Chapter 159: Chapter 22
Goat Path
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
September 29th 3050
Ainsworth felt this had been a long time coming. ComStar had nearly killed her, and they had killed many of her friends and comrades. Operation: FLUSH had one of the highest casualty rates of any operation MIIO had conducted in the modern era. Now, years later, there was more proof of ComStar's outright betrayal. The time to strike back had come.
The issue wasn't the capability to defeat the local Com Guard forces – that went without saying, as it did on most worlds. The key to this operation was speed and precision. They needed to seize the facility before any message could get off-world, and they wanted to take it relatively intact.
An A-Rated HPG was a mini-fortress. At a glance, some of these facilities might not seem that way, but their aesthetically pleasing exteriors concealed formidable defenses. On important worlds, they were typically powered by a nuclear reactor with a secondary power source, in addition to being connected to the local power grid. Much of the structure lay underground, featuring blast-proof rooms that could be environmentally sealed. BattleMech bays, other military forces, and years' worth of supplies were often housed within.
Fortunately, this was a B-Rated HPG on an unimportant world. The rocky planet had never sustained a large population. Like most inconsequential worlds, it was largely self-sufficient in food and energy. Medicines and luxuries arrived in bulk once a year, along with the occasional contraband smuggler. The Clans had taken it easily and found nothing of value here – that was why they had defended it so lightly. But only with ComStar's help had they been able to hold onto it. The capital was small, yet it still boasted hundreds of thousands of people.
The ComStar facility had a nuclear reactor and was connected to the grid. Two of her FCIS partners would handle the reactor through a more conventional infiltration. The grid was easy to disable, and Captain Rogers would be coming in hot with their Elementals once Ainsworth gave the signal.
Approaching the building she walked at a brisk pace with a worried expression.
"I am Kommandant Lautner's personal aide. I have an urgent message to send to Blumenort – he's had a medical event. Please, let me see the Demi-Precentor," I told the man at the desk.
He shook his head. "She has an appointment with Princess Katherine. I can have an Adept speak with you. As long as the access codes you provide are valid, we can still send the message during our batch."
"I know you send messages every twelve hours, but I need to send mine sooner."
"I'm afraid we can't do that."
"Exceptions are made all the time. Take me to the Adept who can make that call!"
The man gave a long-suffering sigh and then clicked his communicator. A moment later, a Com Guard soldier and another aide took Ainsworth down the hall and into a well-furnished office.
Security is so incredibly sloppy. No one even checked me for weapons.
Not that it would have mattered. Ainsworth was already moving, drawing her concealed knife as soon as she confirmed the room was clear. Her first strike hit the Com Guard, sinking into his neck. The next was fatal to the aide, and the final strike – roughly 0.8 seconds after she drew her blade – saw the knife thrown into the Initiate's throat.
She sent the signal to begin phase two, and several things happened at once. The power dimmed as she took the Com Guard's auto-pistol and ensured it was fully loaded. Emergency lights flickered on, then went out. Ainsworth dragged the bodies into the room and waited for others to arrive.
Their thinking was that whoever the number two person at this facility was would be the most likely to send out an urgent Alpha Priority message. By killing them, they reduced the likelihood of anyone else being able to send anything out. However, once the fighting began with the Com Guards, it was likely they would immediately try to contact the second-in-command to send out the distress signal.
On cue, after the sounds of the 1st Royal FedCom Guards engaging enemy armor and 'Mech elements, and Captain Rogers' team blazing through the front door, panicked ComStar staff ran to this office, where they were promptly gunned down by Ainsworth. The shots led to screams, and Ainsworth relocated down the hall. More staff arrived with two Com Guard soldiers, but Ainsworth did what she did best. Switching guns with one of the downed troopers, she didn't have to kill anyone else, as Captain Rogers and his battle armor company had arrived.
The station would go offline briefly, until they could get what they needed from the Demi-Precentor. As ComStar personnel surrendered, they would serve as useful backups. Technology was technology; it did not require advanced understanding to use. The issue was that they had no way of knowing if there were any security protocols, such as access codes that needed to be sent every few days to prevent operations like this. They didn't know if certain encryptions were being used or protocols in place to prevent the reactor from blowing if they weren't followed.
