Naruto: Winds and Changes

Chapter 215: Chapter 215

'I've been awake for nearly hour and you fool. I've been watching this battle the whole time,' Kirabi could practically feel his Bijuu rolling his eyes.

'Well why didn't you say so, you know it's good to have more than one voice when I'm working my rhymes eight-o.'

'Damn it Bee! How many time's have I told you not to call me that!

'Don't know, I lost count a long time ago.'

Kirabi did not get the chance to hear his tenants response as the Nidaime charged him, forcing Bee to back away. Frowning, the dark skinned man timed his attacks to that of his opponents, lashing out and knocking the man's fist away, right before he sent his own into the man. Kirabi's fist hit Tobirama full force in the face, sending the man flying back.

"This dude's starting to knock off my rhymes, it's time I showed him what happens to those who waste my time!" Kirabi grabbed his swords one by one and tossed them into the air. He took a crane position as he caught all seven of the swords he had carried on his back. One in each hand, one in between the joints of each of his arms, one he caught and held in the joint of his upright lifted right knee, one held under his left arm pit and one in his mouth.

As this happened, Tobirama charged at Bee, hoping to take him out before he could do whatever it was he was going to do. However, it was too late as Kirabi began to bob his head to an unheard beat. When the Nidaime came in close, the dark skinned man began to spin, looking very much like a pinwheel as he attacked.

Seeing this the Nidaime attempted backpedal, trying his best to dodge the completely random movements that Bee was making. However the man had become a literal whirlwind of movement, like a force of nature and was doggedly following the Nidaime, occasionally letting one of the swords lash out, or throwing one into the air, adding an even more random and deadly variable to the battle.

The white haired man did his best to dodge or block the buzz saw that was Bee, using two kunai and his natural speed on the water to aid him; and for a time he seemed to be doing well. However after several minutes of staying on the defensive the white haired former Kage's defenses slipped and Bee capitulated on this. The seven blades shredded into the Nidaime, cutting him into ribbons that fell on the tiled roof.

Kirabi stopped moving after that, throwing his blades into the air before catching them one by one and re-sheathing them, "Take that motha fucka', I'd like to see this man get back, after that subliminal attack!"

As if karma decided to spite Bee, ashes began spreading across the diced up man's form. Once again it crawled up his skin, reforming the man's body and leaving it scar less as if the Nidaime had not just been cut up into several pieces by Bee's blades. Once Tobirama's body was fully healed, the man stood back up and looked at Kirabi with his dead expression.

"What's this!" Bee shouted in surprise, "Motha fucka' why won't yo ass stay down, how many times do I have to beat it into the ground!"

The Nidaime's response was to charge him, closing the distance in less than a second. Kirabi decided to be the one to throw the first punch this time, rather then react to the white haired man's attacks. However, the man merely leapt over his hand, using it as a spring board as he pushed his body into the air. Then the Nidaime twisted in mid air, so that his body was running parallel to Bee's for all of two seconds. It was during those two seconds that several things of great importance happened.

The first was for Tobirama to grab onto two of Bee's swords. The second thing was him pulling Kirabi's swords from their sheath. And last, was him landing on the ground, spinning around and taking a two sword stance behind Bee who had not moved since the entire thing happened.

'Oh motha fucka! He did not just grab my swords! Kirabi shouted in his mind. Now in Kumo there were a few rules he had set that were known very well to all citizens of Kumo. The first was don't dis his raps. The second was don't dis his friends. The third, and probably the most important rule, was don't touch his swords! The one man who had not known that rule, a missing ninja he had fought once, had done just that and been on the ass end of the mother of all ass kickings. By the time Bee had been done with the man, he had been begging for death.

"You motha fucka betta pray to whatever kami you worship," Kirabi said, for once not being able to rap due to his anger. "Cuz I'm gonna be beating your fuckin' ass!"

Kirabi then charged at Tobirama, grabbing a hold of two of his swords as he rushed the man. The Nidaime waited until Bee had gotten close enough to strike, and then sent out the sword in his left hand in a thrust, hoping to pierce the dark skinned man in the heart. It wasn't to be as Bee twisted his body, spinning around as he brought his right sword up, slashing the man's arm off at the elbow. As he continued his spin, Bee sent a horizontal slash across the man's chest, slicing into tit with relative ease. Though, it did not go as deep as it could have since Tobirama had jumped back, receiving only a light gash, one that quickly closed up.

Bending down, Kirabi retrieved his sword and then looked up. He felt himself getting angry at seeing the man already had his arm back.

Da fuck! How does this dude keep doing that?

'It's that ash like substance around him Bee.'

'You say it's da ash Hachi? What is dat shit anyways?'

'How should I know you idiot? All I know is that it gathers around him after he receives an injury.'

'So dis motha Fucka is like some kind of invincible fool. So how do I kill him?'

'He's already dead moron! I don't think you can kill him.'

'What chu talkin' 'bout Eight-o? Anything can die, if he's already dead, I'll jus' kill 'im again.'

Bee heard a sigh in his mind as his inner demon went silent. It was just a little after talking with his inner demon that he heard the sound of a jutsu being called.

"Suiton: Suigadan (Water Release: Water Fang Bullet)!" a circle of water spikes surrounded Bee before closing in, attempting to impale and crush him at the same time. However, Bee was already unsheathing one of his swords, channeling lightning chakra through it as he spun. He released the chakra, creating a shockwave of lightning that decimated the water spikes.




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