Chapter 118: CH 118
Sai placed his brush in his fingers, "There is no such thing as being paranoid to a shinobi Naruto-senpai."
"Right…" He placed his hands in a ram seal, "You ready?" Sai looked unsure of Naruto's actions but nodded. Naruto took a deep breath, "Okay, let the sparks fly!" He channeled his chakra into a hard outward pulse. At first nothing happened, but the sound of stone sliding against stone started ringing out. Sai's eyes widened as the statue began to move slowly from its position, "I knew that was going to happen. What exactly was your plan?"
Naruto shrugged and drew his sword, "I don't know, I was winging it, I cannot be held responsible for the things that I do in the heat of battle. Did you have any better ideas?"
Sai sighed, "We weren't even fighting when you came up with that asinine idea."
Naruto rolled his eyes, "Oh I'm sorry, you probably had a much better idea huh. Yeah your idea probably would have made my idea look stupid right? Shut up and fight or get squashed kouhai!" The two were forced to dodge as the statue lowered a massive foot on their previous position.
The guardian statue turned its head towards them with an audible sliding noise as the stone slabs comprising its body parts rubbed against themselves. Sai and Naruto looked at each other before Naruto nodded and rushed in with his sword, charging it with wind chakra to cleave the golem's head off. Sai stayed back and began drawing on his scroll, "Choujuu Giga (Super Beasts Imitation Picture)."
Lions of ink emerged from Sai's scroll and began stalking the statue down. The statue simply looked at them and destroyed them with a swing of its hand. Naruto sweatdropped at the display, "Sai! Ink won't hurt the damn thing! You've got to have another jutsu you can do right?"
Sai shrugged and pointed at the statue that had targeted Naruto, it was now gearing up to swing on him. Naruto cursed and dodged as the massive fist hit the ground and shook the building. Naruto jumped at the statue's head with wind chakra circulating around his sword, however when he made contact with the statue's neck a seal array appeared on the area that he made contact with and repelled him violently. Naruto bounced across the ground and stood up with his head swimming, "Damn it! The statue has the same seal on it that the walls do! It will just absorb any of the jutsu that we launch at it! Please tell me you have something that can break stone!"
Sai shook his head and Naruto once again cursed… and dodged another fisticuff from the statue, "Damn it Sai! Some back-up would be nice at the very least!" Sai shrugged again and pointed again as Naruto heard stone sliding once more. Naruto turned, "Fuck!" The statue actually had a fully functional stone sword on its back that it had just unsheathed. Naruto reached into his pack and pulled out a roll of explosive notes that he chucked over to Sai.
The pale ninja snatched them up out of mid-air and took one that he wrapped in a kunai and threw at the statue. It simply bounced off with the explosion being set off in its face.
"What is this damn thing made of?" Naruto wondered as he dodged the first strike of the behemoth's sword and ran at it again. He formed a swirling blue ball of chakra in his hand and launched at it, "Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere)!"
Once again he bounced off of the stone figure as a seal array appeared on its body. Naruto fell next to Sai and picked himself up again, "What are we going to do Sai? We can't escape, we can't use ninjutsu, and if it can take an explosive tag to the face and walk right through it I'm not strong enough to crack that stone without doing something that will hurt you, that is if it even works… all that would probably happen is I'll get my demonic chakra absorbed."
Sai shut his eyes in thought as the statue lumbered back over to them. Sai's eyes snapped open as he turned to Naruto, "Naruto-senpai, how good are you at fuuinjutsu?"
Naruto's eyes flickered back and forth from the statue to Sai, "I don't know. Only Ero-sennin is able to properly gauge my skill and I haven't seen him in a while. Why?"
Sai started drawing again on his scroll, "What if you were able to get a good look at that array, could you think of something to break it?"
Naruto tapped his chin in thought, "I don't know, it's worth a shot though. What do you have in mind?"
Said didn't answer and finished his drawing, "Choujuu Giga (Super Beasts Imitation Picture)." A mass of bats came out of his scroll and began flying around the statue's head, not making contact however. The statue stopped and tried swatting at the bats, far too slowly to actually take them out.
Naruto took advantage of the distraction and made a dozen Kage Bunshin, sending them all on a one way trip to the towering stone figure. The second the first Kage Bunshin made contact with the statue it dispelled as the seal array formed. Naruto whipped out a scroll and a brush as the array vanished, "The array appears for four seconds at a time! Run into him at four second intervals!"
The clones all nodded and did as was commanded while the statue was stuck being distracted by Sai's ink bats. As the array appeared on the golem's body, Naruto quickly copied it down just as his last Kege Bunshin dispelled, "Sai, can you give me some time to work this out? I need to figure out what went into this thing's seal."
Sai nodded and made a hand sign, all of the bats that were flying around the statue melted into ink all over its face, blinding it. The golem started swinging its sword wildly as it searched for the two Root trained ninja. Naruto kept out of the golem's range as did Sai. Eventually, Naruto's eyes lit up as he quickly wrote on a seal tag. Naruto placed his stuff away and looked at the statue with a determined expression. Naruto channeled chakra to his feet to activate the seal in the room and alert the statue to his location. As it turned, Naruto placed his fists together, "Fuuton: Fuujin Seiken (Wind Release: Divine Fist of the Wind God)!"
Naruto shot off the ranged wind jutsu and hit the golem flush, just as the seal array appeared once again, Naruto rushed in at full speed and slapped a tag right on the array right before placing another on himself, "Fuuinjutsu: Jinkaku no Yuuisei (Sealing Technique: Dominance of Personality)! Fuuin!"
Naruto and the statue were covered in a dull yellow glow that barely covered both of their bodies. Naruto smirked as his glow began to shine brighter while the statue's own faded out of existence. He moved his arm and surely the arm of the statue moved in exactly the same manner. Naruto let out a victorious whoop of joy, "Sai-kouhai get over here, quick! I don't know how long this will last for."
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