Chapter 9: CHAPTER 09 SO IT BEGINS (Part 2)
P.O.V. Ezekiel
I feel numb just thinking about being the house's captain.
(*looks around* sees fellow housemates enjoying breakfast in the great hall)
Jane teasingly asked, "What happed captain? Not hungry? Got full being selected as the captain?"
I looked at him, he had a smirk, which ticked me off, and barely held myself from punching his face.
I said, "Shut up Jane." (holding a parchment that contained the list of captain's duties and continued) "I just wanted to have fun, roam around the castle and chill but, this… feels like I'll be babysitting you bunch of toddlers."
Ron said, "Oh don't be so dramatic… you just need to wake up early, have a meeting with the senior captains everyday, consult with professors, and just need to manage you housemates… hehehe. It's not a big deal at all."
I said, "Ron, why don't you just focus on your breakfast."
I again took another look at the duties. Its not really that much, I think I can handle it, and again I only have to take care of 15 guys… maybe that won't be that much of a drag?
After that I tried to enjoy my breakfast and looked around towards my housemates who were familiarizing with their telecrystals. Some were having a holographic chat among themselves.
So I also took out mine and surfed through it. Its like those smartphones, its actually kind of cool.
Then I got a message from Prof. McGonagall, 'We will be taking our tour in 10 minutes, so inform all your housemates.'
I just forwarded the message to all the students, and smiled while thinking, 'It's really the modern times here in the wizarding world.'
*After 10 minutes*
We began the tour of the castle and right now we were standing in front of the great hall's entrance. Everybody had their maps out in front of themselves, then Prof. McGonagall spoke.
Prof. McGonagall asked, "Is everybody here?"
She asked looking at me and Suhi.
"Yes", we said in unison, to which Professor nodded and focused on each of the students.
Prof. McGonagall said, "Seems everybody has got their maps with themselves, then take out your telecrystal and hold it out front."
Everybody did as they were told.
Prof. McGonagall continued, "Now that you have your telecrystals, turn it on and click on the absorb feature on it and place your map on it."
She said as she was demonstrating it herself in front of us, showing how its interface work. We followed her and her map disappeared by being swallowed by the telecrystal and so did ours shortly after.
"Cool…", words came out of my mouth unintentionally.
Jane joined me, "You bet..."
After that, Professor told us to keep the map turned on throughout the tour. The map also showed the user's location, but only the user's not the others. She claimed that there were a lot of stalking incidents among the students so that's why the feature was removed.
After that we started our tour. Other houses were also about to start their tour but not taking the same route as us.
We began from touring the classes to the clock tower then the green houses then to Hagrid's cabin, after that to the quidditch stadium, and then the black lake. It had already been two hours, and everybody had already gotten tired. At first, the tour was very fun and exciting but in every new places we visited, Prof. McGonagall would take about 20-30 minutes give out lecture about the place, so the fun had gone downhill.
For the final destination, we had the medical room.
As we had just arrived at the medical room, Prof. McGonagall again started her lecture.
Prof. McGonagall spoke gesturing towards the room, "This here is our Medical. The place is run by our school's private healer, Madam Pumphrey…"
But she was cut off by Madam Hooch.
Madam Hooch spoke with a sense of urgency, "Free the way please! Off the way now! Coming through."
She had a floating student following closely behind her.
Prof. McGonagall asked in dismay of seeing the state of the student, "Oh, for Merlin's name! What happened to him?"
Madam Hooch answered, "Had an accident during their quidditch practice."
She hurriedly went inside with the floating guy. After whom Prof. McGonagall followed and then we behind her.
The guy looked severely injured and going through a great amount of pain. Madam Hooch slowly placed the guy on the bed.
When we, who were following Prof. McGonagall, reached the bed, we saw a disfigured body of the injured guy, who was whimpering through his pain. Arms and legs were bent another way. Some people even winced seeing the guy's condition.
Madam Pumphrey spoke pointedly towards Madam Hooch and Prof. McGonagall, "Oh boy. Look what has happened because of that barbaric game of yours."
Madam Pumphrey murmured some words and her hands started to glow green and she placed her hand on the guy's head. In just a second, he stopped whimpering. She made him unconscious.
Then she pulled her sleeves upwards and started straightened the guy's body part. With each step of her process, the bone cracking sound made everyone flinch, even Prof. McGonagall.
When his body looked almost like a normal human's body, Madam Pomphrey took out a bottle shaped like a miniature femur bone, uncapped it and placed it on the bed. She then turned around and looked towards her audience.
Madam Pomphrey asked, "What are you all looking at? Do you all want to see him naked?"
People started to talk among themselves not understanding what she meant.
Madam Pomphrey now officially angered, shouted, "What I meant was get the hell out of my facility!!!"
