Chapter 33: CHAPTER 33
"Nezu-san, why don't you want to continue anymore. Wasn't Nezu-san the most adamant before?"
All Might and Nezu were now in the break room. Nezu made two cups of tea. One for himself and one for All Might.
"Hm, it's okay Toshinori-san, maybe I was thinking too far ahead. It's probably just my feelings. Let's just let the wind pass." Nezu put down the glass in front of her while sitting in front of All Might.
Nezu unintentionally noticed that there was a tea stem in the glass. However, the tea stem was not standing vertically.
"...I hope so."
Nagato spent his boring days wandering around every corner of UA.
Until the first grade apprenticeship time was over.
The first-year students all went back to school on Monday.
The weather that morning was cloudy. Under a slightly cloudy sky, various types of students entered the gates of UA High School.
"Pfft... ehm..., Bakugo, what happened to your hair?"
The atmosphere of classroom 1A was bright unlike the weather outside.
Kirishima and Sero covered their mouths that were about to burst out in laughter with shaking shoulders at the sight of Bakugo's clipped hairstyle.
"HAH! You're making fun of me!!! My hair won't come back even after I wash it so many times!" Bakugo angrily snapped at Kirishima and Sero who still hadn't stopped.
The other students ignored the behavior of the three. The others preferred to talk about their respective internship experiences. Especially the three students who had come to Hosu City.
Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki. Those three people continued to be the main focus of their friends. But those three people just kept quiet. Because the truth that others knew was that Endeavor defeated and captured the Hero Killer.
Not the facts that actually happened and experienced by the three people. It was all because of their identity as school students, so the real facts were hidden. It would not feel good indeed. The achievements you've actually made have been claimed by others just to protect your good name.
But the three people swallowed the bad taste whole. Even Todoroki, who was known to dislike his father, was able to praise his father's greatness in order to cover up the true facts.
Todoroki's praise seemed to wake up Midoriya and Iida. They became increasingly determined to become Pro Hero. So that they don't have to borrow other people's names to protect their own good name.
Bakugo's eyes twitched. An increasingly bent expression appeared on Bakugo's face. His hands were ready to move forward to grab the collars of the two people who had been laughing at him since earlier.
Kirishima and Sero's stifled laughter stopped. Bakugo's hand that was already gripping the collars of the two people about to pull him up also stopped.
Instantly all the voices in the room fell silent. Everyone turned to the now open door.
In front of the door, a red-haired boy stood with a stack of papers in his hands.
Huh... Nagato sighed internally. If it wasn't for Aizawa-sensei suddenly leaving him an assignment. There was no way Nagato would have come here on his own.
And why do people in this class always calm down instantly when someone opens the door?. They look like paranoid people.
Nagato looked at the people in the room. Silently taking attendance. Hmm, everyone left. Including those three.
Nagato's eyes momentarily lingered on the trio that captured the Hero Killer for three seconds before shifting his gaze away.
His eyes then fixated on the three people in the front row. Especially the one with the neatly trimmed hair.
"...Oh? mm, nice hairstyle."
Nagato's comment brought the silence to an end.
"Pfft, hahaha...!" Kirishima and Sero continued their laughter. The sound of laughter filled the classroom.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Bakugo's hair instantly exploded along with his shout.
"Hahaha! Bakugo, look at your hair coming back!" Sero laughed loudly not caring if his behavior looked like he was digging his own grave.
"Come here, you guys!" Bakugo grabbed Sero and Kirishima by the collar and taught them a valuable lesson.
The behavior of the three caught the attention of the other students. The other students smiled at the two's misfortune.
"Nagato-kun, do you need anything?"
The one who asked was Uraraka. It could be said that this girl was a very easygoing person to everyone.
"Mn, I brought this from uncle mummy for the class president." Nagato handed over the stack of papers he was holding.
"I see. Iida, come here!" Uraraka waved at Iida who seemed to be about to stop Bakugo, Kirishima and Sero's quarrel.
"...I?, what's wrong?" Iida walked over with a complicated and strange expression.
"Looks like Aizawa-sensei left the task." Uraraka didn't notice Iida's strange face and continued talking.
But obviously Nagato noticed it. A face like that, would appear if someone knew something that no one else should know. Or in other words a secret.
Indeed what had Iida realized from Nagato?. Nagato's eyes narrowed at the thought.
Uraraka handed over the task to Iida. "Nagato-kun, anything else?"
Nagato shook his head. "Collect it from uncle mummy when you're done." Nagato turned around and left.
