Percy Jackson and the Art of Gacha

Chapter 43: Time Skip Time 1/2

After I had claimed Abraxas, I followed up with claiming the lionesses. They were big, almost as tall as a family van and probably between two and three times their length.

I had named them Nala, after the character from the lion king, Namia and Nikae.

When I had summoned them they had at first scanned their new surroundings, the same ones I had summoned Abraxas in. Once they had seen me their reaction was immediate as their hind legs flexed, built up pressure and then released it as they jumped towards me, throwing me on my back. Only to bury me under their fur.

I had claimed the Egg as well. But I didn't expect what had hatched from it.

At first it might have been a bird, a crow to be exact. But, once you looked closer and took its appearance in, you would eventually realize that this bird wasn't normal.

First of all, the bird was already at the same hight as a regular crow, even after having hatched just a few seconds ago.

It's feathers seemed to not only swallow the surrounding light, like a black hole, but it also emitted a weird mix of black, sandlike mist.

The most notable was that it's beak was clearly made out of some form of metal while the crows eyes were obsidianlike with small blue whisps inside.

I had used the system to take a closer look at what the bird before me was and it turned out to be a Nevermore. They had the ability to find anyone they knew the name of, slip between the realms of reality and more. They were entirely useless in combat either. Their beaks were indeed made out of metal, a magical one that allows them to inflict True Damage. I fact most of their body was made out of metal, from their bones to their feathers. Furthermore they, depending on where they are born and who they bind themselves to, can develop new skills untypical for their kind.

This one, being born in this space, was able to travel into dreams and drag others, especially in combat, into nightmare realms.

I had named him Onyx.

After having hatched the crow and making them my familiars, they had all transformed into tattoos on my skin.

They, along with the residual tattoos I already had (remember the exoskeleton I had from that first bleedover), and some tribal tattoos that had stuck with me even after my evolution, extended from my right below my chin, over my neck, down my chest, hips and ended at my feet. They familiars themselves had turned into small depictions of themselves and were currently, seemingly asleep.

Another thing I had noticed as the month of December started was that, when the boosts from my Spirit Domains waned, my power level lowered by a lot. While I could be a potential threat to even the big three in the hight of my power, right now I would be only slightly stronger than an unclaimed child of a minor god. (Something I had found out recently by entering the dreams of Grover was that all demigods, unless they were claimed, started out at the same level of power.)

And one more thing that was becoming pretty obvious was the pair of rams horns growing in. While their development seemed to increase slowly they had already broken past my hair so now I to either hide them using my headphones or just use and develop my skill: Human Form.

However, once new years had passed the last option became more and more the go to. Why? Because for some reason I was now growing a pair of deer antlers as well.

Ever since my evolution my body had changed, too. My hair, previously a mix of black with some violet mixed in was now even darker with neon purple tips. My eye color hadn't changed much with only a few red and green speckles. I had grown in height a bit as well. I was now rapidly closing in on 165 centimeters.

The Monthly Gachas in the last few months hadn't been that good. I had gotten some new materials, such as regular bronze, steel and even some minerals and gold, but nothing truly outstanding.

There had been a lot of items but those hadn't been that good either. I got some books, mostly fantasy books, a mana crystal and a lot of guns and cars.

I hadn't entered the new dungeon yet because now, as we got closer and closer to Canon, I wanted to be there for it.

Shortly after new year Alecto and Chiron had entered the school under the disguise or Mrs. Dodds and Mr. Brunner, respectively.

Once they had appeared I reduced my adventurous behavior, not that Grover would have noticed since he had spend most of his time with a shadow puppet of mine.

My grades in school had gotten better since I had taken over as well, since I now had once again the abilities of my grimoires at my beg and call.

The snakes had come back from their adventures, too. The snakes had traveled around mostly going west, possibly scouting out the routes I would have to take for my future quests for the gods. That had taken them approximately two months. After that they had decided to actually go on vacation.

Hilda and Gran, two of the nicer snakes, had traveled to Hawaii and somehow, after I had gained the skill: Human From, used it to enter a hotel there. Also their forms seemed to be those of adults, which wasn't as confusing as that should be, since their apparent age depends on my mental one.

Rudly and Roasty had gone to Europe, mostly hanging around in Scotland and Britain. They told a few stories of a certain Magus living there with his Wife/Apprentice.

Bucky, Beats and Wade had gone on separate trips. One had visited several monuments, also mostly in Europe, one had hung around in several radio stations and snuck onto band tours of a few musicians. The last one had somehow acquired an alias on the dark web and began taking on several jobs as a professional assassin.

Now, I think I am forgetting some things?

Ah yes, I forgot some of the funnier things I did ever the last four months together with Grover.

I also pranked both Chiron and Alecto.


What types of pranks could Percy possibly have done🤔

Write your ideas in the comments😁

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