Chapter 58: Yep we are the final fight
Back in axel.
Megumin: miss granberia is has been 4 days already, when is he coming back?
Darkness: did something happen in the castle….hmm.
Yunyun: i hope that's not the case.
Granberia: calm down, right now only the demon king would be able to give varakiel a proper fight.
Varakiel: indeed that's the case.
Yunyun: big brother!
Yunyun quickly hugs varakiel.
Megumin: ah, you're back!
Darkness: did something happen that you took so long to come back?
Granberia: welcome back.
Varakiel: heheh, well i found out how the demons we're able to infiltrate so easily, a demon king general had brainwashed some high rank officers, but not worry i already took care of it~.
Yunyun,megumin,darkness :....
Granberia: i see so it was something like that, that makes it 2 left is it? So?
Varakiel: heheheh is it time my friends, to face the demon king.
Yunyun,megumin,darkness: ehhhh!!!?
And so a month went on….
Varakiel: my friends, thanks for coming this day, today we will take down our enemy the demon king.
Megumin, yunyun, darkness,aqua, granberia, chris, wiz, vanir and sylvia were present.
Megumin: yes, i-i am ready!
Yunyun: me too!
Darkness: i-i can't wait to get captured and *pant*
Granberia smacks her…
Granberia: is everything ready?
Aqua: hahaha, finally i will be able to go back to heaven soon!
Chris: this is such a nice event i will be able to steal a lot from the castle~.
Wiz: leave the support to me!
Vanir: buahahaha my friend you paid an astronomical amount for my assitance i am obligated to cooperate to all my capabilities.
Sylvia: I can't wait to take down that insufrable fool.
Sylvia says with a manly voice.
Varakiel: alright my friends just as we planned, megumin, darkness,aqua and yunyun will take care of wolbach, wiz and vanir of the white one, chris and sylvia you two will go in the castle and make chaos as you care of any interfarance while me and granberia deal with the demon king. this really the only way…
Varakiel: mhm
Megumin:.....okay, ill do it.
Varakiel: alright now move!
Then everyone move to their respective places…
Varakiel: megumin wait.
Megumin: who was about to move forward stays behind.
Megumin: what is it?
Varakiel: here take this.
Varakiel hands his beginner weapon set to megumin in the form of an ornament and puts it on her staff…
Megumin: whats is that for?
Varakiel: you'll figure out later now go!
Megumin: u-umu! careful….. please.
Megumin then rushes out to follow her group.
Varakiel: don't worry my child.
Varakiel then rushes out to follow granberia.
Varakiel: are you ready?
Granberia: of course, can't wait to go back and beat up alma elma.
Granberia says with a smirk.
Varakiel: hahaha, alright then let's set it up.
Varakiel then takes the a long barreled rifle…
Varakiel: let's see…
Note: "the power has been increased accordingly while reducing the energy required, but still impressive you find something like this out there, keep up the good work." -Promy
Varakiel: (hehe she really like her nickname now) ready?
Granberia: varakiel, lets do this!!
The white one: ho, what a surprise to find you two here, what is the reason for this visit?
Wiz: hans broke the peace treaty, so i am finished with supporting the demon king
Vanir: muahahaha, i was requested to cooperate for this very highly, as a demon i take very seriously my transactions.
The white one: so thats the case…very well.
Megumin: so it's really you.
Wolbach: hello megumin….
Yunyun: eh!? Do you know her megumin?
Megumin:yes she is my teacher, the one who taught me explosion.
Darkness: is she? This will be a tough fight.
Aqua: she reeks of evil energy let's do this quickly guys….
Megumin: (c-can i-i r-really do this)
Megumin begins to tremble while holding her staff
Suddenly something clings from her staff…
Megumin: (ah, t-those?…i can do this!! I have worked really hard to keep up with them i can't give up now!) Yeah let's do this!
Yunyun: yeah!
Darkness: mhm!
Aqua: okay here we go!
Chris: h-hey sylvia was it?
Sylvia: oh dear what is it?
Chris: i am just curious how did varakiel convinced you to work together?
Sylvia: oh well you see…
Sylvia then tell everything that happened on crimson magic village.
Chris: t-that way!? I can't believe it.
Sylvia: indeed to believe such merciful hero exist, i am glad that he's willing to take over the demon king place.
Chris: i see….eh?....what do you mean take over the demon king place!?
Sylvia: isn't obvious? He saved my minions and forgive my life because he wants to rule us.
Chris: t-that…(i think she has the wrong idea….)
Sylvia: i just hope someday to merge with him… hyannn~
Sylvia says the last part in a mainly voice….
Chris shivers down
Chris: (i wish you luck varakiel…)
Lily: *ding* blessing of the goddess of luck 5000+ Luck.
Varakiel:....(lily did something happen to eris?)
Lily: (you really don't want to know the reason for her blessings right now varakiel…)
Varakiel: (...)alright is fully charged, now…let's end this!
[Railgun: 100% Potency Ready to fire]
Varakiel then pulls the trigger!
In an instant the railgun Hits the barrier
And like a Rock throw to a window the barrier shatters!