ROM had been sloppy in many cases, leading to a lot of internal debate among MIIO on just how detailed their security routines would be. Some thought that ComStar's arrogance meant they were lax and didn't have convoluted protections. Ultimately, no one knew. ROM field agents who had been captured had gone through anti-interrogation training and typically didn't have any details of the workings of ComStar beyond their individual cell.
We'll need to move fast with the interrogations, but given the joke that was the security of this compound, we're probably good.
Ainsworth was eager to trawl through the data as well. ComStar, being ComStar, had probably kept diligent records and receipts of all messages. What orders the First Circuit was giving to their HPG stations, like Goat Path, which had been taken over by the Clans, would reveal much. During the few days it took to reach the planet, Katherine had already started scheming ways to exploit being within their system. The little – well, not so little anymore – terror had a devious mind. As absurdly skilled as her charge was in military planning and execution, Ainsworth truly believed she would be the best fit to one day inherit running the FCIS.
It probably would never happen, but an agent can dream.
Tharkad City, Tharkad
District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth
October 7th 3050
"She did what?" Hanse practically shouted as Justin provided him the news sent via the black box. The only other person in the room was Alexi.
"By her account," Justin said steadily, "they were not able to get off a warning message. Apparently, ComStar has been doing more than just acting as a liaison. The Com Guards are not just providing intelligence to the enemy; they are also assisting with security operations. If it comes to light, the excuse they have on hand is that by having Com Guards 'police the criminal element' instead of the Clans, they eliminate the Clans from being too overly heavy-handed. It's all the same in the end. The reason we don't move is due to the impact of Interdiction, so how flimsy the lie is just doesn't matter."
"She's sure that ComStar doesn't know?"
"She is, and she has Ainsworth with her, so I believe the assessment is correct," Justin replied.
Alexi added, "This does create an awkward strategic situation. Under no circumstances can the Clans retake Goat Path. If ComStar found out we took over an HPG station, they would Interdict immediately. They would also likely activate the Com Guards fully, perhaps even openly ally with House Liao. By our estimates, the Com Guards have at least thirty regiments of 'Mechs and far more in armor and infantry divisions."
Hanse shook his head in frustration. "Did she share why she was even on Goat Path?"
Justin looked over his notes. "Hmm, no, but reading between the lines, I think your blessing in giving her autonomy to make the call in the field based on the situation made her think you wanted her to continue disrupting the Jade Falcon line of advance."
"I give my able commanders a long leash; that's how you were so successful when you went undercover," Hanse replied, slightly defensive.
"Your daughter has a… unique perspective." Justin said carefully.
Alexi strangled a laugh before it could fully form.
"On the bright side," Justin said, "the line of the Falcon advance seems to indicate they don't want to drift too far away from the other Clans. The furthest anti-spinward they've gone is Barcelona, the next-most is Roadside. It is unclear if that pattern will continue, but their front-line units will likely be further rimward. There's been no attack on Blue Hole or Kooken's Pleasure Pit, so they may not even bother attempting to retake it. Plus, if Ainsworth and the team are successful, we can then feed ComStar and/or the Clans anything we want about Goat Path."
Now there's an idea… no, not the time. We aren't ready to move on ComStar; the risk is too high.
"All right, give me options then. What can we do to ensure Goat Path doesn't fall?"
Alexi grimaced. "Kathil Ulhans are one of our most elite regiments. Send Leftenant General Redburn there. I know we wanted him as reserve or potentially on the offense, but he'll have a real shot at holding it, even if it isn't an RCT. We can also have him be given official orders to head to Blackjack, but he'll actually be on Goat Path, and then that will be a surprise kick to the teeth. There's no way they are going to think to devote more than a Cluster to a world like Goat Path, especially with how Katherine left Beta VII with no standing defensive force."
Justin looked momentarily lost in thought. "Andrew could get the job done, but it is pushing it. We might want Katherine to leave behind additional defenses and start building up fortifications like she did on Blackjack."
I need more resources, but they are only slowly trickling in. Delays in getting other units from Skye out of the March has frustrated our efforts. I need to operate from a position of strength with Marik and Liao. If they sense weakness, they will pounce. I'll never be able to trust Romano Liao, but Thomas Marik, maybe…
That was the major conundrum he faced. As long as his frontline units were on the borders, they wouldn't dare attack. But if he moved them off, there was a high possibility they would take advantage. He needed more units, and soon; some risks had to be taken.