Even Prof. McGonagall took a step back and quickly maneuvered the students out of the medical facility.
While we were returning, I looked behind, Madam Pomphrey raised the hand and closed the curtain around the bed. Then after a second, white light flashed and then green glow followed by a green fog coming out of the enclosed bed.
At that exact moment, I was interrupted by the door being closed.
From there we followed Prof. McGonagall and Madam Hooch to the field outside. This was our last part of the tour, which was kept for last as 'best thing comes at last', according to Prof. McGonagall.
As we reached out on the field, Madam Hooch materialized a big heavy trunk out of thin air.
"Every student gets their first official flying training in Hogwarts, even if some of you may have already ridden a broom in your homes, you will have to go through all the basics, mandatorily." Madam Hooch said looking at every student in their eyes. She continued, "I will brief you all about your training now, then we will have half an hour of break for lunch, then we will begin your training for the first time."
All the students lighten up after hearing that.
She briefed us all about how we were going with the trainings. One great thing we found out was that, we were allowed to bring our very own brooms.
'It's good that I had bought it when I had time.' Thinking that with a smile, I looked around my fellow housemates and many of them had the same smile on their face, including Jane.
"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked him
"Isn't it great that I had brought my own broom stick, I am so close to bonding with it." Jane said
"Bond?" I asked
"Uh huh. Didn't you know, broomsticks like our wands needs to be bonded with, not exactly like our wands, but you know… we need to be one with our brooms to be a pro broom rider." Jane said.
"What? No body said anything about bonding! Not even that lousy Shopkeeper! What if I have bought a broom that I couldn't bond with…" I said, thinking what a horrible mistake I had made.
I was feeling dejected but as Madam Hooch was speaking throughout this whole time, she now reached to the bonding part of the explanation, "As I have said earlier, these brooms are only for trainings and not for proper riding. As your riding proficiency increases, you will need better brooms, which you will need to connect to. Nice brooms have a soul of themselves making them come alive and bond with you, making your riding more proficient, and the whole controlling is done telepathically and not manually. The brooms that will be given to you are very normal, and of low magical capability. These are just to get you familiarize with balance and flying. The maximum height these brooms can get you is 2m high. So, if any of you love flying, or want to be a professional athlete of quidditch or any other games then, you will need to buy one of your own."
The briefing went on for about 10 minutes and we were led to the great hall for our lunch.
Other houses were also present. Hearing their loud chattering we found out that they will also be having flying lessons with us. 'Great' I thought, 'Nothing can go wrong with more than 200 children for their first ever flying lessons' rolling my eyes, I focused on my lunch. There were sandwiches, puddings and juice.
"Have any of you brought your own brooms?" I asked to the people who were around me which were Jane, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Suhi.
Harry, Jane and Suhi said yes, while only Ron and Hermione said no.
"Harry, you bought one? How come?", I asked
"I didn't really know I would need one, but Hagrid urged me to buy one, saying I would be good at it." He answered
"Maybe Hagrid was good friends with your parent, and one or both of them were excellent riders, that's why may he have told you to buy it." I said knowing fully well of everything.
To which Harry just shrugged, and questioned, "And do you have one?"
"Yes. I was too excited to not buy one, Hahaha", I said remembering how much it had cost.
"Which model did you all even buy?" I asked to them.
"I had my dad buy me Nimbus 2000.", Jane said.
"Me too, I got Nimbus 2000, my brother pissed me off so I made him buy it for me.", Suhi said
"Wohh! Your brother bought you a broom? My brother would take my money if anything else.", Said Ron looking dejected.
"Atleast you've got brothers…", said Jane, being a single child.
"Yeah, atleast there's someone who you could call a family." Said Harry in a dejected voice, which made everyone to look at him.
"Wohh! that came out of nowhere, what a guilt trip." said Ron.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am in the same situation as yours", I said looking at Harry and gave him a shrug.
"What do you mean?", asked Harry
"I'm an orphan too but my Aunt Emily takes good care of me now… so maybe not in the same condition I guess…" I said.
Everyone got silent, none knew what to say anymore.
So to break the silence Ezzy took out his telecrystal and said, "How about we take picture together to remember our first day of school?"
"Alright!" everyone got quite excited to say the least.
"But… does our telecrystal even have this feature?" I said browsing through it, and then I found it, "Ah here it is."
We did some poses and took some pictures. The best thing was that, all the pictures came out in a form of hologram.
"Magic is the best thing that has ever happened to us", I said.
"Uh huh!", the others agreed while going through the pictures.
Half an hour went by in seconds, following Prof. McGonagall we reached the field again.
It wasn't all the first years present there, it seemed the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had already had their lessons and the remaining were Gryffindor and Slytherin, who would be having there's now.
