Mystical Theatre

Chapter 1: Unholy Birth


The sisters were making a magical circle made up of words and symbols that came from the language of Thoth on a large, smooth piece of stone that protruded out of the earth. They left a large empty space in the center of the circle. The large circle was still incomplete with one sister carefully completing the circle and making sure none of the ink got on her white robe. That must be the ink that they instructed me to get for them. I don't know much about magic, but I am pretty sure you need this specific ink for magic circles and potions. It cost me thirty-two hundred, Quincy. I knew that it was expensive, but God, thirty-two hundred, Quincy. I want to pass out just thinking about it. What's scarier is that it wasn't the full price of the ink. 

The other two sisters began to work on making a smaller circle in the empty space they left in the center of the larger circle. It too was made up of symbols and words that came from the language of Thoth. I must say it was amazing how precise they were, especially since they had that piece of paper that was blocking their vision. There were no mistakes, no errors to be seen. It was a real shame that such talented people were criminals who had committed grave sins. It looks like the larger circle has been completed. As I thought this, the sister who was working on the larger circle stood up and went into a tent that was off to the side of the stone platform. I looked back to the other sisters, and like the other circle, they left another empty space in the center of the smaller circle. And before I knew it, the smaller circle was completed. They worked so fast, and like the previous circle, there were no errors to be found. No sign of weariness or them growing tired. The sister in the tent came out and headed toward the other sisters. Once she made it, they pulled out a dagger from their robes and made a small cut on their left hand. I watched with curiosity as each of them used their blood to draw three small stick figures in the empty space left in the center of the smaller circle. Once they finished drawing the figures, the circle lit up, drowning the surroundings in its light.

"Hey, what's going on? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, David, everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about."

"Oh, okay. What was that bright flash of light?"

"I think it was the magic circle being completed. Honestly, though, I have no idea."

"I see. Hey, John."


"Do you think this is going to work?"

"Yes, I do."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I was shown a vision."

"You never told me what this vision was."

"I didn't think it was necessary to tell you."

"You disappeared for two years, and then out of nowhere, you show up and ask for my help. Now, I have a lot of respect for you and trust you, but you can at least tell me what you saw. Please." 

"You're right; you deserve to know."

"Thank you."

"The lord showed me what's to come. I saw the Buddha and the Sage standing together. I saw him killing the Sage, and then the three sisters stood over the corpse of the Sage and brought her back to life. Then she led us into battle, and after there was no more war or disease. The world was at peace, no evil. I can't explain it, but it felt so real."

"I see. After you had this vision, what did you do?"

"I went to the Buddha's castle and read the old text from the Sage's library to gather information so that I could locate the corpse of the Sage."



"You went to the Buddha's temple? How?"

"I know the monk in charge of the castle."

"Someday you are going to have to take me there."

"Alright. After this, we can make a stop there."



"Wait, did you see the bookkeeper?"

"Yes, I saw her, but she mostly avoided me."

"Oh, really, that's a shame."

"Yes, she could have sped the process up for me, but it is what it is."

"You said that you located the Sage's body. Where did you find it?"

"Ah, yes, it was in Logan's forest."

"Logan's forest? I've heard of the mythical city of Logan but never Logan's Forest."

"You will never believe this, but that city actually existed." 

"Wait, what!"

"Yeah. I found it in the forest."

"What happened to it?"

"I don't know. What I do know is that the forest is toxic."

"Oh, I'm starting to see the picture."

"Anyways, her corpse was easy to find when I found the location. It was in a church."

"It wasn't buried?"

"Nope, just left out in the open." As I said this, I heard a loud thud sound coming from where the sisters were. I looked and saw that there was a large cauldron sitting in the center of the two circles. The pot color looked to be a very dark green, and it had elaborate artwork on its sides. 

"Ha, that sounds heavy. Do you ladies need help carrying anything?"

None of the sisters said anything and just ignored him, going back to work. "Hahaha. David, you should be a bit nicer to them. Hahaha."

"I will do no such thing. They are heretics and use black magic."

"Yeah, yeah."

"How did you meet these lovely individuals?"

