Naruto: Uzumaki Yuji [EN]

Chapter 34: Chapter 034 - Suiren

I, really, was a fairly normal person, my handling of the weapon was normal, my handling of the jutsus was also normal.

Although I had to do it alone, in the war I lost all my relatives, I am an orphan who has been surviving in the world of ninjas.

But sadly, my abilities... I will never be someone powerful, I do not have the talent, nor the conviction.

Although... my dream is that we all can live together, all the villages, whether small or the largest, it is my dearest wish, in the village where I have to be raised, Amegakure, even though it is a place that looks sad in all the rainy seasons, seeing the people who survived wars and the suffering before the greatest oppressive villages, now that they are living better because of Konan-sama, I am so happy to see a sincere smile on the villagers.

Since I was very young I was shut off from everyone, I did not speak unless someone asked or came near me, but everyone avoided me because of my closed personality, I did not want to make friends anyway.

That is what I told myself to hide that I really did want it.

I entered the ninja academy out of simple necessity, I am not good at crafts, I never had someone to teach me how to cook, nor people close enough to sell something, maybe as a ninja I could survive a little longer in this world.

Although everyone is stabilizing, for me, the meaning of my own existence... I did not feel it was necessary, really...

Is it good that I am alive? I have not helped anyone, and I am just one more mouth to feed, perhaps someone better than me could receive my portion of food that Konan-sama gave us all.

Although Konan-sama was my reason of will to continue, I do not think... that she is of any help in her cause.

I am weak, and incompetent, I am barely manageable in water-type jutsus, because even in mediocrity I have stopped learning other elemental types, I know it is possible to develop a greater affinity if I am enthusiastic.

But I am not good at any jutsus that are not water.

And today, it is a day as monotonous as all the others, I arrived at the classroom, a girl is terribly annoying, she shouts a lot and wants to fight with everyone to convince herself that she is at a very high level.

Although she is right, she is the best in the class, everyone praises her and says she will have a better future, everyone praised her except me, who in the small corner away from everyone, clenched my hands in silence as I always have done, my penetrating gaze on her back.

I would not deny it either.

I am jealous...

I am jealous that Ajisai has incredible talent in fūinjutsu, in taijutsu, in ninjutsu, she is the ninja that everyone proclaims will be a great support for the village.

Since I entered the ninja academy, no one has looked at me or spoken to me more than once.

Because everyone thinks the same, after leaving the ninja academy, I will only be disposable cannon fodder that no one will remember the day I die.

My brown gaze turned to the window, another rainy day as always, I was absorbed in my thoughts, because I knew it would be a common and ordinary day.

" hello, may I sit here? "

I heard a very soft voice, and when I turned I was surprised, it is a boy I had never looked at, his eyes were an attractive red and lilac, along with characteristic red hair, he was so striking that he was the first thing I noticed since he wore the same sad clothes that we all wear. Could he be someone new? I did not pay attention to most of the initiation, possibly that is it.

" a-ah, yes... of course " I was pleasantly surprised by the simple fact that he chose to sit next to me, I did not know what to say, since the other seats were empty.

" thank you very much, man! " I twisted my mouth although it could not be seen because of the mask I have on; am I too rigid or has my voice confused him?

" I am... a woman... " I tried to say it without sounding too uncomfortable, although it was more because the boy's personality caught me by surprise.

" forget it " I wanted to make a funny gesture, but again my emotions betrayed me, I closed my eyes to pretend not to pay attention.

After all, surely it will be the last time I speak with him, I do not think he will come near me again.

Like everyone else.

He will change seats again when he sees that I am someone boring and shows no emotion for him.


The next day it was the same.

That is what I thought.

I arrived at the classroom and went to my seat, closing my eyes calmly.

Until I heard a sound beside me, I briefly opened my eyes and saw the boy there again with a cheerful smile.

" did you sleep well? I have always noticed that you close your eyes when you arrive "

Hearing him almost made me choke on my saliva.

Has he really paid attention to all my gestures?

