My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 62: Being A teacher doesn't sound too bad

Souna: okay, varakiel-san wait here while i talk with the principal.


Varakiel then sits outside the office.

Varakiel then close his eyes.

Varakiel: ( how are they doing undine?)

Undine: (they are fine, Don't worry)

Suddenly koneko appears and sits besides varakiel….

Varakiel: oh hello little one.

Koneko: weird person….who are you?

Varakiel: me? My name is varakiel fateburn i have come to apply as a teacher to this academy.

Koneko: teacher? Why not student?

Varakiel: well because i am an adult little one.

Koneko: adult? But you look too young…suspicious.

Varakiel: hehe, please little one you'll make me blush i just take good care of my health and i train hard daily.

Koneko: i see….

Varakiel: so? What is your name little one?

Koneko: my name? Koneko tōjō.

Varakiel: mhm, is nice to meet you koneko-chan.

Koneko looks directly to varakiel.

Varakiel then takes out a treat from his pocket. And takes a bite…

Varakiel: want to try some?

Koneko looks directly on varakiel eyes…

Koneko: (kind….)*nods*.

Varakiel then hands the rest to koneko.

Varakiel: enjoy it, it's something I made at home before coming.

Koneko: *munch*..... delicious….*munch* delicious…..


Souna after a while comes out the office and sees an amazing scene, koneko sitting besides varakiel eating something….

Souna: y-you can go inside varakiel.

Varakiel: oh! Thank you souna-chan~. Then ill see you later koneko-chan.

Varakiel then takes his hand on koneko head

Souna: v-varakiel tha-


Koneko:...!! (Warm…….) I need to go…

Souna: …varakiel-san i think you made her mad…

Varakiel: heheh, nothing like that, she started to smile after turning around.

Souna: h-how do you know?

Varakiel: one of my many abilities i have deal with a lot of people.

Souna: i see, then go inside the principal is waiting for you.

Varakiel: mhm, thank you souna.

Varakiel then goes inside the principal office.

Souna: see you in class, sensei….


Inside the office a middle-aged, handsome looking man with long crimson hair that is tied in a loose ponytail with a black hairband. Was sitting behind the desk.

Zeoticus: please Mr Fateburn take a seat.

Zeoticus says kindly and relaxed to varakiel.

Varakiel: mhm, thank you.

Varakiel then sits down in front of the desk.

Zeoticus: by what the council president as told me you seem to be a very capable man, and that you have many abilities, but just to be sure, you say that you want to become a teacher because a dream was it?

Varakiel: mhm, i want to teach capable students and that they are successful in life.

Zeoticus: great, i like that, and you have a master degree in gastronomy, it might be rude to doubt your capability but i could take a taste of your skills? I am quite the gourmet and i have traveled around the world, i just want to see what kind of teacher my students will have.

Varakiel: mhm, sure, here taste this out, i made it this morning, they we're gifts after i got enrolled as a teacher but i guess they became handy.

Zeoticus then takes a treat from the small box….

Zeoticus: t-this!!! Delicious!!!

Zeoticus says while he stands up from his chair…


Zeoticus:.....*cof* I am sorry for my behavior….*cof* now that i have tasted your capabilities i must say that….my students aren't ready for this kind of skill….

Varakiel: hahaha, don't worry about it, even if they are bad at it they can improve, there's no rule that says that hard work can't overcome talent.

Zeoticus:(this human is…interesting.) I see, you must think highly of my students.

Varakiel: If a student fails is because their teacher didn't teach properly, I am very sure that your students will fail, but that they also won't give up.

Zeoticus: (very interesting) thank you for your trust on my students…no, our students, welcome varakiel fateburn to kuoh academy

Varakiel: heheh, is a pleasure to be here, so let's see where i should teach.

Zeoticus: let me arrange that, are you okay with doing normal classes besides cooking right?

Varakiel: of course.

Zeoticus: mhm, heheh, to tell the truth my daughter is in this academy, i will assign you to her class as well for the club president class is that okay?

Varakiel: of course those two must have the highest score of the academy right? I want to test them in a real "fight" heheheh.

Zeoticus: heheheh.


Rias: *shiver* why is suddenly so cold?


