"We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately." The voice was heard in every compartments of the train.
In one of the compartments near the end of the train, a boy was talking to his pets, "~Alright you two, you have to be in your upmost manner… I don't have any cage or bags to put you in like others, which I don't really like… so, you have to come with me, we will be in front of all the professors and other staffs of the school, so better not make me look bad alright?~"
The two pets, one blue owl and other poodle cat, who were standing straight on the seat in front of Ezzy like they were part of military, said simultaneously, "~Yes sir, we will always be on our best~"
"~Hehehe.. Alright you can be on ease now, you are just so cute, give papa a hug~" Ezzy said to his pets taking them on his arm and hugging them.
"I can't believe you have trained them to this much… and what's with those weird noise you do when you see animals?" Ron asked.
"Those were not weird noise… I was talking to them." Ezzy said.
"Really?" Harry said, "I can also speak to snakes… Well I once did when I went to Zoo with my uncle. Hahaha… that was quite a day, Dudley was trapped inside the snake's tank." Harry told them while laughing.
*Gasp* "You can talk to snakes? People say it's a bad omen when you can talk to snakes…" Ron said with a serious tone.
"Oh Ron, calm down… That's just a rumour, only started when people found out you-know-who had the same ability… but before that parseltongue was known for efficient medical chanting. So, don't believe what people say." Ezzy said.
"Oh... I didn't know about that… But still… People say it's a bad omen" Ron said scratching his head.
"It's fine, I also didn't know but I found out in some book." Ezzy said to Ron.
The train was slowing down and it finally stopped. Slowly people were exiting the train.
"Alright guys hop on, you two can stay in my pocket and when it's time for dinner I'll take you out secretly, I don't know if I can even bring you along to the hall, until then you can sleep." Ezzy said to his pets.
The two nodded and went inside the pocket.
It had already gotten dark outside. On the crowed platform, magical crystal orbs were glowing illuminating the place.
Ezzy, Harry and Ron got out of the train into the crowded platform. The platform was bigger than expected, they were looking around where to go. Then a loud sound was heard.
Cold breeze swept past them making two of the three boys to shiver.
"It was a good thing I added all those enchantments on my dress… Pretty smart, ain't I?" said Ezzy smiling at them who received glares from them.
"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!"
Harry ran towards the voice, followed by Ezzy and Ron.
"Hagrid!" Harry shouted waving his hand.
"Harry!" happy seeing Harry, Hagrid said, "Finally here ey? Excited?"
"Yes." Harry said grinning
"Good… 'cause Hogwarts going to be the best moment of yer life. So enjoy to the fullest." Hagrid said to Harry.
Harry nodded.
Hagrid then continued to call all the first years.
Ezzy and Ron came near to Harry.
"Woohhh… He's gigantic…" Ron said seeing the 11' Hagrid.
'He's really big! If a half-giant can be this big then how much bigger can a real giant be?' Ezzy thought looking at Hagrid.
"Any more firs' years?", once all the first years arrived, Hagrid continued, "Alrigh', C'mon follow me. Mind yer steps now, it's a little dark around here."
All the first year followed behind him. They went through a cobble stone pathway between trees on both sides, after exiting the train station. Not far from there, a town can be seen, lights glittering from the houses, in front of hills and forest.
'That must be Hogsmeade, well we are in Hogsmeade station' thought Ezzy.
Then they reach a big lake.
Through the walk, Ezzy was thinking while looking at the students around him.
'hmm.. there are more people than said in the books, about two hundred may be?...'
Then when they reached a deck, all the students started to murmur.
'This! This is a lake? The black lake?! It's more like a sea!' he was surprised seeing the lake because all he could see was water to no end.
"Alright, step back. There's going to be a little splash." Hagrid said taking out a bone flute.
He blew on it but there was no sound.
*Phuuiiiiiii* a low pitched whistle was heard from the water, then something big came out of the water, creating a big wave, splashing the students with water.
"Ahhhh…." The students shout.
"We're gonna die!" Neville screamed.
"Ugh! Stop you stupid turtle!.. How many times I have told ye not to come like that. Look what ye done!" Hagrid shouted at the thing that just came out of the lake.
Then he turned around, "Kids, don't be scared… it does not harm, it's our ride, Bumpi, Hogwarts' trusted turtle and head of water transportation…" Hagrid said, to which the same big thing 'supposed to be a turtle' whistled again.
*cough* *Hmm* Hagrid cleared his voice and continued, "Alrigh' kids, don't be scared now and follow me."
He went near the turtle which now had come near the deck. In the middle of its body, there was a ladder like thingy, he climbed on it and reached the top.
"C'mon now, don't be scared... better hurry, we'll be late otherwise." Hagrid said.