'Are they trying to make students compete with one another, what's even with the matchings…' I thought shaking my head.
Looking at the Slytherin group, every student had their own brooms, having smug smiles trying to show it off.
So all the Gryffindors called out their elves and made them bring their brooms too.
As for Ezzy, he had an expansion pouch with him all the time, which contained all the necessary items like from first aid kit to extra tent he had bought for emergencies. So he just took the broom out from it. He looked at the exquisite broom of his and thought, 'The best thing after magic is money, not only was I able to buy this expensive thing but also add some features to it.'
"Wohh! What is that, how were you able to make it look like that, in front of that, ours look so plain. How much did you modify?" Jane asked attracting everybody's attention.
"Nothing much just added a comfortable seat, handle and everything that makes it look like a motorcycle, some charms like anti-theft, gps and some other thing (like invisibility but I'm not going to say)" I told him.
Ron, Harry and Jane came near to touch it… Ron had stars in his eyes… he was about to say something but I beat him to it, "Yes, you can ride it sometimes." Which made him jump up and hug me.
In all this happy moment, there had to be some party pooper as a voice irking my very being barged into our fun conversation, "How did you get this bastard? Must have been my father who bought it for you… I should get it back, what will you use it for not like you would even be good at riding it!", he was about touch my broom and not even an inch away, a wand poked on his hand, lit with a red light.
"A touch and you lose your hand", I said in mana influenced voice, so deep that people could feel the rage I was feeling.
"Like you can do magic…", Liam said in a weak voice.
"Just try me one more time and you will find out whether I can or cannot." I said trying my very best not to hurt him, but the light coming out from my wand brightened, which frightened him more and ran to where he was before.
"Yoo… what even was that?", Jane asked.
"Nothing important… just an annoying bug that keeps hovering around me…" I said trying to calm my nerves
"What was with you voice and that spell, did you really try to cut his hands off?" Ron asked
"Voice? Oh that's just something that I could naturally do and the spell… it was just expelliarmus, I'm not that stupid to get expelled on my first day of school. But he should have really touched , I would've got a chance to throw him away." I said remembering that expelliarmus could make people fly off with quite an amount of force.
"That was kind of rude, wasn't it? Was he your step brother, Ezzy? I go through the same treatment back at my home too." Said Suhi.
"You too? But no, he's not my step brother… Well not anymore.", I said.
"Well we made through, now we can be happy… I too have separated from my family and been living with my brother… Everything's going to be alright now...", Suhi said, but it was more like she was trying to convince herself to believe.
Right then Madam told everyone to make two lines keeping a distance of 2 meters between them, and keep their brooms on their dominant hand's side.
So, everyone who didn't have broom took one from Madam Hooch and made two lines and everything played out like the movie.
Harry's shot up on his first time, so did Jane's, Draco's, while I was watching everything playing, I forgot to do mine getting a tap from Madam Hooch on my shoulder.
"Are you feeling nervous?", She asked me flatly.
I denied shaking my head.
"Then why are you in a daze, get on, we don't have the whole day." She said without batting an eye and stared straight into my soul.
I puffed up my chest and straightened my body stretched out my hand imaging how they did on the movies, also cursing myself for not trying it out before-hand and forgetting that I even had a broom until today.
Focusing all my concentration on the broom, I said, "UP!"
Steadily the broom lifted up in the air and onto my stretched hand.
Planting a smug smile on my face I looked around to find out what they were up to. Ron was barely able to make the broom float just a little above the ground, while Hermione bossily trying to order her broom to come to her hand, which was only shaking its body on the ground stubbornly. While Suhi had exhilarated expression holding her flying broom, whereas Neville was nervously asking the broom to please come into his hand. To my surprise Neville was half successful as the broom would stably float half way and just falls back down. 'It must be his low confidence.' I thought seeing him.
Then to the person who I hate the most, Liam. He was huffing and puffing, blood all over his face due to his rage trying to order the broom to come into his hand. 'I swear I would love to see him throw a tantrum and be called into headmaster's office', I thought rolling my eyes, then I looked the other way and started to question, 'why is it even bothering me so much, why am I even resenting him? I'm really going mental… being so negative towards an eleven years old boy.'
*After few moments*
When all the students were able to successfully lift their brooms, Madam Hooch ordered us to gather around and said, "Now that you all can successfully lift up your brooms form the ground, we will be ending our class for this much today. I know its already been an exhausting day for you all, touring around the whole castle. So rest up, in your common room or any other place, socialize, and laze around all you can today, its not like you can do it in any other day from tomorrow."
Everybody started to whisper among themselves about what she meant by that.
Madam Hooch spoke, "House captains, guide your classmates to your common room. The class is dismissed!"