Naruto: Chosen

Chapter 18: Chapter 17 - Twenty-six [1]

I sighed as I pulled back the curtains, trying to drown out the sound of the mental music that insisted on haunting me. What else could I do? Maybe find some way to turn my mind off for a moment, to give myself a break from this cycle that seemed to have no end.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. What I saw there was the prince, yes, but also the boy who was trying to find himself in the midst of it all. The weight of being expected by everyone, the weight of being the leader, of carrying the Senju name, of being the center of all expectations, was crushing me.

I just wanted to find something that was mine, that was real. Something that hadn't been imposed. And maybe, just maybe, Sakura was that something.

(Naruto Senju, I yelled at Naruto Senju.)

The phrase repeated itself in my mind like a curse. It wasn't just the shame of my own reaction, but the disappointment of knowing that I had failed at something so simple: keeping my composure. I had been a fool, really, and now I was stuck in that place, with a prince in mind and an uncertain future ahead of me.

Rin gently pulled back the rich, heavy curtains. She hummed a song, absolutely happy with her task. I wasn't ready to move. I wanted to lie there forever and never look into the prince's gentle blue eyes again. I had been a rude fool and had brought shame on my caste and my province. I should apologize. It would be a miracle if the prince allowed it.

- Miss? Are you awake?

- Nãoooooo - I grunted from the pillow.

Samui, Rin and Shizune laughed at my grunt, which was enough to make me laugh too and decide to finally move off the soft sheets. I wondered if they would be my friends during that competition or if the rules of etiquette wouldn't allow us to go that far. Ino and Izumi had always been my best friends, but we had as much in common as a rich girl and a country girl do. I missed the Five and Six, who were my friends at home. There was Sarah Lynn, who was a Seven and had thrown me kisses at my match. Maito Guy had thrown me a flower, and there were the many others who had shouted for me. I always felt at ease with them.

I made my way slowly towards that gigantic bathroom, and every step echoed in the vast expanse of tiles and glass. Through the mirror, I could see that Shizune was observing the dirt stains on my shirt. And Samui's careful eyes were watching them too. Finally, it was Rin's turn to notice. None of them asked any questions. They just took off my sweater and walked me to the bathtub.

- Ahhh, this is so good," I said, sinking into the foams. - I could die in here.

Samui and Shizune frowned, but Rin smiled.

Rin seemed the most delicate and lively of the maids, beautiful with a simple beauty that only made her more enchanting. The three of them would be dressing me during my stay at the Palace, so I knew we would soon become very good friends.

After the shower, Rin dried my hair and curled the ends, pinning them up with the clip I'd brought from home, an old silver thing with flowers painted on it. It was a family heirloom, if a little silver thing like that could be considered an heirloom. Kakashi had made me a beautiful emerald green dress with white embroidered lilies, put me in low white heels and I immediately missed my riding boots. Those crude, unprincipled things that someone had taken away from me.

I was surrounded by luxury, but my heart was still far away.

Shizune, Samui and Rin smiled when they saw the result. I took that as a sign that I was presentable enough to go down to the café. With bows and smiles, the three of them wished me good luck before I left. Rin's hands were still shaking.

I was the first to reach the lobby, so I sat down on the sofa to wait for the others.

- Hey, flower! - Fuu said excitedly, appearing in the doorway.

She was wearing earrings and a pearl necklace, her short green hair wavy, and an ivory-colored dress that highlighted her dark skin tone.

She looked like a One, while I looked like a Four in a pretty dress.

- How was the evening?

Fuu had orange eyes, always shining with emotion, and it was impossible not to like her. Fuu was from the Village of Wings. I still didn't know her partner, but I knew she was a Five and sang happily in five different languages. But Fuu's eyes, so alive and full of energy, made me certain that the other girl wouldn't have those same eyes.

- I slept on cloud nine. - I decided to omit the embarrassing episode of my meeting. - And you?

- I was up all night. Doesn't it feel a bit... like a prison in here? - she replied.

The girls began to arrive, and they all looked stunning. Their hair, once loose, was now tied up in meticulously arranged braids and curls. Their make-up was impeccable and their dresses were perfectly ironed. I saw two girls coming into the lobby, and they noticed that they were wearing almost identical dresses. With a quick glance and an embarrassed smile, they both turned around and left to change. Each one wanted to shine in her own way - and they all did. Even me.

When Kurenai arrived to escort us to the dining room, we still had to wait for Karui and Shion.

Once everyone had gathered, we started walking towards the stairs. On the wall, a large golden mirror reflected our image. Before going downstairs, I took one last look at how I looked. Next to me, I saw Fuu's reflection. I really did look plain, almost dull.

We went downstairs, expecting to be taken to the dining room, as we had been told. But instead, we were led straight into the Great Hall, which was filled with rows of golden chairs arranged in front of a white sofa against the wall. We lined up and sat where we wanted. Ino sat in front of me, while Shion was on my left and Fuu on my right. Were they, my allies? Something in Shion's eyes told me no.

- Sakura, you look stunning. - said Shion with a soft smile and a voice full of admiration.

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