From the crowd Ezzy stepped forward and got in front of the turtle which was more that 70m long and 50m wide. About its height it was unknown because it's half of the body was submerged.
He went near it, it had green coloured shell, and said, "~Okay, I'm climbing up alright?~"
"~Huh? You can speak to me?--- Alright~" Bumpi the turtle said
He started to climb the turtle and reached the top, what he saw was many seats on the turtle's shell, more than 100 seats.
"Good job lad, now others, come now… Slowly, there are other stairs too, on the front and back." Hagrid shouted from the top.
Harry stepped forward and climbed, then Ron, then Seamus… Slowly all the students had climbed onto the turtle. Neville even though really scared of the big creature followed the others.
Ezzy, Harry and Ron had sat on the front row. Near the head of the turtle where there was a single seat, where Hagrid had sat.
Ezzy looked around him and thought, 'All the slytherines also complied without making any fuss, specially someone with platinum blond hair…'
Ezzy noticed that Liam was getting along with Seamus, then it struck him, 'Nooo…. What if we are in the same house… much worse same dorm room…' thinking that he got pale.
"Alrigh' everyone on their seats! Ye' all get the first sight of ye school in no time." Said Hagrid.
"Here we go then." Continued Hagrid turning to his front, "Let's go Bumpi…"
Again, a low-pitched deep whistle was heard.
As they went through the dark lake for one minute, they were enveloped by thick fog, as it was already dark and addition to fog, it wasn't helping them for seeing anything about their where-about.
After another 1 minute, they came into a clear view, but still all they could see was water around them. But now some lights sparkle can be seen in a far distance.
'That must be Hogwarts' thought everyone.
Travelling through Bumpi was very fast, and smooth. Because of Bumpi's body being so big, the student didn't get affected by the speed. The ride was rather comfortable for everyone.
After about 3 minutes of ride, they could see a rather big castle style building sitting at the top of a hill. They were getting closer to the land, when somebody voiced out.
"Hey, what's that?" a girl spoke out.
Everyone looked at the girl who spoke, and then looked towards where she was pointing.
Something was flying towards them, it was glowing.
"What's that? It's coming this way." everyone started to voice out.
"Ey? Ohh that? Ye got nothing to worry about… they're just here to welcome ye that's all… They're called Grindlefly."
"Grindlefly?, I never heard anything like that. Is it a rare creature?" asked one of the students.
"How could ye have heard of it yet… Prof. Bestimet's only made it a month ago… with my help of course." Hagrid answered
"Made?" Asked Ezzy this time.
"Yeah, Prof. Bestimet teaches Care for magical creatures here, but his real ambition is to find and create new creature who will help us wizards." Answered Hagrid.
"And this 'Grindlefly' are?" Asked Hermione.
"They are hybrids of Grindelow, jellyfish and Dementors… These are made to lighten up kids in the school, it has become one of my favourites by far, it never makes me lonely, or sad." Hagrid said.
"Dementors?! Are you mad?" one of the students spoke. Everyone looked shocked hearing Hagrid mentioning Dementors, well except muggle-borns.
"Oh calm down, we only studied it, Prof. Bestimet only did.. uhmm.. what did he call it was… reverse.. ahhh.." Hagrid was stuck on a word.
"Reverse-engineer" Ezzy spoke.
"Yeah that… he spent years dissecting its body… and finally last year, he found out how it affected other beings, surrounding… its really is filthy evil it was… Even when it was dead… it was hard to be around it… tsk" Hagrid said clicking his tongue.
"Dead… dissecting? How can it be dead… I thought they were already dead… like an evolved immortal flying zombie…" Ezzy thought but the words came out loud.
"Pretty much everyone thought that too… But Prof. Dumbledor took one out 10 years ago while he was fighting against the… he-who-must-not-be-named, pretty amazing, ain't it?" Ron answered
Everybody looked towards the Grindleflies which were coming their way.
They had the body of jellyfish, flying in the air like jellyfishes swim in the water. They were glowing in many different colours. There were more than 100 of them, each were about the size an adult's fist.
"Yeah, so he made a new creature who will repeal dementors… they're right opposite of them, they are." Hagrid clarified.
As they came close, people started to feel good, became happy. All the student who were feeling nervous or scared of Bumpi, they felt relaxed. The mood of the students completely changed.
There were quite few of them, the dark lake was completely illuminated.
Then, far on the hill massive castle with majestic architecture, was seen sitting at the top of a hill. Glittering lights filled the castle with different colours. Even Grindelflies were doing some synchronized performance making a shape of dragon around the castle as if they were welcoming the students.
After 5 minutes, they reached the deck, slowly they got off Bumpi.
Every students were awestruck by the castle's beauty, each and every part of it were nicely carved with fine details, either with fine carved sculptures of different mystical beasts or plants or just different jewels.
