Naruto:This Time, I, Kotetsu Hagane, Will No Longer Be Lazy

Chapter 32: Meeting Kurenai-senpai

The door to The Crimson Kunai creaked open, and a cold draft swept in as two figures strolled into the bar. Kotetsu glanced at the entrance, squinting slightly through the dim lighting, before recognizing the unmistakable wild purple hair of Anko Mitarashi and the elegant stride of Kurenai Yuhi.

He blinked and instinctively checked the time on the bar's clock. 3 AM.

Yeah, that makes sense. You see Kotetsu and Izumo being the most known notorious duo who always worked the gates they noticed somethings. The mannerisms of people going out, and with who, they often time overheard conversations they shouldn't. No doubt if they wanted to they could take Ino Yamanaka's title for biggest gossip in the hidden leaf in thier sleep. As they often saw secret relationships others wanted to keep hidden, the development of butting romances before they bore fruit. As well as notice what time people come back on missions from. 

For them the busiest time people left to go on missions was 9:30 am and the best time for people returning on Jonin to anbu level missions was 2:30am while the moon hanged high in the sky. They typically have to go through village checks to make sure they are who they say they are then expected to give a report to the hokage or one of the anbu captains that will report to Hiruzen in the morning. They're also expected to write up a report detailing the events but everyone pushes it off to the next day.

So 3 am was the time when shinobi fresh off missions either drank to celebrate a successful operation or drown out the ghosts of a bad one.

Anko spotted them almost immediately. Her golden eyes lit up with mischief as she waved, calling out, "Oi, Kotetsu, Iruka! Didn't expect to see your ugly mugs here!"

Kotetsu smirked, lazily waving back. "Yeah, yeah, come join us! If you're buying, that is!"

Anko scoffed, striding forward, but as soon as she got within a few steps of the table, she stopped—eyes narrowing slightly in amusement. As she went to sit at a different table. Kotetsu met her gaze, and just like that, their was an unspoken challenge was issued.

Who's gonna sit next to who first?

Will she crack and sit next to him or will he get desperate and want to seek her out.

Neither moved.

Kotetsu leaned back in his chair, lazily swirling what was left of his drink. Anko crossed her arms, tapping a finger against her elbow. The two stared each other down, silent but daring.

Kurenai, being the oldest out of the four, only still 21 herself, watching this ridiculous display, sighed and rolled her eyes. "I swear, you two are like children," she muttered before walking over and smoothly sliding into the seat next to Kotetsu.

Kotetsu raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised as he didn't expect to be seated next to her.

Kotetsu looked over at her and had to admit he kind of saw why people in fanfic's always wrote about her with steamy 18+ scenes. She was breath takingly beautiful. A fair-skinned woman of slender build. Soft lips. She has that long black untamed hair reaching her upper back, and the real jewel in her appearance, those bright, shiny, red eyes. 

Damn and a woman like this ended up with that no good Asuma with daddy issues. No doubt Asuma is strong but he still died to an elite chunin level ninja in Hidan. While Hidan took on him and a team of ninja's all while Kakuzo sat back and just watched.

Kotetsu's real beef with Asuma isn't the Hokage its just the man died as she was pregnant leaving their child fatherless. And I know your saying I can't blame him for dying, it was Kishimoto's fault. And to that I say bullshit. You telling me that after him and his old lady (Kurenai) got dusted by Kisami and Itachi. So, they get embarrassed by their juniors and don't feel the need to train and improve their skills. Mind you neither of them two missing ninja's were trying. I'm sorry he deserved death after that.

Huh… first time I've actually talked to her outside of work. He dug into the original Kotetsu's memories, realizing that besides occasionally checking her mission paperwork at the gate, he and Kurenai had never really interacted. He found that kind of interesting.

Meanwhile, Iruka, now in a much closer proximity to Anko and Kurenai, suddenly felt his spine stiffen. Holy shit.

They're both ridiculously attractive.

He had always known Kurenai had a reputation for being one of the most beautiful kunoichi in the village—some even said the most beautiful outside of Lady Tsunade—but seeing her up close, in this lighting, after a mission? It hit different. And Anko? She was his senior in the academy, so he's always known about her through stories and what he's seen. She had a wild energy that made her even more intimidating in a way that had nothing to do with her skills.

