Chapter 28: MEMORIES





After the talk with his son Luffy, Monkey D Dragon returned back to his ship and ordered his subordinates to set sail towards their headquarter. After a week of sailing they had finally reached Baltigo. Dragon exits the ship and entered the large building which is Revolutionary Army's headquarter. He stroll through the corridors of the headquarter and finally reached his office, he enters in and then took out the photo album which his son gave to him and placed it on his working desk and then sat on his chair.

He closed his eyes and started to think about his talk with his son and what he had learned from it, to think that his son Monkey D Luffy is one day going to overthrow the WorldGovernment and not by his own decision but rather chosen by someone from the past. 'Sigh' he tried his best to keep his son as far away from the cruelty of the world and to let him live his life in light…..but looks like the whole Monkey D family line is cursed. His father, Monkey D Garp a Vice-Admiral and righteous Marine who wants to bring new order into the Marines by working from the inside, and look where it brought him….nowhere.

Then he himself, leader of Revolutionary Army who wants to overthrow WorldGovernment and create a new ruling body which will not hold back the world for their own benefits or maybe to create an Election system, so that the normal civilian can choose who they wants to be the Leader. Sometime he thinks what would be the world like without the WorldGovernment's Dictatorship, 'sigh' he can only dream and see to it that this dream of his become reality.

He then heard a knock on the his office door, "Come in" he said and saw the door opened and a tall teen with neck length blond hair and a burn scar over his left eye and his head is adorn with a black top-hat. "You called for me!! Boss!!" asked the teen as he entered the office and stand infront of the desk. "Yes Sabo, sit…." Dragon said and gestures to the teen now identify as Sabo towards an empty chair. Sabo sat down on it and looked at Dragon with confusion, "Is everything allright boss!? It seems like something is troubling you??"

Dragon leaned back in his chair, "Yes, there is few changes in our plan…." Then he looked at him, "But I'll discuss it with everyone in next meeting." He then slid the photo album towards Sabo, "Right now, why don't you take a look at it!!" Sabo was confused as to what is in the album, so he picked it up and looked at cover of the album, it written 'ASL, BROTHERS FOREVER'. Reading this somehow caused a pain in his head, as if he had heard this words before but where, he don't known.

Slowly he opened the album and saw the front page he saw three names where written with colour pencils, the first one was Portgas D Ace in somewhat bad handwriting then Monkey D Luffy in gibrish and the final name caused his breath to quicken, it was his name….Sabo. With a shaky breath and a sense of nostalgia he slowly started to turn pages and read the notes and saw the photos attached to it. With each turning page his headache was intensifying and slowly few memories started to flash into his mind. But he continued with the album book, he didn't know that he has started to cry, that his hands started to shake and he started to hyperventilate.

Dragon saw everything, how different kinds of emotion surfaced on Sabo's face, how he started to cry and how it looks like he will have a heart attack. He immediately stood up to support Sabo and to stop him from going any further through the album, when suddenly Sabo stood up and the album fell to the ground. "Sabo?? Are you okay!??" but instead of hearing any answers, he saw the boy fell to his knees and clutched his head tightly and started to scream, "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...…"

Dragon seeing Sabo's state immediately rushed by his side and patted his back and trying to ease his pain, he is sure that by now everyone outside had already heard the loud scream from his office. And as he thought, he heard hurried footsteps closing towards his office and then the door slammed open and he saw one his top member Hack came rushing towards him and Sabo, followed by the orange haired girl, Koala. Soon the rest of the members also followed and gathered around them and looked at the screaming Sabo with worry in their eyes.

Then Sabo stops screaming and started to breathe deeply. The boy looked like a mess, sweating and his blond hair disheveled and tears running down his cheeks. He then looked around himself and saw everyone looking at him with concerned face, but right now none of that matters, because after so long he finally remembered who he is….. "S-Sabo-kun, are you alright!!??" he looked at owner of the voice and saw it is Koala. He then weakly smiled, "I remembered everything!!!!" she got shocked at hearing that, "What!??"