Varakiel then saves the rail gun in his inventory.
Varakiel: let's go.
Granberia: alright.
Varakiel and granberia then dash to the demon king castle.
White one: what is thi-
Vanir: muhahaha it seems the barrier wasn't as great as we thought.
Wiz: mr. Vanir please focus.
Vanir: very well.
Wolbach: t-this!?
Aqua: good! Varakiel succeded!
Darkness: yeah.
Megumin: mhm!
Yunyun: guys don't forget about wolbach!
Wolbach: no wonder he's not here...
The outside area of the demon king castle.
Varakiel: ready?
Varakiel says as hundreds of demons comes out the castle.
Granberia: non lethal force is it?
Varakiel: if it's not necessary, then yes.
Granberia: okay then….
Varakiel: let us begin…
Varakiel and granberia unsheathe their swords in unison.
Varakiel & Granberia: As one!
Varakiel and granberia then charge's forward!
Varakiel: 1!
Granberia: 2!
Suddenly a demon appears behind granberia..but!
Varakiel: 3!
Then a giant charges at them.
Varakiel looks at granberia.
Granberia nods.
Varakiel & Granberia: 4!!
The giant instantly falls down crushing his allies!
Varakiel and granberia then while marching forward to the castle move through the enemies squads!
Granberia: 198!
Varakiek and granberia were already inside the demon king castle!
Granberia: where he could be?
Varakiel: just follow the road with more guards.
Varakiel then takes the road that more density of guards.
Granberia: i see.
Varakiel and granberia eventually reach the demon king throne room….
Varakiel: well here we…go!
Varakiel then pushes the giant doors open.
*Clap* *clap* *clap*
Demon king: impressive, very impressive he-
Varakiel: you must be the demon king.
Demon king: hey is not nice to cu-
Varakiel: demon king, please i already know you are charging up teleport to escape.
Demon king: how did you….
Varakiel: listen, i have come here with an objective, defeat you, i haven't come here to hear about any evil plans, the reason behind your fight with humans, nothing like that, i have come to prove my strength.
Demon king:....defeat me? Me? Who has lived for 6–
Varakiel: yes you, i have come to defeat you, so cut the chase, i win you stop this stupid war, you win do whatever you want.
Demon king: you can you stop interr-
Varakiel: or perhaps you are that incompetent?
Demon king: 💢 oh!? Very well if a damn fight is what you want you got yourself a fucking fight.
Varakiel: (just like kazuma, provoke them a bit and they forget about everything.) Good bring it.
???: Stop!
Suddenly a female demon rushes in to the room.
???: I won't allow my father to fight by himself!
Demon king: dear, go back you shouldn't be here!
???: I don't care if to stop this dumb war we must defeat these heroes then i'll do it!
Granberia: oh? His daughter?....(she looks very capable..hehe) varakiel leave it to me.
Varakiel: good~.
Granberia:....very well young one follow me.
Granberia then walks out of the castle.
Demon king daughter:...
She follows like it was nothing.
Varakiel:....heh, your daughter is very brave.
Demon king: don't you dare to mention her hero.
Varakiel: Relax, I am a father myself, I know how it feels ...listen demon king, I just came to defeat you, not kill you and not hurt anyone dear to you, but is this how you want your people to live in? On war?
Demon king: Do you even know why we are fighting!? Those Psychos from the crimson magic village were spying on my daughter! How did you expect me to take it!
Varakiel:....wait…. what!? That's the reason!?
Demon king: of course it is! Why do you believe I wanted them dead!?
Varakiel:....i see…..on behalf of their behavior i am sorry demon king….
Demon king:...Kyoichi Yasaka, that 's my name.
Varakiel:....let's stop this war after this fight, I have a good relationship with the chief daughter. I bet she will take care of those guys who spied on your daughter.
Yasaka:.....i want them to apologize to my daughter.
Varakiel: leave it to me.
Yasaka:.....why is the reason behind your desire to fight me?
Varakiel: just to prove myself how much I have grown, nothing else, stopping war is a secondary objective for me.
Yasaka: so you are just a damn muscle head.
Varakiel: hahaha, nothing would describe me better…so? We should begin?
Yasaka: I the demon king Kyoichi Yasaka, ruler of the demons and monsters of this world. I'll face you hero!
Varakiel: I who bears the souls and will of the old heroes, who seeks strength to protect, I am he who desires for the future, a guide for the living, a judge for the sinners, I am the hero who protects the future, Varakiel! And i challenge you Kyoichi Yasaka!
Varakiel and yasaka then charges to each other!
Yasaka: good strength.
Varakiel: you're very strong indeed, Ha!
Yasaka: Ha!
Yasaka: Is your companion this strong aswell?
Varakiel: Yes, your daughter might lose.
Yasaka: That child needs to taste defeat once in a while so I'll let it pass, Sei!
Varakiel: Hmph!
Yasaka: your equipment is also strong, it's creator must be very talented.
Varakiel: indeed, it was crafted by one of my daughters, she is an exceptional blacksmith.