"I am moving the 2nd Donegal Guards RCT from Hyde to Donegal. At the same time, Donegal will be sending the 24th Lyran Guards RCT to Sudeten. Given the JumpShip constraints, they can be moved piecemeal. The first elements will arrive before year's end, and the rest no later than March," Hanse announced. "I don't believe Thomas Marik will go to war even if we leave Hyde vulnerable.
"Based on your analysis, I think it is likely that Zoetermeer will be targeted, and Marshal Sarah Steiner only has her heavily damaged command of the 10th Donegal Guards to hold it. They are at about 25% strength, and 'Mech and vehicle replacements are being re-routed to Blackjack for Katherine. I'm sending the Davion Heavy Guards to reinforce it."
Justin's face momentarily flashed with worry before resuming his usual professional countenance. His son was a Leftenant in that unit.
"I'm also going to make sure Katherine has clear instructions to not take any more HPG facilities. I swear, if I didn't know any better, I'd think she was making my job harder because I'm keeping Victor on the frontlines. No further raiding either, until we know more about where the Jade Falcons and Wolves are going to hit next."
"What will Victor and the 10th Lyran Guards be doing?" Alexi asked.
"For now, recuperate on Sudeten with the Kell Hounds. They have a lot of salvage to sort through, but few intact 'Mechs. We'll try to re-equip both units from that salvage. Depending on how the fighting goes and what units need to retreat off conquered worlds, I may have partial units form up with the 10th Lyran. It will be months before they are ready for combat. We've done good work in creating headaches for the Jade Falcons, but now we need to wait to see how they react before we plan further counter-offensives."
Justin nodded. "Don't forget to review with Field Marshal Steiner sometime today before I send out the orders."
Hanse grumbled good-naturedly. It was important to include the head of Lyran State Command, but the conversation would be superfluous. The decision had been made, but it was important not to run completely roughshod over Lyran Command. Nonetheless, he promised Justin he would.
This could still be disastrous, but Ainsworth will know how much of an intelligence victory this is going to be. NAIS already believes we can operate the HPG network, but now we can prove it. That's my little girl!
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
October 30th 3050
He was the only Jade Falcon warrior who had accepted being a bondsman. His fellow warriors had felt that the foul tactics used by the Inner Sphere meant they did not follow the Honor Road and were not entitled to take Clan warriors as bondsmen. Drack had pointed out that Colonel Katherine had offered to fight an honorable battle, but had been declined. The argument had fallen on deaf years, especially since Anu was disgraced, demoted, and had been shipped off back to the Home Worlds for having offered the same form of battle and losing.
For Drack, the idea of never piloting a 'Mech again or no longer being a warrior was anathema. He needed to – he had to. He also held hope that, as a warrior, he could make a name for himself and be deployed on the frontlines against his former Clan. While he would never deliberately lose, if he were retaken as a bondsman… Alternatively, he could achieve something grand and die while fighting against the Clans – doing so in a way that would earn him a line in The Remembrance or ensure his genetics were passed on. That, too, would be a fine thing.
To win that honor, he had to prove useful and labor as a lesser caste. Thankfully, as a MechWarrior, he was not ignorant of how 'Mechs were maintained, so he was not relegated to what would have been analogous to the Labor Caste. Not that these Spheroids used that term, but being around a 'Mech was better than not.
Colonel Katherine had recently returned to the planet and had granted him the opportunity to use a 'Mech simulator against others. Word was that she had defeated two Jade Falcon garrison forces, something that stirred complex feelings in Drack.
It was odd using the simulators, but it was surprisingly close to piloting a 'Mech. When he defeated one of the officers, there was a strange level of surprise among the gathered warriors.
"Why are you shocked? I am a Trueborn; besting a freebirth is normal."
That had almost descended into a fight, and Drack was uncertain if such a thing was allowed. The Tech Caste shouldn't fight the Warrior Caste, but it seemed as if the warrior was challenging him. A superior officer intervened, and since no circle of equals had been drawn, Drack shrugged it off. To his surprise, the next day he was summoned to speak with Colonel Katherine.
"You did well in the simulator. I take it you would enjoy additional opportunities, quiaff?"
"Then you should avoid provoking my soldiers. Your comments about Trueborn and freebirth create animosity, and your continued presence is already a sore spot for some."
