My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 61: we are doing things a lot different in this one i tell you

Varakiel then appears in a forest near a city.

Varakiel: hmm….the fresh air of earth, i missed it.

Undine: ( earth? like, your home world?)

Varakiel: (mhm, this world is fairly normal at exception that legends and mythology are real here)

Undine: ( i see, then varakiel i would like to know more about your home world…..if you don't mind of course.)

Varakiel: (of course!)

Varakiel begins to chat with undine while he makes his way to the city….


Varakiel: (lily you created an identification for them aswell right?)

Lily:(of course they are in their inventory.)

Varakiel: (good, please give them guidance since i am not with them right now)

Lily:(of course, but i think miss alice as already figured out how the system works~.)

Varakiel: ( hehe, after all she is very amazing)

Varakiel then walks around the city until he arrives at a bank with a suitcase in his hand.

Varakiel: Hello, lady, I would like to exchange some gold for money.

Varakiel talks with a receptionist.

Receptionist: g-gold? O-of course sir follow me!


Manager: is a pleasure making deals with you mr. Varakiel, do you mind if i ask why have you decided to exchange gold?

Varakiel: at the other side of the world i am very famous but i decided to start anew, i just brought enough to get myself a home and my daily needs, i once dreamed of becoming a teacher and seeing my students turn in successful persons so i wish to teach at the academy nearby.

Manager:s-such thing? Mr. Varakiel must have it rough if you are so famous that you need to hide your face….

Varakiek: oh nothing like that is just that i am sick so i am wearing a mask right now, and also i don't want people to recognize me when i take all the money out you know.

Manager: i see that makes sense…

An employee comes inside the room.

Manager: like we dealt here are 100 m Yen's for the gold.

Varakiel: great, then i will take my leave, i will trust in your collaboration in the future.

Manager: of course!


Varakiel: Now let's see…first a house nearby the academy.

And so 2 days passed.


Varakiel: mhm, this looks comfortable enough~.

Undine: i like it, very quiet and peaceful…

Undine says as she smiles and embrace varakiel from behind.

Varakiel: hehe, now let's take a look at kuoh academy.

Varakiel then puts a fine suit and brings a suit case with the necessary documents to apply as a teacher…

Varakiel: (system you really can do anything, awesome)

Lily: ( the system says thank you.)


Varakiel then goes inside kuoh academy 

???: you there, who are you.

Varakiel: hm?

a bespectacled young woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes speaks to varakiel in an authoritative tone.

Varakiel: excuse me miss….

???: Souna Shitori, student council president.

Varakiel: shitori-san,my name is varakiel fateburn i have come to apply as teacher for kuoh academy.

Souna: fateburn? you are not japanese?

Varakiel: mhm, i come from the other side of the world, i wanted to live a peaceful life and i arrived 2 days ago and i heard this academy was a girls only but that recently as begun to accept males students, so i want to take the chance to apply as a teacher.

Souna:...but you look so young are you sure you're a teacher?

Varakiel: of course i might look like this but i am 30 years old~.

Souna: 3-30!? *Cof* then i can take a look at your documentation?

Varakiel:...souna-san isn't that for the principal to look?

Souna: i have a good relationship with the principal i can inform him before hand and so you can begin soon, it seems you are very serious about this.

Varakiel: hehe, please souna-san you'll make me blush, then here.

Varakiel takes some papers from his briefcase and hand them to souna…

Souna: m-master's degree in gastronomy and a master's degree in education?

Varakiel: mhm, i have more abilities but sadly i could only get the master degree in gastronomy and education in my country.

Souna: more? Like what?

Varakiel: i am well versed in combat, survival and economics to name a few.

Souna: i see…i think the principal would gladly accept you, but just to be sure…

Souna then puts a cold and seriously aura.

Souna: what is your reason to come here at kuoh academy?

Varakiel: hehe, well one of my dreams is to become a teacher and have students successful in life, that they become beautiful persons.

Varakiel release a warm and kind aura…

Souna is shocked.

Souna: i-i see sorry for doubting you varakiel-san.

Varakiel: (-san? I like it, it'll be fun to live in japan) not worry about it souna-chan its okay to be weary of people that come as suddenly as this, since i arrived 2 days ago i couldn't inform beforehand.

Souna: (c-chan!?) I-its okay please follow me to the principal office.

Souna then walks to the main building.

Varakiel follows her.

As varakiel and souna make their way to the office they are found by several students, some of them begin to gossip while looking at varakiel.

Varakiel just smiles at them warmly and kindly…

Some of them blush and some smiles back.

Varakiel notice a white haired girl, with the gaze of a cat looking at him…

Varakiel: (oh, it's her).

Varakiel only waves at her and smiles.


She only unconsciously waves back…

Koneko: (weird person….. Curious.)


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