Chapter 42: Waking up dead, or not?
It took me only a few minutes to reach Yancy Akademy. From there, I managed to slip into the zombie dungeon I was inside, or atleast my body was.
It took me only a few seconds to find my remains upon which I felt a pull once I got close enough. Then everything went black.
I woke up groaning. Everything was numb but I still felt the effects of my recent travel ripple through my body. Not considering the giant hole in my body.
I was awake but no blood was flowing. It was like I was one of the zombies I had killed.
[Host has completed the mission. Here are your rewards.]
1. Title/Skill: Sovereign of the Undead
The user is now regarded as the highest of authorities by anything classified as Undead. From Skeletons to Zombies, Ghouls and more. The host is now able to call for undead servants. Anything the host kills will be added as a summon type to the skill.
Title Effect: The host is now functionally immortal. They might be able to disperse your body but you will never truly die, soul damage is negated.
If your body is dispersed the hosts soul will be drawn into the earth the Underworld from where the body will reform. Other rebirth locations might also happen.
2. Companion Abraxas
You now have the Graveborn Dragon, Abraxas, as one of your familiars. He will grow in strength with you, has an undead form and is considered your representative for the undead.
[Congratulations Host, you have successful triggered the first instance of the effect of your title: Breaker of Chains. You have managed to break Abraxas free from his fate of eternal guarding the dungeon. From being bound to earth and you have freed him from his curse of undeath.
1. Curse Devour
2. Curse Bestowal
3. 1 Opportunity to gain either a Cursed Class or a Cursed Species.]
[Dear Host, it has been detected that you have two items/summons you have yet to use.
1. Mystery Egg: Incubate by dripping some of your blood onto it. The creature born will be random but their power an potential will be similar to the owner of the blood. The creature will be bound to the host as another familiar.
2. Nemean Lioness x3: You have somehow acquired three Nemean Lionesses. Interestingly the original Nemean Lion was in fact a lioness. The Lionesses will be your familiars as well.]
[To make it easier for the host to hide his future familiars, they will be able to turn into tattoos on the hosts skin. They share the hosts immortality.
Another tip for future emergency missions like this one. The Familiars do not count as subordinates and can as such be used in mission forbidding these.]
[Congeatulation Host. The territory of the dungeon has been copied and added twice to your home-dimension. One as a sunken city and the other as an abandoned one inside the forest.
From this point forward the host can allow his familiars and subordinates to enter this dungeon alongside the host and even without him.
Levels and EXP gained will not be shared with the host. The host will, however, gain the same amount of EXP as the subordinates and familiars without reducing the subordinates and familiars gains.]
[New Dungeon unlocked: Skeletons Catacombs]
[This dungeon is more focused on skeletons and other undead creatures. Unlocks in: 13:23:59:58 secs.]
I watched, while I was getting the notifications as my wound was knitting itself together. But even after the wound had healed, even without contact to water,y body remained mostly numb. This concerned me at first but I realized that there had to be consequences for dying and coming back this way. I probably wouldn't have that problem if I had either reformed in my domain or in Tartarus. But honestly, I would take this ten times over before willingly reforming there.
As I exited the dungeon, exhausted and tired, I saw Grover, still sleeping in his bed, unaware of the fact that I, a demigod under his care, had just died and came back only because the fates had more than likely forced Hadeses hand.
As I realized that I could have cost him his searchers license because of my recklessness, I vowed to never endanger myself more than I had to. To always think ahead, atleast as far as I could, and to allow others to help me.
And the first step to follow through with that oath, one that I hadn't sworn by any gods name, was to accept what I had gained and forgotten.
The World around me grew dark, as if it had been swallowed by the void and then, suddenly without any warning, I found myself inside of what I suspected to be a graveyard.
The ground before me began to tremble as a hill began to form, no doubt because something was trying to come out of it.
Then, accompanied by violent motions, rotten scales, exposed bones and joints broke through the surface.
The dragon was slowly rising from its apparent grave, bound by black, rusty chains. Abraxas strained against them but they seemed to hold, but then seething happened. An arrow struck the chains and broke one of its links. Soon they began to fall apart and the dragon, previously desperately struggling against its chains seemed to finally be able to breath. It continued to rise from the earth.
Then finally, when it shook of the last pieces of left behind earth, the dragon changed.
It was like he had been showered in moonlight. Under a silvery glow his skin, muscles and bone reconnect, regrew and maybe even strengthend.
The change was slow going but, once it was done, the result was incredible.
What had previously been a deformed and clearly undead dragon with halve of both it's wings missing, was now a majestic dragon.
He was bigger than before, his limbs alone being enough to crush a dump truck.
There were spikes covering it's weak points on his back and the rest of his body followed a similar style. Abraxas looked like a typical western dragon with black scales and glowing green eyes.
Those immediately focused on me as soon as he rose to his full hight. Which was an impressive four stories.