Mystical Theatre

Chapter 2: Unholy Birth


Finally, it's over. The baby is finally born, and it looks like a boy. I must say for my first time I think I did pretty well. I kept calm and stayed focused, and nothing seemed to go wrong. I guess we can thank the incantation tablet. It certainly helped prevent the baby from dying. I think I can call this a success. The baby looks healthy; the only strange thing about him is his silver-colored eyes. None of his parents have silver eyes, so why does he? Oh no, don't tell me. No, Mrs. Lily would not do such a thing. Anyways, again, nothing looks out of the ordinary. He does look like a healthy baby boy. "Congratulations, Mrs. Lily, it's a boy." I'm not going to lie, though; I was very nervous. I carefully gave the baby to Mrs. Lily. She looks so happy.

"He looks so beautiful. Doesn't he, honey?"

"Yes, he does. One day all the ladies will flock to him. Hahaha."

"Haha. Yes, I'm sure they will."

"Have you guys thought of a name?"

"Yes, Lady Anna, I was thinking of Abel. How does that sound?"

"A wonderful name for a boy. I'm sure one day he will live up to the name of the knight."

"I hope so. What about you, honey? What do you think of the name?"

"I think we should have had a girl. Haha."

"Oh, you! Can you take anything seriously?"

"What? We already have two boys."

"Well, I think the boys will be happy to hear they have a brother."

"I'm sure you're right. Hmmmm?"

"What's wrong, Henry?"

"Oh no, it's nothing."

"Mrs. Lily, do you have everything prepared for the baby? Do you need any help?"

"No, I think we have everything ready. It helps with going through this twice."

"I'm sure. Well, I should get the tablet." I bent down and began feeling under the bed to find the tablet. Where is that darn thing?! Oh wait, I think I found it. Wait, something is different about it. It's broken! But how? It wasn't like that before. I got on both knees and scooped up all the tablet pieces, then stood back up.

"Wait, Lady Anna, what's that?"

"It's the incantation tablet."

"Wait, you're telling me that you used a broken incantation tablet! Did you not care if my son died?"

"Lily, calm down. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this. Right, Anna?!"

"It wasn't like this when I placed it. I don't know how it got shattered." 

"... My baby could have died!"

"I know, and I'm so sorry." How could this have happened? I know for a fact that it was fine when I placed it. Did spirits break it? If they did, why? Mrs. Lily then began crying and clutching her baby as tightly as she could, almost like someone was forcibly trying to take her baby away.

"Hey Anna, can we talk outside for a second?"


"I will be back soon, okay?"


I placed the pieces of the tablet on a desk and then made my way out of the room with Henry following. When we both were out of the room, he closed the door to the bedroom. This can't be good. "So, what do you want to talk to me about?"



"I don't know how to explain it."

"Explain what?"

"Did you find it strange that the baby never cried?"

Wait, what? Is that true? Did Abel never cry? No, that can't be true; he most definitely did cry. I just need to remember… I'm drawing a blank. "I guess you're right. I don't remember him crying. Even so, what's your point?"

"I don't know. Just with the tablet and all."

"I am truly sorry for allowing that to happen, and I promise you it will not happen again, but your baby looked fine."

"Yes, but it's also the comet and all the weird stuff that's been going on for the past couple of weeks."

"Oh, I guess you're right; that is something to be concerned about." I didn't even think about it. Yeah, if I were him, I would be concerned too. A murder happened, and the suspect hasn't been caught. The priest goes missing, and now Melody's comet is passing by. So many bad omens in such a short period. To think about the amount of concern he must be in right now. And to top everything off, the tablet breaks and the baby is acting strangely. "What would you like me to do?"

"What can you do?"

"I can check to see if young Abel has any curses on him. Would you like me to do that?"

"Yes, please, that would be great. Thank you, Anna. I know this must sound crazy."

"No, not at all. You are a concerned parent who is only worrying about your family's well-being. You have nothing to apologize for."

"Thank you, Anna. I mean it. Our little town is lucky to have a priest like you."

"I don't know. With the blunder with the tablet, it seems I have a lot to learn."

"Hey, at least you're better than the previous priest. Hahaha."

"Haha. You're probably right. Even I have to admit that might be true. Haha."



"Was that Mrs. Lily?" Henry immediately darted to the door of the bedroom and opened it, barging into the room with me quickly following him. I don't see anything wrong, and Lily looks perfectly fine. Why did she scream?

"Lily, are you okay? What's wrong?"


As Mrs. Lily said this, she pointed to the window that was opposite her bed. I went to it and looked to see if there was anything weird or out of the ordinary. But there's nothing other than the comet. I must say the comet does look very beautiful with all the wonderful colors lighting up the night sky. But nothing that was out of the ordinary. "What am I looking for?"


"Lily, what did you see?"

"... It looked like an eye."

"An eye?"

"Yes! A giant eye was looking at me through the window! When I screamed, it ran off. You've got to believe me!"

"We do, Lily, but you must understand that this does sound absurd."

"I know it does, but I saw it!"

"Well, Mrs. Lily, whatever it was, seems to be gone. I don't think it will come back."

"Hey, Anna."


"Please check Abel, and after that, I think we should head to the church. I don't think it's safe to stay here tonight."