"I will obey. I did not seek to cause offense; I was merely explaining why I am better," Drack replied.
The Colonel steepled her fingers. "When I first heard of the genetic practices in your society, I found myself frustrated by the lack of data. The training and selection process for admission into the Warrior Caste is far more stringent than the Inner Sphere's. Is it your genetics? Or is it the training? Or perhaps the rigorous selection process? Have they studied this? Tested raising freeborn individuals in a sibko-like environment?"
Drack didn't know and said as much. That was really a Science Caste issue.
"Yes, your people compartmentalize quite well. Almost designed that way… just as you did not intend to offend with your talk of trueborn and freebirth, I warn you that I am not intending to offend either. But walk with me on my thought process."
"Yes Colonel."
"It is obvious that your genetic breeding program has improved certain dimensions. Based on what I have been told, and what I believe you and others from the Clans believe, it has been successful in making would-be MechWarriors compatible with Neurohelmets. It may have also improved reflexes. And in the case of Elementals, genes have been selected for height and the ability to build muscle mass. But I wonder if it was successful in other ways."
Drack didn't hear a direct question for him, so he stayed silent. The commander on this planet seemed to understand that the Clans had bred superior warriors, which was good. Perhaps the Inner Sphere would begin doing something similar. Perhaps Drack's own genes could be used...
"It dawns on me that your Science Caste has relatively few checks and balances. I am somewhat of a scholar on Terran history. Dogs were bred for various reasons – hunting, fighting, and many more purposes. Genetic legacy and selection could even breed increased intelligence and refinement in temperament."
Drack frowned. What was she getting at?
"This lack of curiosity in the warriors I have encountered has me questioning—is it due to your culture, or has conformity and narrow thinking been bred into you? It would be interesting to test this theory with a brand-new sibko stolen from the Clans and see if they develop similar personality traits when raised as Inner Sphere children."
His jaw dropped a little. What she was saying was obscene!
She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "I assume your people didn't bring children with you on your journey, so that's a moot point. What's not moot is the idea that the Science Caste has meddled and found a way to keep all of you Warrior Caste focused on fighting, never thinking to put checks on their work. You assume your trueborn genetics make you superior, when perhaps they've just made you better slaves."
His fists clenched. That wasn't true! The Khans wouldn't allow it.
"Speak. I know you are angry, but the point of this exercise is to hear your thoughts."
"The Science Caste would never dare. I am a lowly MechWarrior, but I am sure the Khans would check what was being done."
"Who would they get to check?"
Drack paused, suddenly uncertain. "Well, they would have other members of the Science Caste check."
"Hmm, yes, what a brilliant way to ensure the most precious and sacred piece of your society is protected: let them govern themselves," she mused.
No… it cannot be. But… freebirths do all tend to use contractions despite warnings. Just hearing one over communication devices I can typically tell who is trueborn of freebirth.
Shaken, Drack didn't know what to say. "I admit it is possible, Colonel. But to what end? And why would it matter now, as I am no longer Jade Falcon?"
She tilted her head. "You really wouldn't care what's going on with your former Clan?"
"There are lingering thoughts of fondness, but I am now part of the Lyran Commonwealth Clan."
"Just like that? Fascinating. Then why do you still persist in not sharing more details about your Clan's military force and where your Home Worlds are?"
"That is different, it is a matter of honor, not loyalty."
She looked exasperated at the response.
"Do you believe the Clans will succeed in their invasion?"
"Then why worry about us knowing where your Home Worlds lie?"
"It is a matter of honor."
She smiled. "That phrase is becoming annoying. But let me move on. If I were to consider making you a warrior again, would you follow orders even if they conflicted with your honor? For example, if I told you to combine fire with the rest of your fire team?"
D Drack considered for a moment. "It would depend on the breach of honor. Not using Zellbrigen is dishonorable, but not the worst thing. There are times when we forgo its use when dealing with Bandit Caste. Sometimes accidents do occur in battle. After the first person breaks the honor of a duel, it is acceptable to respond in kind. We still tend to avoid it, as there can be no honor won. At times, the necessities of a battle do outweigh individual honor."
"Drack, if you were to become a warrior, gain promotion, and even lead other warriors in combat, would using your knowledge of how your former Clan operates to lead your unit to victory be a breach of honor?"
I sense the trap.