I did not answer, I just looked at him briefly, but it seems he does not care about my way of being, since he continued talking " this is my second day in a higher grade, but you are the most comfortable person here! That purple-hair girl wouldn't stop shouting and mocking me for being small, but you say nothing, yet you are always alert, I like you very much! By the way, you haven't told me your name, what is your name? Mine is Yūji! I say it because I really don't think you've learned it, haha " that boy really talked too much, listening to him was the greatest favor he could have done since I no longer pay attention to anyone, not even sensei.

" ... Suiren " a long, drawn-out reading from that little redhead and all that came from my lips was a subtle murmur, I saw the boy smile even more broadly.

" it sounds like Waves! I like your name, it has personality, although you may be like very, very peaceful waves, you are someone so calm, sister Suiren " it was the first time someone tried to find meaning in my name.

I clutched my throat, surprised by what that little boy was doing.

That name had only been one among many lists for so many war orphans, I was one of them, a name as if they had marked an animal.

But this boy still wanted to give me a unique meaning to something that was common and ordinary to me.

My cold heart felt a bit of warmth at that pure display of sincerity.

It was that little boy who showed it.

A smile hidden beneath my mask appeared.


We were on break, I went out to the small area that is covered by a poorly maintained roof but that still served its purpose, eating a meal so poor that I am used to it, I looked at the rice balls that were in that small box.

In silence I ate, hidden from the other children, because even if I went with them during break they wouldn't care, everyone has their friends and I, not being able to express myself, could never even make one acquaintance.

I knew everyone, but no one knew me.

The soft sound of the rain was relaxing, although every day we have to listen to it, the tinkling in the pipes and in the broken areas.

With my eyes more squinted than I already had, I began to eat those small rice balls, in that peaceful silence far from prying glances.

" Sister Suiren? "

Hearing that voice almost made me choke on my food, I turned and again, that hair that was hard to ignore, his curious gaze.

" what are you doing here all alone? " his question made me miss someone, is there something wrong with me distancing myself from everyone?

" ... eating? " was the only word that came out of my mouth, diverting my gaze away from that striking hair.

I heard footsteps near me, each step with a little splash " then I will eat with you! "

I blinked skeptically at what I heard, looked at him without understanding " what... did you say? "

The boy placed his food on his legs as he sat beside me " I will eat with you from now on! And I won't take a no for an answer " he declared with some wooden chopsticks, something that made me look at him as I pressed my hand to my chest.

Surely my eyes at that moment showed my puzzled expression.

I had not eaten since he sat beside me.

But I began to eat after realizing that the boy had no intention of leaving.

" you know, today the spar was very aggressive, Ajisai the rabid dog has been harassing me ever since I started winning against her, very insistent! but as you know, I won't give her the pleasure of fighting when she wants to, sometimes... " I listened to him talk and talk.

My moment of tranquility was ruined by hearing him say word after word without stopping, even while eating he continued talking and saying everything that had happened in class.

Maybe at first it ruined my serenity, which I had been more than accustomed to for so long.

But again, that unusual gesture on my face took over.

And eating in silence, I once again had a smile that was not visible because of my mask.

Maybe... a little more noise wouldn't hurt me.


We had a practice with shurikens, this time when I had thrown my attacks at the targets, none reacted with emotion, as always.

And the palpable habit in my gestures.

But this time... there was someone who shouted in my direction.

" that's how it's done, sister Suiren! that was a great move! You're almost hitting everyone "

Hearing that thin voice made me smile even more warmly, that little boy once again.

Knowing that I have someone who cares about my efforts, however null, and that not even my sensei Asa gives me a few words of motivation, made me feel special.

Since Yūji has been eating with me, and he always began to sit beside me, it was where it was inevitable not to start feeling these emotions.

Is that what everyone who has someone they begin to love feels?

All my life I have only thought that I will be a burden until the end; after all, I have never been good at anything, and even if I am good at water-style jutsus, people just call me ordinary, because any untalented ninja can achieve it.

But anything I do, Yūji praises me as if I were unique and special.

The warmth that I begin to feel is always because of him, although I cannot express it in words, I am sure that my body language is more than sincere.

