Chapter 66: Training a New Hero (Pervert)
In the hero faction.
Cao cao: *shiver* what is this feeling, is someone putting a curse on me?
Georg: I don't think so I don't feel any fluctuation from you.
Cao cao: hmm ... .so has anyone found clues of where ophis has gone?
Heracles: not a single one, she just vanished.
Georg: Indeed she usually stays in her room but comes back after a day, but it seems she hasn't come back, and the tracker we put on her doesn't work.
Cao cao: so we are clueless where she is right now….*sigh*.
Koneko: sensei is a pervert, hmph.
Varakiel: heheh, don't be like that koneko-chan you know ophis doesn't mean it like that, but don't you like me? After all, you want to stay with me a lot hehehe.
Koneko blush deeply.
Koneko: sensei…baka.
Varakiel: (she doesn't deny it~) alright here you go enjoy your food.
Koneko: itadakimasu.
Ophis:...¿? Ita…dakima…su?
Varakiel: mhm, is a tradition here in japan to be grateful before eating, ophis.
After dinner varakiel wash the dishes and then goes back to the living room.
Varakiel: alright then, koneko are you ready?
Ophis:....what are you doing?
Varakiel: you see ophis since i am a teacher my job is to taught them skills and how to solve problems, koneko right now needs help with that. If you ever have a question don't doubt to ask me alright?
Ophis: solve problems?.....
Ophis then takes a look at the book varakiel was using…
Ophis: this is 87…
Varakiel: What about this?
Varakiel then shows another problem to ophis.
Varakiel: and this?
Varakiel shows a more complicated problem to ophis.
Ophis: ....182732.
Varakiel:ohhh!, ophis is really smart, good job!
Varakiel pats ophis head.
Ophis: (happy…)
Ophis slightly smiles.
Koneko: *pout* not fair sensei.
Varakiel: hehehe, of course you are working as well koneko.
Varakiel then pats koneko's head.
Ophis: working hard?...
Ophis then stands up and pats koneko's head as well.
Ophis: good job.
Varakiel: ophis ...(I have to give this child a good eternity with a lot of love.)
Koneko:....*purr* ah! Stop, I must focus.
Ophis: okay….
Varakiel: alright, then let's continue koneko
Later at night.
Varakiel: alright ophis wait for me for a bit
After i take koneko back home i will come back.
Koneko: ophis is was very fun…see you tomorrow.
Ophis: koneko, good job.
Ophis then pats koneko head then goes to sit down in the living room.
Varakiel: *sigh* i need to find someone to take care of ophis, i don't like that she stays alone at home.
Koneko: why not make her go to kuoh academy?
Varakiel: is complicated when you don't have an identification and the necessary documents,koneko, being an adult is hard sometimes.
Koneko: i understand.
Varakiel: Even so I can't get her an identification, I believe bad people are looking for her. Before you met her, she had a nasty collar that seemed to be used as a tracker, it took a whole day to remove the remaining scars on her neck. Until I find out who did that to her I can't let her out without anyone looking after her.
Koneko: bad people…i will ask rias to help you to find those people.
Varakiel: no, this is adults matters, as my students you should be laughing and being happy, enjoying your youth, leave this to your sensei, I am not awesome after all? Hahaha.
Koneko:(sensei….is very kind and warm) okay sensei…please be careful. I can go from here to my house.
Varakiel and koneko arrived at the entrance of kuoh academy.
Varakiel: is very convenient to live near the academy isn't?
Koneko: yeah, then sensei take care, and thanks for your help.
Varakiel: haha, nothing like that as the teacher is my duty to give you all my support, and like ophis said "good job".
Koneko: ophis…sensei can i go to play with her on weekends?
Varakiek: I would be glad if you did, it would be great if someone besides me could socialize with her.
Koneko: mhm, okay, leave her to me. I will become friends with her.
Varakiel: mhm, alright then good night koneko-chan.
Varakiel then walks back to his house.
Koneko: good night, varakiel-san.
Varakiel then get inside his house.
Varakiel: i am back
Varakiel then walks to the living room.. and sees ophis looking at him.
Varakiel: heheh, good job ophis you made a friend today.
Ophis: friend….koneko….varakiel.
Varakiel:mhm, so let's get you to your bedroom.
Ophis: no, i don't want to stay in there….the silence….it hurts.
Varakiel: then let's sleep together, okay?
