One Pice: A Game Blue System.

Chapter 26: CH-26:)

The officer reacts to me in the same instant that I to him and he draws his own Marine cutlass with an ugly sneer.

I snatch the one pistol I'd managed to reload a minute ago from its holster and depress the trigger again and again. Doing my best to get a bullet right in his center mass.

I unleash shot after shot but the Marine just weaves his way through the bullets. I can't tell if it's special training he's had or if I'm just that piss-poor of a shot right now but it doesn't change the end result.

On the last round in my gun he swings his cutlass up to actually block the bullet but it has the unintended side-effect of snapping his blade in half right across the middle. The lieutenant seems unconcerned by the loss of his weapon and immediately launches the ruined piece of steel at me, knocking my revolver from my hand.

I met what little distance remained of his charge head on and grab a quick [Observe] of his stats. There's no time to do anything but get a glance in so I hone in on the three most important numbers. He's got 6 points on me in STR, 1,580 health which is more than decent, but my DEX trumps his by 28.

[Adrenalin Rush] Activated!

STR (118 +70%) → (200.6)

The two of us meet and the fists go flying. Neither of us is at 100%. His ears are probably still ringing and the head wound is certainly not doing any favors. I meanwhile have more than a couple bullet sized holesadorning my body. If it weren't for the [Resilience] [Perk] and my minor healing factor I'd probably be screaming my lungs out or curled up in the fetal position. After the first few exchanges it's become apparent that Jorgen has definitely had some form of hand-to-hand training. I may have some instinctive fighting ability on my side due to [Unarmed Combat], but his blocks and parry's are far above my own skill level. If I was still at the speed I used when taking down Blackjack then this man would absolutely be picking me apart.

Unfortunately for him, with all the factors in play right now? My naturally better VIT and DEX. His head wound. The edge my [Perks] are providing me.

The man's struggling to keep up.

Jorgen slaps one of my blows away, attempts to counter, but then abandons the notion in favor of dodging my next hit. I don't blame him. With over 200 STR right now It probably feels like getting struck by a sledgehammer. Alert! [Adrenalin Rush] has expired!

'Well it was good while it lasted.'

Bit by bit coherent strategy soon falls by the wayside as the brawl turns into an absolute slugfest. He's definitely dodged more than I have but the damage is building up on both sides and I'm forced to do a mental 'Clear All' on all of the health notifications the [Game] has been spitting at me.

It all eventually comes to a head though when my fist crashes into his jaw at the same time his hand sinks into my gut.

48 Damage! (517/1,580) -39 HP! (945/2,020)

For the briefest moment the two of us are stunned. Both unable to respond to the direct hit. But I'm the one who recovers first.

I drop low and sweep my leg out in an arc, taking the lieutenant's legs out from under him. My knees spring me upward as he falls and an elbow to his midsection accelerates his meeting with the ground, forcing his mouth to gasp aloud in pain.

50 Damage! (467/1,580)

Jorgen attempts to roll away but my boot to his temple aborts that plan before it can even begin.

72 Damage! (395/1,580) Your opponent has been knocked out!

The traitors eyes roll into the back of his head and his limbs comically twitch showing he's down for the count. "Hang tight for a minute will ya?" I say with some heavy breaths. "I'm gonna go have a chat with your uncle." The Don himself is just barely beginning to recover ever since his tumble from the second floor. Don't judge him too harshly though. It's a pretty long drop for such a little guy. He crawls to his personal sidearm, reaching an arm out for the silver pistol, only for Mori's boot to crunch down on his hand, breaking two of Masserida's fingers! "Gahhhh! You son of a-"

The Chief hoists the man up by his collar and dangles him helplessly in the air. I saunter up to Mori's left side and watch as the midget futilely tries to claw himself free with his one good hand.

"You think you'll get away with this?" The mob boss blusters. "I have connections that go way higher than the Marines! You'll never-"

"God, can you be any more disappointing?" I ask with contempt. "I can't believe I hyped myself up and imagined you as some big scary gangster. You're just one regurgitated trope after another." I struck the Don straight in the face sending him off to dreamland. 'Just one hit? Seriously? What a letdown.'

+500 Exp!

You have reached Lv. 28! You have 10 points to spend!

I silently distribute two points into everything and then turn to the Chief to look at him quizzically.

STR (118) → (120) VIT (101) → (103) DEX (101) → (103) INT (45) → (47) WIS (43) → (45)

"So what's the protocol now? What do we do from here?" Mori drops the unconscious gang leader to the floor and sighs dramatically. "Nothing to do but call it in I guess. Ugh. My Captain is going to kill me. I should've been suspicious when the Lieutenant said he'd handle all the paperwork for this trip."


Your opponent has eaten a Devil Fruit! 65% of their max health has been restored!

My head snaps down to the KO'd mafia boss in shock. 'What! No he hasn't!'


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