One Pice: A Game Blue System.

Chapter 25: CH-25:)

Yes okay. I know. My accuracy is currently trash. Hot garbage. I didn't exactly have time to practice after making my purchase. My sum-total experience with guns was I once spent about three hours of an afternoon shooting at a haystack with one of my buddies back on Kivuruk.

'Oh well. It's gonna have to do.'

Mori stops firing back to reload his pistol and based on his frown he knows he hasn't hit anyone yet. The man is obviously prioritizing staying down over actually aiming. If he risks popping his head out to get a proper shot it may be the last thing he ever does.

"We need a plan!" Mori tries to yell over the deafening racket.

"I've got one but it's not very good!" I scream back. The Chief flinches as a bullet pierces the box he's behind and misses his fingers by a scarce few millimeters."What is it!" Quick as a flash I pop my top half out of cover and spring my arms forward. My fingers glide over the special rapid-fire triggers and all 12 shots blaze out towards the crowd on the second floor railing.

+40 Exp! +45 Exp!

-156 HP! +40 Exp!

-31 HP!

I fall back behind cover and hiss through my teeth. I took out three of the mooks but it cost me a new hole in my shoulder and a painful graze across the side of my head. 'Fuck...fuck...I'm glad [HP Regen] puts a priority on stopping bleeding.' "That was a terrible plan!" Mori chastises angrily. "I KNOW! YOU GOT A BETTER ONE?" I thundered back as I swung open the chamber of one of my revolvers. 'Note to self. Need a better way of reloading.'My fingers fumble a bullet I'm trying to slide in. 'One round at a time isn't going to cut it.'

The gunfire briefly breaks and Jorgen's voice cuts through the room. "Come on gentlemen, stop being difficult." The man says almost smugly. "Chief I'll make you a deal. If you surrender now, I'll see to it that you get a posthumous double promotion up to Warrant Officer. Wouldn't that be nice? Set your wife and baby girl up for life on the government's dime?"

"My nephew makes a generous offer." The Don adds in. "I recommend you take it or that 'death benefit' paperwork may just get lost. Is that what you want? For your lady to be left with no money and no home? She might have to debase herself just to make ends meet." Mori's face starts to bristle in anger when he spots something and his grin turns devious. Confused, I follow his line of sight and realize he's staring at one of the containers we've hidden behind.

Specifically, at the faded large red print emblazoned on its side.


'Oh fuck yeah.'

I smash open the side with a sharp elbow jab and out tumbles a small ocean of packing straw followed by a half-dozen silver bazooka's. They're nothing special. Just the same generic model I'd seen so many countless background characters wield but my eyes gleam all the same.

"WHAT NO SPECIAL OFFER FOR ME?" I yell as a distraction more than anything. Whatever can buy a few seconds as Mori confirms they're loaded.

Another few salvos of gunfire is my only response and I'm forced to press myself low against the ground.

'Well now that's just rude.'

The Chief finishes his inspection and gives me a head nod. "Know how to use one of these?" he whispers.

"Not really. Just point the explodey end at the bad guys right?"

Mori smirked. "Ha! Good enough."

The Don finally answers my inquiry, as though the shooting didn't make his attitude clear. "Sorry bounty hunter. This place will be your grave! You should never have crossed the Masserida Family!" "Can I have my last words then!" I shout back, hoisting a cannon on each shoulder as I do so. It's a feat the Chief briefly tries to mimic but his strength just isn't high enough to hold more than one.

The hailstorm of bullets briefly stops again and Mori and I waste no time in popping our heads out and bringing our new toys into view. "FUCK YOUR FAMILY!"

I get the supreme pleasure of hearing some men yelp in panic before the trio of explosions rock the second floor scaffolding sending both bodies and weapons plummeting to the ground. Smoke fills the warehouse and the ear-piercing screech of wrenching steel lets me know that the platform the mobsters were standing on has collapsed.

+30 Exp! +40 Exp! +40 Exp! +35 Exp!

+40 Exp!

Skill Lv. Up! Firearms Mastery Lv. (2/10) → (3/10) -Your ability to accurately use pistols, rifles, and portable cannons. Current Accuracy: 26.25%. Accuracy % is equal to [Firearms Mastery Level x5 + ¼ INT].

I vault myself out of cover and rush into the chaos before people can get their bearings. Unconscious goons are scattered across the floor with various states of burns and injuries. It's possible that I may have just taken my first life but there's no time to dwell on it.

This fight isn't even close to being done.

One of the flunkies closest to me starts rising off his knees but an axe kick to the back of his head sends his face back into the floor, probably destroying his nose. +40 Exp!

Another gets to his feet and takes a wild shot in my direction with his pistol but his delirious state causes the shot to go wide. Before his head can clear I've already crossed the distance and delivered an upward palm strike into his chin.

+50 Exp!

My peripheral vision catches a duo bringing their rifles up but the Chief appears from left field and makes short work of them with his personal saber.

"Jack! There!" He points with a shout.

I follow the finger and see Lt. Jorgen standing off to the side coughing smoke out of his lungs. The chest he was cradling so protectively is missing for the moment and a nasty head wound is bleeding down into one eye.


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