My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 65: Aren't those two adorable~~!?

Late at night varakiel comes to a park nearby…

There he found the corpse of his student hyoudou issei…

Varakiel: You don't deserve this child, you deserve a good life…i will take you back but everything as a price a second chance for your power.

Varakiel then grabs the soul of issei that was leaving his body and takes out a green orb…

Varakiel: of course i wouldn't lend you a second chance only to lose it again [Sacred Rise]

Then the soul of issei goes back to his body!

Issei: ¡haaaa!

Issei stands up in shock.

Issei: v-varakiel-sensei? W-where i am?

Varakiel: you're in the park, child, I found you unconscious on the floor. What happened?

Issei: I don't know, I just remember I had a weird dream of a voice asking me to be reborn, what a weird dream…ah right I was with this girl and suddenly everything went to black.

Varakiel: *sigh* I think what happened, she convinced you on a date and a bunch of her friends beat you down for all the perverted things you have done.

Issei: i-i think that might be the case….

Varakiel: Of course it is look here they even stabbed you with a knife.

Issei then takes a look at his school jacket and there he notices a hole.

Issei: eeehhhh!!? T-then why am I fine!?

Varakiel: Of course I healed you dumbass, today's medicine allows for a knife stab to heal that quickly, but is very expensive, so you owe me one.

Issei: t-thank you for saving my life varakiel-sensei!!!

Issei then hugs varakiel.

Varakiel:(poor kid he's clearly depressed and scared, after all the one she thought as someone she loved him stabbed him to death…) as a favor you will do this, stay away from this park for a while, and stop doing perverted things and say that to your friends as well, i might not be there to save their lives, and put more effort in your grades okay?

Issei: t-teacher…no aniki! I will do as you say!

Varakiel: aniki? Hahaha, very well, go back home and be careful. The medicine I gave you was experimental. The secondary effects are very wild. For example, your organs might burn after a while , or you could be ultra lucky and suddenly have super strength like a superhero.

Issei: t-that kind of thing!? Please let it be the second one!!!

Varakiel: Well I found you in time before your brain stopped working so you are very lucky so maybe who knows, if you actually get super strength or anything like that come find me i will help you to control that strength.

Issei: S-seriously? Thank you aniki!

Varakiel: yeah yeah, go back home child your parents must be very worried.

Issei: okay, yet again thank you aniki!

Varakiel: mhm…(well i managed to convince him to stop harassing girls for good i got draig and now i have another little brother hahaha.)

???: human…what have you done?

Suddenly the green orb in varakiel hand starts to speak with him.

Varakiel: well i took you out of him they clearly were hunting my student because of you, red dragon, draig.

Draig: hmph, and who might you be? And what do you seek by removing me from that stupid host.

Varakiel: well i was thinking about what kind of reward I can give to one of my excellent students, don't worry you will like her, her potential is very good.

Draig: oh? Tell me more about her? And what do you mean reward!?

Varakiel: her name is rias gremory, the most prestigious daughter of the gremory house.

Draig: Those gremory? Oh, I like that idea. Fine, I'll cooperate with you.

Varakiel: Good, now I need to get albion as a gift as well…

Draig: oh? I think I can help with that. After all, me and Albion are connected.

Varakiel: good then let's do that now…hahahaha.

Varakiel laughs maniacally as he teleports on the outside part of the city.


Monday. 2 days later. At kuoh academy.

Varakiel: alright guys remember to do your homework and tomorrow we have cooking class so don't forget to bring your apron's.

Students: Okay!!

The students were looking forward to varakiel cooking class as ever.

Rias: cooking class is suddenly so popular 

Akeno: fufu, after all it is varakiel-san who teaches on it. I never tasted something like that.

Sona: Indeed even I was surprised by the progress I am making.

Sona says proudly.

Tsubaki: indeed after all sona was really bad at cooking it's still surprising to me that varakiel-sensei changed that with sheer effort.

Sona: t-tsubaki!

Varakiel: hehe, alright stop playing around go to your clubs you seem to have a lot of work to do today.

