My Goddess is a Tsundere

Chapter 15: The Sack

Black hair, snow-white skin. That was what met Bane's eyes the next morning. Taken aback, he swallowed, gazing at Eir's precious face. He'd taken a liking to her over the past few days. What had started as a fearful relationship between a weak subordinate and a goddess had now become something more.

Of course, Eir's emotions were a tangled mess, but there was clear progress.

Alright, let's go, Bane thought, internally sighing as he forced himself to stand and leave the warmth of the fire—and Eir's presence.

Bane chose to take a different route today. Instead of heading straight for the Guild Hall, which towered over everything at the center of the city, he took the back roads he'd used on that first day with Eir. He was headed for Old Grey's.

Passing by ill slum folk and dead rodents in the trash-filled back alleys of the slums, he retraced his steps from that fateful first day. He stood tall and walked proudly.

Bane was headed to Old Grey's for two reasons:

First, he needed a bag to carry Energy Crystals to increase his profits. The last time he was in the dungeon, he'd left around fifty Energy Crystals behind, losing out on thousands of Shill.

Second, Bane wanted a backup weapon. His shortsword was working wonders in the dungeon, but a boot holster or a second sword wouldn't hurt to have.

The dark, trash-filled back alleys opened into a brighter, yet similarly drab part of the slums, where a nice-looking building stood: Old Grey's. Walking inside, the bell above the door chimed, and Mr. Grey quickly made his way out to the small showroom filled with expensive armor and weapons.

It was a miracle no one had stolen anything, though that thought was quickly extinguished when Bane remembered an incident from a few years ago. Along with being a forger, Mr. Grey was an adventurer, and one day, a knucklehead had tried to steal some equipment.

Bane's cheeks reddened. Yeah, I was that knucklehead, he thought. Long story short, Mr. Grey had quickly retrieved his property, and a relationship had formed between the two.

"If it isn't…" Mr. Grey started, though he quickly stopped and squinted at Bane. "Bane…" he said in a questioning tone.

"Hello, Mr. Grey. It's great to see you."

"Yeah, likewise," Mr. Grey replied, his brow still furrowed as he studied Bane.

"…Is everything okay?" Bane asked, sensing something was awry.

"Nothing, it's just…" Mr. Grey started, then abruptly stopped, looking Bane up and down slowly. Bane was wearing the armor he'd bought from Old Grey's, with the sword on his back.

Maybe he's shocked to see me in my adventurer's getup, Bane thought.

"You look different, that's all," Mr. Grey finally said.

Bane nodded. "Yeah, armor can make someone look a lot different."

Mr. Grey shook his head. "That's not it. You just look… matured."

Bane tilted his head, unsure what he meant.

"Since I saw you last, you've gained muscle. I guess the dungeon will do that to a man," Mr. Grey reasoned.

"Oh, yes. In the dungeon, I've been running ragged and have gained a lot of stamina and strength."

"It almost seems unrealistic. Just a few days ago, you were a lanky twig, and now you're a respectable, strong person," Mr. Grey added. The transformation was a surprise. Bane attributed this to the system and his attributes leveling up. He'd first noticed the change at the bathhouse—his physique had improved.

However, that worried Bane. If he continued putting points into Strength, he was afraid he'd become a hulking monster of muscle. Maybe I should spread out my points, he thought.

Mr. Grey looked at Bane for a moment longer before finally moving on.

"Anyway, what can I do for you today?" Mr. Grey asked.

"I need a bag to carry Energy Crystals. Do you sell those?"

"Hm… A bag. I do have some. What's your price range?"

Bane silently pulled up his Bank balance and shared the number with Mr. Grey.

"Just over 3,000 Shill."

"3,000, huh?" Mr. Grey stood deep in thought for a moment, judging Bane once more. He looked him up and down, evaluating everything about the young adventurer.

"One second," Mr. Grey said, retreating to the back room of the shop. Soon, he returned with a sack similar to the one Bane had received from Winter at the Guild Hall.

