Peaceful life in the wizarding world


In a compartment near to the end of the train, there were two boys, who were looking outside to a family of red heads. They heard a little girl say to her mother, "Oh, Mom, can I go on to the train and see him, Mom, eh please…"

"You are really famous here, aren't you?" Ezekiel said to the boy who was sitting opposite to him.

"Ah… kind off?!" he said looking at him and continued, "I actually didn't even know I was even a wizard until Hagrid came and told me a month ago."

"Oh really? It must me tough." Ezekiel said faking to be shocked but genuinely feeling pity for the boy.

"By the way, my name is Ezekiel Knight, but you can call me Ezzy." He told him.

"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Harry Potter." Harry said to Ezekiel offered his hand for a handshake, which he complied. They both laughed as how Harry introduced himself.

The atmosphere of the compartment had turned lively with laughter, but it didn't last long as Ezzy (Ezekiel) saw his ex-parents, Alex and Martha, telling Goodbyes to their children. Martha was crying and hugging her two sons.

Ezzy's smile turned to a frown, he looked away and clicked his tongue.

Seeing the change in his expression, Harry asked him, "What? What happened?"

Ezzy replied, "It's nothing really… well it's my ex-parents… you know what we don't have to talk about them, they're not worth it."

"Right…", Harry replied not knowing what to say.

There was an awkward silence.

Ezzy looked at the owl which was beside Harry and exclaimed, "Ah, what a gorgeous owl!"

"Yeah, Hagrid gifted me on my birthday. Her name is Hedwig." Harry replied.

"~Well hello Hedwig, you are a beautiful owl I must say~" Ezzy tweaked

"~Thank you, you are also not bad on the eyes yourself~" Hedwig tweaked back

Ezzy laughed at that.

The train whistled, they looked outside and saw people waving their kids goodbyes. They saw the red headed kid's mother waving and their sister half crying and half laughing. Then when the train started moving, she started to run behind the train.

'Even when there are so many differences in this world, the plots are going through as the book, even the dialogues.' Ezzy thought.

When the train had moved so far that the little girl was nowhere to be seen, their compartment's door slid open.

It was no other than the smallest red head. He was same as the movies, which Ezzy had expected.

'Here it goes.' Thought Ezzy.

"Anyone sitting there?" he asked, pointing at the seat opposite Harry. "Everywhere else is full."

Harry nodded and signalled him to come in. He sat beside Harry.

Ezzy looked at the door, waiting for the twins to come, but they never came.

While he was looking at the door, Harry called him out, "Ezzy…."

"Huh, ah yes? What is it Harry?" He asked Harry.

"He was asking your name." he pointed at Ron.

"Nice to meet you, I am Ron Weasley." The red head boy said.

'Ah, so they were exchanging their names.' He thought.

"oh, sorry about that, I was thinking about something. Hello Ron, I am Ezekiel Knight, Nice to meet you too." He said to Ron.

Ron and Harry started to talk. Ron asking about the scar and you-know-who.

Ezzy didn't paid much attention and looked outside the window, then he remembered about his pets.

One was in his pocket and another one on his shoulder was what he thought but, there was nothing on his shoulder.

*Gasp* he gave out a loud gasp.

"Why? What happened?" asked Harry.

Ezzy looked around and then he put his hand inside his hoodie's pocket and there it was. He felt relieved and took both of them out and on his pocket.

"~When did you get inside my pocket? You scared me to death, I thought I lost you~" He berated his owl, who was half awake, even though it was his own fault for not looking after his pets properly.

"~I'm sorry, I got tired and came to sleep with Serena.~" Rain hooted in a baby voice and a little scared.

"~*sign* Alright, it was kind of my fault… sorry I shouted at you~" he spoke to Rain in a soft voice, feeling guilty how scared the little owl looked.

But during the hooting of both the human and owl, there were other two looking at them with a strange expression.

"What are you doing?" Ron asked, "And what are they?"

"Sorry… I thought I lost Rain… They are my pets… the owl's name is Rain and this.. ummm.. cat's name is Serena. You two, say hello them?" Ezzy said.

