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Chapter 160: Chapter 23

Tharkad City, Tharkad

District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth

November 9th 3050

Hanse Davion was surprised to receive a request for a private audience from Morgan Kell and Major Sveng Ngov of the Wolf's Dragoons. Recognizing its importance, he quickly made time for the meeting, accompanied by his wife and Justin Allard. One was a trusted ally of House Steiner, the other a battalion commander from the increasingly secretive mercenary unit.

Melissa greeted Morgan warmly, and Hanse shook hands first with the Kell Hounds founder, then with Ngov.

"Morgan, I grieve with you for the loss of Christian Kell. He fought bravely, and his actions ensured my son's survival. From my family to yours, thank you," Hanse said solemnly.

Morgan Kell slowly nodded, his hands at his sides. "Thank you. The loss of Phelan and now Christian is felt keenly. While I appreciate your heartfelt gratitude, my purpose here is merely to help ensure Major Ngov could speak with you as soon as possible."

Hanse looked curiously at the Wolf's Dragoons officer. He was dressed in a black uniform, belted at the waist, with red piping running down the legs. His dark eyes and hair were filled with vibrant life, and on the shoulders of his jacket, wolf's head designs with fur drew the eye.

"Has Jaime Wolf finally decided to take part in the war?" Hanse asked.

The man's intense eyes locked onto Hanse Davion's, and Hanse got the impression that he was testing whether he would flinch. The true challenge for Hanse was resisting the urge to smirk. More dangerous men than this mercenary had challenged him and found him equal to the task.

"Colonel Wolf believes it is time for the Inner Sphere to rally together against a common foe. He is extending an invitation to every ruler and their children to attend a summit on Outreach. The Wolf's Dragoons will provide a JumpShip at four systems along the nearest route from Tharkad to Outreach. It is our hope that you can complete the Command Circuit, or at least a partial one, and arrive no later than January 1st, 3051."

Hanse narrowed his gaze. "He does know we are in the middle of a war."

"Colonel Wolf understands the difficulty of the request; however, he promises information about the Clans that we have gathered, as well as access to technology beyond even what NAIS can produce for those who attend."

Hanse looked to Justin for confirmation.

"Highness, MIIO and LIC both agree that the Wolf's Dragoons likely had access to an SLDF site at some point. Like the Gray Death Legion, it is suspected that they found a Memory Core, though they have kept it well hidden."

Hanse looked to the Wolf's Dragoon and the man didn't acknowledge or deny the information.

"Will you, Archon Steiner, Victor Steiner-Davion, and Katherine Steiner-Davion attend? We also extend this invitation to Morgan Hasek-Davion, Cadance Liao, Justin Allard-Liao, and their progeny."

Hanse looked to Morgan. "I assume that, due to your arrival with Major Ngov, you are in favor of this summit?"

"Yes, Highness. I have long been impressed with the Wolf's Dragoons, and if we can unify our efforts, we will have a better chance of beating the Clans. I plan on attending as well."

Hanse nodded. "Very well, I will send orders to Victor and Katherine to be routed to Tharkad with all possible haste. We will need to, once again, change some of our JumpShip logistics to accommodate a partial Command Circuit. Morgan Hasek-Davion will remain on Sudeten; I need someone I can trust in the field."

Melissa smiled. "I heartily concur. If for no other reason, this news has made me happy, for I will be able to see my children again."

"And Leftenant Allard-Liao?"

Hanse grimaced. "We believe Zoetermeer is under attack and do not yet have word on whether his unit fended off the believed invasion, was destroyed, or made it off-world. The same orders will go out, and if possible, Kai will be joining us."

"Excellent. I have arrived in person due to the security dangers of using ComStar. I trust you will be circumspect in your orders and not reveal that you are headed to Outreach. ComStar will find out sooner or later, but we would prefer the latter."

"On that, we wholeheartedly agree!"



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

November 16th 3050

A strategy meeting on Outreach? Time away from the frontlines? I was ecstatic! This was the sort of thing I had been dreaming of. I had already readied several different counter-invasion options, but this was even better! As JumpShips were gathering at various locations, further complicating our logistical and reinforcement timing, I had only a bit of time left before I headed to Outreach.

My orders limited the number of guests I could include. I chose four specific individuals. Nick Westfield was no doubt the most knowledgeable person alive in the Inner Sphere on Clan technology and its use in the field. Ainsworth would, of course, attend as my bodyguard, and I would also be taking Leftenant Aiko. The final person I selected was my XO, Hauptmann-Kommandant Sven Fischer. The combined-arms approach to making my artillery useful was important to my battlefield tactics, and next to me, he was the best at being able to articulate it.

I would leave Kommandant Hans Lautner in charge. He would retain operational control regardless of what POWs were returned from Wotan and Winfield. My orders were explicit: sit tight unless specific orders were received. After discussion with Ainsworth and Aiko, it was decided he could be trusted with the black box, and we went over the protocol for it.

