would come for me.
And so the days passed, I don't know how many, were they months? I don't know.
As time went by I got hungry and thirsty and those damn people only fed me once a day with bread and water.
Everything was dark around me, I was naked in a cage and the place smelled horrible, but I couldn't even cry, If I did it, those bastards would beat me, if I stayed, they would beat me so I just stayed silent, I had already lost faith.
And that incident happened on one of those days...
"Terese Latreia?!!" A child's voice echoed through the dark room and I opened my eyes immediately.
It was a familiar voice, a voice I hadn't heard in months and the only one I had wanted to hear for a long time.
"Paul?..." My voice came out almost as an inaudible murmur.
I crawled into my cage and tried to look outside but it was dark, all I heard was the sound of metal being struck and Paul's voice saying "Get out of here, quick!!"
He came for me...he came to save Paul!
I could barely make out his silhouette in the darkness, with each lock I broke he got closer to me So I called him as loud as I could.
But because of my weak voice Paul came closer and illuminated the room with fire magic.
When he saw me, he quickly pulled me out and took me in his arms... I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying, he had come for me, he had come to rescue me, only he could...
And after crying bitterly I fainted on the spot.
[Paul Pov]
I wrapped Hilda's naked body with my green tunic and used another tunic from the mercenaries to cover her more and so I left the place with her in my arms.
I won't lie if I say that I even forgot about Teresa momentarily, I started running through the market and the poor girl could barely keep up with me.
I ran and ran until we reached the inn, fortunately Teresa was not bothered by this and went in there with me.
I slammed the door to my room, interrupting Flauta and Lilia's breakfast, who looked at me in shock at the girl in my arms and the little girl behind me.
"P-Paul?!, what are you doing here so early?, and with those girls?... are they... eh?!, is that Lady Hilda?!!" Flute asked in shock, jumping up from his bed.
I slowly laid Hilda down on the bed, covered her with the blanket and started looking for clothes for her.
"Yes...those bastards had her as a slave and who knows what damn things they did to her!!" I shouted angrily while searching through the luggage.
"I see... all those affected must be suffering horrible fates from this accident," Lilia murmured softly as she looked at Hilda.
This comment just made me think of my mother and Philip, in Asura they had been declared dead, but I had been too.
What if they were also teleported to a very remote area? My mother's body is weak and Philemon is barely three years old...
"No!" I muttered to myself, pushing those thoughts out of my head as I searched for my clothes.
"D-did those bad men put her in a cage too?..." Little Teresa asked from the side.
"Yes...but she's hurt, don't worry, she'll be okay" I told him with a pat on the head.
Flute frowned as he looked at the girl.
"Paul?...who is she? I don't recognize her" she murmured.
"Ha! It's a long story, but let's just say that some bastards tried to kidnap her on her way to the guild, I followed them, rescued her and it turned out that Hilda was there too" I explained.
"So that was quite a coincidence...but shouldn't you return her to her family in that case?" She asked.
"Yeah, I just want to make sure Hilda is okay," I mumbled.
"You don't have to worry about that, I'll take care of her until she wakes up, don't leave the poor parents of this little girl waiting... you don't know what it feels like to lose your children like that" She murmured looking at Hilda who smiled shyly at her.
"Okay...thank you very much, come Terese, let's go back to your family" I said.
"Okay! I'll guide you!" She said taking me by the hand and we left the inn.
I walked through the city with Terese until I reached the noble district, the place was almost the same as Asura, but with the big difference that a huge wall divided the mansions from the common houses...
I had no idea where Teresa or Zenit lived so I had to rely on the girl's memory.
"Take a good look around and let me know when you see your mansion, okay?" I murmured and she nodded, "I'm on it!"
We walked around the place for half an hour until Terese pointed out one of the largest mansions of the place.
"That's it!! I play with Zenith in that yard!" She murmured happily.
"Okay, let's not keep your parents waiting," I muttered and we started walking towards the mansion.
But as I got closer I could see that there were quite a few guards at the entrance and a blonde-haired woman with a worried expression talking to them and beside her was little Zenith with an anxious look.
The first to look at us was her, when she saw us she came running towards us with an expression of relief.
"It's you! I knew you would bring my little sister!!" Zenith said with joy and hugged Teresa.
But the adults didn't react so well, when the blonde woman saw me she shouted something to the guards and they all surrounded me immediately and one of them grabbed Terese and Zenith roughly.
"Who are you?! And how dare you attack my daughters?!" The woman screamed angrily and the guards unsheathed their swords.
Huh? Attack? Oh shit, there's a serious misunderstanding here.
"My Lady, You see, my name is-
"Shut up!! I asked you a question!! Do you know what family you just messed with?!" She shouted, interrupting me.
"Mom wait! He was the boy who saved me and he just brought Terese back like he promised!!" Zenith shouted worriedly.
The woman raised an eyebrow as she looked at me with disdain and a few seconds later his gaze fell on his daughter.
"Is that true? He was your savior?" She asked.
"I swear! If it weren't for him, I would have been kidnapped too!"
"Yes! Big brother saved me from those bandits!!"
Zenith and Terese said in unison and with a disdainful "hmmp" she ordered the guards to withdraw.
"I see, if that's the case I'll ask you to accompany us and tell us everything you were able to find out about those who committed these acts" she said coldly and began to walk back to her mansion.
Not even a thank you?!!
The woman's expression was impassive as she took the girls by the arms and walked back to the mansion.
The mansion, to my surprise, was almost as big as mine in Ars, except that it had only two floors.
The guards guided me for several minutes until I reached a room with furniture, the woman sat on the sofa and some maids took the girls away.
The woman's expression remained impassive but I could tell from her labored breathing that she had been very worried until recently.
"Sit down young man" she said and I obeyed.
"First I want to thank you for saving my daughters, my name is Claire Latreia, what is yours?" She asked.
"...Paul Notos Greyrat" I muttered and Claire raised her eyebrows but then shook her head.
"I understand, in that case Paul, at the time of the battle did those mercenaries say something to you? Were you able to find out who they were working for?" she asked.
There was no point in hiding the details so I began to tell him how everything happened.
She listened attentively as the mercenaries posed as the Pope's guards and she reacted badly when I told her who had hired them.
"That bastard Adolf..." She muttered, clenching her fists in anger and looking at the ground. A moment later, she let out a deep sigh and looked at me.
"Thank you very much young man, the information you have given me will be of great help in the future, and my duty now is to reward you, what do you wish?" She asked with her eyes half closed.
Clearly she wouldn't accept anything too expensive.
"Eh, I don't ask too much, I have a little money, do you see a monetary reward?" Murmure with a little smile.
Claire opened her eyes and sighed heavily.
"... Okay, Alfred !!" She said calling the butler in the corner of the room, the wine and stood next to Claire with a bow.
"Give 20 Millis's gold coins to this young man," she said coldly and the butler came out of the room.
Well ... we have more money than before, in the same way Clarise left the room with a simple reverence and without saying anything and about ten minutes later the butler gave me a small bag and when I looked inside these I could look at the gold coins.
I did not see the girls again, I suppose they are protecting them, but with which they are sure I guess it will be fine.
So after that I returned to the inn, it had caused a disaster in the slave market and probably the city's guards would not stay with crossed arms ...
We had to leave the city as soon as possible
With this thought in mind I started running back to the inn.