Peaceful life in the wizarding world


"Sir, its about time you have woken up, if you don't want to be late, that is." Poppy said.

*ugh* Ezzy stretched his body and grudgingly woke up. He looked at the clock and saw it was only half past 6. Then looked towards the elf who was opening the curtains to let the sunlight in.

Ezzy got out of his king-sized bed, stepped on warm mahogany hardwood floor and started to make his bed by tugging and pulling soft white silk bed sheets.

"Ohhhh young sir! What are you doing?" Poppy spoke in such a panic tone that she made Ezzy flinch and even made him hop a little.

"Blimey Poppy! What's with this shouting so early in the morning? You almost gave me a heart attack." Ezzy said placing his hand on his heart trying to calm himself.

"uhhhh…. Sorry… Poppy meant no harm, just that, Poppy's job is to make sirs' life easier in the Hogwarts. That includes cleaning, making beds and waking them." Poppy said in a weak voice while making a puppy face.

"ughh… Alright. I'm going to freshen up a little." He turned around towards the door when he saw poppy start to move towards him from the corner of his eyes. He stopped and turned towards her, "Poppy, stop right there. I'm going alone."

Poppy was about to say something but Ezzy was faster, "No, you can't."

Again, she was about to say something, but Ezzy was faster again, "No just no. But you know, there's another person who really needs your help."

Poppy looked at Ezzy who had a smile on his face.

"Jane. I heard he is quite a messy kid." Ezzy said.

"He's already up and about, sir. He's already putting on his clothes." Poppy said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go help him." Ezzy said when Poppy's eyes opened wide like she realized something big and started to run out of the room.

Ezzy had just entered the bathroom when he heard Jane and Poppy shouting about something and Ezzy couldn't help but stop smiling.

After a few moments, Ezzy got out of his tent. He saw Jane had already put on his clothes.

'It was the fastest shower I have ever had.' He thought looking at fuming Jane sitting on his bed.

"We need to do something about that elf, she's out of control!" Jane said to Ezzy, quite too loud.

"Wow! WOW! Calm down now. No need to be so angry, she just wanted to help you buddy. But what did she do?" Ezzy asked innocently as if he didn't know a thing.

"She… She forcefully gave me a bath…." He said, to which Ezzy was having a very hard time not laugh out loud.

"And that's not the only thing, others were also there, with their elves. And they were okay with that and were enjoying being pampered…" Jane said.

"And you did not?" Ezzy asked

"OF COURSE NOT!" Jane shouted then continued in a lower voice, "Its bad enough I have to go through that at home by my mother but even here…"

"And that's not even the worst part… Poppy didn't even let me to put on my own underwear. When I tried to stop her, she said, (Jane said placing his head on his hands and continued while mimicking Poppy) 'No, sir. Its Poppy's responsibility to look after sirs'"

After hearing that, Ezzy started to shiver. Not because he was feeling cold but he couldn't hold his laughter anymore and burst out laughing for a full 1 minute.

Seeing him laugh, Jane's anger rose even more. If Ezzy had laughed even a second more, he would have gotten a serious punch on his face as how angry Jane had gotten.

"Alright…alright… Sorry" Ezzy said weakly trying to control his laughter and continued, "I feel for you. And I really think we need to talk to Poppy, and draw some boundaries."

"Poppy!" Ezzy called out.

"Yes sirs?" Poppy asked.

"I heard, you forced…" Ezzy said but was about to laugh again but controlled it in and continued, "my friend Jane, here" Pointing at Jane, "to take a bath from you?"

"Yes sir." Poppy said innocently tilting her head towards her right a little, like 'what kind of stupid question are you even asking?'

*ahum* Ezzy faked a cough and continued, "That not right Poppy. It feels… feels… and sounds like you've… violated… him…huhuhu…" Ezzy couldn't control and laugh escaped from his mouth but immediately controlled it.

*GASP!!!* Poppy gasped so loud that one might think she had been falsely accused of killing someone.

"HOW COULD YOU, SIR!" Poppy shouted… "Vi..Vio…VIOLETED!!" Poppy's voice trembled and tears threatening to come-out.

Ezzy quickly tried to calm Poppy down before things went out of hand, "Poppy no! We didn't mean to accuse you. We know you meant well but we are old enough to take baths by ourselves and put on our clothes by ourselves."

Even though Poppy calmed down a little, she was still very sad, so he again spoke, "How about instead of helping us taking baths and put on clothes, you help us take care of our pets, or may be decorate our room but not inside my tent, you can only clean there but never change anything."

Poppy who was very sad until now, was devoid of any emotions now, and gave out a very cold and cunning businessman's aura and gave Ezzy a look that tried to say, 'What more can you give me, this is not enough.'

"And there is a little garden inside my tent, you can landscape there. Plant some useful plants that might help in our potions and herbology, and tend to them. How about it? Can we make a deal?", Ezzy said.

"We may." Poppy said and disappeared with a *POP! *

"Sassy, she is" Jane said hearing the elf's short reply and continued, "I think you might have really pissed her."

