Naruto: Chosen

Chapter 15: Chapter 14 - Together for war [2]

- Miss Fuu, I... - I began, but Fuu interrupted me.

- Without you, my hair will stay green, and that's sure to attract the prince's attention. For better or for worse, the important thing is to catch his eye. - Kisame, the stylist, sighed, clearly tired and annoyed.

- As you wish. - He gave up.

An incredibly beautiful woman did my makeup under Kakashi's supervision. The eyes, loaded with green tones, and the mouth with a strong pink, gave me a surprising result. While some girls looked older or younger, I almost looked like the same Sakura who had arrived on the last plane, if it weren't for my long hair now.

- The old Sakura Haruno is still there, if the prince wants to see her. - Kakashi said with a subtle smile.

The dress I was wearing was breathtaking. It was a greenish-white color, with a mermaid tail that made me feel fabulous. My hair, now curly, was adorned with a tiara. When Kakashi tried to put on a more extravagant one, I showed him the silver clip I had brought from home. He pinned it to the side and spun me around so that everyone could appreciate the "miracle". Sakura Haruno didn't look like a cowgirl after all.

Kakashi led me into a closed room with cameras and an interviewer. It was the first special for the Official Gazette.

- So, Haruno Sakura, are you ready? - asked the interviewer, seconds before the red camera light came on.

- Yes. - I replied, trying not to look nervous.

- Wow, you look fabulous, Sakura! Whose idea was your hair?

- My stylist, Kakashi, has golden ideas. I couldn't be happier. - I smiled, feeling the nervousness dissipate.

- What stages did you go through? - She asked, more curious now.

I thought for a moment.

- Well, they put in hairpieces, they did my nails, there was also make-up... Oh, and they also put vanilla lotion on me, I smell like dessert. - The interviewer laughed, and I could almost see my mother banging her head against the wall. She hated my kind of jokes.

- You're one of the three Four in the competition. How has the experience been so far?

- Amazing. The people shouting my name, the posters... God, it's crazy, but I'm loving every minute of it. - I said, sincerely.

- I think there will be more crazy days to come. - She smiled. - What have you thought of the competition so far?

- I'd like to say I've made a lot of friends, but that wouldn't be true. In fact, I'm lucky that my best friend came with me.

- Oh really? Miss Ino Yamanaka? - The interviewer perked up.

- Yes, I couldn't be happier to be sent here with her.

- A competition of this size could ruin a friendship, don't you think? - The woman asked, teasing.

- Not ours. - I answered confidently.


I ran into Ino again. She looked as beautiful as ever, with her hair up in a high, braided bun and her blue eyes highlighted by dark eyeshadow. She was wearing a large, flowing dress in light blue. If there was a more beautiful woman in the world, I didn't know it.

- Do I look like a queen? - She asked, and I could see that the other two girls with her were visibly annoyed.

- You're a terrible competitor. - I joked, laughing.

- I love your long hair! - She said, running her hand through my hair. - It matched perfectly and it even masked her forehead.

I punched her lightly on the shoulder and rolled my eyes.

- Cretin.

We were offered a tour of the Palace, led by a chubby, serious man. He took us to the women's lounge, where we would spend most of the time. Among the main rules, we were not to leave without permission from a member of the royal family, and the third floor was forbidden, as it was the royal family's floor.

We began to walk around the second floor, and at each stop, the girls were taken to their respective rooms. When it was my turn, Ino entered the room opposite.

- I'm just a step away, mademoiselle. - I said, laughing, before entering.

Three women were in my room, dressed as maids.

- Miss Haruno... - They said in unison, bowing politely.

- Sakura is a good size, girls. - I smiled and sat down on the soft bed. - And you are...?

- I'm Samui. - Answered the blonde. - This is Shizune and Rin. We are here to serve you.

Shizune had short black hair and black eyes, while Rin had brown hair and eyes and a gentle smile.

They soon decided that I must be tired and left. I lay in bed and thought about how crazy that day had been.


Lady Kurenai, who was in charge of us at the Palace, knocked on my door at six in the morning to take us to the women's hall. All the girls were arranged in a double row. Ino was next to me.

The sound of thirty-five pairs of high heels clacking against the marble of the staircase was like the music of an elegant herd. Muffled whispers could be heard, but most of the girls remained silent. I glanced at the doors to the dining room, which were closed as we passed. Could the royal family be there, having their last meal alone? It was strange that we had been invited and still hadn't met any of them.

The women's lounge was a comfortable room, with white chairs, round glass tables, white curtains and a large television set. Kurenai asked us to settle down. I shared a four-seater table with Ino, Fuu and Shion, who watched me out of the corner of his eye whenever he thought I was distracted.

When we were all seated, the television was turned on and we watched the Official Gazette. It was the same old news, until finally they dedicated the final thirty minutes to Orochimaru's comments on the images from our day.

- Here we see Miss Karui Uzumaki saying goodbye to her many admirers in Thunder Village. This lovely girl needed more than an hour to say goodbye to her fans. - The presenter commented, and Karui smiled smugly as she saw herself on TV alongside Mei Terumi, a redhead from the Village of Waves, who was sporting the same self-sufficient smile. "Keep your enemies close," I thought.

- Miss Shion Kouza is also very popular, totally refined, immediately defined as a lady. - The presenter continued. - Traveling along with Miss Kouza was Haruno Sakura, one of the four finalists in the Selection, who seemed to have won over every voice in Konoha, with shouts in her honor. During the interviews, we were surprised by a partnership we hadn't seen for years.

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