Chapter 19: Chapter 18 - Twenty-six [2]
- Oh, thank you. You look magnificent.
- Isn't it fun wearing all that jewelry? Where are yours? - she asked, curious.
- Hmm, too heavy - I replied, shrugging and smiling.
- They're heavy, true, but I think I'll get used to them.
There was no better posture in the entire national team. That was a fact. From the start, Shion had looked like a princess, and now, with all those jewels and props, she looked even more like one. It was as if something suddenly became clear to me, and I couldn't keep quiet.
- You're going to win," I murmured, unable to help it. The girl smiled, full of confidence.
- I will! But it's rude to say that," she winked, amused.
Suddenly, all the whispering stopped. I thought Kurenai had cast an accusing glance at someone, but when I looked at the door, there he was. Prince Naruto, beaming, smiling and absolutely thrilled.
- Good morning, miss," he said with a charming smile.
- Your Majesty - Kurenai bowed briefly and impeccably.
- Hello, Kurenai. If you don't mind, I'd like to introduce myself to these young ladies.
- Of course, it wouldn't be a problem," she replied, bowing once more.
Prince Naruto looked around the hall and soon bumped into me. Our gazes met for a moment and he smiled. His smile was unmistakable, the most captivating of all. He didn't seem the least bit irritated. Perhaps my drama the night before had amused him in some way. If I wasn't a princess, I'd probably be his court jester, after all.
- Miss, if you don't mind, I'd like to meet each of you individually. I'm sure you're all hungry, just like me, so I promise not to take up too much of your time.
With that, he turned to the young woman at the right end of the first row and led her to the sofas. The two of them chatted for a few minutes, and then she got up. The second girl in the right row then got up and walked over to the prince. The process continued.
- I wonder what he wants to know? - whispered Ino to me.
- Maybe you should make a mental list of the actors you find most beautiful. You can start now. - I whispered, and she let out a soft laugh.
I watched in silence, distracted, as each of the Selected was called up for interview. Some remained calm and dignified, others seemed about to explode with nervousness. Fuu, for example, turned as red as a bell bell pepper when it was her turn to approach the prince, and returned with a radiant smile. Ino, on the other hand, nervously adjusted her dress every few seconds.
My body began to sweat when I saw that she was returning, which meant that my turn had come. I stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the sofa. Being the center of attention in those blue eyes almost made me forget how to walk.
- Sakura, right? - he teased, a playful smile lighting up his face.
- Yes, it's me. And I know I've heard your name before, but... could you refresh my memory? - I replied, trying to crack a joke. Naruto's laugh assured me that I had hit the right note.
He leaned forward a little, his eyes shining with curiosity.
- Did you sleep well, my dear? - he asked, with a soft tone that made me fall silent for a second.
I didn't know what expression I was making, but his eyes were full of excitement. I was probably more embarrassed than I'd like to admit.
- I'm not your darling. - I smiled back, trying to look more confident. - But, yes, I slept very well. My maids had to practically drag me out of bed.
He smiled with a hint of amusement.
- I'm glad to hear you're comfortable, my... Sakura. - he corrected, his smile widening.
- A thousand apologies for what I said yesterday. - I continued, a little disconcerted. - I don't want you to think that the Four are so rude. The Tea Village educates us very well... Ino is living proof of that. - I looked at my friend, but the prince's eyes never left me.
I think all the girls declared themselves to him at that moment. The prince bowed his head briefly. When he looked at me again, he rested his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, as if trying to make me understand the seriousness of the moment.
- Sakura, you've been very honest with me so far. That's something I deeply appreciate. Now, I'd like to ask you to answer one question, if it's not too much trouble.
I nodded, a little afraid of what he might want to know. He leaned further towards me; his eyes fixed on mine.
- You said you were here by mistake. It made me think... you don't want to stay. Does your heart already belong to someone else?
The word "someone" sounded so intense that it almost made me stop. His eyes, black as darkness, weren't kind; they never had been. They were dangerous, like the worst of alleys. And yet I loved him.
- My heart belongs to someone else. - my voice came out bitter, and, for a moment, something in his eyes seemed to fade.
- Do you want me to let you go back to your beloved today? - he asked, his voice cold as steel.
- I don't wish that, my prince. - she said, resolutely. - I want to stay. I don't want to go home.
He frowned, visibly confused, but his expression soon softened and an amused smile appeared.
- I don't understand... - he said, joking about the situation. - You've fallen in love with me in such a short space of time?
I rolled my eyes, unable to contain my smile, and Naruto laughed at my reaction.
- Let's make a deal, then. - he suggested, with a mischievous glint in his eye.
- A deal? - I asked, curious.
- It must be hard to choose your wife from all these thirty-four, isn't it? So, here's my proposal: if you allow me to stay, I'll point you in the right direction and show the prince the best candidates. I'll be your friend.
He paused for a moment, thoughtful, before finally agreeing.
- I've met almost all the girls in this salon, but none of them are better friends than you. I'd be delighted to let you stay. - He said with a charming smile.
I sighed with relief.
- Can I call you "my darling" now? - He asked, still looking hopeful.
- Not a chance. - I replied softly.
- I'll keep trying. I don't usually give up. - He assured me, and his words sounded so sincere that I believed them.
- Did you call them all "my dear"? - I asked, looking away to the rest of the room.
- Yes, and they all seemed to like it. - He replied, with a mischievous smile.