"I really might have." Ezzy said shaking his head. "We better go now before we offend a certain Professor who is more sassier than her."

"What time is it?" Ezzy asked Jane

"5 minutes to 7 O'clock" Jane said

"Alright, let's go." Ezzy said walking towards the dorm's exit.

*After a few moment*

Ezzy and Jane reached a balcony of a mezzanine space which was arranged like a second gathering space, from where they could see down to the common room, which was two floored height. Since Ezzy was tired and all yesterday, he wasn't able to see all the details or realized how magnificent the whole space was. Even though all he could see was mahogany wood and maroon colour in everything, it just fitted well. Looking more intently on the things inside the common room, you could see and feel magic coming out of everything, nothing in there were ordinary. Things come-about to their respective place without people caring for it, books flying, rubbish papers turning into swan and flying towards the bins. But that wasn't what impressed Ezzy, it was that the whole place was squeaky clean, not even a speck of dust or spider webs could be found.

'Clean furniture and clean air, that's all i need.' Ezzy thought taking a long breath. He then smiled with satisfaction looking around the room from the mezzanine floor area, when he heard Jane's mumbling, "It's much better than I thought…"

"Come, let's go, Ron and Harry are already there." Ezzy said turning around towards the stairs, to which Jane followed.

As they reached the common room, they saw all of the other students had already arrived there, so they walked towards Harry and Ron who were sitting on the couch with couple of others.

"Couple of early birds we have here, don't we?" said Jane but the two were dozing off, so he continued, "or not…"

Jane took out his wand and did some hand gestures and casted a tickling charm on the two, "Rictusempra!"

Feathers came out of his wand and started to attack the dozing duo, and after a second both of them started to laugh hysterically making all the other students present on the common room look at them.

"What's… hahahaha.. . .happ…hahahah.. ening!!" Harry shouted.

Ron who saw Jane pointing his wand pointing towards them and said, "Sto.. Hahaha.. ppp!!"

"Ummm… don't know how to…" Jane said while scratching the backside of his head while trying hold in his own laugh.

The torture lasted for 1 minute, and by then the laughing duo were on the floor holding their stomach, completely exhausted.

"Nicely done mate." Ezzy said giving Jane a high-five.

Jane blew on the tip of his wand and placed it inside his robe, "Fewwhh! That was fun huh?" and held out his hand to Ron to help him get up.

"Jane, you devil! I'm going to have my revenge but let me catch my breath a little." Ron said accepting Jane's hand and then fell on the couch with heavy breathes.

While Ezzy helped Harry which who was in more bad situation than Ron.

"Harry, you okay?" Ezzy asked.

Ron looked at Harry when he heard Ezzy and said, "Mate… you look like an asthmatic old man who's slowly dying."

All the students got around them, when someone voiced out and it was Liam much to Ezzy's annoyance, "Isn't he supposed to be some kind of strong Hero and all, he looks like a dirt-poor midget weakling. If these kinds of people are called Hero in this world then I should really reconsider living here."

Ezzy rolled his eyes and thought, 'Why reconsider, just leave this world or any other world, prick."

Ezzy put his hand inside his robe and took out a chocolate bar that he had bought from the train and gave it to Harry, "Here, take this, you will feel better."

Harry took and ate it. After a while, he looked better and his pale sickly face started to gain some colours back on.

Jane finally looked relived and took a long breathe that he was holding from the time he looked at Harry.

"Mate, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Jane said wiping his sweat from his forehead and fell on the couch beside Harry.

Then slowly all the people started to go back to their own places whispering among themselves.

"What were you even thinking, attacking people like that?" Hermione said looking at Jane sternly and then with pity towards Harry.

"I was just having… fun. Never knew it would be like this." Jane said.

"Not all people can take that charm well you know. Those charms are very dangerous, the Aurors use that charm to torture their prisoners you know." Suhi said.

Jane looked down, not being able to look at them in the eyes.

"No, its all right. It would've been fun if I wasn't this weak… But I'm fine now." Harry said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Well, it was good that I kept some of my chocolates with me, right?" Ezzy said. "I've got some more, does anybody else want some?"

Ron took one but others didn't.

Jane was still alittle bit down, so Ezzy sat beside him and said, "Its alright mate, everything's good now."

To which Jane just nodded. Ron and Harry also conformed that they were alright now, and slowly the mood started to lighten up and then Prof. McGonagall arrived.

"Alright everyone, quiet down now. What I'm about to say is really important for you all, so be attentive and listen to me very well." Prof. McGonagall said.

Percy came from behind with bundles of parchment. He took out his wand and did a swift flick. The parchments started to fly and flew towards the 30 new students. Each of the student got two of the parchments. One was the class schedule and other was the campus map.

"Now that you all got the map and schedule, let's discuss what you will be doing today. Since today's your first day in Hogwarts, you will be having an orientation that includes touring of the campus, then discusses about the classes that you will be taking this year." Prof. McGonagall said and then continued, "First, at 8 O' clock, you will be having the breakfast with all the other students and teachers in the Great Hall then at 8:45, we will begin our tour."