Sabo then slowly gets to the album book and turn the page to the photo of him and Ace and Luffy was squished between them with his signature toothy grin and a huge Strawhat on his head. He then showed it to everyone, "See….here, this is me…." He pointed towards little boy wearing top-hat, "This is Ace….." he pointed towards the kid with freckles under his eyes and with grumpy face, "This is Luffy…." He pointed towards the kid in the middle with the broadest smile on his face. "They are my brothers….my brothers and they think that I am dead!!!" he lowered his head in sadness.

Everyone there was shocked at hearing that Sabo got his memories back and when he showed them photos of him and his brothers, they were all happy for him but after hearing his last statement they realized that it is indeed true, those boys in the photo are grown by now thinking everyday that their brother is dead. Dragon then put his hand on Sabo's shoulder making him look at him, "It is indeed true that your bothers would think you're dead, but a week ago when I was in East-Blue, I met one of your brother's… was him who gave this album to me."

Sabo was shocked hearing that, "Really!!! Who was it? It is Ace or Luffy??" Dragon faintly smiled at that, "It was your brother and son Monkey D Luffy!!!" everyone was shocked at hearing that, "Wait what!!?? Boss has a son???" Koala was shocked hearing that, Hack patted her shoulder, "You didn't know? All the higher members of R.A already knows about this!!!" Koala blushed at this, "B-But no one told me anything!!??"

Dragon seeing the that everything is settled now, so he ordered everyone else to leave and that he and Sabo will talk about this, and after that they can ask from Sabo about anything. Soon the office was empty leaving only Dragon and Sabo there. They both sat down on the chair and after drinking some water, Sabo was ready to hear about what mischief his monkey of little brother has caused.


Back with the Strawhats, it's been three days since they had left from Whiskey Peak and Nami has entered into the Training Chamber. Right now everyone was resting on the deck while Vivi is monitoring the rudder and her Log Pose. "ANYBODY UP FOR SOME SPECIAL DRINKS!!??" Sanji asked as he walked out from the kitchen with different flavors of beverage, "You bet we are!" Luffy said, he and the others took the glass and drank the cool refreshment.

Luffy then looked at Vivi, "Oi Vivi, you doing good!!??" she took a sip from her drink and looked at Luffy with a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine." "So….how long will take for us to reach this 'Little Garden'" Zoro asked. Vivi then looked at the Log Pose and then inspected the map, "Hmmm…..about a week, I think." They all nodded at that. Then Ussop asked question which was bugging from sometime, "Hey Vivi…" she looked at him, "Are you happy here…..with us on his ship!??" this caught everyone's attention, as they also wants to know her answer.

Vivi looked at open sea and started to think, in these three days staying with them and being on this ship, she had somehow completely forgot about all here worries. It's as if, she knew now that as long as they are with her, her home will be saved. She then smiled and looked at the clear sky, "I think being on this ship and with you guys had somehow made my worries go away!!! And I like this feeling." The Strawhats smiled at hearing her genuine answer.


"LAND HO....." Ussop yelled from the crowsnest spotting their next destination. Everyone looked at the direction Ussop has pointed and they saw an island in a distance. Vivi then checked the Log Pose and saw it's needle pointing towards the island, "There's no doubt about it. Our next destination is that island!" hearing this Luffy cheered, "YOSH!!!! OUR SECOND ISLAND ON THE GRANDLINE!!"

"But we should be careful…..I'm worried about what Ms. All-Sunday said about this island." Vivi warned them, Ussop started to tremble, "Y-Y-You don't think there are monsters here, do you?" Sanji lit up his cigarette, "Beats me…." Then he took a drag from it and released it, "But we gotta stock up on some food pretty soon. I wasn't able to restock at all at the last town." By now the ship has already entered into the island threw a canal passage.