Souna(sona): *achi* did i caught a cold?....


Varakiel: then should i begin today?

Zeoticus: of course, but be careful the girls haven't interact with a lot of males yet.

Varakiel: Of course, then Mr. Principal, I will take my leave.

Zeoticus: please call me zeoticus, it is an honor to have such a capable teacher in our school. I look forward to your cooking classes.

Varakiel then leaves the office.

Zeoticus: what a very interesting human, i believe we will be good friends. And it will be fun to see rias face hahaha.


Varakiel then makes his way to the classroom for 3rd year…

Teacher: good morning everyone, it seems today we have a new teacher for your class, you might be surprised as me because it so sudden but maybe it will be good as change of phase because he's also a male. So please mr. Varakiel fateburn come inside.

Rias: (a new teacher? No one told me about this….)

Rias then turns to the right to take a look at sona.

Rias: did you knew about this?

Sona: oh? The great rias isn't aware of what happens in her territory? Fufu.


Sona: dont get angry he just came today and it seems the principal liked him because he was enrolled pretty fast.

Rias: eh? otou-sama did?

Varakiel then enters the classroom.

Teacher: then mr fateburn, I leave the class to you.

Varakiel: thank you sensei.

Then the teacher leaves the classroom.


Varakiel takes a look to all the students.


Varakiel smiles at her. And she smiles back.

Varakiel: *cof* very well let me present myself, my name is varakiel fateburn, by my name you can figure out i am not from japan i actually come from britain.

While varakiel presented himself to the class.

Rias: (is this a joke? He's clearly my age what are you doing dad?)

Akeno who was behind rias was clearly surprised as well.

Akeno: (araara he's so young, he must be very smart and a ….)*lick*

Varakiel: does anyone have a question? I will answer anything.

A random student rise her hand.

Student: sensei, how old are you?

Varakiel: I am 30 years old~.

The whole class goes in shock


Student: You are lying sensei, you seems to be at our age.

Varakiel: nothing like that child, if you want to remain young like me, then train daily and keep yourself healthy.

Student: ohhh.

Another student ask something.

Student: sensei, why you came to teach at our kuoh academy?

Varakiel: Well I got tired of my life in Britain, so I decided to come to japan and I heard about Kuoh Academy and their excellent students.

Student: thank you sensei.

Varakiel: anyone else has a question?

Then akeno who was behind rias rise her hand.

Akeno: I do sensei, I would like to know, are you living alone?

Varakiel: mhm right now i am living by myself at my house nearby, so anymore questions?

Akeno: no that would be all.

Varakiel: alright then, let's begin the class shall we, souna please tell me what you were seeing with your previous teacher.

Souna: of course sensei.

Rias: (by her name? They know each other?)


Varakiel: mhm, thank you souna, now let's see...

Varakiel then sits on his desk and begins to write…

Varakiel: …their scores are not bad, their teacher was quite good, but the remaining time is short, half of the content is left…

Varakiel begins to murmur while he writes…

Souna: ….(he's taking it really seriously, i knew my intuition was correct!)

Rias: weird…

Akeno: (ara he's quite handsome like that)~.


Varakiel: alright, after reviewing everything, let's begin the class shall we?


After some hours the break began…

Varakiel: Alright students, you can go for lunch. We'll continue later, try to memorize what you have seen now.

Then the students leave the classroom at exception of souna.

Rias noticing that stays at the door to eavesdrop.

Souna: varakiel-sensei, you are really awesome, capable to adapt to our situation.

Varakiel: heheh, that's something you learn as you live, if you ever need any pointers, private lessons or someone to talk to, I am here for all of you, my students.

Varakiel then pats souna's head

Varakiel: ha, sorry about that.

Souna: ….. I'll go.

Then souna leaves the class room.

Rias and akeno walks besides her.

Rias: you seem to know him, who is he really?

Sona: he is really a normal human rias, i just meet him at the entrance of the academy and reviewed his capabilities. To tell the truth he was really suspicious at first, but since your father meet him i let it go, he's only a very smart and kind teacher.

Rias: really? Hm…

Akeno: he 's quite handsome too fufu.

Rias: akeno!

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