I smiled not for anyone else but for the words Yūji said to me.

Returning to my seat, I saw that now it was Yūji's turn at the target practice; as I watched him, Yūji had everything a ninja desires to possess.

Strength, agility, intelligence


Although at first I was always jealous of Ajisai for all those things, I realized that maybe I was not jealous because I wanted to be someone talented.

All I desired...

" waaah! almost all the targets! " Yūji got excited looking at the other redheaded girl but then his gaze passed to me; when he finished his throw he came to my area, ignoring the astonished looks of everyone " did you see that, sister Suiren!? We were equal " he said happily.

" it was excellent "

All I desired... was someone to call a friend.

I did not look at Ajisai's talent.

I was watching how I was always surrounded by people who passed by with her.

But now...

I have that special person.


Again, sitting in the area away from the others, we ate in tranquility; for the first time Yūji did not speak with that characteristic effusiveness.

But I could no longer bear the doubts; finishing a rice ball without directing my gaze, which was lost watching the raindrops fall between the pipes, that was when I opened my mouth.

" Yūji... why? "

As always, my words were never the longest, but my confusion was evident, listening to the boy emit a groan of confusion, directing my gaze to my side.

" why what, sister Suiren? "

" why... me? Why, among so many people, did you choose to come closer?... d-did you choose me? I... am not someone attractive or special, I hardly ever speak to you, I am not someone strong... really... " I surprised even myself with so many words that flowed from my mouth, looking curiously at the boy, but more than anything desperate to know his thoughts.

Since my confusion is real, I... am not someone interesting; on the contrary, I am very ordinary, a person who when I die will never be remembered, just another loss, just another loss.

I have no talent, not even talent as a person.

Why was I attracted to me?

There are so many people much better than me; just thinking about it made me feel down, because if that had happened, those effusive moments that gave color to my otherwise gray life would never have happened.

Even now I could be eating alone, as I have always done and deceived myself thinking that it is just... habit.

I saw Yūji pause during his lunch, remaining silent, but this time he gauged his gaze, a relaxed expression on his face.

Putting aside his food, he turned toward me, now with a softer and more mature smile, very different from what I am used to seeing in him.

" why I you choose you? I really didn't choose you, Suiren, it just... happened, you don't need to be strong, attractive, or special. You don't need to do anything in particular for me to like being with you. There are many people who live without anyone noticing them, but that doesn't mean that they are not important. Sometimes, the quietest people are the ones who leave the deepest mark " his response as he spoke made my eyes open wider, so much that I felt discomfort on my face because I never make exaggerated expressions.

" then why did you spend time with me? Because I like you. You don't need to be different. Just keep being you, keep being Suiren " his smile was very radiant.

My throat tightened, and where I held my food my hands trembled at the mere fact of hearing him.

Why do I feel my mask is wet? Is the rain entering my eyes?

Why is it raining in my eyes?

I saw Yūji worry about me " s-sister Suiren? wait, wait! No ah-ah did I say something wrong or did I hurt you with what I said? I'm so sorry! " and again he returned with his scandalous and unique gestures.

Despite the rain in my eyes, I finally gave my best smile, still covered by my mask " no... thank you, Yūji, for everything, really... I appreciate it so much " my voice... I have never heard it come out like this since I have been aware.

Maybe... living is not a bad idea now that I have Yūji by my side.


Since Yūji told me those words, the gray and the monotony began to fade away; every time I looked at Yūji, I only saw the sun rising beautifully among so much rain, the color around him spreading without stopping for a moment.

And every time I looked at him, my smile was already on my face, that unique expression that is becoming characteristic in me, which used to be so rare to feel, although Yūji may not see it, it always appeared.

Every time Yūji looked at me, he smiled at me in that unique and special way that made my heart feel warm, his joy and zest for life contagious.

An ordinary day turned into unique days.

Sitting on the last bench, this time Yūji began a habit; he has always wanted to see me without my mask, but I avoided him every time he tried, amused by his gestures.