 They were all awe by their surrounding, "Man, just look at this place…..It's like a land yet to be explored by people. The entire island is a thick jungle." Luffy said with a shine in his eyes, while Ussop was shaking and looking here and there, "H-hey guys…..I don't like this place!! Look at these trees….What's 'Little' about this place!!??" suddenly they all heard a loud screeching noise and when they looked up, they saw giant blue bird flying over them. Then all off a sudden they heard rustling from the nearby bushes and saw a giant tiger limping towards the shore and then suddenly it fell over. They all saw a large gash mark on the tiger's belly from where blood is oozing out.

Seeing this Ussop immediately looked at the others, "Now this is definitely not normal! Otherwise why would a tiger, King of the jungle, collapse covered in its own blood!!??" but Luffy just ignored Ussop's rambling and looked at Sanji, "Oi Sanji!! Prepare a Pirate Lunchbox!!" Sanji looked at him while puffing on his cigarette, "I smell adventure ahead!!" Luffy finished. Ussop immediately rushed to Luffy's side and started to shake him, "W-Wait just a second!! Where do you think you're going?" he asked in shaky voice, "On an adventure! Shishishishi! Wanna tag along?" Ussop started to cry anime tears seeing Luffy all fired up for new adventure. Then Vivi shyly walked towards Luffy, "Ano….Luffy-san! Can I come along with you!??" Luffy's grin widen at that, "Sure-Sure!" Ussop seeing this fall to his knees, "Not you too!!!" After Sanji had packed the lunchbox for both Luffy and Vivi, they both landed on the island, "Alright, Let's go!" Luffy said with excitement while Vivi was riding on Carue who was sweating profusely as if telling everyone that he didn't want to go with them.

Seeing Luffy, Vivi and Carue had left to venture into this unknown island, Ussop muttered, "That Princess sure got some guts" Zoro stands beside him, "I guess it's expected of one who infiltrated Baroque Works." Then he started to walk towards the edge of the railing, Ussop seeing this asked, "Now, where are you going!!?" Zoro did some stretching, "Well, since I'm not doing anything either, I'll go for a walk." Ussop's eyes wide open and jaw hanging, "A WALK!! AND YOU!!??"

But Zoro didn't mind him and jumped off the ship and landed on the island. "Yo Zoro, Wait!" He looked towards the ship and saw Sanji waving at him to stop, "What!?" he asked, "We're running out of food onboard so if you see any animals that look to be edible, can you hunt it down and bring it back?" asked Sanji. Zoro turned his head towards the jungle, "Sure thing. I'll go hunt for some animals that you'd never be able to kill yourself." Then he started to walk away.

Hearing Zoro's words, Sanji's eyes burn with fury, "WAIT RIGHT THERE!" Zoro stopped and looked back at Sanji with his lone right eye, "Now what!?" Sanji put his left foot on the railing and looked at Zoro, "Did I hear you wrong, or did you imply that you could hunt a bigger game than I can….?" Zoro looked at him with bored expression, "Isn't that obvious?" Sanji gritted his teeth hearing that and bit his cigarette into two and then spit it out, "That's it! I challenge you at hunting!" then he too jumped off the ship and landed on the island. "Whosever bring back the most Kilograms of meat will be the winner!" "Fine by me. Though in my case, it'll be tones of meat." With that said, they both walks their separate ways.

"H-Hey g-guys…..where are you going!!! D-don't leave me behind!!" Ussop shuttered and looks around himself. It was quit, really-really quit, it was like this for few minutes and then he heard 'thump'. He immediately took out his giant slingshot and aimed at the direction where he heard the sound. 'Thump', he heard it again and that loud thumping sound is nearing him, he coated his hand in Armament Haki and aimed at direction of sound. Then it happened, he had sensed it with his Observation Haki, whatever is making that sound is huge…..very very huge and then a hand parted the trees away and now Ussop can see a giant shadow looming over him.


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