Chapter 32: CHAPTER 32

"Why did you ask the Hero Killer to deliver such a message Shigaraki?"


The night wind partially obscured Kurogiri's voice. But Shigaraki could still hear everything he said.


The two of them were now on the roof of a water reservoir in one of Hosu's city buildings. Shigaraki held binoculars in front of her eyes. Keeping an eye on every Nomu that had been released moments ago.


There was silence for a moment. Shigaraki did not answer immediately.


"The message will serve as a warning. But that will only happen if the Hero Killer remembers to deliver it. Unfortunately that guy sucks, he uses his muscles more than his brain." Shigaraki commented without lowering her binoculars.


"I wonder what attitude those heroes will take later. Whether they will hide the boy more. Or, the hidden existence of a villain in UA will be exposed to the public. What would people do if something like that happened?" Shigaraki stopped speaking as if waiting for Kurogiri's answer.


"They wouldn't accept if there was a villain hiding in the hero school?"


Shigaraki smiled slightly after hearing that.


"Yes, exactly. The people will demand that the villain be punished. They will never accept Yoshihiro with a villain identity to be in the hero school. Yoshihiro will only have two choices when that happens. Go to prison, or return to our side." Shigaraki's voice sounded cold.


Her sensei wanted Nagato back. Shigaraki could not help but do that even though she disliked Nagato from the very beginning.


It was all for Sensei. That was what she always muttered every time Shigaraki felt annoyed with the things she had to do.


Actually, Shigaraki had prepared a layered plan. At first glance what Shigaraki did would look like she really intended to bring Nagato back. But the truth was that Shigaraki intended to get rid of the boy.


The sound of screaming and explosions could be heard from below. The Nomu released by Shigaraki had done their job well.


The atmosphere was tense and chaotic. The screams of people and the sounds of items or buildings being destroyed and explosions filled various places. People scattered to save themselves. The heroes were split into two. Some evacuated the citizens, while the rest fought Nomu.


In the midst of all this chaos. Shigaraki and Kurogiri were just watching from the top of the building casually. As if everything that happened down there was just a street show.


"Then what if they prefer to hide Yoshihiro?"


"Easy, then we'll find the right time to pick him up ourselves." Shigaraki lowered her binoculars.


This was all just the beginning of her plan. The message the Hero Killer would deliver would be the opening of a long road of plans. Shigaraki took a long time to formulate this long plan. The plan to get rid of Nagato.


Hopefully Hero Killer wouldn't mess it up. Or if not then Shigaraki had to prepare a new plan.




In the morning Nagato got the news.


The Hero Killer had been caught by Endeavor in Hosu City.


So that's what happened yesterday. No wonder Nagato felt uncomfortable like forgetting something since yesterday.


Nagato completely forgot about the Hosu City incident.


Everything is going like the original storyline, right? Nagato just hopes that everything is still under control. As it happened in the original storyline. The heroes and the police should be able to take care of it easily.


Arriving at the school, All Might immediately rushed to the Principal's room. It could be guessed that UA must have also received information about the arrest of the Hero Killer that his students had done. The news had even been broadcasted on TV. It was impossible if UA didn't know about the incident yet.


Nagato casually walked away after All Might left. Today he planned to explore UA which was often of questionable size in the crowded Tokyo City.


There were many training grounds behind the school's main building to the point of having to use a bus to get to one of them.


Nagato exited the main building where the general student studies were and began walking along the paved road that led to the back.


The road was quiet and calm. Nagato felt like he was walking in a huge private park. There were trees along the roadside. Nagato felt the fresh morning breeze before jumping onto the tree.


With the help of a little shinra tensei Nagato landed smoothly on the tree branch. Skillfully he jumped from one branch to the branch in front of him.


After practicing for several days by continuously using the body flicker jutsu Nagato had now gotten used to using it. If before he only used feeling and instinct to be able to use it, now Nagato can do it at will.


Nagato's smile never stopped as he continued to jump up and down. He had never enjoyed this before. Because the past few incidents where Nagato had to use body flicker were sudden incidents that required him to fight or escape.


Maybe this is what it's like to be a shinobi.


Although Nagato can use body flicker, he can't go to the top of the tree like the shinobi. Because basically Nagato does not have chakra.


Nagato can use body flicker thanks to the help of his rinegannya ability, shinra tensei. So don't make the mistake of thinking that Nagato has chakra.




"Principal, about the message I got last night!." All Might barged into the Principal's room just like that.


"Yes Toshinori-san, I have also gotten it. Tsukauchi-san has come and will explain everything. Come on, I've also called the teachers for a sudden meeting. They should have assigned those who have classes to teach by now." Nezu got off the chair and walked out followed by All Might.


The teachers were already sitting in their respective seats in the meeting room. Even Aizawa-sensei who usually came last was sitting quietly in his seat. All Might and Nezu also immediately went to their own seats.


Tsukauchi stood up as soon as the two people sat down. Without further ado, she opened the meeting and reported the information that had been obtained during her investigation.


"The Hero Killer has been caught. He was defeated by your students. Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto, and Iida Tenya. But due to their identity as apprentices we made the name Pro Hero Endeavor as a cover for all that. I hope you don't mind, since it's the rule."



The teachers nodded in understanding. So Tsukauchi opened the file in her hand to continue.


"According to the testimony of one of your students, Iida Tenya. She said that the Hero Killer said something strange. Hero Killer said to return the boy to that man. I interviewed the three students one by one. But only Iida gave this information. He connected the dots and thought it was the Dragon that Hero Killer was referring to. But I told him to stay calm and leave it to the investigators. I'm pretty sure that Iida won't spread this information. "


The room was silent for a moment.