" come on, sister Suiren! You don't have to avoid me, I just want to see you without that mask once! " he complained like the little boy he was; for my part, I smiled at him with my eyes closed, where my emotions were always visible only with that little redhead.

" you will have to try to discover it yourself " I only had fun in my own way with him, I only used this mask because I felt insecure, since if I was already an anonymous person to everyone, I wanted to reveal myself more with this that I am really invisible.

No one would care to see the face of a person who could die at any moment

Although Yūji helped me to get out, now more than anything I use it for convenience, seeing the pouting on the little one's cheeks.

" uhm... well, don't regret it if I take off your mask! " he pointed out to me as if taking it as a challenge.

It really is, and for the first time, I let out a laugh that even that little one was surprised to hear from me.

A first time that laughter naturally bursts forth is a melody I had never heard from myself.


" Yūji, I challenge you again! " shouted Ajisai appearing on our shared path, the boy was surprised looking at the girl but rolling his eyes annoyed, it was the tenth in the day when she continued.

For my part, I have been present in the ten challenges, but I did nothing, I only kept my face calm.

" and you! if you keep following Yūji so much, surely you are strong too! I also challenge you Soren! " she noted me blatantly

" it is... Suiren "

" Suren! " this already seemed like a mockery.

It was my first impression that Ajisai had noticed me, since Yūji arrived she is the second best in the class.

But, she was also the one who started to become well known, of whom I was so jealous before.

She herself became part as a second friend.


I don't remember the last time I went out alone, leaving my house alone and coming back alone, now I was always accompanied by that little redhead

Now with a new friend, Ajisai, she could be someone very ambitious in the fight, but she wasn't a bad person, I had never had the pleasure of knowing her more deeply.

Her personality is just someone very competitive, there is nothing really wrong with that.

Today we wanted to spar outside of class, Yūji was with us, in the end he had fulfilled the whim that Ajisai had been shouting for so long, he fought with Yūji, but not with me, this would be the first time.

Since not even in the academy sparring have we faced each other.

" are you ready? now! " Yūji shouted happily in our direction, just at the moment of saying it I tensed up.

I did not feel capable of much, my self-esteem has never been very high, but I would give the pleasure of the fight, as soon as I shouted I launched straight towards Ajisai, seeing her face full of joy, that face of someone who is going to enjoy fighting a lot.

The fight proceeded, and to my surprise, I... was I really fighting on par with her?

Are we really at the same level?

Trapping Ajisai inside a water dome, seeing that she could not get out of it I dismantled the jutsu, very surprised.

I... did I beat Ajisai?

" wow sister Suiren you did it! you beat the rabid dog! " Yūji came closer to my place, I am really very confused, I am useless, how could I beat someone talented in fūinjutsu with my mediocre water jutsus?

" a-and I, did I really do it? " I looked at Ajisai in confusion, seeing how despite being angry with me she showed a smile, she had stopped coughing until she calmed down

" who would have believed it, I really thought you were a mute useless! But... you are really a good strategist " Is it... is that perhaps a blush and nerves in Ajisai?

Ajisai flattering? That is curious, I had never seen her say something like that, not even with Yūji.

" but... it is strange, I really do not have as much talent as you, I do not understand " I murmured really confused, I was never sure of my abilities.

Seeing the surprised gestures of both but more of my little companion made me jump a little when I heard his shout " but stop saying such pessimistic things! you are very talented sister Suiren! Didn't you see how you beat the rabid dog!? Your effort suppressed it! "

Effort... my work until I fainted from not having chakra, did it really serve any purpose? My work was only to be noticed and for people to look at me at least once in my life.

But I am so poor in so many areas.

" well, your strategy was very good, and the handling of your jutsus even if they are basic water ones, I never expected that creativity, unlike that little red parasite who only attacks roughly, fighting with you was very good, let's do it many more times, Susen! "

" i-it is... Suiren " even though I knew I was doing it for fun, it no longer bothered me, I just smiled softly. No... it bothered me that she treated me that way, because that is how Ajisai is.

I felt her arm grab me passing over my shoulders and Yūji hugged me by the waist, since he was very small.