Ophis: together? No more silence…..okay.
Varakiel then goes inside his bedroom with ophis and then lies down.
Varakiel: alright ophis you can sleep here.
Varakiel pats besides him.
Ophis innocently lies down in The bed…
Varakiel: alright, sweet dreams ophis.
Ophis: ….¿?....
Ophis who was curious notice that varakiel is already asleep….
Ophis then close her eyes…
Ophis: (the silence… gone….va…
Ophis then falls asleep aswell.
Undine: (so cute, sweet dreams you two.)
The next day at kuoh academy…
Issei came to varakiel in the teachers office.
Issei: a-aniki, just like you said i have super strength.
Varakiel: oh? Aren't you lucky then? Hahaha.
Issei: aniki this is serious just now i almost pulverized my door knob and broke my tooth brush and broke my back pack….
Varakiel: heheh, that's pretty basic, luckily for you you don't have the habit of giving high fives when meeting your friends or else.
Issei: ahhhh!!! Stop sensei!
Varakiel: haha, don't worry is okay, that kind of strength is easy to control. After all it is your own body, just do regular training and you'll get the grasp of it really fast.
Issei: r-really?
Varakiel: mhm follow me…
Varakiel then stands up from his desk and goes outside the building while being followed by issei.
Riss gremory who was nearby managed to hear everything.
Rias: i knew it! My intuition never fails.
In the woods nearby kuoh academy.
Varakiel: mhm, this place is good enough.
Issei: so why are we here sensei?
Varakiel: to help you control your strength of course, first let test out how much strength you got….punch that tree over there without holding back.
Issei: p-punch a tree? O-okay here we go, HA!
Then a high air pressure is released from Issei's punch
Issei: ehhhhhh!!!!?
Rias: what!?
Varakiel: oh! It seems you hit the jackpot issei-kun, to get this amount of power. If this was an anime you would be the main protagonist hahaha.
Issei: a-aniki this is serious how i will control that!?
Varakiel: that's rather easy you see, use your imagination.
Issei: my imagination?
Varakiel: mhm think about how it feels to touch cotton, and familiarize with that feeling in no time you will be able to live a normal life again.
Issei: ohhh! That's really sounds simple.
Varakiel: and for example, if you need to defend yourself or others from let's say s gang of punks think of your hands like sledgehammers hitting a wall.
Issei: b-but that wouldn't be dangerous?
Varakiel: issei-kun think about it if you were with your girlfriend and a gang comes to you with malicious intent what do you think it will happen if you lose.
Issei: …..
Issei thinks about it and gets angry.
Varakiel: no mercy for criminals, if you get in trouble for that say that it was in self defense.
Issei: understood aniki!
Issei realize that varakiel is really serious about this, he's taking his situation with care.
Varakiel: and if its a life or death situation don't think twice about it go full power, there nothing more precious that the life of Another living being, remember these words, with huge power comes a great responsibility, if you want to use your power to protect others, go ahead is the duty of the strong to protect those who can't overcome the situation, if they can then leave them be, human will is no laughing matter as well.
Issei: …..*gasp* thank you varakiel-sensei!
Issei bows deeply in gratitude; those words mean a lot to him.
Varakiel: mhm, you can go home and practice. I will tell your teacher that I gave you a special assignment that can improve your grades a lot and I will inform your parents about it so they don't worry too much.
Issei: thank you very much aniki!....i am curious how do you know how to adapt to it?
Varakiel: 1. As your teacher is my duty to guide you on the good path, is okay to be a little selfish with your power like winning competition, after all is your power like it or not you earned it is up to you to see how you'll use it, but don't be irresponsible and use it to hurt others. 2nd when you grown up you learn a lot of things issei-kun the world is vast and big, your strength is big, but you're not the strongest in the world, a professional fighter could beat you up easily before you could even land the first hit, remember, talent can't beat up hardwork and experience.
Issei: ohhh, so it means that my strength isn't weird!? That actually…. relieves me…i thought i suddenly became a freak, hehe.
Varakiel: haha, of course your strength is weird but is not to the point you will be hunted down by some weird organization, for instance, this is what experience and hardwork can achieve..
Varakiel then walks down to a giant rock in the woods.
The giant rock is directly pulverized.
Issei: eehhhhh!?
Rias: i-impressive i knew he wasn't a regular human!