The pets turned around and said hello, but all they heard was a hoot and a meow.

The boys just waved their hands, not sure what to do.

"Are they really owl and cat?" asked Ron.

"The bird looks a bit like an owl but the other… is that.. I mean Serena even a cat?" asked Harry.

Ezzy looked at his pet and said, "Yes"

"But it looks like a dog, a puppy." Ron said.

"And has a pair of antler!" Harry exclaimed.

"Well, it kind of happened…" Ezzy said scratching his chick.

They kept on questioning about his pet, then Ezzy told them about his bonding. It happened for few moments, until they got bored and started talk about quidditch.

Not wanting to hear about quidditch, as he was already familiar with it, Ezzy took out his trunk, expanded it and took out a book to read. It was about runes. He was particularly reading it to find a way to protect his mind. This world was much advanced in magic than from the books so initially he thought about occlumency, but it was very hard, he was practicing it, but he could feel it wasn't effective enough at this level, so he was finding a new ways. The only other thing he thought will be effective was runes, which he had only been reading for half a month and it was just from some basic books.

Then Ron took out his fat grey rat from his jacket pocket and said, "His name is Scabbers, I got him from Percy. Pathetic, I know, he hardly ever wakes up." Looking down at his sleeping rat.

They kept on talking, well Ron was, who was telling Harry about his family.

But Ezzy's concentration was fully on the rat, as he knew it wasn't really a rat but a human animagus.

'Horrible, how can anyone get so low to have had live with a family as a rat for so many years... Should I tell everyone about him? Yes, I think I should, everything will change anyway. So why even bother keeping the same way. At least some people can be happy out of it.' Thinking that he changed his gaze from the rat to Harry.

Thinking that he went back to his book. But sometimes he looked outside the window, some wizarding community showed up once in a while.

'If the train is in wizarding world, then why didn't they modified it to maybe fly it or make it fast so that we could reach the destination faster.' He thought.

Around half past twelve there was a great clattering outside in the corridor and a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their door and said,

"Anything off the cart, dears?"

Harry leapt to his feet as he was very hungry and bought allot of things to eat, while Ron muttered with redden ears he had brought sandwiches.

Ezzy also walked to the corridor and bought lot of things, especially chocolates, so that he could keep it as snacks for school.

He came inside and gave some to Ron.

"Is it really alright mate? Want some of my sandwiches?" Ron asked, he offered the sandwiches to both Ezzy and Harry.

Both of them took a sandwich and shared their foods with each other.

They then opened chocolate frogs.

"Oh I got Dumbledore." Said Harry.

"And I got Paracelsus." Said Ezzy, "I know who he is, I read about him in a book, he was an alchemist and contributed in the field of medicine."

"And I got Morgana again. I wanted Agrippa. Rotten luck." Ron said.

They talked more about the cards and foods, one thing led to another and they reached to talking about ambition of their life.

"I'm going to be a professional quidditch player." Ron said eagerly as if he was already close to becoming one.

Then Harry said, "I haven't really thought about it yet."

Then they looked at Ezzy.

"Umm, may a doctor.. Wizard doctor… or a singer may be..." he said being not sure.

"Singer?" Ron said.

"Yes, I found out just a few weeks ago, when I sing sometimes birds and other animals try to sing along… like they understood it and liked it…" Ezzy said.

"Wohh really!" Ron exclaimed.

"Show us" said Harry.

"Alright…" Ezzy said and cleared his voice.

He then started to sing. He made some rhythms and hymns sound with his voice.

It sounded soft and sweet. Beside him Rain and Serena started make sound and sing along.

Slowly all the animals of the train started to make noise and started to sing along.

The compartment's door was a little open so, a toad came inside started to croak along him.

After he finished, all the animals started to quiet down slowly.

"WOhh!!" both Harry and Ron exclaimed.

"Ezzy, you are like Snow White… You are the male Snow White." Harry joked and laughed.

Ezzy joined the laugh.

"Right? I thought the same, when it happened the first time." Ezzy replied

"Who's Snow White?" asked Ron.