Varakiel was now wearing a armor and weapon set crafted by papi, sweet, love and effort.
[Varakiel weapon series]
Varakiel: (such a silly name but, hehe i keep liking it no matter what, thanks for your hard work, my child!)
Yasaka: your daughter? I see as someone of your desendace she must be very strong.
Varakiel: Of course, I know she will become the best blacksmith to ever be!
Yasaka: It seems you're a better father than i…..
Varakiel: don't belittle you, i would have done the same if they did that to my family.
Yasaka: haha, indeed what father would allow something like that!, HA!!
Varakiel: HA!
Varakiel: so? Enough warm up?
Yasaka: bring it on!
*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*
Varakiel: [Ragnarok]
Yasaka: impressive! [Inferno]
Varakiel: !!
Varakiel quickly evades where he was standing.
The air where he was standing suddenly blew up
Varakiel: good spell, now try mine, Salamander, purify my soul!
Varakiel soul is embraced by a gentle yet violent flame!
Salamander: Show me how far you have got!
Varakiel: [Hellfire]
Varakiel pierces his flame infused blade on the ground!
Yasaka: a fire spirit!?.....!!!!
Yasaka then notices that the ground begins to turn bright red.
Yasaka: o-oi, isn't this supposed to be an attack for a group of enemies?
Varakiel: it was
Then as the flames burst from the ground they converge in a majestic flame snake.
Varakiel: [Hellfire: Salamander] !!
Salamander: …..( varakiel…in the bed, tonight.)
Salamander was clearly excited by such a spell being called on her name….
Yasaka: I see…but it is very flashy you know, does it even work?
Varakiel: heh, don't underestimate the technique named after my beloved!
Then as varakiel charges towards Yasaka , the hellfire follows him.
Varakiel: Ha!
as varakiel waves his sword to yasaka so does the hellfire.
Yasaka: !!!! Argh!
Yasaka is launch backwards!
Varakiel: like the beloved spirits who has always accompanied me, this technique represents that they always be in every attack in my blade, no matter how long it passes i will never forget them.
Salamander: ( always say the corniest and dumbest things ever ... .but i can't say i don't love them….. hehehe.)
Yasaka: you're very strong…but I can't surrender that easily without putting a fight, HMPH!
Suddenly a lightning burst falls in yasaka!
*Biri biri*
Yasaka: [cursed lighting: Blade]
Yasaka says as his sword is infused with purple lighting!
Yasaka: this is my last struggle bring it on!
Varakiel: ha!
*Phoom* *crack*
Flames and lighting clash!
Varakiel: Ha!
Yasaka: HYA!
Varakiel: Yasaka!!
Yasaka: Varakiel!!
Minutes later.
Demon king daughter: *pant* *pant* i-i lost? B-but….
Granberia: i must admit you're strong, but you clearly lack experience…but it was a great fight nonetheless….
Granberia says as she hands her hand to the demon king daughter…
Demon king daughter: who are you….
Granberia: call me, granberia.
Demon king daughter:....master granberia, there's nothing so we can't stop this war..?
Granberia: oh about that we already have a plan…
Demon king daughter:...then my father will…
A loud explosion come from the castle.
Demon king daughter: F-father!!!!
The demon king daughter rushes back to the castle…
Varakiel: so?
Yasaka: ha, is my lost….
Yasaka says as he looks at his broken blade and armor…..
Yasaka: do what you must…
Varakiel then takes angel halo of his inventory….
Varakiel:....wind, guide my blade!
Varakiel: together, as one [Elemental Unity]!!!
Demon king daughter: f-father!!
The demon king daughter find the throne room completely devastated and a cloud of dust coming from a crater.
Varakiel: oh you are done it seems.
Demon king daughter: y-you! What it was really necessary to kill him!? He might have done mistakes but it was for my sake he didn't deserve it!...and..and.. everything is my fault….uuuu….father i am sorry.
Varakiel: i am sorry, but the demon king had to die
Demon king daughter: was it really the only way!? You call yourself a hero, but you only kill like everyone else!
Varakiel: mhm, you might be right, also why the hell are you waiting for come out already.
Varakiel yells at the crater…
There a mini yasaka comes out…. this was your plan?
Varakiel: mhm
Yasaka: indeed i can't mutter any of my former strength…hahaha it feels Great, i feel like i was born anew.
Demon king daughter: f-father!? Is that you!?
Yasaka: ah, dear, it seems you lost as well i guess my strength wasn't enough for you to defeat the hero…
Demon king daughter: uwaaaa….father!! I-i though you you…..uuuuu.
Varakiel: heheh, like i said the demon king died, he's now Kyoichi Yasaka the demon.
Yasaka: i see..thats a great plan, hahaha!
Varakiel: of course, as a father I understand how devastating it would be for any of my children if I died.
Yasaka:....varakiel fateburn, i am grateful.
Demon king daughter:....a-ah yeah, i am grateful!
Granberia: so all went according to plan
Granberia comes inside the throne room.
Varakiel: mhm, hmm should be soon too…
Suddenly light surrounded varakiel and granberia and someone else faraway…