Sona: indeed today some students decided to join the students council, then I will take my leave. Thank you for your hard work as ever varakiel-sensei.

Varakiel: and thank you for your efforts sona-chan you have improved a lot, you as well tsubaki soon enough you can even apply for the international competition.

Sona: m-mhm.

Tsubaki: o-of course sensei!

Then they leave.

Varakiel: so rias and akeno? 

Rias: we'll leave as well see you later varakiel-sensei.

Akeno: bye bye varakiel-san.

Varakiel: take care.

Varakiel then goes to the teachers room.

And koneko was waiting outside of it…

Koneko: sensei.

Varakiel: oh koneko-chan, what is it?

Koneko: i need help with a subject.

Varakiel: oh? Come with me then.

Varakiel then comes inside the teachers room with koneko.

Koneko: I don't understand this.

Varakiel: oh? This…hey koneko-chan this is a very advanced problem you know, you shouldn't be seeing this until 3rd grad….wait are you trying to skip directly to 3rd grade?


Varakiel: why the sudden rush child?

Koneko: I want to spend more time with sensei.

Varakiel: (so cuteeeee) hm? What did you say? I couldn't hear you.

Koneko: forget about it, i just want to do it.

Varakiel: (heheheh so cute) okay if you say so, but you will have to put in a ton of effort you know? Are you ready for the challenge?

Koneko: of course.

Varakiel: Great, then what do you think about coming to my house so I can teach you properly?

Koneko: sensei house?... I'll think about it.

Varakiel: alright. If you agree come to see me in the evening before i leave.

Koneko: okay, then I'll see you later sensei.

Varakiel: mhm, take care koneko-chan.

Koneko then leaves the teacher's room.

Varakiel: ( adorable~) alright let's review today's performance.


Later at evening in kuoh academy entrance.

Varakiel was waiting for koneko…

Koneko: i am sorry for making you wait sensei…let's go.

Varakiel: mhm, let's go then~.

Varakiel and koneko walk to a house nearby…

Koneko: so close!?

The house was literally 10 minutes from the academy.

Varakiel: mhm, i already said my house was nearby hehe.

Varakiel then opens the door.

Varakiel: Welcome to my house koneko-chan, please sit down and relax.

Koneko: e-excuse my intromission then….

Varakiel then takes Koneko to the living room where ophis was watching the TV.

Varakiel: ophis, let me present someone to you, she is koneko tōjō, koneko this is ophis.



Like two copies meeting themselves they make the same stoic expression.

Varakiel: (if they had the same hair color they could be mistaken as twins hehehe) alright ophis, koneko please sit down i will make dinner, after that we will begin with your studies alright?



Varakiel: hehehe.

Ophis and Koneko then sit down beside each other.

Koneko: my name is koneko nice to meet you….

Ophis: ophis….nice to meet you.

Ophis was curious about koneko and so was koneko.

Koneko: how are you related to varakiel-sensei?

Ophis: related? What is that?

Varakiel: ah you see koneko i found ophis in the streets lost , and i have published a missing person poster but it seems no one knows her so i decided to adopt her.

Koneko:(she is just like me…) ophis was it? Let's become friends.

Ophis: friends? What is that?

Varakiel: hehe, ophis has a lot to learn so can you help me with it koneko-chan?

Koneko: of course sensei.


Ophis: So friends are less than family and family are more than friends? varakiel is family and koneko is friend.

Varakiel: (awwwwww~♥) hehe, that's it, but both of them like you the same way.

Ophis: like? What is like? when you don't want to go away from someone.

Ophis: then i like varakiel.

Varakiel: (insulin where is my insulin!!!)

Lily: ( you don't need insulin varakiel….yet…)

Varakiel:(so you agree with me lily?)

Lily: (indeed, and the system does so, the system asks that you pamper her and take care of her a lot in exchange it will reward you a lot.)

Varakiel: (hahaha, you don't need to do that system, leave that when i have to beat up the punks that try to use her.)


Varakiel: (hahahahaha, very well i wasn't going to go hard with them but thanks for you motivation system leave them to me.)

Lily: (great!)


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