Kotetsu, picking up on Iruka's nervous energy, fought back a smirk. Oh, this is gonna be fun.

"So," Kotetsu started, leaning forward with interest, "What kind of mission was it? You both look like you just came back from raising hell."

Anko grinned, grabbing a seat and throwing her arm over the back of the chair. "Pfft, you make it sound like we do that all the time."

Kotetsu gave her a flat look. "Anko."

She smirked. "Okay, most of the time. But nah, this was just a recon mission turned assassination. Got a little messy, but nothing too bad."

Kurenai nodded. "We were tracking a small group of missing-nin who had been running operations near the border. We took out their leader, scattered the rest, and made it back with only a few injuries."

Kotetsu noticed Kurenai's subtle shift in tone—business-like, controlled. Not surprising. Most mission debriefs were said in simple, detached sentences like that. It was how shinobi coped with the job.

Iruka, still a bit stiff, finally found his voice. "So… was it tough?"

Anko shrugged. "Not really. Kurenai did most of the heavy lifting. I just made sure the bodies wouldn't be found." She grinned, propping her chin up with her hand. "Speaking of which, you two look like you've been drinking like you just came back from a mission yourselves. What's the occasion?"

Kotetsu snorted. "More like a night of reminiscing about the war and lost friends. Real uplifting stuff, y'know."

Anko blinked before whistling lowly. "Damn. And here I was hoping you were just celebrating Izumo finally growing a pair and talking to that older woman he was eyeing."

Iruka choked on his drink. Kotetsu just laughed. "Oh, that too. But the night took a turn."

Kotetsu's smirk widened as he sniffed out an opportunity for some prime blackmail material on his good friend Izumo. He leaned in closer to Anko, his voice dropping into a conspiratorial whisper.

"I had no idea you'd stumble on that," he said, feigning surprise. "I mean, isn't it three in the morning? Oh, do tell me, what exactly did you see? Did my dear friend Izumo actually close the deal and stumble out of a hotel room like a true wandering sage? Or were they all cuddled up on a park bench, whispering sweet nothings under the moonlight like a couple in a cheesy romance novel?"

Anko's grin stretched, her golden eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know," she teased, swirling the drink in her hand.

Kotetsu gave her a flat look. "Yes. That's literally why I asked."

Anko leaned back in her chair, stretching lazily before propping her chin on her palm. "Mmm… That kind of juicy intel doesn't come free, y'know. You want the details? It's gonna cost you."

Kotetsu arched a brow. "Alright, name your price."

Anko tapped her finger against her chin, pretending to think. Then, with a smug grin, she said, "I want a week's worth of all I can eat dango. And I'm talking the good stuff. Not the cheap crap from the market, I want the high-end dango from that fancy place near the Hokage Tower."

Kotetsu's jaw dropped. "Y-you fein!" "The hell? That place is highway robbery! You think I'm made of money? That's like—like three whole mission payouts worth of dango!"

Anko crossed her arms, tilting her head playfully. "Well, information isn't cheap, Kotetsu-kun~"

Kotetsu scoffed, dramatically shaking his head. "Tch. No deal. I refuse to let my financial ruin be the price for some late-night gossip. You're trying to bankrupt me, Hokage-sama."

Anko let out a bark of laughter. "Hah! Damn right. I am a benevolent ruler."

Kotetsu smirked, playing along. "Oh, mighty Anko-hime, is there no mercy in your reign?"

She grinned but then leaned in slightly, lowering her voice. "Fine. I'll lower my price. But—you have to call me Anko-sama and owe me a favor in the future, no questions asked."

Kotetsu narrowed his eyes, weighing his options. On one hand, she could make him do something really stupid. On the other… he did have a shift with Izumo soon. He could definitely wring the full story out of him anyway.

Still… he wasn't about to back down from a challenge.

He sighed theatrically. "Alright, Anko-sama, you got yourself a deal as long as the favor isn't about loaning out money." Kotetsu knew that was the easiest way to lose a friend, being a golden rule in the life as a shinobi.

