Chapter 10: Chapter 10 (Arrest)
"You are under arrest... At least for now."
Alpha with anger looked towards the voice and Iz and everyone has there again.
Alpha said, "How powerless you are, Iz. You are saying like you worked so hard for this."
"So what do you think that I didn't worked for it? I did--"
"Cops, you all can take me away for investigation. I don't want to hear anymore words by anyone." Said Alpha.
Cops were a little bit surprised by Alpha's this attitude but started taking her. One of the cop, picked up Rehi and started walking towards investigation.
Iz and Aize were just watching Alpha being taken. Aize started following the cops and Iz also followed them.
Whereas Mistress and students were smiling on seeing Alpha being arrested and Mistress said, "Now the thing must given to the right responsibile ones."
Alpha with cops reached the organization and went to underground and finally reached to the investigation room.
Alpha sat on her seat with a angry face. Her hands got released by cops but suddenly they got under metalic chain attached to the table in front of her.
Her Versil got out but was again and again escaping and coming back to Alpha.
"Versil, just go with them for a while. When I will call you, instantly come." Said Alpha and Versil has to go with the cops.
Rehi finally woke up and said, "Um... Is she arrested?"
Rehi saw in front and Alpha was in front of him being too much angry but remain silent.
"She surrendered herself once she kicked you sir. She also ordered her sword to go." Said one cop to Rehi.
"Is that so? It is great. Anyways, let's start our investigation." Said Rehi and came straight in front of Alpha.
"What is your name?" Asked Rehi.
"Alpha, Alpha Three."
Alpha's actual sir name was not Three but it was of Zero, and she wanted to marry him which she can't do but still uses his sir name for her relationship.
"Your age?"
"Your family?"
"I don't actually have a family except one guy but he was killed yesterday by my schoolmate, otherwise Versil is also my family."
"Who is Versil?"
"My sword which you all took. But don't dare to use her, I will kill him by myself."
"What why! She is now only one which belongs to me! Don't dare to take it!"
Rehi laughed and said, "Fine fine. It will depend on her choice. Anyways, why were you killing your own schoolmates and friends?"
"Because they, firstly, killed Zero, my love. Secondly, they tried to capture Versil and use it and third, they are trying to control me."
"So you are that much dasparate on freedom?"
"Yes, I actually wanted to survive and live alone after Zero's death and hunt monsters and become the strongest. But now that is not possible anymore."
"Why did you exploded the school?"
"Ah... I am being frustrated. Anyways, listen. I exploded to activate the strongest monster of that city and I killed it as well."
"Ok, fine. You have responded so quickly and I don't think that you are lying. But, last question. Why were you running from cops all the time if you have thisuch confidence to say?"
"Because... To be honest, I think you all will make me a captain of a division and give responsibility of them to survive for others as well. But I want to play alone, I wanna explore the apocalypse world alone and hunt monsters for others, but alone."
Rehi smiled and turned away from Alpha and said, "Well then, so your punishment will be what you don't want, you will be the captain of division 7. Aize will be the vice captain and some of yours schoolmates will be there."
"Hey... Hey! Wait! Don't give me such punishment of you were going to leave me and play alone in this apocalypse!" Alpha was totally trapped in Rehi's trap.
Rehi from the starting, on watching Alpha's strength, wanted to add her in his organisation as a captain to manage a team and hunt and as Alpha doesn't wants it, so it will be the best punishment of her to give.
And Rehi left with laughing and teasing on Alpha's lose in the match of words.
"Now you all can go but one by one to talk to her." Said Rehi and left.
Firstly, Aize came to talk with Alpha.
"I don't want someone to talk with who gave his friend to cops in exchange of money. It's my fault that I didn't recognised that Aize is very much greedy on money." Said angry Alpha.
"Ah..." Aize laughed with sweat and continued, "I just wanted you to not get a bigger punishment so I told them about your plan. But I will be also taking responsibility of the team and you can wander anywhere under telling, alone."
"Hm! I don't believe in you. You are greedy guy. Just leave and let me remain here alone for a while." Said Alpha and turned away her face.
Aize stood with same face and left.
Iz was going to go but Aize stopped him and said, "She said that she wants to stay alone for a while, so don't go."
"You have just met her one day ago only, I know her more than anyone, so let me go." Said Iz.
Aize became silent and let Iz go.
Iz came in the investigation room and Alpha was totally frustrated now and said, "Did I not tell to Aize to let me alone for a while? Or did he didn't told you?"
"He told me but I wanted to talk with you." Said Iz with becoming serious.
Alpha remain silent because her throat was now tired although she knew that Iz will give the same lecture that Alpha should obey of him and blah blah blah.
"Why don't you listen and do what I say? I know you have a private life but you are special for me and I am special for you."
'Why don't he stop daydreaming that he thinks that he really matters for me? How many times I have shouted saying that Zero is only the one for me!!!' said Alpha in her mind.
"You are my only one."
Alpha remain silent but soon she, somehow, started feeling sleepy and her eyes started closing.
"Alpha...? Alpha?!"
Alpha closed her eyes and lied on the table and slept and Iz panicked.