"And then, if you were promoted again and asked to join the highest councils of military strategy in our war against your former Clan, would it be dishonorable for your planning decisions to be based on what you know as a former Clan member?"
He fidgeted. "I have not considered it. I am pledged to my honor. Illogical or not."
She smiled. "We will have more conversations about this in the future, Drack. But know this: I am not fully opposed to using your talents in battle. I was impressed by how you performed in battle and in the simulator training. But I also need to know that I am not wasting my time on you, and that you truly believe you are part of 'Clan Lyran Commonwealth' and wish to see us triumph over Clan Jade Falcon and the rest. Until I believe that, you will continue in the role you have now. Dismissed."
Drack walked out of the room, his thoughts heavy and confused. Colonel Katherine had given him much to think about.
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
November 7th 3050
Marshal Ann Adelmana had arrived on Zoetermeer only a week before the attack came. There had been little time to prepare, but they had done their best to collaborate with Marshal Sarah Steiner's battered RCT to fortify the ground for the impending assault.
The Jade Falcons had jumped into a nearby Pirate Point and were already dropping in fast. It was decided that Ann would attempt the batchall, but the Jade Falcons did not respond to their attempt at communication. That was where things began to go poorly.
According to Clan warfare rules, the defenders had the right to choose the ground. With that in mind, they began digging in at a strategic location away from the capital, utilizing the mines at their disposal, and establishing positions where the infantry of the 10th Donegal Guard could make life difficult for the enemy.
At first, they had thought there might be an issue with the Clan communication equipment – perhaps a partial misjump had fried them. But ultimately, that theory was dismissed as too fanciful. No, something had changed in the way the Clans fought, and her regiment was going to bear the brunt of it.
The Clans were dropping into the city, forcing them to scramble to defend it. Their battle lines were in disarray, barely forming in time to witness swarms of Elementals pouring from DropShips alongside the powerful OmniMechs.
"Based on the number and size of the DropShips, we're dealing with two Clusters," Ann advised over the command channel, which included her battalion leaders and Marshal Steiner's top officers. "Half of our force is still strung out, and we've given the evac order for the civvies to head south. We're setting up a perimeter to hold them at bay until the rest of the 10th can get into position. This isn't where we wanted to fight, but the buildings will force them into close range, so it's not a total loss."
Marshal Steiner's voice came over the line. "Understood. Our DropShips are still at the fallback point, and I don't think they've been detected."
"That's seventy klicks from here, let's hope we don't need them."
The odds weren't great, but she had the cream of the crop of the Federated Suns with her. She respected her Lyran counterparts, but these weren't crack units facing the Clans – their best were still on Tharkad, just as the Davion Heavy Guards had been on New Avalon. Plus, her regiment had all the best toys. Two of her Kommandants fielded Devastators, and her 1st Battalion was fully outfitted with new models like the Caesar and Axman, or upgraded variants of classics like the Warhammer.
Her second and third battalions also fielded those upgraded variants and new designs, but a good third of their 'Mechs were still older models. Even so, the superior skill of the Davion Heavy Guards should be enough to turn the tide. She knew the 10th Donegal Guards wouldn't be a huge help – less than a battalion of 'Mechs, a regiment of armor, and the rest infantry. It was a pity they didn't have any artillery.
The first elements of the Clan invaders clashed with the outer edge of the 2nd Battalion. From the cockpit of her upgraded Atlas, she monitored the flow of battle. At first, things seemed to be going well – but then the reports came in. Elementals were attacking.
"Physical attacks are key, shoot where you can, but stomp or grab them!"
A Hauptmann came over the line, his voice tense. "They're fast – I've got one on my back! Hammer 2, get it off!"
She pushed her 'Mech forward, ordering her 1st Battalion to sweep around the left flank of the 2nd. Meanwhile, she had the 12th hold the right flank.
Her air wing commander reported in, "Marshal Adelmana, we count sixty – repeat, six-zero – Aerospace fighters on approach. Ready and waiting for your orders."
She cursed. She had only forty aerospace fighters, two full wings, but against superior numbers and superior technology, there was little chance they could hold them off.
"See if you can bait them over 3rd Battalion. If they fly low enough, we'll thin them out. Do not engage without support," she ordered.