Anko's grin stretched as she extended her hand. Kotetsu took it, shaking firmly, locking the agreement in place.

Kurenai, who had been silently observing the exchange with mild amusement, exhaled a soft chuckle and shook her head. "You two are absolutely ridiculous."

Kotetsu smirked. "Oh, you love the show, Kurenai-chan. Don't lie."

Kurenai rolled her eyes, but the small smile on her face gave her away.

Kotetsu leaned back, satisfied with his deal with Anko, but his eyes flicked toward Kurenai, who had been quietly sipping her drink, watching their ridiculous exchange unfold. He smirked, deciding it was time to rope her into the chaos.

"You know, Kurenai," Kotetsu started, tilting his head toward her. "You're awfully quiet for someone witnessing history in the making. You got nothing to add to this groundbreaking intel exchange?"

Kurenai sighed, giving him a pointed look over her glass. "I just think it's funny how eager you are to get dirt on Izumo's love life when your own is looking pretty barren."

Anko snorted. "Damn, she got you there."

Kotetsu placed a hand over his chest as if he had been mortally wounded. "Oh, Kurenai… you wound me." He turned to Anko. "Did you hear that? Cold. Absolutely heartless."

Anko grinned. "Yeah, but she's not wrong, is she?"

Iruka, who had been nursing his drink and enjoying the back and forth, finally chimed in. "To be fair, I can't actually remember the last time you dated someone, Kotetsu."

Kotetsu shot him a betrayed look. "Iruka? Not you too."

Iruka shrugged, smiling slightly. "Just saying. You're very invested in Izumo's love life for a guy who's been on a dry spell."

Anko laughed, nudging Kotetsu with her elbow. "Maybe you should take notes from Izumo, huh? Seems like he's doing something right."

Kotetsu smirked, not missing a beat. "Oh? And what, Anko-sama, are you suggesting I should be doing?"

Anko raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe you should work on that charm of yours. Might help you get a date."

Kotetsu leaned in slightly, grinning. "Oh, so now you're saying I don't have charm? That's a pretty bold statement."

Anko smirked right back. "I mean… You've got something. Whether or not it's charm, though, is debatable."

Kurenai sighed, sipping her drink. "You two are impossible." Though he enjoyed the light hearted banter and the fact that someone was willing to match Anko's flirtatious comments to see if she'd still to them.

Iruka chuckled, shaking his head. "No, they're impossible. We're just here, suffering through it."

Kotetsu turned to Kurenai, placing a hand on his chest dramatically. "Kurenai, if you keep roasting me like this, I might start thinking you have a thing for me."

Kurenai rolled her eyes. "Not even in your wildest dreams, Kotetsu."

Anko grinned, looking between them. "Oof, shut down."

Iruka then cut in, "You should be careful Kotetsu-senpai or Asuma-senpai will come down and give you a good beating."

This got a round off laughter all around from Anko, Kotetsu, and Iruka. All except Kurenai who had the expression of a tomato.

Kotetsu chuckled, turning back to Anko. "Well, can't win 'em all. Guess I'll just have to settle for you shamelessly flirting with me all night."

Anko gave him a deadpan stare before smirking. "In your dreams, maybe."

Kotetsu grinned. "Hey, I gotta dream big, right?"

Kurenai sighed but smiled as she shook her head, while Iruka just took another sip of his drink, realizing this was going to be a long night.

"Well, there's a layer of truth to those words," he mused, setting his drink down with a soft clink. "Since we're already on the topic of romance… I do have a couple of kunoichi in mind."

Anko perked up immediately, eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Oh? Do tell," she drawled, resting her elbow on the table and leaning in with an eager smirk.

Kurenai, though far more composed, tilted her head slightly, clearly interested in his response. Even Iruka leaned in just a fraction, giving Kotetsu an expectant look.

Kotetsu took a slow sip of his drink, letting the anticipation hang in the air as the three of them leaned in, eager for his answer. He smirked. Damn, they look like a bunch of kids waiting for a secret.