All the students followed Hagrid quietly but their eyes were stuck on the castle. Hagrid didn't say anything as he also knew what the students were feeling as he was also one of the school's student.
Quietly they went towards the stairs, but when Hagrid stepped on the first step of the stairs, the treads started to move. It turned into an escalator.
"Ah…" Harry let out a surprised sound.
Hagrid turn around while he was going up and said, "Welcome to Hogwarts, where each and everything is magically alive."
"Wah…" all the students started to show their astonishment.
*Sign* Ezzy let out a sign and slowly approached the-now-escalator, and stepped on it, and he started to move up. He was then followed by Harry, then Hermione.
Ezzy looked back and noticed that more of the muggle-borns were moving forward.
Slowly, Ron also slowly approached, and climbed on it.
'May be Hogwarts' the only place where you can find this may be?...' Ezzy thought.
After all the students climbed up, they moved forward to the front gate by the stone path with flower gardens on the both side. All the school grounds were properly lit making all the landscape work on the garden perfectly visible.
After some moment they reached a 15' tall purple double shutter door, which was highly carved with a dragons face.
Hagrid reached towards the knocker and started to knock on the door. The knock on the door sounded like ones from metal doors, but even though he knocked lightly, felt as though the sound could be heard from all over the castle.
After few moments of waiting, Professor McGonagall opened the door. She looked the same from the movie, on her emerald-green robes.
She looked at all the students and then at Hagrid.
"uhmm.. The firs' years, Prof. McGonagall", said Hagrid who sounded rather awkward.
"Ridiculous, Hagrid, look at them, all of them, they're a mess, wet clothes, messy hair…" She gave out a sign, "*sign* Why even bother, Dumbledor never listens…"
She again looked towards all the students and said, "Alright, you can go on your way Hagrid, I'll manage from here." Then signalled the students to come inside.
When everyone was inside she stopped them and said, "Wait here for a moment, we should make you a bit presentable now, shouldn't we?"
She came in front of the student and went near a column where there was a lever, she turned it on then weird sound started to come from the ground, and circular runes started to glow under the student.
Air started to blow around them and the students themselves started to glow. They started to shout not knowing what was happening. Then after a moment, everything went back to normal, but the students didn't. All the students now had clean dry clothes on, which were perfectly put on them.
The boys had slicked with oiled side-parted hair, and girls had a ponytail with not even a strand of hair coming out.
When the students noticed this complains started to pour out from both boys and girls.
"I've spent 1 hour making my hair, what is this!" One said
"My mother spent so much time making my hair, now I look so ugly" another said
"Ohh my hair…." Another one said.
Some just stayed silent not minding anything at all.
Ezzy, Harry and Ron just looked at each other, made fun of each other and laughed.
"My father will hear about this." Came out of certain someone.
'Oh, the iconic dialogue finally came.' Thought Ezzy.
In front of them, Prof. McGonagall who seemed like 'I don't give a damn about what you have to say' spoke, "Alright quiet now, you all wait here until I return."
She turned around hiding a little curve which had appeared on her mouth and went away.
The student's rant started again.
As The three were talking to themselves, a boy with platinum blond hair appeared in front of them.
"Are you Harry Potter?" He asked Harry looking at his scar.
Harry didn't reply.
"Looking at you, it's a bit hard to believe that you have done the deeds…" he said, then he looked like he was thinking about something and held his hand out offering for a handshake. "Well it doesn't matter, I am Draco Malfoy."
To this Ron laughed which irked Draco gave a scowl towards him, "Think my name's funny do you? Red hair, freckles and hand-me-down robes, you must be a Weasley."
He turned towards Harry and said, "You better choose better friends that would suit yourself Potter, some family are much better than some dirt-poor losers. Being around them is nothing better than being with mudbloods. I can help you avoid such situation if you follow me. "
"I think I can avoid them by myself thank you very much." Harry answered.
"Ahh… I must be hearing wrong. A filthy half-blood much as a mudblood refusing me…" said Draco but interrupted by Prof. McGonagall.
"Mr. Malfoy, how about we hear more about this in the Headmaster's office after the feast? With your father of course. And 20 points will be taken from any house you will belong to." Said Prof, McGonagall staring at Draco so intently as if she was looking through his soul.
Draco couldn't even speak a word out.
"Move, go back where you were before." Saying that finally Draco was able to move.
Looking like limping puppy he slowly returned to his original place.
*Sign* "What a great way to start the school, ain't it?" said Ron.
"Quiet." Said Prof. McGonagall looking at Ron, who got shivers with just looking at her.
"Alright listen here without making any noise. I'm going to explain to you of how you will be staying here for the next seven years….." Saying that Prof. McGonagall started to explain rules of Hogwarts.