"Wait a minute, Nagato-kun." Uraraka stopped Nagato. Why, because he had read the assignment on the paper at a glance.
A short report during the internship.
Uraraka thought if this could be the right opportunity to tell Nagato about how great a hero he was. Of course he wouldn't forget his promise to change Nagato's way of thinking. There should be some interesting internship experiences among his friends. Uraraka's face perked up at the thought.
What does he want now? Nagato blinked in confusion after seeing Uraraka's expression. But then put that thought aside. He was also feeling a bit bored right now. Maybe these 1A figures could give him some entertainment.
Like Bakugo's exploding hair incident a moment ago.
Iida broke up the bickering trio then distributed the tasks at each table.
"Can you wait a moment Nagato-kun?" Nagato nonchalantly nodded and took a seat at the front podium.
Everyone began to calm down as they sat down and worked on the piece of paper.
Two hours later Nagato entered the teacher's room with the assignment that had been done.
"...Why is your expression like that?" Aizawa-sensei accepted the paper in Nagato's hand.
Nagato's face was crumpled and gloomy. Like he had eaten stale food.
"You didn't do anything strange did you?" Aizawa-sensei asked suspiciously.
"How exactly do you educate your students?" Nagato muttered.
"Nothing, count the papers yourself. I'm leaving." Nagato turned around after saying that. Aizawa-sensei looked at Nagato in confusion.
It turned out that Nagato's choice to obey Uraraka's request earlier was a big mistake.
After finishing writing their experience, it turned out that Uraraka asked his friends to tell it. Then Uraraka gave positive comments and compliments on each of his friends' experiences.
The atmosphere of the class was still bright and cheerful especially when everyone was excitedly telling about their internships.
Amidst all this cheerful atmosphere, a gloomy-looking Nagato seemed out of place.
Nagato was the kind of person who disliked listening to lectures the most. Especially this nonsense talk that had absolutely no benefit.
For two boring hours Nagato just let every sentence go in one ear and out the other.
"Huh..." For the umpteenth time Nagato sighed today.
Actually Nagato knew Uraraka's good intentions. The girl just didn't want Nagato to become a villain. That's why Uraraka did something like that.
Nagato himself is also aware of himself. From the beginning he was not a villain. The one who has the beginning of villain is 'Nagato', not himself.
He is himself, not 'Nagato'. How could he choose the path of a villain. The path of darkness would never feel comfortable. He knew and realized that fact. That's why he always emphasized his identity if it was 'Nagato'.
But the existence of 'Nagato's' own soul which is still unknown is very odd. Nagato was reminded of his own speculation if the soul of 'Nagato' still existed in this body.
The state of 'Nagato's' body when he woke up with this body was also not severe. It was impossible for 'Nagato' to die with just a small wound. Then there were instincts and habits that he obviously didn't have that would appear if the situation was urgent.
Nagato thought of all the things he had done in the past. The more he thought about it the more Nagato felt goosebumps.
If it was true that 'Nagato' had not died and was still in this body. Then why does 'Nagato' never come out?.
"Oh, boy Nagato be careful."
Nagato looked up after someone held his body which was almost swaying. In front of him was All Might with his muscular mode and costume. Apparently he had been thinking too much to see the road.
"What's wrong, are you alright Nagato boy." All Might noticed Nagato's expression which looked pale.
"It's okay Uncle. Are you going to teach?" Nagato glanced at the costume that All Might was wearing.
"Haha, yes of course. The basic heroic training is my lesson. Do you want to come, you can watch." All Might's signature laughter echoed in the empty hallway.
"No, thank you. See you uncle." Nagato waved then left.
All Might scratched his head at the departure of the red-haired boy. All Might then turned around.
"...Ah!, Aizawa-san. You surprised me." All Might rubbed his chest. Aizawa-sensei suddenly already behind All Might also saw Nagato's departure.
"She also had that expression in front of me earlier."
"He, you mean son Nagato?" Aizawa-sensei nodded.
"Indeed, what did son Nagato do before?" All Might asked in confusion.
"I just asked him to deliver the assignment to the class. Two hours later that boy came back to me with that face." Aizawa-sensei also did not understand the cause of Nagato's gloomy expression. He then remembered Nagato's mumbling earlier.
Indeed, what have my students done?. Aizawa-sensei thought of his students who often made trouble and felt his hair would fall out instantly.
Nagato had no idea that his behavior would make his two supervisors think suspiciously. He was currently heading towards his recently discovered hideout. It was a quiet and rarely used, music room.