"Well," he said, swirling his drink lazily. "I have about three girls that come to mind as potential options I'd consider. By no means is it love, obviously."

Anko perked up, eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh? Do tell."

Kurenai looked mildly intrigued, while Iruka just nodded along, waiting for the names.

Kotetsu smirked. "First, Ayane."

Kurenai blinked. "Who?"

Iruka frowned. "I don't think I've ever heard you mention her before."

Kotetsu shrugged. "She's a chunin. She mostly works at the gate with me and Izumo. When she does leave the village she mostly works recon missions. She's the uptight type of personality who holds herself in high esteem like a noble but is super childish as she can't help but retort if you make a silly remark. She's got this sharp wit that makes every conversation feel like a game of shogi. I like that."

Kurenai hummed thoughtfully. "Interesting choice."

Anko thought about the person for a second. "Hold on you said worked at the gate with you? Wait your talking about that branch Hyūga chick. Oof a Hyūga, their so rigid, my sympathy's go out to you."

Kurenai and Iruka silently nodded, as if agreeing. Hyūga's have high standards, but especially for outsiders as they don't often marry outside their clan. To even be considered Kotetsu would need a large amount of wealth, notoriety, or strength of at least Jonin. Even then he'd have to marry into the clan

Kotetsu lifted his second finger. "Then there's Naori."

Anko squinted. "Okay, now you're just making people up."

Kotetsu laughed. "No, no, she's real.

Kurenai as if in thought had her hand on her chin. "Yeah I can't say I heard the name mentioned before, is she a ninja."

Kotetsu looked up at the ceiling while speaking. "From what I know she use to be a ninja..But can't as she went blind?"

Kurenai raised a brow. " Naori? What's her last name?"


The three repeated it...."Uchiha"

Not expecting such an answer. Anko spoke, "At least with Hyuga's they'll engage in friendly conversation back with you. But and Uchiha? An Uchiha was a ticking explosion tag ready to go off. Arrogance, brash, challenging nature that often times never teamed up with anyone outside their clans after they reach the rank of Chunin. Not to mention they don't exactly have the best reputation in the village."

Iruka still being the youngest of the group had to agree with the assessment, all though he was a bit more open minded to the idea of team with them. " Kotetsu-senpai your really aiming for the moon with these crushes."

Kurenai was more interested in more of the shinobi aspect was curious in how strong she was. "So what rank is she? And what did she specialize in?"

Kotetsu took another sip. "Hmm well I had to do some digging on her to look this up, but she was a Jonin. And Genjutsu prodigy.


Kurenai being one of Konoha's only specialist in the art of Genjutsu had a certain love for it. For years Kurenai has studied the art of Genjutsu, often time spending long nights reading alone on the subject. Outside of the Uchiha clan no one goes past the basic Genjutsu. No one tries to understand its inner working.

So she was understandable dying to talk to someone on the topic. Unfortunately, she knows Kotetsu is lazy and doesn't have much interested past the basic 5 you can get at the shinobi library. So she decided to save this name later and hope this girl was nice and be will to talk on the subject.

Iruka then cuts Kurenai out her thoughts. "So what's she like?"

Really sharp mind, but she's got a bit of an oddball personality. Kind of like if you mixed Shikaku Nara's brain with a cat that only interacts with you on its terms."

*Somewhere in the village*

A girl with purple wavy hair falling down her back, with white medical bandages covering her eyes. Is silently humming a tune while knitting a sweater for the winter. *Auchoo* She sneezes, rubbing her nose she says. It must be one of my enemies cursing me again. If anyone could see her face at this moment, then they'd see a vicious but serine smile being seen on her face.

Back to the bar

Then as if she forgot a bigger point in Kotetsu's description of the girl, Kurenai blinked in confusion. Pointing her fingers to her eyes to ask the question. "She's Blind?"

"Yup. As blind as a bat." Kotetsu nods as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"That's unexpected. So why her? Did you think she wouldn't care about putting up with your ugly face." Anko says in curiosity.

