Chapter 214: Chapter 214
Only for A to explode in a shower of lightning, destroying most if not all of the vines that had been around the now revealed Rai Bunshin.
A few seconds later Hashirama appeared next to where the clone had exploded, looking for his opponent.
"Raiton: Raikou Nami No Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Wave Jutsu)!" A voice called out. Less than a second later a large wave of lightning burst from the left in a decent sized explosion.
Hashirama jumped into the air in order to avoid the attack, but it was then that another attack was called out, this time from above, "Raiton: Raikyuu!"
Hashirama only had time to look up as a ball of lightning shot towards him, smashing into his body and sending several thousands volts of electricity through him as he plummeted to the ground.
He hit the ground with a loud crash, sending tiling and concrete in all directions as the lightning exploded against him. A landed on the ground when the lightning attack ended and saw, much to his disgruntlement, that there was nothing there except a pile of wood.
Moku Bunshin (Wood Clone)? A wondered as he stared at the pile.
His mental question remained unanswered as he was forced to jump back when several large wooden stakes shot out of the ground at his former position. Looking up he saw Hashirama staring at him, his hands still on the ground. If A could have cursed, he would have, but as it was he had no time to get enough breath for such a thing, as he was forced to dodge a number of large wooden stakes that continued shooting out of the ground at him.
Deciding he had, had enough. A began channeling lightning chakra through his entire body, letting it pour out of him. Lightning began dancing across his skin, sending jolts that arched away every now and then, a testament to the amount of lightning chakra he had begun channeling. Soon enough he was covered in lightning, making it look like he was covered in a living, light blue armor.
Without preamble, A held his ground and when the wooden stakes shot at him again, he merely used his fists to destroy them. None of the stakes stood a chance as he pulverized them, smashing them into oblivion as each time he struck; a large blast of lightning came off him.
When the stakes stopped coming, A looked up to see Hashirama charging towards him. That was when A disappeared, leaving nothing more then a streak of light blue to signify where he had been. It was in that same split second of A's disappearance, that The Shodai received a powerful punch in the jaw, enough to shatter it and send him flying back. Before he could hit the ground, he received another blow from behind, launching him into the air. Then he received a blow to his gut, sending him falling back into the ground where he landed with a large crash.
Despite the massive pounding he had just received, Hashirama stood up as his wounds healed completely. He looked over to his left to see the Raikage standing there, his armor still around his form and crackling with repressed energy.
"Raiton No Yoroi (Lightning Armor)," A stated the name of the jutsu he was using. He then disappeared again and began pounding away at the Shodai, hoping that if he beat the man down enough he would kill him.
"I hope you're ready for the battle of the century, because Hachibi-sama's gonna fight with a fury," Killer Bee rapped, frowning when all the Nidaime, Tobirama Senju, did was give him a dead stare.
"Man this crowd is tough, so it looks like I'm gonna have to get a little rough."
Once again, Tobirama ignored the man's rap as his legs tensed, right before he charged at Kirabi. Said man waited for the Nidaime to come closer, letting the white haired man lash out with a fist. Kirabi countered by launching his own, hitting the Nidaime's fist and negating the power of the man's punch. In that same second, Bee struck out with his other fists, hitting Tobirama in the gut and launching him back.
Tobirama skidded back several feet, before shaking off the hit like it was nothing and beginning a set of hand seals. "Suiton: Suiryuudan No Jutsu!"
Water began to coalesce in front of the Nidaime Hokage, and then it began taking the shape of a dragon with glowing yellow eyes. Said dragon let loose a roar as it charged Kirabi's position.
"Motherfucker," Kirabi cursed as he dodged to the left, only to see Tobirama already in front of him with a kunai in hand. The Nidaime lashed out with his kunai, however, faster then the eye could blink, Kirabi had unsheathed a sword and managed to slash the kunai in half.
"How do you like that Motherfucka! I got skills like wouldn't believe, so maybe it's time you just up and leave. Hey that one was pretty good, I better write it down before my rap goes out of town!"
Tobirama looked at Kirabi, who had just sheathed his sword again and was now crouched on the ground with a pen and paper writing and furiously scribbling his new rhyme, then back down to the hilt of his destroyed kunai. Tossing the kunai away, the Nidaime charged in. He launched a jab at Kirabi's face while the man was still writing, however Kirabi was not as preoccupied as he looked. This was proven as he got up and easily blocked the punch sent to him by Tobirama. Seeing his punch blocked the Nidaime came in with a kick, however, Kirabi just jumped back, letting the attack miss him entirely.
"Well it looks like you've got some moves little dude," Kirabi complimented. "But now that I'm in the mood, it's time to beat you down, by showing what I can do." The dark skinned man paused for a moment. "Hey that was a wicked rhyme, I better write it down before I lose it this time."
Once again Kirabi took out his trusty notepad and pen, sitting down he began writing his raps. If Tobirama could have sweatdropped he would at seeing someone completely ignore his presence not once but twice in such a high level battle, as it was the man now had the emotional range of a teaspoon, a dead teaspoon at that. And so his natural reaction was to simply begin hand sealing for a jutsu.
"Suiton: Suishouha (Water Release: Water Collision Destruction)!" In several seconds, a rather large amount of water had gathered around the white haired man out of no where, and had formed what amounted to a miniature tornado or typhoon that was continuously increasing in size. When the technique was complete, Tobirama made a gesture towards Kirabi and the water rushed over to the still writing man.
"What da fuck!" Kirabi shouted as he put his writing utensils and note pad away, and began pumping chakra into his legs. He jumped into the air in order to avoid the large crashing wave. Kirabi landed on top of the water and looked around to find his opponent. He frowned when he could not find the Nidaime, and it was in that moment that a shadow appeared above him. Looking up he saw Tobirama bearing down on his position, with a kunai in hand.
Kirabi just smirked as he grabbed onto one of his swords, and when the Nidaime was nearly on top of him he struck. Drawing his sword, Kirabi lashed out with a horizontal slash that took the kunai and the arm holding the kunai, off. The kunai's blade along with the arm up to the man's elbow slid off and fell into the water caused by the white haired man's jutsu. Tobirama did not even have time to contemplate what had happened, not that he could in his deadened emotional state anyways, as he received a powerful kick to the chest and was sent flying.
"Now that's what I'm talking about, it's called taking the trash out!" Kirabi rapped. However what ever else he might have said stopped when he saw his opponent getting up. Not only was he getting up, but his arm was starting to reform as what looked like ash swirled around it. "Now that's just not cool, I'm really not liken dis fool!"
He noticed that Tobirama was now fully healed and grunted in annoyance, "It looks like I'm gonna have to get serious, if the dude regenerate like this!"
'Bee do you ever stop rapping?'
Kirabi blinked at the annoyed voice in his head. 'Hachi? When did you wake up? I thought you was catchin' some Z's?'
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