Nagato needed time and space to think. The soundproof recording room was the perfect choice.
The timing of All Might's lesson went like the original storyline. Rescue mission.
The students would be divided into groups with four people in each group. They would race to be the fastest to reach the victims without causing damage to the surrounding buildings.
All Might's lesson was over and the students went back to change. The improvement during the apprenticeship was really noticeable during this training session. Especially Midoriya, his improvement was the most prominent among his friends. Because of that Midoriya was now the talk of the others.
Midoriya who was a humble character by nature felt overwhelmed by his friends' positive comments. But even though he wore an embarrassed and overwhelmed expression, his mind was thinking of something else.
After changing clothes Midoriya was going to meet All Might. The number one hero would tell him the origin of the One for All. The quirk he had received.
It was now time for a short break after changing clothes. Midoriya headed towards the teacher's break room with an excited yet nervous expression.
When Midoriya opened the door inside there was already All Might in his skinny mode sitting on the sofa. There were two steaming cups of tea on the table.
"All Might?"
"Sit down, Midoriya boy. I have decided that you are ready now. To hear the truth about one for all. The quirk that can be given."
The reddish afternoon sun shone into the room. Making the atmosphere stoic and solemn. Midoriya immediately sat up straight. Ready to listen.
All Might saw Midoriya's serious attitude and began to tell the story of One for All's past that had been told by his predecessor.
From the first year quirk began to appear. Discrimination of people who have quirk. Until the existence of All for one and the creation of one for all. Then when All Might managed to defeat All for one.
"I thought at that time I had completely defeated him. But now I'm not too sure." All Might stood up and looked at the afternoon sun.
"Why aren't you sure All Might?" Midoriya asked in confusion.
"The appearance of Shigaraki Tomura, the leader of the league of villains who brought Nomu. I'm sure that someone else encouraged Shigaraki's appearance. There's no way someone like Shigaraki could make a decision on her own."
"Then..., you mean All for one?"
All Might nodded. "Most likely he is still alive. And that person will be your greatest enemy, Midoriya boy. Now it's your turn to fight him. Don't let that person spread evil again."
Midoriya nodded with determined eyes. "I will definitely do it!"
All Might nodded at Midoriya's spirit. Although his mind was thinking about Midoriya who might find it difficult to fight All for one since All Might was no longer able to fight back.
"And one more thing, as the successor of one for all you have the right to know Midoriya boy." All Might sat back on the sofa. He glanced at the tea that had cooled down untouched due to the too serious talk.
"I want you to really take care of Nagato boy, Midoriya boy. I think Nagato boy could be the key to finding All for one."
"...Nagato-kun, related to All for one?" Midoriya stared in disbelief.
All Might nodded. "This is still just my guess. Haven't you ever noticed. Nagato kid has more than one quirk, similar to All for one. Or it's possible that Nagato kid could be an All for one creation, just like the first generation of one for all."
"But, can't Nagato-kun only pull out iron from his hands?. Or maybe it could be that Nagato-kun has a quirk type similar to Todoroki." Midoriya looked at All Might.
All Might shook his head. "That's different, Midoriya boy. Nagato boy's quirk still cannot be classified. Whether it is an elemental type or a mutation. Secretly, the investigators are still investigating. Nagato's origins are also still a mystery."
Midoriya was silent with that statement.
All Might looked at Midoriya calmly. "Nagato boy first came together with Shigaraki Tomura. And Shigaraki Tomura also most likely has a relationship with All for one. That way, Nagato kid might be...,"
All Might was silent for a moment. Nagato's problem may seem simple, but if you pull out all the threads, things will become complicated.
"Midoriya boy, you don't need to think too far. Just remember this. Nagato kid, is still a kid. What does a child usually do? Imitate and follow adults. So even though Nagato kid might be related to All for one. He's most likely just imitating it. So I want you to give him a good example to emulate. So that Nagato boy can forget the thoughts of the villain he once imitated. For the problem of All for One and Shigaraki Tomura, let the Pro Heroes take care of it. You just need to know their whereabouts. Don't think too much about them, just focus on Nagato boy."
Midoriya smiled and nodded firmly. "Alright All Might, I'll do my best."
All Might also smiled after hearing that answer. With Midoriya's optimistic character, All Might knew that the boy meant what he said. "Now go back to your class before Aizawa-sensei comes in."
Midoriya nodded then left after greeting. All Might cleaned up the tea that had not been drunk while thinking.
Midoriya boy, I really hope for you. The next successor of one for all.
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