Chapter 14: Chapter 13 - Together for war [1]
It was noticeable that the man seemed a little softer with Karui's manner. Ah, so that's what she was doing... He was silent for a moment, as if he was getting caught up in her sympathy, but soon seemed to recover and straightened up.
- Well then, miss, if you would be so kind as to accompany me. We'll take you to the plane, which will leave for your new home.
The flight, which was only really scary during take-off and landing, lasted an hour. There were movies and food, but I just wanted to look out the window. The country below seemed so vast, so immense. I stared at everything, amazed at the immensity of it all.
Karui preferred to sleep during the flight, which, to my surprise, was a favor. Shion, on the other hand, pulled out a book of poetry and, as she read it, looked even more delicate, if that were possible.
- "She's so elegant..." Ino whispered in my ear, pointing with her chin in Shion's direction. - I think she's cooler than the other one...
- "...Thunder Village is much bigger..." - I imitated Karui, pompous voice and all. Ino laughed quietly, but we soon froze when Karui let out a grumble from her armchair, causing us to freeze in place.
Ino held my hand and made me look at her.
- I know something's happened. I don't know why you don't want to tell me, but I'll always be here, Sakura.
On an impulse, I hugged her tightly, as if she could put the pieces of my heart back together. I knew she couldn't, but the way she hugged me back gave me the feeling that being away from him would perhaps be my fresh start.
When we landed, we found a silent atmosphere along the path, surrounded by guards, between the plane and the terminal. But as soon as the doors opened, the deafening screams took over.
The terminal was packed with people jumping and cheering, and a golden carpet led the way, surrounded by cordons. Guards circulated at regular intervals, watching intently, ready to act at the first sign of danger.
Luckily, Karui was leading the way and started waving. I realized that this was the right reaction, and not to cower as I had planned. Ino, always competitive, vied for the lead with Karui, and Shion lagged behind, maintaining his characteristic elegance and calm.
I was in the middle, the crowd shouting my name, and, as if that wasn't enough, placards were raised.
I lowered my head for a moment and saw a little girl crushed against the parapet. She must have been no more than twelve years old. In her hands, she was holding a card that read: "Rosada is going to smash", with a small crown drawn in the corner and little stars scattered around.
She wanted an autograph. The boy next to her wanted a photo, and the person next to him wanted to shake my hand. A mother held out a baby, and I stood there, smiling and signing my name for the photos. The baby got a kiss, and that's when I felt a soft hand touch my arm.
- It must be nice to be the favorite," Shion said, smiling sweetly at me. Behind her, many people were calling her name, but she didn't seem to mind.
- The way the prince looked at you when you were selected... He didn't look at any of the others like that. These people think you're the prince's true love. - Shion smiled, as if revealing an exciting secret, and pulled me into a hug. - Enjoy it while it lasts, Haruno Sakura.
After the big welcome party and the awkward conversation with Shion, we arrived at the venue to get ready. Kakashi said he would be there to welcome me, and I almost jumped for joy when I saw him at the doors.
With little more than a "hello", two women grabbed me by the arm and dragged me inside.
- Forgive us for rushing, Miss Sakura, but we're already late," said Kakashi.
There was a human anthill behind those golden doors. I could see rows of professionals cutting the girls' hair and doing their nails. Clothes were hanging from hangers and people were shouting things like "I've found the tone!" and "You look fat like that!"
Kakashi put me in a chair and the two women looked at me intently.
- So, here's the deal. Who do you want to be, Haruno Sakura?
- What, Kakashi? - I laughed, a little silly. - I could just be Sakura.
- Which Sakura do you want to be, Mileide? - asked one of the girls. - The sexy Sakura? The smart Sakura? The coy Sakura?
- The seductive Sakura? The elegant Sakura? - added the other.
I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was always cut short to make it easier to work, my cheeks flushed from the sun. I hardly ever wore make-up.
- I want to be me, but young," I tried to explain, and Kakashi laughed.
- I hope you like her," he said softly in my ear.
One of the women started rubbing my body, as if I was incapable of doing it myself. Then every bit of bare skin was smeared with essences and oils that left me smelling like vanilla. According to one of the women, it was the prince's favorite scent.
As soon as they had finished making me soft and smooth, all attention turned to my nails. They trimmed, filed and painted them emerald green, the color of my eyes.
Then Kakashi appeared, carrying several locks of pink hair. I widened my eyes in surprise.
When he'd finished, my hair, which always hit my shoulders, was now at the end of my back.
- Whoa... - said a green-haired girl next to me. - I like it. Can I change stylists with you? Mine wants to dye my hair black and stuff.
- Your name is Fuu, right? - I asked, trying to keep the conversation light.
- Myself, from the Seven caste. We didn't have much choice in the Village of Wings. But you're Haruno Sakura, aren't you? - She smiled, her eyes shining with a mixture of curiosity and competitiveness. Somehow, all the girls saw me as a threat, and they were all impressed by me. Shion had mentioned something about how the prince looked at me when I was introduced.
- You came with that Karui, didn't you? Terrible little girl. - Fuu commented, a slight smile of derision on her lips.
I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of tension in the air. The whole hall could hear Karui's shouts, as she arrogantly ordered her assistants to hurry up or simply get out of the way.
- You have no idea... - I muttered, sharing the frustration. We both laughed quietly.
- Look, I think your hair is beautiful. - I said, trying to ease the tension.
Just then, Fuu's stylist returned.
- Oooo, Kisame, let's do it like this, no black hair. Let's leave it the way it is, it's perfect. - He said with a smile, starting to adjust her locks.