I was stiff, listening to them talk with enthusiasm, even though Ajisai and I were dirty.

My stiffness disappeared, timidly I took out my hands to slowly bring them to her back, trembling from touching them.

But in the end, I did it.

I placed my palms on her back with almost chaste softness, that... felt good.

Hugging them... was a big step for me, already having that grimace again that I never wanted to disappear.

I was also smiling along with them.


Today I had planned to spend it at home, on the academy's rest days I only train until exhaustion.

" sister Suiren, wait! " I heard the shout of my little companion, I turned around to see how he tried to come with me, calmly I waited for him until he reached my pace.

" is something wrong, Yūji? "

" I wanted to invite you to eat with grandma Tamayo! " he spoke to me happily, I blinked from hearing what he had said.

Was he going to invite me to eat? It was really something surprising.

But I did not refuse, I calmly nodded seeing his most noticeable excitement, seeing how he held my hand made me feel my heart beating faster.

Why does my face feel hot? It is raining as much as the sky can give, I am being soaked by the rain, I should not feel this, very strange.

But I let the little boy guide me, when we arrived at the establishment, it is the same one that always goes back and forth, except that I have never really approached it, well, with any villager, unlike Yūji who opens up with anyone.

In silence I watched how the boy handled things quickly " grandma Tamayo! I came with a friend to eat! Give us the best dish " his joy was very contagious* I only looked at the one who claimed to be grandma Tamayo, I nodded nervously not knowing how to express it.

" y-yes, we... would appreciate it " Talking with people who were not Yūji made me feel very nervous.

" ah, of course Yūji-chan! I will give you the best dish that these little ones can savor " Grandma Tamayo I never took the time to get to know, I only met her when Yūji took me to her stall.

That day, only Yūji talked and talked, as he always did everywhere, I listened without interrupting everything he said, but it seems that today is a day with a strategy apart from a normal outing.

He still wants to see me without a mask.

But as soon as he deviated, I have a lot of skill eating that he really never could discover that I was hiding my face, seeing his face shouting in my face that he wanted to see me made me burst into small laughs, until from the laughter burst out a hearty laugh.

Something very abnormal in me.

But it felt good to do it.

" sister Suiren, don't laugh! you do have that ability! " Hearing him scold me only made me feel even happier, releasing laughs I never imagined could come out of me.

But it seems that Yūji also likes that I express myself a little more, since he stopped complaining to laugh along with me.


Finally we are ninjas, Yūji proudly wore his new ninja band, showing off to everyone but I was the first to receive all his shouts of joy

" look how pretty Suiren is! Yours also looks quite good on your head, you really show how great Amegakure is " the boy said to me, I unconsciously placed a hand on my head touching the protector.

Yes, I'm proud to be a ninja of Amegakure despite being just one more in the crowd.


What I thought would be a gray and monotonous life, where I already saw my life without continuing, began to be colored.

Just having Yūji and Ajisai in my life, I was seeing the colors, we could be in such a depressed scenario, but being with them, I felt that I was living in a comedy, because each day was different from the previous one.

Yūji was spontaneous, he did not know that he could come out of himself, Ajisai was the same, loud, but she was a friend who when she saw me different, was always pestering me to help.

They are the emotions of my gray day. The joy that I lacked and to no longer desire to die.

And I am very happy right now because I ended up with both of them, I would like to express my joy more easily, but nothing came out of me, only my expressionless look at both.

It was difficult when there was an adult person whom I did not know very well.

But when our first mission came, I did not know how to feel, we were only escorts for some miners.

But Yūji... had he decided on unknown people before us?

I felt... betrayed at that moment, perhaps disappointed.

Wanting to hide my sadness, since, for me my companions will always be the most important, and even more so because it is about Ajisai and Yūji, but seeing how Yūji did not seem to care, I know him, I know that he has good will and always wants to help others, I have no doubt.

But really... would he leave us both just for other people, I did not really know what to think, with a knot in my heart, wanting to have that mask frozen on my face again, really I... did not want to do it.

Luckily my handkerchief and my mask hid my sadness, that scene of fire made my eyes not look crystallized.

