Inside the jungle, Sanji was searching for bigger catch to win his challenge against Zoro, when suddenly he heard a loud scream, "Hmmmm...? What was that!?" he looked around himself but he found nothing, then he sensed a big creature just behind him. He looked at that direction and saw it is a giant T-Rex looking at him with drool in his mouth. But Sanji just smirked seeing this, "Well, it looks like the victory is going to be mine!!!" On the other side Zoro found a Triceratops who is looking at Zoro with challenge, but Zoro tilted his head in confusion, "The hell is this....can you even eat this thing?"
With Luffy, Vivi and Carue, they were strolling through the dense forest and were mesmerized by oversized butterflies and some insects, "Wow!! This place is is really sad that Nami is missing all this!!" Luffy said while looking at everything awe struck eyes. Meanwhile Vivi was a little nervous seeing all these oversized creatures, then suddenly they heard a large thumping sound and looked up only to see a Alamosaurus. "Yeah baby!!! There is fucking dinosaur living on this island!!!" Luffy screamed with excitement.
By his side, both Vivi and Carue seeing the dinosaur started to shake in fear, "W-wait!!! How can there be dinosaurs on this island when every single of them died ages ago...." then suddenly she remembered something, "Now I get it! This is a prehistoric island!" Luffy still looking the dinosaur commented, "So does that mean, this island is still stuck in the age of Dinosaurs!" Vivi nodded at that, "Yes, because of the difficulty in navigating from one island to another on Grandline, foreign interection is rare, giving rise to unique cultures on each island. So if there are islands on which highly advanced people live....then there can also be islands on which time has stopped still for thousands and thousands of years. This is all possible due to Grandline's chaotic climate! And so this island is one such product of Grandline's's an island trapped back in the age of Dinosaurs!"
As Vivi finished her explanation which Luffy by all means didn't listen, he immediately ran towards Alamosaurus and jumped on its back, "Yosh!!! Let's ride on it!" "Don't!!! You retard!!!" Vivi yelled at Luffy with shark like teeth.
Meanwhile with Ussop, he has fallen on his butt and was completely stiff seeing a giant wearing Viking like outfit looming over him and Merry. The giant looked at Ussop with smile on his face, "Hello my little friend, my name is Brogy and I'm really sorry for sudden intrusion! But may I kindly ask if you have some spare rum with you on this ship!??" Ussop was petrified right now as he didn't know what to do in this kind of situation, "W-we have a little...." he answered in shuttering voice. Hearing this the giant Brogy knelt down and smiled a biggest smile Ussop had ever seen, "Oh....then would you be kind enough to share some with me???
Ussop nodded his head as he didn't trust his own voice right now, then Brogy stood up to his full height, "Good....GABABABABABABABABA!!! I AM ELBAFS'S STROGEST WARRIOR, AS IN RETURN FOR YOU SHARING YOUR RUM WITH ME...LET ME WELCOME YOU AS MY GUEST AND SHARE A FEAST TOGETHER." Ussop didn't know what to do, so he slowly followed Brogy to his place.
With Luffy, as he is right now standing on the head of Alamosaurus and can see nearly Whole Island from such height, "I'd sure like to eat lunch up here!" he then looked towards a certain direction, "Oh, there's the volcano which Dorry and Brogy used as there alarm clock!!!" he then looked mountain which is hollowed out, "That must be their residents!!!" "GET DOWN, IT'S TOO DANGEROUS! IT MAY SEEM DOCILE BUT IT'S STILL A DINOSAUR!" Vivi yelled from the ground, "NAH IT'S FINE! THIS GUY'S ONLY BEEN EATING PLANTS!" Luffy answered back, "BUT STILL..." but suddenly a giant sword cleaved dinosaur's long neck in two, seeing this both Vivi's and Carue's eyes widen in shock as they saw the wielder of the giant sword is none other than a giant himself.
The giant then caught Luffy on his left palm and looked at him with a broad grin, "GEGYAGYAGYA! Aren't you a lively one! I haven't had any guests in a long time!" Luffy then looked at the giant with shining eyes, "Whoa! You're huuuugeee!!!" the giant laughed at the compliment, "GEGYAGYAGYA! I'm Elbaf's strongest warrior, Dorry!" then he looked at Luffy with a grin, "What's your name little one!??" hearing this Luffy's grin widen and immediately thought that this a perfect time for planting a seed of curiosity into the giant. So stood up straight and then started to beat his chest into Drums of Liberation's retheme and started to do a Kabuki dance, "I am the one whose heart beats like a drum and relish into others joy.....I'm the one likes to put smiles on face of others and make everyone laugh....." then looked into Dorry's widen eyes and he grinned, "I'M MONKEY D LUFFY.....THE MAN WHO IS GOING TO BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES...." with this declaration he also released a control brust of his Conqueror's Haki causing the few clouds above to part away and the rays of sun to shine on him.
Both Dorry and Vivi were awestruck by Luffy's action and his declaration, but for Dorry seeing Luffy how he is shining in sun's light, caused a certain memory to re-surface. It was when he was still young and was in Elbaf, his home-island, there he would hear from the much older giants about their Deity, The Sun God Nika. It is written in the ancient texts of giant that, one day their God will return again to cast away the shadows which has plunged the world and unite everyone under the single banner of Freedom. And now seeing Luffy saying those words and hearing the Drums of Liberation, one thing is sure....that this human is special.
"GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!! That's one hell of dance you did my friend!" he then looked at the blue haired Women and a duck, "Let me invite you folks to my place!" Luffy grinned at that, "Hell Yeah!!!!!"