*croak* A frog jumped on to the seat between Harry and Ron.

"A toad?!" Harry exclaimed, "How did it find its way here?"

"Harry, keep that toad with you, I think someone's lost it…" Ezzy said to Harry knowing whose toad it is.

Harry, grabbed it and held it with his one arm, which held out its tongue and ate one of the Bettie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

"Alright back to the Snow White thing." Ron said

Ezzy and Harry told Ron about Snow white, then one thing led to another, Ron was telling them about a spell his brothers had told him about and was about to try to show it to them.

There was a knock on the door of their compartment and a brown haired, green eyed, round-faced boy came into view when the door opened.

The boy spoke, "Sorry, but have you seen a toad at all?"

The three boy looked at each other and Ron spoke, "Well yes we have, and here it is with Harry… With the great power of our 'Snow White' there *points at Ezzy*, your poor little toad was attracted towards our compartment."

Ron and Harry laughed but Ezzy squinted his eyes and glared at them.

"Huh?" Neville was confused by Ron's joke.

"Here, is this you toad?" Harry asked holding out the toad.

"Trevor!" Neville shouted, then looked at Harry and said with teary eyes, "Thank you, thank you… I thought I lost him, my grand-mother would have gotten mad at me if I ever lose him…"

"~Then why do you lose me so much?~" croaked the toad.

Ezzy looked at Neville and Trevor and shook his head and gave a sign, and said, "*sign* Neville, now you have found it, no need to cry… here eat some candy with us." Ezzy said while stretching his hand holding a Licorice wand towards Neville.

"Yeah, no need to worry now that you found it, and it's not me you should be thanking… you should thank that Snow White over there *pointing at Ezzy*. He's the one who told me to hold on to your toad…" Harry was said to Neville.

"Harry! You too?!" Ezzy said while his brows twitched a little but Harry continued on, "I just looked after your toad. So now that you've found your toad, you don't have to cry now Ne…. Wait Ezzy how did you know his n…"

Just then Harry was interrupted by the compartment's door sliding open again, but now it was a bushy haired small version of Emma Watson.

"Has anyone seen a toad? Nevi…. Oh Neville you are already here? And you've already found your toad I see." She said in a bossy voice.

When everybody's focus was on her, Ezzy had stars on his eyes and hands covering his widely open mouth. He loved Hermione in the series, so seeing her in real life was a huge deal for him. But again, he calmed himself and tried to become himself again.

"Hermione, They found my toad… Thank you Hermione for helping me.." Neville said wiping his tears.

Hermione just grinned and said, "It's nothing, it was right thing to do when someone's in need."

Ezzy nodded at that, but even is she had said something very stupid he would've still nodded his head in agreement.

"Hermione, you really are a good person… you can join us too. Ron was just about to show us some spell his brothers taught him." Ezzy said smirking knowing his spell wouldn't work. He wouldn't have done that but Ron had made fun of him earlier so he was just making it enough.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it, then." She said. Neville and Hermione sat beside Ezzy.

"Er -- all right." Ron said giving Ezzy an eye then cleared his throat and chanted a spell pointing at the rat with a wand which had a Unicorn hair's poking out of it, towards his rat, "Colomutatio yellow!"

In split second the rat was enveloped with yellow sparks and dust. After it disappeared, the rat was yellow in colour.

Ezzy's eyes were so wide, it could fall out in any moment but after remembering he was in a world which is more magical, he relaxed a little thinking, 'May be the twins didn't prank him?'

Everyone clapped their hands for Ron's magic display, to which Ron had puffed his chest.

"Good, I have also practiced some spells. Let me show you." Hermione stood up and sat beside Harry and said to look towards her. She took out her light brown coloured wand and tapped on Harry's glass and chanted, "Oculus Reparo!"


Harry's broken and taped glasses were fixed.

"Thanks, I really needed that… It's just incredible, the thing I was having problem with for so long, you fixed it so quickly." Harry said to Hermione having a grin on his face.

