Chapter 20: Chapter 19 - Twenty-six [3]
- That's exactly why I didn't like it," he said, with that captivating smile.
I stood up. Naruto laughed and bowed. I returned the gesture and went back to my seat. I was so hungry that the other interviews seemed to last forever. But finally, the last girl was back.
Naruto then walked to the center of the hall.
- Those I asked to remain, please take your seats. The others can accompany Kurenai to the dining hall. I'll join you shortly.
Had he asked some of them to stay? To spend more time with them? I noticed that Shion was one of the chosen ones and I saw the superior look she gave Fuu when the greenish girl accompanied me. Shion was special, she seemed born to be a princess.
We entered the banquet hall and there, more majestic than ever, were Queen Tsunade, Princess Karin and Prince Suigetsu. There were also cameras, ready to capture our first meeting with the royal family. Kurenai took the lead and dominated the scene.
- Ladies," she said, "I'm afraid we're not quite there yet. Every time you enter a room where a member of royalty is present, you must bow. Let's all do it together now.
And we all did.
- Welcome, girls," said Queen Tsunade, her voice pleasant but always firm. - Please sit down and make yourself at home in the Palace. It's a pleasure to welcome you.
As Kurenai had explained to us, our glasses were filled with orange juice and our coffee was served on platters covered by domes. Queen Tsunade blessed our meal, and we all began to eat. Minutes later, Naruto entered to take his seat. Before we could move, he gestured.
- Please don't get up, ladies.
He went to the main table, kissed the Queen's cheek, squeezed Prince Suigetsu's shoulder and pinched the Princess's cheek. He muttered something to the nearest guard, who laughed discreetly. Finally, he turned his attention to his plate.
Shion hadn't arrived yet. Neither had the other girls. I looked around, confused, and counted how many were missing. Eight. Eight girls were missing.
Hinata, who was sitting in front of me, answered the question I had asked with her eyes.
- They've gone, Sakura-senpai," she said.
Gone? I couldn't imagine what someone could have done in five minutes to get a ticket home. So, without further explanation, there were now only twenty-six of us.
The cameramen made a quick round of the room, recording everything before letting us enjoy breakfast in peace. Not before, of course, filming the prince.
I was still a little upset by the sudden elimination, but Naruto seemed completely at ease, laughing at something Prince Suigetsu had said. My plate was full of the most delicious things in the universe. The eggs and bacon seemed to have come from heaven, and the pancakes were perfect, much thicker than the thin ones I used to make at home.
I heard several small sighs and, looking up, I searched for the other Four to see if they were enjoying their meal as much as I was. It was then that I realized I was the only one still there.
I picked up a slice of strawberry pie with the tongs and put it on my plate. The sweetness was intoxicating, and the puff pastry was so soft that each piece seemed to melt in my mouth. I couldn't help it and rolled my eyes in delight. I took another bite before swallowing what was still in my mouth.
- Miss Sakura? - A voice called out.
Every head in the room turned to the source of the voice, who was none other than Prince Naruto. I was surprised that he would address me, or any of us, so casually, and in front of everyone.
The worst thing about being called out so abruptly was that my mouth was full. I covered it with my hand and chewed as fast as I could. Prince Suigetsu tried to disguise a smile by bringing a piece of pancake to his mouth.
- Yes, Your Majesty? - I replied as soon as I had swallowed most of the food.
- What do you think of the food? - Naruto asked, almost trying not to laugh.
- Excellent, Your Majesty. The strawberry tart... Well, my sister-in-law likes sweets more than I do. I'm sure she'd cry with happiness if she tried it. It's perfect.
Naruto swallowed a piece of his food and leaned back in his chair.
- Do you really think she'd cry?
- Yes, that's what I think. She has trouble controlling her emotions.
- Would you bet money on it? - He asked, with a mischievous smile.
The girls' heads moved from side to side, as if they were watching a tennis match.
- If I had some money to bet, I certainly would. - I replied, and this time, Prince Suigetsu couldn't hide his laughter and choked on his own juice. Princess Karin rolled her eyes, but seemed to be enjoying herself all the same.
- What would you like to bet instead? - he asked, with a twinkle in his eye. - You seem to have a talent for making good deals.
He was having fun with the game. Very good. I'd play too.
- Well, what does Your Highness want? - I asked, with a restrained smile. What could I offer someone who already had everything?
- What do you want? - he replied, directly and intriguingly.
That was a fascinating question. What could I want from someone who could give me everything? What would be left over from what I'd already been offered? The only thing I wanted, perhaps, was something that would make that environment less of a palace and more of a home. I couldn't ask for my family, since I had only spent one day away from them. And although I didn't want to be so tidy all the time, etiquette imposed this impossible standard on me.
- If she cries, I want to wear my boots for a week.
The comment got a laugh from everyone, and honestly, I had no idea where my boots would be at that moment, but I knew that with a simple order, Naruto would be able to find them. I liked the look on the Queen's face, as if I had somehow stopped being so strange in her eyes.
- Done," said Naruto, without hesitation. - And if she doesn't cry, you owe me a date.
A tour of the estate? Was that it? It seemed too simple, but the sparkle in his eyes made me believe that there was something more behind the proposal.