As she waited with her reserves and the casualties mounted at a frightening pace, she began to doubt their chances. Second Battalion was getting absolutely mauled. First Battalion was holding well enough, but the 10th Donegal...
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
November 7th 3050
Wendy called out targets for her lance to focus on as the enemy attacked. She cursed as a particularly dangerous 'Mech appeared from behind the building, sending eight lasers crashing into her lance-mates' torso. Half of the Warhammer disintegrated under the blazing onslaught of so many lasers. Her Gauss Rifle clicked to ready and slammed into the Nova. Her own pulse lasers joined the cacophony of destruction, but the OmniMech remained standing.
"Everyone, on that Nova now, before it can shoot again!"
Her lance tried to focus on the Nova, but other threats demanded attention. Another member of her lance, piloting a Marauder, had an Elemental clinging to its back, tearing away armor plates. A massive amount of damage had been done, but the Nova refused to fall. The lasers fired again, and the Warhammer was blasted back into a building, its engine flaring and gyroscope exposed.
Wendy's 'Mech rocked as it took a barrage of SRMs from an enemy 85-tonner that intelligence had identified as a Warhawk. Instead of the usual array of PPCs, this one was equipped with a Gauss Rifle, an array of lasers, and twin SRMs. More Elementals began descending on the Marauder, and they still hadn't dealt with the Nova!
Someone else took care of the Nova. A Gauss Rifle slug and an ER PPC tore straight through its chest, crippling it completely and sending it crashing down into the street. Kai's Caesar had arrived. He expertly used three of his lasers to take out an Elemental on the Marauder without damaging his ally. As he closed in to grab another, the Elemental quickly dropped away, using its jump jets to rocket out of reach. But Kai didn't stop moving. With a grace that seemed impossible for such a large 'Mech, he turned and closed the distance, smashing the Elemental out of the air with a single fist.
Wendy fired her Gauss Rifle, a silvery ball of death that slammed into the Warhawk, tearing away almost a ton of armor from its arm. An enemy Summoner jumped over a building and unleashed a brutal salvo from the Clan version of an AC/20. Vomiting out twice as many rounds as a standard autocannon, it shredded the Marauder, turning the heavy Inner Sphere 'Mech into Swiss cheese. Only then did the SRMs launch, causing critical strikes across the Marauder, which finally collapsed from the catastrophic damage and the partial destruction of multiple critical systems.
Wendy pushed her 'Mech around the side of a blown-out structure to avoid a few of the SRMs stalking her from the Warhawk. The damage was mounting, and most of the armor on the right side of her 'Mech had been completely stripped. On the opposite side, her left leg had its internal structure exposed.
Rounding the building, her aim was true once more. One of the Gauss Rifle strikes tore the Warhawk's arm free, while the second buried itself in the enemy 'Mech's leg. An Axman from Kai's lance joined the fray, adding more damage to the Warhawk, its AC/20 and medium lasers shattering and burning armor away. Two more Elementals crested a building and sent SRMs into Wendy's 'Mech.
Wendy watched as Kai charged the deadly Summoner. Instead of a typical charge, he missed by a meter but lashed out with one arm of his 'Mech, striking the upper body of the Summoner. The enemy 'Mech, confronted with the force on its upper body, could do nothing but obey the laws of physics as it crashed to the ground. Kai's 'Mech arm had nearly torn off, but the momentum of the strike slowed his 'Mech, preventing him from flying past the enemy despite the speed he'd built up. Kai turned his 'Mech, leaned it over, and placed the ER PPC right above the Summoner's cockpit, less than half a meter away, before firing it and ending the deadly threat the Summoner posed.
The Warhawk was thrown off balance by the sudden appearance of the Axman, and the next barrage of SRMs saw fewer hits. Wendy and the Axman pressed the attack, finishing off the Warhawk. Suddenly, there were no more foes around.
"Kai, your Gauss Rifle was in that arm."
"It was, but I was almost out of ammo anyway," he replied.
Wendy heard the Battalion order to retreat. As a Leftenant, she wasn't on the command channel, but as she and the lance pulled back, she queried her Hauptmann about why they were falling back.
"The 10th Guard is routed and the 2nd Battalion is under half-strength. We are pulling out of this rock… if we can."