"How about this, Bane? I'll give you this sack for free. However, I have a question for you. Do you believe you'll become a strong adventurer?" Mr. Grey asked, slumping the sack over the counter and looking Bane deep in his eyes, as if studying him.

Bane swallowed; Mr. Grey's gaze was overpowering. "Yes, I know I will become a strong adventurer," he said, his voice filled with confidence, not ego. He spoke as if it were already true.

"I see. Then how about this…" Mr. Grey hesitated before continuing. "Come back to me after you've made ten thousand Shill. Once you have, return to me as soon as possible, and I will reward you customarily."

Just then, a box appeared:

[Quest Received!]

[Mr. Grey's Sack]

Bane barely kept a straight face as he read the ridiculous title. Without context, the quest's name would seem absurd.

"What is the reward?" Bane asked, opening the quest description at the same time.

Mr. Grey's Sack:

Collect 10,000 Shill

Reward(s): Unknown

"That is for you to find out, young Bane. However, I will tell you—it will be worth your time," Mr. Grey said, his voice slithering around Bane. A reward from Mr. Grey that he deemed worth Bane's time was tantalizing, to say the least.

"I see. Are you sure, though?" Bane wanted to confirm that there were no hidden negatives to the deal.

"I am sure. Once you acquire ten thousand Shill, we can talk more about the reward and what comes with it," Mr. Grey said, dismissing Bane's worries. But that only ignited more doubt within him. Even so, Bane couldn't pass up such an offer.

Bane reached across the counter, grabbed the sack by its strap, and slung it over his back.

"Anything else I can do for you?" Mr. Grey asked.

"Yes. Do you have any cheap backup weapons, like a knife?" Bane reluctantly asked. He was already indebted to Mr. Grey for the sack, and asking for more made him blush.

"Of course. Over there—any of those should work. If one catches your eye, I'll take two thousand Shill for it and throw in a holster," Mr. Grey said, pointing to a small crate of knives on the floor.

"I see. Thank you," Bane said, kneeling before the wooden crate of small blades. Mr. Grey returned to the back room, and Bane dug into the crate.

He sifted through over a dozen knives, using his Appraisal skill on each. All of them were either heavily worn or not what Bane was looking for—until he stumbled upon a small, curved white steel knife with an ivory handle. Bane clutched the curved blade, which looked like a talon in his hand. He used Appraisal and was quickly sold.

Name: Saber Talon

Forger: Alfred Grey

Description: Uses ivory from the tusks of enemies from low levels in the dungeon. A blade with minimal wear, a great bargain buy.

Appraisal confirmed Bane's desire for the knife. It fit perfectly in his hand, and the blade wasn't too long—just right for a boot-strap holster.

Bane stood, clenching the knife, and swung it around for a moment. It was light, sharp, and cheap—all the qualities Bane needed.

He set the blade on the counter, and as if on cue, Mr. Grey walked back to the counter.

"Find what you like?" Mr. Grey asked, picking up the knife. He looked skeptically from the blade to Bane, just as he had earlier.

"You really have an eye for gear. I remember forging this piece—it got very little use. I'm glad it's going to someone who might actually use it," Mr. Grey said, nostalgia creeping into his eyes as he spoke. Bane noticed the odd curvature and unorthodox handle; it wasn't surprising the blade had seen so little use.

Bane reached into his pocket, retrieved two thousand Shill from his Bank, and placed the coins on the counter.

Mr. Grey swiped them up, pocketed them, and placed a holster befitting the blade on the counter.

"There you are. Now, don't go forgetting the quest I gave you. You really don't want to forget," Mr. Grey said, his tone serious.

Now Bane's interest was piqued. The reminder and the mention that he "didn't want to forget" left him wondering: What could it be?

"I won't forget, Mr. Grey. Thank you for today. I'll return as soon as I have ten thousand Shill," Bane reassured him, his return imminent.

The two exchanged short goodbyes as they went back to their own lives. Bane headed toward the dungeon, driven by a newfound urge to make money, while Mr. Grey returned to the back room of the shop, back to forging.

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