Because from the same feeling of betrayal, a few small tears wanted to fall, but they never did.

I did not want to do this, but we just had to obey... it is what a ninja has to do.

If I had never really gotten to know Yūji and Ajisai, I really would not care to behave in cold blood, but now... I have both of them.

I have them...

And even if we threaten Yūji, I never want to lose him, I never want to see him hurt, I do not want him to suffer...

We only... do this for his sake, truly, forgive us Yūji.

But really... we want to do what is right for you, and your well-being... I am sure that with this you will understand that not everyone is like you, a beautiful sun that illuminates and saves others with your sweetness and love.


Yūji has been silent all along the way, I understand, although I wanted to get closer to him, he rejects us all, I understand, I understand it better than Ajisai and our sensei Rokushō, Yūji needs time to adjust his mindset.

I know that he will manage to get out of this with the same conviction I know, with that determined look that no one will let him fall, I know that... he will be the same again.


After that day I knew, Yūji has really changed, maybe not that much but it is a big step, for every mission we have, even though we are ambushed, Yūji always seems to have regretted, in his face the sadness for mourning the people that he himself kills.

I always accompany him silently by his side, because I know that it is something that Yūji likes to do, thinking that he did the best for their souls, and in part, I know that some of these ninjas or bandits deserve it, after all not everyone is the same, many do it out of necessity.

And it is understandable.

Thus, with Yūji I without saying a word, I stay by his side seeing how he prays for them, although Ajisai appears annoyed behind.

I accompany Yūji in everything he does.


Today is a pretty normal day, we have completed multiple missions, I have sparred in training with Ajisai and Yūji, both telling me that I have been improving at least consistently.

It is just that Yūji is giving me the strength to try to imitate him, I know I have nothing that makes me special, but, at least I want to try to be by his side, following his steps in what little I had to offer.

It makes me very happy when Yūji tells me that I have improved more than yesterday, when he himself supports me and tells me that I can change.

That makes my heart feel warm with each of his words.


Today is a special day, we will go straight to the Chūnin Exams, my companions are more than happy although Ajisai hides it in her grumpy way, the one who seemed more than excited is Yūji.

For my part, even though I do not show it, I am too, happiness is something that overflows from me even if I still have that stoic expression.

When we were about to leave, although we have another mission to carry out, I know that these will be days that we will spend.

And we will return as teams, one of the many Chūnin, one more step in our careers as ninjas.

The path that I thought I would walk alone, now I will walk it together with two companions.

I am happy to no longer be alone and to have two people who love me.

Despite being ordinary next to talents.

For them, I am special


We had accomplished everything perfectly, we need to pass the forest of death, but I am about to faint.

Is that what a death match with brutal talent feels like? In Amegakure everyone knows that Konoha is always the cradle of talent and power, I think that... now I understand why they say it.

I tried to give my best, but you cannot beat talent with ordinary things like me.

That boy is too powerful, I get overwhelmed very easily in taijutsu, I block my chakra networks, and it was only that for me to faint.

It will kill me as soon as I touch the ground, I only feel sad because I did not die in front of my companions.

I fell straight to the ground thinking that I would die alone, something I did not want to do, because I already had Yūji, and Ajisai.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to die.

But one has no control over destiny.


I didn't die? I woke up amidst dreams feeling in someone's arms, such small arms, I heard his worried and hurting voice.


He really came to rescue his pathetic companion, he only said to bite his arm, I obeyed upon hearing how that tone in his voice broke, I bit his arm and at that moment I felt how I began to feel more comfortable.

With my eyes half-closed I looked at his face, I... don't want you to put that face when you see me like this, don't do it, I don't like to see you suffer.

I don't want you to be sad if you see that I have died.

You have never put that face on anyone else...

But still, the weakness and the ground were rocking me, I didn't know what else they said, my body was so tense that I fainted in Yūji's arms.

I apologize for being a burden on the team in a mission of enormous talents like you two.


A strong blow woke me up, I fell from a considerable height, looking around I still found myself in the forest, I am disoriented.