"That is a long story for another time." 

"Fine. But I will ask again later." 

"Ha. Okay." 

"What are we going to do with them after they're done?"

"No idea. I'm probably going to kill them."

"Ha, need any help with that?"

"No, I should be good." We both looked back and saw that two of the sisters were placing firewood underneath the cauldron. Then all three sisters made their way to the tent and came out with a mummified corpse. The corpse was placed facing me with two empty holes that used to be where her eyes were, staring at me.

"Is that her?"

"Yes." The sisters placed the corpse in the cauldron, then one of the sisters went back in the tent and came out with a large bowl that looked to be filled to the brim with a red liquid. She walked so carefully that none of it spilled. The sister poured the red liquid into the cauldron. The liquid looked very chunky and made a disgusting wet sound when it hit the bottom of the cauldron.

"John, please don't tell me that's what I think it is?"


"John, please!"

"It had to be done."

"You. You're a monster!"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Where are you going?"

"I need to get some air." 

Sorry David, but it must be done so that the Sage can be reborn. Once all the liquid was poured in the cauldron, she went back in the tent and out again with more of the strange liquid. This continued several more times until the pot was brimming full of the red liquid. They lit the firewood, and red liquid started to boil. It gave off a putrid smell, and all the while the corpse was still looking at me. The sisters were on opposite sides from each other, some distance away from the cauldron, looking at the Sage. Then I heard the sisters saying something. I couldn't understand it, but I did recognize it came from the language of Thoth. "It's begun." I listened to the chant; it felt good on my ears, and I almost went into a trance. The chant got louder, and the sisters began to dance around the pot. Seeing all of this happen, I felt fear that I had never felt before in my life. Not even when I was close to death was I this scared. This was like a primal fear; every part of my being told me that this was true evil. I reverted back into a child, and tears began to run down my cheek. I closed my eyes in a desperate bid to hide. To get rid of this feeling that I was experiencing. I was scared to open up my eyes and face my fear. But I did open my eyes, and when I did, I instantly realized that it was nighttime. This was insane because when I closed my eyes, it was almost surely midday. How was it night already? I looked to my right and saw David. How did he get here? He looked to be in a trance.

"David. David, wake up. Please." I said while violently shaking his body in a desperate bid to break the trance, but it was to no avail. I looked at the sisters, and all three sisters pulled out a dagger from their white robes and pulled up the piece of paper that was covering their faces and cut out one of their eyes. Then they tossed it into the cauldron, and then the chant got even louder where they were yelling it. I began, unconsciously walking towards the pot, and grabbed one of the daggers from the sisters and held it to my left hand. I snapped out of it and realized what I was doing. I threw the dagger, but one of the sisters came to me. 

"You must do it."

I looked at her; her face was covered back up with a piece of paper, and it had a symbol that looked to be an eye on it. She also smelled very good. It reminded me of my mother's scent. For whatever reason, I felt comfortable around her. Not only comfortable but also safe, like a child was with its mother. I nodded my head and stood up, grabbed the dagger she was offering me, cut off my left hand, and threw it in the cauldron. I looked at the blood that pooled out of my arm. My thoughts were frantic. What have I done? What should I do? "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Oh my god!" I drove my left arm into the cold stone. I was drenched in sweat, and my vision started to get hazy.

"John! Oh my god. What happened?"

I tried to mutter some words out, but before I answered, the cauldron valiantly began shaking then... I woke up on the cold, hard ground and propped myself up, still clutching my wrist, trying to stop the bleeding. Where the cauldron used to be was replaced with a massive fire. "David! David, where are you?" As I stood up, I saw the sisters kneeling where the fire was. "Hey, have any of you seen David?"

They said nothing. I looked where they were looking and saw the red liquid. It was moving, slowly taking the form of a person. The liquid turned into a girl who was standing where the pot used to be, surrounded by fire. She had black hair and pale skin and was looking around almost like she didn't know where she was. Then she saw me, revealing her three bronze-colored eyes, looking at me. The great Sage, after five hundred and forty-five years, has been unleashed onto the world once more.

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