Chapter 117: CH 117
Kyuubi growled lowly from inside Naruto's mind, "Because I intend to kill the strongest man alive myself. I truly hope you challenge me before you run across him so that after I kill and devour you I can take out my anger on him."
Naruto thought once again of his fated battle with the Kyuubi, 'Why do you have to be so angry all of the time? Why can't you just help me? I've done everything I can reasonably do for you without letting you go since it would kill me and I couldn't do it anyway… not to mention the fact that if I did you would utterly annihilate Konoha.' Kyuubi shut its eyes, "No I wouldn't."
Naruto raised an eyebrow, getting the attention of Sai, but he was busy at the moment, 'Wait, what? Run that by me again, I don't think I heard you correctly."
Kyuubi bared its teeth at Naruto's disbelief, "You heard me ningen. If I were released and weren't already directly in your puny village I wouldn't touch it. I have more important things to worry about than the weak mortals that populate your town."
Naruto thought about that. He figured the Kyuubi would raze Konoha to the ground regardless just for shits and giggles. There was something out there more important to him than destroying the place that had been his prison for years. Not only that, but whoever this person was that the Kyuubi was talking about had him convinced that he was going to be in Naruto's future somehow.
"-uto-senpai are you alright?" Naruto snapped back into the real world from his thoughts by the emotionless voice of Sai, "Naruto-senpai do you need to rest? You were just walking ahead blankly when I tried getting you to stop. I thought I would have to do something physical to get you to stop."
Naruto grinned sheepishly, "Sorry kouhai. It was a conversation between me and the fox, nothing but jinchuuriki stuff, you know?"
Sai nodded, "Come on, we've arrived at the main buildings." Sai entered through doors that were blown off of the opening, leaving Naruto outside.
"Seeing a brat like that makes me glad that I got sealed inside of you. I can just imagine that kid's head being a wall of white…" The Kyuubi cringed, "Then I really would be pissed."
Naruto mentally agreed with his tenant and followed Sai inside to keep up the search. XxX
The inside was worse than the outside. Despite looking relatively sturdy and intact it was a wreck on the inside. Naruto's whistle echoed throughout as he looked around the main, massive room, "Man, Father Time sure took a sledgehammer to this place didn't he?"
"It can't be helped Naruto-senpai." Sai appeared behind Naruto, "This general area was clearly where the defenders made their last stand. With these buildings still intact it must have been an amazing battle."
Naruto raised an eyebrow at his sudden appearance, "Were you just waiting behind the front door to try and scare the shit out of me when I came in or something?" Sai looked at him blankly, "Nevermind, and if this is where the last stand was made then where are the bodies? Blood? Weapons? Anything. I mean, yeah this place is beat the hell up, but other than that I don't see any sign of past warfare." The room was basically a large chamber, it had an ornate spiral symbol in the center of the room with a spiral staircase on the walls. The stairs were collapsed however. No big deal, nothing a little wall-walking couldn't fix. Naruto turned toward Sai and pointed up where there was a ledge with a large ornate door on it, "Shall we then?"
Sai and Naruto channeled chakra to their feet and began running up the wall… until they were forcefully shoved backwards with a burst of energy. A sealing array appeared on the wall as the building began to shake and a wall sealed off the entrance. The boys looked around rapidly, "Shit Sai. Please tell me the building isn't coming down. My luck cannot be that bad, there's just no way."
Sai had a bead of sweat going down his face, "It should have been expected. A mistake on both of our parts… we should have figured that a village feared for its forays in fuuinjutsu would have set some traps for intruders. Any use of our chakra must have triggered it."
The floor opened up, forcing the two to jump back as a statue emerged from the opening by way of an elevator, the elevator was covered in blood as were parts of the statue, signifying what had happened to any of the attackers. Naruto and Sai were prepared for combat, however the statue did not move. It was an elaborate statue forty feet high of a bearded man with long hair and an Uzushiogakure hitae-ate as well as old armor reminiscent of the days of the Shodaime Hokage. It simply stood in a still pose.
Naruto looked at Sai and shrugged, "So… what? Are we just supposed to sit here and admire the pretty statue until we die of old age in here? Maybe that's how they killed the invaders, locked them in here with their big stone guy here and bored them to death."
Sai shook his head, "Do not let your guard down Naruto-senpai. We are still in grave danger here." Naruto scoffed, "I know Sai-kouhai. It's just that when I say stupid things like that it's like I piss off some deity with direct control over the random shit that happens to me. I just said that so that something cool would happen and then we could move along."
Sai sweatdropped, "So you're intentionally provoking a negative situation because you're impatient?"
Naruto glared at him, "I do have a previous engagement that I need to attend to. If I'm gone for too long and my team gets back to Konoha without me I could be declared a missing-nin. We need to get the fuck out of here. How we're going to do that is another question entirely, the wall apparently repels chakra."
Sai nodded, "Using chakra again in here might trigger another trap, perhaps one with fatal ramifications this time."
Naruto looked at Sai with a dry expression, "Maybe it's me."
Sai looked around the room for anything of relevance, "What is you Naruto-senpai?"
Naruto groaned in disappointment, "It is me. Bad stuff always happens to me and the people around me on missions. If I get a C-rank I might as well pack as if it would be bumped up to A-ranked because chances are it will be."
Naruto looked at his hands and sighed, "We have to do it Sai… There's no way we're getting out of here any other way, especially if this wall repels chakra."
Sai frowned and pulled out his drawing scroll, "Are you sure? This could be putting us in unnecessary danger."
Naruto and Sai both looked at the still statue, "What are the odds that I'm just being paranoid?"
Thank you all for choosing this novel
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