"You're welcome. I had learned all of our course books by heart, of course, so that I won't be behind all the wizard student. Nobody in my family had known about magic before my letter arrived, but I was pleased to receive it of course. So when I arrived to Diagon alley, I was rather overwhelmed by what I saw, so I had to be prepared before coming to the very best school of witchcraft there is, right?.. I am Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?" she said all this in a very fast pace, and asked Ezzy see him nodding his head.

"I'm Ezekiel Knight, you can call me Ezzy, and I absolutely agree with you… Only a fool would come here without being prepared for what's coming for you…" He said with a smirk on his face and looking at Harry and Ron's expression.

"Ackk… All of the course?" Neville said "You too?"

"Yes" Both Hermione and Ezzy said at the same time nodding their head.

Both Harry and Ron had shocked expression on their face.

"Revenclaws…" murmured Neville in a weak voice and then said "I'm Neville Longbottom by the way… I tried to learn some of the books, as my grandmother told me too… but I'm not really good with magic… they thought I was a squib until few months ago…"

Ron and Hermione' brows rose hearing Neville while Harry looked confused not understanding what 'squib' means.

"But you are not right? Well I think you will be an excellent wizard… so don't worry, you just have go on your own pace to learn." Ezzy said holding Neville's shoulder.

"And you two are?" Hermione said to the two sitting on her left and right.

"I'm Ron Weasley." Ron said.

"I'm Harry Potter." Harry said.

"I know you!" Hermione said out loud.

"Harry potter?" Neville gasped.

"I read about you in some books I bought. You are the hero of the modern magical world who defeated the dark wizard. But… Looking at you, it's hard to believe you've done that…" Hermione said looking at Harry.

"Books?" Harry asked.

"I can't believe I'm with Harry Potter, talking with him…" Neville murmured.

"Yes, my sister is a big fan of yours… when she found out about you at the station, if it wasn't for mom, she would have come to meet you.. hahaha", Ron said to Harry.

"Yes, you are mentioned in so many history books, there are even some fantasy books written about you. I was about to buy it but, I had so many to buy so my mother didn't allow me…" said Hermione who looked a little down at the end part.

"ugh… I don't even have a single idea… about those books…" Harry said scratching his cheeks.

"Well, I also found some books and looked at it, I have to tell you all… It was ridiculous, you probably don't want to waste your time reading them." Ezzy said looking at all of them.

"Hhmmm.. Okay… Alright… Neville, I'm going back to our compartment and you three better change, I expect we'll be there soon." Saying that Hermione left the compartment.

"I'm coming too" said Neville and then turned around the three, "Again, thanks for finding my toad. It was fun meeting you all, hope I'll be in the same house as you all."

He left the compartment and followed Hermione.

"Whatever house I would be in, I hope I won't be with her…" Ron said.

"Why? She seemed like a good girl." Ezzy said.

"You would think that because you are like her." Ron said to Ezzy who just shrugged.

"We better change into our robes…" Ezzy said taking out his trunk.

While they were changing, Harry asked, "Which house do you want to be in Ron?"

"Only the best of course, Gryffindor. My whole family has been on it, it's like a tradition in our house really." Ron said.

"Oh, and you Ezzy?" Harry asked.

"I… haven't really thought of it. May be anywhere other than slytherin? Only because I'm a muggle born, I heard there are many blood purists there… It was supposed to be a house for ambitious people but I don't know what went wrong." Ezzy said and continued, "But it wouldn't matter to me as a matter of fact, I'm not really an ambitious guy, only thing I'm really ambitious about is to rest, eat and have fun, HAHAHAH…."

Hearing him Harry and Ron laughed.

"Slytherin… Is that the house Volt… You-know-who- was in?" Harry asked.

"Yeah…" Ron said, who had a frown just listening to the name.

'I think Voldemort's deeds were even worse in this world…' Ezzy thought looking at Ron's serious face.

When they had finished changing Ron spoke to Harry looking at Ezzy, "Well look at that Harry, we've got ourselves a pretty boy… Hahaha… wish I had that type of uniform, all I got is this Percy's second-hand robes…" with the latter part in a low voice.

They returned back to their seats and went back to talking, laughing and knowing more about each other.

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