Wendy cursed. A fighting retreat was the worst kind. They backed away, and for a time, there was no enemy pressure. But the Clan 'Mechs were faster, and soon almost a company of lighter 'Mechs raced forward toward them, weaving between the buildings. Wendy cursed as she missed with her Gauss Rifle, but she was satisfied when her PPC scorched the enemy 'Mech.
Wait… no damage?
Zooming in, she saw that the 'Mech wasn't damaged, but instead, she had hit an Elemental that had been riding on the light 'Mech! The lighter 'Mechs were dangerous, but it was the Elementals that caused the most alarm. The tactical doctrine called for physical attacks, but that was far harder than it sounded, especially in heavier 'Mechs. Only Kai seemed to have a knack for swatting them out of the air and landing his deadly blows.
Wendy felt pride blossom in her chest as her husband tore into the enemy armored infantry like normal Inner Sphere 'Mechs could tear into unarmored infantry. If they came close to him, his 'Mech found them. Even as he did so, his ER PPC and lasers continued to burn away armor from the enemy 'Mechs. The fighting was brutal, but eventually, their company shattered the attack. The cost was high, as it was just her, Kai, two other heavy 'Mechs, and their Hauptmann's Zeus remaining.
The continued retreat to their DropShips was harrowing. It was only afterwards that Wendy would learn the 10th Donegal had rallied and slowed the Falcon pursuers enough to buy them time. Aerospace fighters dueled in the skies above, and thrice they came within range for her and Kai's ER PPCs to help take down the enemy fighters. Her own Gauss Rifle ammo had long since run out.
The ride back to the JumpShip was a somber one. Arguably the most elite regiments in all the Inner Sphere had been utterly defeated and routed. Casualty reports weren't official yet, but she had eyes. Less than a battalion of 'Mechs had made it to the DropShips, and the remaining fighter escort, only a squadron. Wendy knew from the comms chatter that the heavy use of 'Mechs without hands had made using physical attacks against the Elementals difficult and had played a big role in picking apart the regiment. Even with hands, it was a challenging task if you weren't Kai Allard-Liao.
At least we both made it out of there. I don't know what I would do if I lost Kai.
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
November 8th 3050
The saKhan of the Jade Falcons felt dirtied by the victory on this world. Timur Malthus was a Jade Falcon warrior who prided himself on honoring Zellbrigen and the Way of the Clans. Khan Crichell had given him orders and defended them by saying the 10th Donegal Guards were Dezgra for not accepting a batchall on other worlds they had fought on, thereby justifying not issuing a batchall to the defenders.
As if sensing his thoughts, Adler Malthus spoke, "These were worthy foes. They may have not practiced Zellbrigen, but what can one expect from barbarians? The enemy fought boldly and fearlessly with skill I have not seen displayed previously. I am eager to see if any bondsmen will win back their place as Warriors."
"Even if they are freebirth?"
Timur nodded. They had struck the world with the Jade Falcon Guards and the 7th Falcon Regulars Cluster. Due to the Falcon Guards still being understrength from earlier engagements, Timur had led the Turkina Keshik to assist them and had assumed overall command. Despite performing to his very high standards, losses had still mounted.
"The Falcon Guards will need repairs, and you have more warriors than 'Mechs, Star Colonel." He held his subordinate's gaze for a moment. "I will also be ordering the Tech Caste, as a temporary measure, to repair and bring to function what enemy 'Mechs we can and then have them issued to your warriors."
Adler's eyes widened in surprise. "Surely we are not so desperate as to use such inferior equipment."
Timur grimaced. Every Cluster had spare OmniMechs brought with them, but not enough to offset the attrition rate they were now facing. Each month, another transport with DropShips laden with supplies and OmniMechs would arrive, but those reinforcements – meant to make up for the anticipated losses – had been based on projections made in April. That was before Blackjack and Twycross.
"We are. The Wolves have launched an ambitious Fifth Wave, far exceeding the other Clans. It remains to be seen if they have bid foolishly." Timur's gaze hardened. "Warriors have pride, and it is deserved, but they will make use of what is available. An extra Star or Binary of Inner Sphere refuse is still better than nothing at all."
"I hear and obey." Adler replied.
"You will have three weeks and then you will move on to Graus. Our ComStar allies say the world will have little defense, but they have failed us more than once now. Be prepared for anything."
"You will not be with us, quineg?"
"Neg, I am joining other units to reclaim Twycross before the month is over."
With nothing more to say, they both went about their duties.