"Right now, it's 07:05 and you all are already up and about so we will be discussing about the classes and schedule right now. But before that, we will be choosing captains for the first year's Gryffindor." Prof. McGonagall said while taking out a trunk from her robe and threw it to the ground. It started to grow and opened. In it there were several shiny circular crystal slabs.

She took out her wand and did some hand gestures and flicked towards the students. Slowly the crystal orbs started to fly towards the students. Each student got one of them.

Prof. McGonagall spoke again, "These crystal slabs are your telecrystals. Some of you might have already known about them from your parents or older siblings. They are for you to communicate with other wizards but also for keeping track of you ranks, level and wellness. It informs you about your wellness, your magic levels, affinity or any other personal data that you can't know by yourself. Simply put it's a magical device that bonds with you and helps you in your necessities. Also you don't have to be afraid about your privacy or being stolen because it bonds with you and works only for you. So even if you lose it somehow but try not to, it doesn't convey your personal data to other people."

She looked at all the students, only few were paying attention to her, as most of them were looking at the crystal slab. Shaking her head, she continued, "Alright I'm going to guide you all on how to bond with the crystal. First I must warn you all, it needs a drop of your blood., so when the crystal pricks on your finger don't be alarmed, as you will be healed on your own. So common now, follow me."

She brought the crystal slab that was not bigger than an adult's palm in front of her, and said, "Close your eyes and try to focus on the crystal slab, you will feel your inner-mana flowing towards the crystal and I will warn you again to not be so alarmed when the crystal pricks on your finger."

All the students tried it, they closed their eyes and tried to focus on the crystal, slowly they felt their inner-mana flow towards the crystal. Slowly a needle like thing elongated from the crystal and pricked on their finger. But surprisingly only a drop of blood came out and the wound got heal by itself, while the blood was absorbed by the crystal. Slowly the crystal began to change.

Ezzy's crystal started to change from shiny normal circular crystal to greenish circular crystal, with a four clover motif at the center which was more shiny that rest of the body. It was really beautiful. So he looked around, other's were even more beautiful. Harry's was the best, it shined like a diamond reflecting different colours like his affinity. It ha motifs of symbols representing his affinities; snowflake, fire and lightening which were in light blue, red and yellow in colour respectively. Hermione had a symbol of Sun on hers that was in red colour with golden sparkles here and there. Suhi had a symbol of yin and yang with the feature fire and water which was red and blue in colour respectively. Neville had the motif of fire breaking into a stone which looked really cool. Jane also had the same sparkling diamond like slab with a motif of reddish fire that was throwing out lightening.

Then Ezzy again looked at his own, which now looked really simple compared to them, he shook his head and looked at Ron's, who had Reddish crystal slab with a symbol of fire at the centre. Finally Ezzy gave out a big sign and again looked at his own, which now looked a bit cooler. He looked more intently on it and somehow looked more delicate and elegant, as there were finely detailed motif of small vines along the body of the slab. While the four clover looked like something he had seen in one of the animes he had watched but it was in shiny sage green in colour.

'Its funny how I remember something that I watched on TV or internet but don't remember some crucial things like who I was or how I lived my life. My brain really is in a mess.' Ezzy thought shaking his head.

After a moment when Prof. McGonagall shifted all the student's attention towards her and spoke, "Alright, now that you've finished inspecting your telecrystal, how about we move on towards the next step." After a pause while she took out another spherical crystal from that same trunk and continued, "Now that you've all been bonded, this crystal here shows who among you have the best mana quality in the maximum quality. But don't worry, the school aren't crossing the line by seeing all your personal data, this crystal is only good enough to calculate your mana quantity."

After another pause while she looked at each student's face she continued, "As for how it works, I will explain it to you in simple terms. All those crystal slabs that you are holding has been connected to this spherical crystal through a very powerful rune that could not be trespassed without any consequences. The system works by making this spherical crystal as a sub-host and your telecrystals as clients. The main host is at the ministry of magic, which is being operated and protected by multiple specialists. But these information is not much of our concern right now… what our concern should lie on is on the topic of selecting our batch's captains for this year. So, let's focus on that."

She applied some mana on the spherical crystal and holographic words came into view from the sphere. Random words and numbers started to shuffle for a while and throughout the while Prof. McGonagall explained what was happening.

"You can see some random numbers and words are being displayed. What's it doing is calculating whom of you has the largest amount of mana in the purest quality. After a while, when the sphere displays one of your faces, please come forward." Prof. McGonagall said.

Right then a face was displayed, a dark eyed boy with dark hair, it was Ezzy. When Ezzy saw it, he couldn't help but feel shocked, he thought he might be average among these students but have the purest and larges amount of mana was a great revolution for him.

He slowly went in front and stood beside Prof. McGonagall as she signalled him to do so, and told him to wait for a while and another face was displayed and this time it was one of the girls. A blue eyed girl with long dark wavy hair came in front and stood beside him.

"They are this year's captains. Mr. knight from the boys and Ms. Yelkrava from the girls." Said Prof. McGonagall.

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