Varakiel: That's what experience and hardwork can achieve. Try it yourself.
Issei: o-okay.
Issei then find another rock and punches it!
The rock is only partially destroyed.
Varakiel: see the huge difference?
Issei: I see it now, aniki! You're very strong!
Varakiel: mhm, but let me tell you a secret i think your strength might increase with time so begin training from now on nearby this woods is also okay to tell your friends about it, but remind them they are no joke and they're not for bad things.
Issei: of course aniki! Yet again thank you for all your help!
Varakiel: mhm, in exchange please keep the students safe from any criminals you see at night, and be careful too, your speed and vitality might have increased aswell, so it might be okay to resist some low caliber bullets.
Issei: hehehe, i suddenly become a superhero, leave it to me sensei, just like you saved my life i will save and protect others life's!
Varakiel: Glad to hear my child, so I will leave you here for training. Remember to use your imagination and adapt with it.
Issei: understood!
Varakiel then walks out of the woods.
Rias: I knew it, varakiel Fateburn, I knew you were not a normal human!
Varakiel:.....gremory-chan you are supposed to be in my classroom right now~.
Varakiel says with a cold and serious aura.
Rias: t-that i-i….i am sorry sensei.
Varakiel then takes out the aura.
Varakiel: *sigh* it's okay, *cof* yeah, i am not a normal human, there are secrets in the high society that should remain hidden.
Rias: so are you a member of this high society? Did you ran away from your persuers?
Rias asks with excitement, as the president of the occult research club she takes seriously all the secret that humans hold.
Varakiel: haha, nothing like that gremory-chan, i legitimately wanted to start anew and my dream for my students is genuine, but like i said to issei with a huge power comes a huge responsibility, i saved his life because i could and now he has strength to protect other as his teacher is my duty to guide him to face reality and that having power is not a joke, this is real life, every life matters in this world, not matter who is it, and if it's necessary take the life of others.
Rias: i couldn't agree more with you varakiel-sensei.
Varakiel: oh? Do you perhaps have power like issei-kun?
Rias: ah, that's complicated to explain….
Varakiel: is okay whenever you want to explain it to me or not is up to you, after everyone as secrets, then let's go back to the classroom, if you need to leave early inform me beforehand or either, 10 assignments for tomorrow, got it?
Rias: y-yes sensei.
Varakiel: hehe, but please help me to keep his powers a secret until he can control them properly.
Rias: of course, i will ask my father for a special permission for him.
Varakiel: thank you rias.
Rias:(he called me rias!) I-is nothing…..varakiel-san.
Varakiel: heheh, alright let's move.
Varakiel and rias then walks back to the classroom.
Varakiel and rias then goes inside at the same time…
Varakiel: i am sorry guys, something came up and rias was helping me out.
As Rias sits down she almost falls down when varakiel says her name….
Akeno: oh my….rias did you and varakiel-san….
Rias: i-its nothing like that.
Sona: *stare* chiiiii…..
Sona looks at varakiel.
Varakiel: heheh, a student had an accident just now and rias helped me to make a special permission for him.
Sona: That's the case?.....okay.
Tsubaki: suspicious….
Varakiel: Anyways, enough distractions let's begin the lesson.
In the evening the only people remaining are the clubs and a male student in the woods….
Varakiel: Good job child here you go.
Varakiel throws a water bottle to issei.
Issei: thank you aniki, puahhh water feels really good somehow.
Varakiel: that's to be expected your body takes water as a reward for it's hard work. So my child what have you decided to do with your power?
Issei: aniki ... .i want to keep pursuing my dream. I want to build a harem!
Varakiel: i see, that's not bad.
Issei: eh!? I thought you would be against it aniki…
Varakiel: why should i? I clearly stated that you can't use it to do bad or perverted things, having a harem is not bad as long the girls are okay with it and you don't force them with your power if that's the case i will beat you common sense into you.
Issei: a-aniki you're the best!!!
Varakiel: yeah yeah, no man wouldn't like to impress a beautiful woman or two speaking of which the girls in my classroom are out of bonds and also is koneko.
Issei: aniki ..are you perhaps making a harem too!?
Varakiel: idiot….. isn't obvious?
Issei: master show me the way.
Issei bows to varakiel….
Varakiel: keeping a harem is really hard so you better prepare yourself.
Issei: for my dream i will give it all!!
Varakiel: good….first.