Chapter 9: Chapter 9 (Escape)
"Now..." Alpha trying to be scary continued, "... Who else wants the same death as of the strongest monster of this city?"
Everyone started sweating and stepped back.
Iz said, "Just stop it! You are not Alpha to whom I knew! Why are you acting and scaring people!"
"Because you all are selfish." Alpha started become angry and continued, "You all killed Zero, then you are behind my Versil which is my only thing which belongs to me now. I have nothing else."
"I am!" Iz screamed.
"You... Just want me to change. And Zero never even tried to think about it, he accepted me like I was and will even now if he would have been alive. I don't need any one of you, I just need myself to write my own story and nobody else could do. Who else can even do?!" Alpha started showing what she actually feel.
Iz laughed and said, "Zero... Ha! Such a pathetic guy he was, wasn't he? He spend his most of time with you... but... the truth is... He would have just ran away leaving you if he would be alive till now."
And suddenly one student's cut her head in second from nowhere. It was not Alpha nor Aize, someone else much stronger.
Suddenly a panick occured but Mistress calmed everyone and started healing the dead student.
Iz shouted on Alpha saying, "You have again started!!!"
Alpha laughed and said, "Oh... My god. I don't know from where he came and where he is but it's not me who killed her, it's someone--"
And suddenly Alpha's mind joined all the dots and was shocked and said in her mind, "Don't... Say... That he knew that the strongest monster of the city is here."
In Alpha's previous life, when the strongest monster of the city awakened 6 months later of the apocalypse, after killing all the people of the city, Vampire Knight arrived to kill the monster and just in a single slash, defeated him.
And now, Alpha realized that maybe, Vampire Knight knew about the monster from the beginning but can't or didn't killed until its awakening.
Alpha smiled and said, "Thank you, Vampire Knight. Although you are my biggest enemy but by this, I guess I can escape."
Mistress healed the dead student and said, "Now who is Vampire Knight? Can't you just surrender--?"
And suddenly one by one all the students started being sliced in seconds. Mistress looked at Alpha and Versil was in her hand.
And Alpha ran away and Aize followed her and Mistress was not able to decide what she should do.
Mistress looked at the students and all were already dead, even Iz.
Mistress decides to leave the dead students and chase Alpha but before she can start running, her head was also out from her body.
And this was a successful escape of Alpha!
Iz woke up and Mistress was healing all the left students.
"Wh-What just happened?" Asked panicked Iz.
"A graveyard was going to be form here. But be thankful that I am with you all bringing back to life."
"What about Alpha? Where is she? How can she do such a big crime of killing us all?!" Iz started becoming angry.
"It wasn't her, her sword was not killing anyone but someone else she knows very well. And I guess he is extremely strong." Said Mistress with finally finishing her work, to heal everyone.
"Strong? No one is much stronger than Alpha and--"
And once again Iz's head was cut apart from his body.
And Mistress realized that the killer hasn't disappeared yet and with this, once again everyone's head was cut apart and Mistress has to heal herself and students once again.
Whereas Alpha was running with Aize towards the bridge to cross and go to another city.
"Was there someone or you killed them all?" Asked Aize with curosity.
Alpha laughed and said, "It wasn't me, it was the strongest survivor in this universe, I guess. If we come in ranking, you will be on third rank and I will be on second and that monster on first one. I hate him the most but also admire him as the strongest."
"How can you keep me on third?! I can defeat you and that guy in seconds!"
And Alpha knocked Aize out but the holder of Versil and he instantly fall.
"Hm! The strongest...?" Said Alpha but she continued running with leaving Aize.
Aize came running with speed and shouted, "How can you leave me?!"
'To be honest, this time I want to play alone. I don't want to attached or enjoy and explore with someone. I wanted one and I lost him.' thought Alpha and finally reached at the starting of the bridge.
Alpha and Aize didn't stopped but at a point Aize stopped but Alpha didn't.
But suddenly the bridge exploded from the between and Alpha realized that she is totally trapped and what would happen next. But she didn't lost her hopes and jumped.
Alpha crossed the middle of the bridge but suddenly cops appeared in front of her from nowhere and Alpha realized that fourth strongest has arrived.
Alpha turned back but now cops were also there and now she was surrounded.
"Aize...! You money sick moron!!!" Alpha became totally angry on Aize.
Aize came from cops and said, "This all is for you so that you don't become a criminal. We can work together and hunt monsters under goverment's organization."
Alpha was now regretting that how she can believe in Aize, someone who can do anything for money.
"Ah...! You are definitely going to pay for this Aize!"
"Well well. No fight anymore. Now Alpha is under investigation but you don't worry, you will be not under prison just some investigation will happen and that's all."
Alpha turned towards the voice with anger and it was Rehi, the main commander and leader of the monster hunt organization, fourth strongest and his powers are invisibility.
"Rehi...! You will also pay for that!"
"Oh, you know my name? It is my honour to know this--"
And Alpha instantly kicked Rehi and he was directly fainted. But all the cops surrounded Alpha and holder her arms allowing her to do nothing and can't escape.