"Who was the man the Hero Killer was referring to?" Midnight suddenly asked.


"That's probably one of Nagato's former conspirators. The guy who ran away as soon as his plan failed." Aizawa-sensei squinted.


"Aizawa-san is right. That must be Shigaraki Tomura." Nezu added.


"He wants to take back what he threw away. Really has no shame." Aizawa-sensei commented.


The other teachers fell silent after hearing that comment.


"Maybe it wasn't on purpose. That child was left behind when the villain escaped. I saw her not caring about Shigaraki as she continued to hug her friend's body." Ectoplasm argued.


Her words made the others recall the USJ incident. The selfish desire of a boy who did not want to be separated from his friend to the point of destroying everything that tried to separate them.


The atmosphere of the room became rather heavy.


"Is that all there is to the Hero Killer?" Nezu changed the subject.


Tsukauchi nodded. "That's it, nothing else. Our party has also blocked this information. I can make sure that this information won't leak out."


Nezu laced her fingers together on the table and began to think.


"What about Nagato's own attitude after living here?" Tsukauchi asked.


"Still apathetic." Aizawa-sensei answered briefly.


"That's not true. Our relationship can be considered acquaintances, who will become friends." All Might added. Aizawa-sensei raised one eyebrow at All Might's words.


"You could say there's progress. Nagato-kun no longer rejects or ignores us. I believe he just needs a friend." Nezu straightened.


"I see. Well, I hope everything goes well. I came here in order to ask if UA will continue with this plan despite the risk of interference from Shigaraki Tomura. If you guys want to stop doing this, I'll take Nagato away." Tsukauchi closed the file in her hand and looked at the UA teachers in front of her.


Once again there was silence. Even though it was still morning, but the people in the room seemed to feel very tired from working all day.


People then turned their eyes to one spot. The place of the UA Principal, Nezu.


Nezu smiled after realizing there were many pairs of eyes looking at her.


"Why are you guys looking at me? Hah, I can't always be selfish about what I want either. Let's take a vote, just to be fair. Those who want the plan to go ahead and Nagato to stay here raise your hands. You can think about it carefully before raising your hands." Nezu played with his clawed fingers as he looked at the teachers who were staring at him.


The first person to raise his hand directly was All Might. His sense of responsibility as the number one hero and one of the one for all power holders made him unable to let Nagato suffer. Moreover, All Might has been living with Nagato every day. If anyone asks who is closest to Nagato, then he will not hesitate to volunteer.


Nagato was still young and his future was still long. There is still plenty of time for change. All Might recalled those words as he raised his hand.


The second person who raised his hand was Ectoplasm. His memory of the first time he met Nagato at USJ was still very vivid. Nagato was just an impressionable little boy. The boy still had a chance.


The third is Midnight. Nagato was a good boy in her eyes. The little white face looked cute, but Midnight could feel that Nagato would grow into a handsome man when he grew up.


Hound dog also raised his hand. Then Present Mic with his smile also raised his hand.


Power Loader, Snipe, Thirteen, Cementoss raised their hands. Even Lunch Rush who was somehow supposed to be in the cafeteria instead of sitting in the meeting room also raised his hand.


Nezu looked at the many people who had raised their hands. Then look at the people who didn't want to raise their hands. There was Aizawa-sensei, Vlad King, Recovery Girl who didn't join the meeting and was in the infirmary, and the last one was himself.


"Nezu-san, you didn't either." All Might looked at Nezu in surprise. He might be able to tolerate both Aizawa-sensei and Vlad King. But even Nezu himself really didn't want to.


Nezu smiled at All Might's words. "Well, I'm actually starting to hesitate to continue. I value the safety of my students more than one little kid."


Especially with the hidden threat that Shigaraki might launch. Nezu thought.


"But Nezu-san?"


"It's okay Toshinori-san, just ignore my opinion. Voting is still voting. The majority vote is still the winner. Everyone is already a witness to this election. The plan continues." Nezu declared the decision and everyone accepted it.




After almost half an hour of Nagato's journey. He arrived at a very large forest training area.


There was a boundary fence surrounding this area. From the front of the fence Nagato could see high artificial cliffs and mountains. Although it didn't reach the height of UA's main building. But these artificial mountains can still be considered spectacular especially when considering that these mountains are not real or natural mountains.


Nagato jumped over the fence easily and entered the area. The trees in this place look very lush.


Nagato felt somewhat familiar with this place. Is that right? He ran along the side of the mountain until he suddenly stopped.


It was true. There was a cave in front of Nagato. He jumped to the front of the cave and explored it. The cave wasn't very deep considering it was artificial.


This training area was indeed the place where 1A students practiced with guest students from Isami High School.


It was the most hilarious ova episode he had ever watched. He couldn't stop laughing while watching that episode.


Nagato came out of the cave and looked into the distance. There was a very steep high cliff. The place where All Might and Aizawa-sensei were watching the students who were training together.


Nagato chuckled remembering that episode. The training became very chaotic and out of control but also caused many funny incidents. All Might was overwhelmed in stopping the training while Aizawa-sensei didn't care at all even to watch.


That was probably because Aizawa-sensei already knew the final story of the training. So rather than go through the hassle and headache, Aizawa-sensei ignored his students during the training.


Nagato so wanted to see that episode live with his own eyes. But that event was still long in the future. So he could only be patient and look forward to it.




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