"Alright." I don't see anything out of the ordinary. He looks perfectly fine. No curses, no nothing. "I don't see anything."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, just give me a second to pack some essential items."

"Okay." What is going on? Everything is falling apart all around us, but why? Is it caused by a malevolent force? A force that likes to play with its food. Whatever the case is, I must figure out what this entity is and what it wants. It may be the thing that's under the town. I will have to check on it when Henry, Lily, and Abel are safe at the church. My god, everything is such a mess.

Knock! Knock! Knock!




"... Do any of you know who that is?" Both Henry and Lily shook their heads, still looking bewildered and fearful of what's at the door. Is it the entity that's been messing with us? "You guys stay here."

"Wait, Lady Anna!"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Lily, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure everything will be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Henry, continue to pack. We must leave as soon as possible."


I wonder if it's still at the door. At first, I thought it was trying to mess with us, but now I'm not too sure. It seems calculated. Is it after something or someone? What is it? What does it want? I arrived at the front door and began to open it before… What is this feeling? I can't open the door. My hand won't move. I can't move. Why? Is my body telling me to not open this door? Wait, is the entity outside the door? Oh, Lord Nangar, father of the heavenly sky and ruler of the world, please give me the strength and courage to face this evil being and save this family. Let your fiery breath cleanse this world from all sins and remove all evils. Oh, Lord, for it is only you that is the rightful ruler. Oh Lord, for it is only you and you alone… With the Lord giving me strength, I opened the door and saw… Nothing! There was nothing at the door. Strangest of all, it was completely pitch black. I could barely see what was in front of me. The moon, stars, and even the comet were gone. It was like they had never existed in the first place. Even stranger was that there was no noise. No toads croaking, no wolves howling, and no owls hooting. Not even the wind made a sound. It must have left. But why? If my theory is correct and it is after someone, wouldn't the most logical choice be me? I am the strongest out of everyone here. Wait, was it trying to lure me away from them?! Then all of a sudden, the lights went out.



"What's going on?"

"Aaaaahhhh! Nooo!" 

"Mrs. Lily, what's wrong?"

"Abel is gone!"

"Lily, what do you mean Abel's gone?!"

"It stole him!"

"No! No, no, no, no! God dammit!"

"Henry, please calm down!"



"I had him, but he's gone! I had him, but he's gone!"

"Mrs. Lily, calm down!"


"Henry?" Why is he laughing? 


"Henry, please! I'm begging you."

"He's gone! Hahaha! It stole him! This is a punishment from the Lord."

"This is no punishment. Please just calm down. We can get through this and find Abel."

"Lord Nangar is punishing us for our sins by taking Abel away. Don't you see that priest? We've sinned, and now we are being punished for it! Hahaha!"


What was that? Something outside just gave a blood-curdling cry that sent shivers down my spine. It sounded like… A baby crying. 

"It's Abel!"

"It's Abel!"

"It's Abel!" As all of us said this, Henry darted out of the room and house. I followed him.


"Abel! Where are you?!"

"Henry, it sounds like it's coming from the forest!" I can't keep up with him. He's too fast, and all of these damn trees are in the way! Where did he go? This isn't good. I have no idea where he is, and I'm stranded in a forest. I need to find Henry soon. With that thing roaming around, it's not safe out here. But how am I going to find him? 


Wait, that sounds close to me. I ran towards the cries, finding myself in a clearing when the cries stopped. I stood still, listening for any more cries. But there was… Nothing! Why did the cries stop? I have a bad feeling about this. I began to look around when I noticed something. I barely noticed it in the darkness. It looked so faint I could easily miss it. I can't tell what it is… Wait, is that an eye?! It's a giant eye looking at me! I have to get out of here. I must run, but I can't! I can't move! My body won't listen to me! The eye was still looking at me. It never took its gaze off of me. 


Wait, it's the one making the crying sounds. It's not Abel that's crying. Is it trying to lure me to it by pretending to be Abel? Why? The eye seems to be discussed with me. It is judging me, but why? Then its eye narrowed. 


What did it just say? Michael. Who is Michael? Its voice didn't even sound human. Then it slowly faded into the darkness. I stood there for some time not moving, still frozen in fear. Then the crying began again. I need to leave and go back to the church! I can't stay here! I ran in the opposite direction of the cries. If I can at least make it into town, I will be safe from that thing. I'm sorry, Henry, but I don't want to die. I hope you live long enough for me to apologize. I ran as fast as I could out of the forest and made it to town. I then collapsed to my knees. I made it! I'm safe from that thing. I quickly got back up and went straight to the church. Before I opened the doors to go inside, I felt it again. This feeling was similar to how I felt when it knocked at the door at the Smiths house. I knew it was inside, but instead of my body not moving, it moved on its own. I was a slave to it. I tried to stop it, but my hands opened the door, and my feet moved forward. I walked to the middle of the room and stopped. In front of me there was an altar, and on the altar was Abel. Was he at the church this entire time? Then I noticed it. It was in the church, but how? This thing shouldn't be able to walk on holy grounds. It was looking at Abel. It had a look of love in its eye when it was looking at Abel. It loves him. It faded back into darkness.


It's crying again. Wait, no, it's not crying; it's Abel that's crying. I ran to Abel and saw the boy crying with his left eye bleeding. Blood stained his eye, and some of the blood ran down his cheek.

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