Chapter 59: And so 2nd world is over!
Varakiel found himself inside a dark room and in front of him…
Aqua: oh hero varakiel, thanks to your valiant efforts you have finally defeated the demon king!
Varakiel:...we defeated it aqua.
Aqua with tears on her eyes throws herself to varakiel.
Aqua: thank you varakiel-sama i thought i would never come back to heaven uuuuu…
Varakiel: Shhh there, there child, is okay….
Aqua: *sniff* uuuuh thank you.
Varakiel: So how did it go for the others…?
Aqua: megumin was totally crying while she found out the use of those ornaments of yours. Darkness is okay and yunyun is also okay!
Varakiel: did they said something?
Aqua: yunyun said that she will try to become a great chief for the village, darkness said that you may be safe and megumin said that until you came back she will try very hard to improve her explosion.
Varakiel: and vanir and wiz?
Aqua: that they will do as you requested and buy all the skill potions they can for you.
Varakiel: good, and you?
Aqua: *cof* oh great hero varakiel thank you, now the world will rejoice in peace as the goddess of this world i thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Varakiel: now without pretending.
Aqua: can i borrow some money from that masked demon while you're away?
Varakiel:..... hahahahaha you never change aqua, but that what makes you a good goddess, okay i'll allow it, 3 million eris per month, but in exchange, please look after them while i am away.
Aqua: are you sure you don't want to stay? The other gods would gladly allow you to stay they seem to like you a lot, specially the god of war and the god of judgement.
Varakiel: there's really a god for everything…sorry but my family in my world is waiting for me to return.
Aqua: that's okay but don't forget about….us!
Varakiel: like i could, i couldn't ever forget this wonderful world.
*Ding* Blessing of gaia: the will of gaia has blessed you with her favor.
Varakiel: (gaia…i promise i will protect our worlds together)
Aqua: then what do you want? You can ask anything absolutely anything, after all you saved this world.….i think i know something that could benefit all of us, me and the gods.
Aqua:!!...hey guys stay away i am the one talking to him, shoo!
Aqua: ah sorry other gods wanted to join this room.
Varakiel: i see, well if you are all listening then this will make things easier, *cof* i want to connect my world with yours.
Aqua: w-w-what!!!!? Hey i told you to stop!!
Varakiel: ah, i think i have to explain myself, hmm…you know about my family technique right? Well with it i can connect portals to other worlds and go to them, with the permission of the other side of course, i want to open some portals so people of my world can come here and viceversa.
Aqua: I see…. Everyone allows that, but what about that thing about benefiting us?
Varakiel: In my world the main religion that was on it has fallen apart, so think about it, an entire world full of people who don't follow any faith, ready for you to recruit.
Aqua: Hey i already told you if you sent those requests again i will mute the room you heard me!!!.....Also, that's awesome!!! But is it okay for you to do that to your people?
Varakiel: mhm, no person can live without believing in something, this benefits both of us, you help my people to have faith not only in you but themselves and you have followers a good deal right?
Aqua: indeed…but the god of transaction ask what is the catch?
Varakiel:....please help me to protect our worlds together, i am too weak still to protect anything yet, out there are other worlds that may possibly invade mine the chance is cosmically minuscule but i don't want to risk it, i ask for all the gods, please help me protect the future.
Aqua suddenly begins to cry but this time isn't that comical, this time is serious…
Aqua: varakiel, i am very touched by your wishes, as the goddess of water i agree to help you out, just this time i'll allow the others in
Suddenly a bunch of people appear in the room!
???: uuuu, this is a true hero! Not one who fights for the right thing but for the future or all things.
???: varakiel fateburn, as the god of war i admire your courage and desire to fight all odds together.
???: such pure love for others, they can only come from a human.
Aqua: see i told you it would be like this, get out!
As aqua says those people disappear.
Varakiel: those were?
Aqua: they are gods, the 3 that spoke first were the god of judgement, of war and love, they are very moved by your wish and agreed to help you out completely, me included, of course.
Varakiel: i see…thank you, gods.
Aqua: now off you guys, i need to say something to him… that no one is listening, varakiel as the goddess of water i grant you my blessing, as long there's water in your surroundings we will be able to communicate and you won't ever feel thirsty anymore.
Varakiel: oh, sounds good ( lily it won't affect my intelligence right?)
Lily: (don't worry i think it won't)
Aqua: you just thought of something mean isn't?
Varakiel: heheh…then I'll take my leave.
Aqua:.... please come back soon, we all will be waiting for you.
Varakiel: mhm, thank you aqua. (Lily let's go back…to home.)
Lily: world completed, Rewarded with 1 million G's and 2 Million EXP for you to take whenever you need them to level up~.
Varakiel: ohhh, thats handy system! I indeed like it that way! Good job!
Lily: the system says that please stop he will get shy. Now opening the portal!
Suddenly a portal is open behind varakiel.
Varakiel: can you take granberia here?
Eris: we are here already sorry for the wait.
Eris says as she appears with granberia in the room.
Granberia then walks to varakiel.
Varakiel: done?
Granberia: mhm i got it, granberia says as she hands a machine to varakiel.
Varakiel: great, with this everyone else can learn skills easily. Chris, i mean eris thank you for your help please take care of this wonderful world, and if you ever need help to collect the lost artefacts you can always ask the girls for help.
Eris: thank you for saving this world varakiel, please take care on your journey out there, and would do so.
Varakiel and granberia then turn back and wall to the portal…
Varakiel: so how was it?
Granberia: weird, crazy, nonsense, all this words can describe this world, but….i liked it can't wait to be my turn again and see what you got next.
Varakiel: hehe, of course, granberia, let's go back everyone is waiting.
Granberia: mhm….varakiel, thank you.
Varakiel: thank you aswell, my dear.
Varakiel and granberia then walk to the portal while handholding.