Where are Ajisai and Yūji?

Agitated and scared were the emotions that predominated in me, when I heard a shout in one direction that was where I began to run, I don't need to know more to understand that the shout I just heard was from Yūji.

Yūji, don't die, that is all I ask.

Please, hold on, I know that I won't be of any use in your rescue.

But I want to try it, because you are the one who showed me strength and companionship, please...

I didn't know when my face already had a broken expression, I didn't stop running in that direction, when I reached the treetops, my legs didn't feel them, I had never run at such a speed in my life.

The adrenaline in every pore, and when I looked at Yūji, this feels strange.

That... that is not Yūji, our Yūji.

With some threads of chakra I sent them in his direction, my heart beats with more frenzy each time.

It is not him... he is not... he has, tattoos on his skin, he emits a cursed essence, completely contrary to what I understand of chakra, he emits the worst I have felt in Yūji.

He emits... death.

Although I am trembling, I shouted in his direction.

Maybe, he is being controlled by that enemy ninja who was going to walk in that direction, but if I let him, he will kill not only those he needs to kill as Yūji would do! He, he will not look at friend or enemy, he...

He will only kill.

" Yūji, wake up! " my shout sounded more heartbreaking, something I had never done, shouting at someone, raising my voice until my vocal cords hurt.

I have always spoken in low whispers.

I never imagined that I would raise my voice for someone, and that someone has been Yūji.

When he looked at me, I knew instantly, it is not him, that is not the Yūji I know, it is someone controlling him, I want my Yūji to come back, I don't want... I don't want...

I felt how my eyes moistened, but the tears did not fall.

I effortlessly destroyed my chakra threads, I know it well, I do not have the strength to stop him, I don't do it...

I got down from that tree, shouting again for him, his name, so that he wakes up, I don't want anyone to control him, I don't want Yūji to suffer!

" Yūji, please wake up! " I shouted again forcefully amid tears, surely he did not see my tears because he was still very far.

Whoever is controlling his body was just laughing at me, please, Yūji, you have to wake up, you have never been someone who lets themselves be easily defeated.

Don't do it now, I don't want to lose you.

I don't want...

I saw how that one who is not Yūji was mocking, and then saying that he is bored, he was as fast and swift as never before, I made a water barrier jutsu, but.

My efforts are useless.

He appeared in front of me and the barrier exploded, the breeze falling on us, this pain.

This really hurts

It hurts a lot

It is something I had never felt, and it is horrible.

I am frozen, I don't want to look down, but now I am face to face with Yūji, my gestures at maximum expression, because I did not have my mask on at the moment I shouted for Yūji.

Despite feeling my senses clouded and as if everything was darkening, like that guy who had Yūji's body.

I... did not want to leave him, I don't want... Yūji to suffer.

I don't want... to leave him...

Even though my mouth could no longer say any word, I tried enough to speak.

Just... one more time

Yūji, please... wake up.

Come back to us

I... want at least to see your smile and for you to tell me that everything will be alright, I don't want to die.

I am afraid of dying...

I don't want to do it anymore...

Before I didn't care, but now, I want to grow by your side... please.

I don't want to die...

You still... have not reacted to my face without a mask.


I don't want to leave Yūji alone...

I, I don't want...



At an unknown point, a man with close eyes was just sitting in the vastness of darkness, beneath him in that place that seems like night and day, a new soul arrived, it is not his concern, because that soul is weak in power, he was not a renowned ninja nor did he have anything really for him to worry about.

He just continued with his eyes closed as he had been doing for so long, without interfering in whatever was necessary, unless the moment arrives when that time happens.

He will continue waiting.

In that vertiginous darkness.

Nothing was different, he sensed it, everything happened slowly.

But finally he opened his eyes in the same direction where that soul had fallen, that ordinary soul.

It was emitting a sensation never before known, a sensation that is not ninshu nor is it natural energy.

Where that soul was before, the space became empty again, the soul disappeared along with a powerful sensation that even surprised him.

The soul of that talentless and ordinary person.

It emitted a power as immersed as that of one superior to kage before disappearing.

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