"GABABABABABA! Eat-eat my little friend.....there are plenty for both of us!!" Brogy said while giving Ussop a very huge piece of meat to eat. Ussop seeing the very food is way bigger than him, but he nonetheless took a bite from it, "I-it's delicious!!!" Brogy laughed at that, "Indeed-indeed....Dinosaur meat if cooked properly, always taste delicious."
Then while eating, Ussop remembered something, "Ummm, Mr Brogy....may I ask you one question..?" Brogy while chomping on his food looked at Ussop, "Hm? What is it, little one?" Ussop's eyes twitch at that but he calmed himself down, "Well, first of all....My name is Ussop." Brogy nodded at that, "Then what do you want to ask, little Ussop!?" Ussop just sighed in resignation, "How long does it take for the Log Pose to finish recording on this island...?" "One full year." Brogy answered without missing a beat. Ussop's eyes widen, "O-one year!!!!"
"GEGYAGYAGYAGYA! You are really a funny one.....!!" Dorry laughed at hearing Luffy telling him about his adventure till now, "You sure are having a lot of fun on this adventure of yours!!!" Luffy grinned at that, "You bet....." then Luffy took a huge bite of the dinosaur meat, "This is really good Mr. Giant!" "GEGYAGYAGYAGYA! And your little pirate lunchbox is pretty good too!" Dorry said and emptied the whole lunchbox in one go, "Though it is a little small!" "Nah, you don't need to worry about anything!!! My chef can cook in bigger quantities if you want!!?" "I like that idea...."
While both of them are talking, Vivi and Carue sitting at the side watching them acting like best buddies with a huge sweat drop on their heads. "Look at's like they are some long lost friend!!!!"
Back to Luffy and Dorry. Luffy looked at Dorry, "Say, aren't you long way from home!? I heard giants live in Elbaf...." Dorry rubbed his beard, "Yes indeed. All the giants are from Elbaf ever since our ancestors first settled there." "Then what are you and that other giant doing on this island, in Paradise. This island is way far away from Elbaf which is in New World." Dorry nodded at that, "Well you see, there is a certain law in my home, if a quarrel breaks out in my village and you can't settle it on your own, then we beseech our God Elbaf for his judgment. Elbaf is just and bestows divine protection on those in the right. He'll ensure the survival of the righteous." He then looked up at the clear sky, "I've gotten involved in a quarrel myself, and so this island has served as the battleground between me and that other giant you mentioned. The one who's is the right shall triumph and survive."
Vivi and Carue were awestruck by this revelation, and then Dorry started to laugh, "But it's been 100 years since! We just can't seem to settle our duel! GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!" "You've been fighting for over a 100 years!?" Luffy asked in astonishment. Dorry just smirked, "It's nothing to be surprised about. Our life spans are 3 times your puny ones, GEGYAGYAGYA!" Vivi then suddenly stood up, "But even if you do live longer, how could you still want to fight even after 100 years!? Is there any reason in continuing to fight!? YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER, AREN'T YOU!?" she asked in frustration.
Hearing this both Luffy and Dorry looked at her for few seconds and then they both started to laugh, "GEGYAGYAGYAGYAGYA....." "SHISHISHISHISHISHI..." Seeing them both laugh at her caused Vivi's face to burn up in anger. But then Luffy patted her shoulder, "It's okay Vivi, I understand where your thoughts are coming from, but you should know something...." she looked at him, "This duel of theirs is not for anything like who is right or who is wrong.....this is duel of pride! As to see, who back down first. And about the reason behind their duel....." he then looked at Dorry with a smirk, "I think they had already long forgotten about that."
"GEGYAGYAGYAGYAGYAGYA..." Dorry laughed while holding his stomach, "Well said my little friend, a true mark of a warrior is within you. And about the reason....." at that very moment the volcano erupted, causing Dorry to grab his sword and shield and stood up, "It is indeed we both forgotten about that a long time ago." With that said he started marching towards the clearing, where he and his fellow giant will clash.
He arrived at the clearing and saw Brogy waiting for him there, "GABABABABABA! And here I thought you had finally yielded..." "GEGYAGYAGYAGYA! Not even in million years...." with that they both clashed causing the whole ground to shake.
It's been an hour since both Dorry and Brogy started their duel, each of their clash creates a deep craters and ground to shake, the trees were uprooted leaving scars on the island. They once again clashed, "Don't you long for our home, Dorry?" Brogy asked while trying to push Dorry down, "That's exactly why I'll crush you today and leave for Elbaf at once, Brogy!" Dorry commented as he pushed Brogy back.
At Brogy's home, Ussop who is looking at the clash was mesmerized by them. Then he remembered how Brogy told him that they had long forgotten the reason behind their duel, "Even without any reason, they fight like this....So this is what a man's fight looks like!! This is a real battle of pride, between two Warriors!" as he watch the clash, an unknown fire has been lit into his heart, "This is it! This is what I meant by a brave warrior of the seas! I want to become a proud warrior just like them! And if there's really an entire village full of Warriors like them, I'd sure like to visit it one day....!"
The duel between Dorry and Brogy was coming to its conclusion, both the warriors readied themselves for their final clash and then charged at eachother. Dorry with his sword raised high and Brogy with his axe ready for a upper sweep, their weapons clashed with eachother and the force from their clash caused both sword and the axe to flew away from their hands. Now with only shield with them, they charged at one another and slammed their shield at eachother's face and falling back on the ground together. "73,466 fights....." Brogy said, "And 73,466 draws" Dorry finished.