Kotetsu goes to take another drink looking at his cup. "Ouch but no. She's… kind of mysterious. I see her by the park every other day when I'm on my way to the gates. I always wondered how'd she get there. She doesn't have a cane to walk, no attendant to help her. But she's always there mixing with the background. Doesn't talk much, I can't explain it. But there's something about her that keeps you guessing. Like a puzzle you just want to figure out."

Kurenai thought about his words, blinked then said as if she got it. "So you want to solve that mystery."

Kotetsu pointed to her, "Bingo. You got it."

Iruka nodded slowly. "That… actually makes sense."

Anko looked dazed not understanding but shook her head. "I still don't get it but sure."

Then she blinked as if remembering something. Then she pointed at him. "Wait you said three who's the third one?"

This got a pointed look, drawing all eyes towards him, as they expected Kotetsu to continue.

Then, Kotetsu lifted his third finger. "And lastly… Anko."

Anko nearly falling out her sear and choking on her drink. Pointed to herself. "Wait, huh? Why me?"

Kurenai who was already interest in the conversation, didn't believe Kotetsu would be so bold to say such things Infront of one of the girls, he assumedly liked. What's wrong with this guy. Isn't he not afraid of being rejected? She secretly liked this, wishing Asuma could be so bold. As the man already left her, before making their relationship official even though she often heard her colleagues joke about the two.

Most shinobi are never this bold, its always a back and fourth game of cat and mouse. A battle of information. She can't think of a single man in her generation to do such a thing. Not Kakashi, Genma, Raido, Guy, or even that perve with the shades Ebisu. Relationships were always more subtle. But this was like ripping the bandage off before the wound has healed.

"Y-you you, how could this guy be so shameless. He brings up two other girls he's interested in then mentions me. Does he think I'd go for a guy who's paying attention to so many girls. He truly thinks he's some untouchable demon king." Anko thought getting back up.

Kotetsu grinned, enjoying her reaction. " I picked women I could have the most fun with. Having a good back-and-forth conversation with—someone who could annoy me as much as I annoy them."

To someone like Iruka. A man who wanted a more harmonies relationship in a partner, what Kotetsu said didn't make no sense to him as it seemed toxic.

Anko blinked, staring at him as if he had grown a second head. Then, after a moment, she scoffed, folding her arms. "Pfft. Sorry to break it to you, Kotetsu, but you have no chance with me."

Kotetsu shrugged, completely unfazed. "I'd say that's yet to be see but fine. I'll just settle for this then." As he took another sip of his drink, letting what she said brush right past him as if she never rejected him.

Anko narrowed her eyes. "Tch. Smug bastard."

Kurenai, who had been quietly watching, tilted her head slightly, studying her friend's reaction. To the confession, if she could call it that. 'Was Anko actually embarrassed?' It was subtle, but Kurenai knew her well enough to catch the momentary slip in Anko's mask she puts up, before Anko quickly covered it up with her usual bravado.

She didn't dwell on it too long, though. After all, it wasn't really her business.

Anko leaned forward, smirking again, her momentary embarrassment completely forgotten. "So what you're saying is, you like women who can kick your ass and make you suffer?"

Huh, wait, Kotetsu paused to think about the validity of the statement before saying. "Damn it! Kotetsu frowned after thinking about it."

"Well one was a full Jonin, 1 a Tokubetsu Jōnin, and the other was a Hyuga chunin who can't go on missions, but she's still a Hyuga so has a skill level close to Jonin." Kotetsu says while looking completely stunned.

This got a chuckle from all of them. 

Kotetsu sighed, well I guess that's one reason I can add for training so badly. I gotta at least put up a fight.

Kotetsu then rubbed his chin for a moment. " Well actually now that I think about it all of them have purple hair so I might just have a thing for the color purple."

This brought some heat to Anko's ear, but no one noticed it.

Kurenai sighed, shaking her head. "That's one way to put it."

Anko clicked her tongue. "Well, good luck with that, lover boy. I'm sure one of them will put up with you eventually."

Kotetsu smirked, his gaze lingering on Anko for a beat too long. With the two now staring at each other, their eyes locked on each other's image. "Oh, I'm counting on it."

For the first time that night, Anko had no snappy comeback. Instead, she rolled her eyes and downed the rest of her drink.


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