Our attack on the HPG facility on Goat Path had been an unquestionable success. Our interrogation of the Demi-Precentor, Adepts, and other personnel had gone quite well. Leslie Lepik had shown some resistance to the narco-interrogation, but Ainsworth had played a few clever tricks and was able to identify the coded phrases she had attempted to use when we set her up with a dummy terminal.

The use of the HPG terminal was even simpler than we expected. Technology broke down complex tasks into simple ones. Constructing spare parts, understanding how the technology worked, and repairing it were completely beyond us, so far. However, actually operating the existing machinery? Simple. It wasn't as if ComStar could restrict knowledge on how to use it just to the Demi-Precentor; that would cut off whole worlds if an accident or sudden illness laid them low. Most Adepts knew how to operate it as well.

The most exciting find was the detailed history of messages that were stored on what had been sent to and from Goat Path. The orders from the First Circuit, how often and what Lepik would forward to Precentor Tharkad or the First Circuit. I was confident we could falsify and fake those reports nearly indefinitely. With the arrival of the Kathil Ulhans I had pulled back most of my 1st Royal FedCom Guards to Blackjack leaving only some of the artillery to provide support in case of attack. Through creative use of holovid recordings with Lepik while we interviewed her, we were also able to create contingent messages we could send to any Clan JumpShips that entered the system. The time delay would prove quite advantageous with some quick thinking and a variety of sliced and chopped footage. Nothing that would withstand intense scrutiny, but an impatient Clan officer would be quite easy to fool.

Progress would continue on Blackjack. With more time, I was establishing an underground tunnel system. Having learned of the Turtle Bay atrocities, I had tasked my engineer and TharHes industry personnel to design a system that could withstand orbital bombardment. This was a major undertaking, and they couldn't be sure it would work, but they thought it was possible. We also expanded and started work on some hidden bases outside of the major population centers. I even looked to enhance the industrial base of Blackjack and was surprised when my requests for certain materials were being answered.

Shipping to Blackjack was relatively safe for the moment so long as Kooken's Pleasure Pit remained in FedCom hands. If it were to fall, we would have to rely on uninhabited systems as pathways to Blackjack. My JumpShips had been more idle than I would like, so we carefully mapped out the nearby ones.

Creating a BattleMech factory was not something easily accomplished, so I didn't even attempt it. Creating a munitions factory, though? Far easier, and that would ensure I had all the autocannon rounds and artillery shells I would ever need. The morale on the planet was still sky-high, and people were willing to do what it would take to defend themselves when the two-year timer was up. Between training, building, and more, the populace was doing everything and more than I could ask for.

My personal comms chirped, and Aiko reported an emergency and to come right away to the briefing room. My heart raced; what disaster had happened this time?

I'll be leaving from the frontlines soon; this cannot be happening!

As I burst into the briefing room, almost every officer in my command was there, and they all shouted out at once.


I blinked. I was going to kill Aiko.

My soldiers were in a good mood, so I wasn't going to ruin it by spilling my Leftenant's blood… but I had not appreciated the surge of anxiety! On the positive side, I was given a few pleasant gifts from my command. They had arranged some rare chocolates and a premium blend of coffee – something I had casually mentioned missing, which I used to drink while at the Nagelring.

They wasted DropShip space on luxuries? I should be affronted by the waste, but it is tasty.

"Katherine," Aiko began with an amused smile, "how does it feel to be eighteen now? Ready to take on adult responsibilities?"

I gave her a death-glare, which she unfortunately now seemed immune to.

Hans looked a bit bemused. "I often forget your years, Princess Katherine, you are perhaps the youngest Colonel the Lyran Commonwealth has seen."

Ainsworth chuckled. "She will probably break the record for Leftenant General soon enough!"

"Don't be silly, Patricia; surely it would be more appropriate to make her Hauptmann-General in one fell swoop," Gregory added.

Despite the delay in getting needed things accomplished and the absurdity of my subordinates, I enjoyed myself. My meat shields knew me well, thanks to their observation skills. They also needed a reason to celebrate after being forced into so many conflicts in such a short time, so I would not begrudge them this.

After a few hours of mingling and telling war stories, we returned to our tasks. I stole Kommandant Lautner's Atlas and told him he would pilot my Gargoyle until I returned.

"Why are you taking my 'Mech?" he asked. His expression perplexed and tone just shy of outright confrontation, clearly age had granted him enough patience not to jump to conclusions as many a younger hotter blooded MechWarrior would at similar news.

"Upgrades. I'm going to ask my father to see your Atlas enhanced with the latest weapon systems. I have been continuously impressed with your 'Mech handling. I intend to keep using you as a blunt instrument against the Clans, and for that, I want you to have the best available technology."

"Yes, Highness, thank you. I don't anticipate needing to pilot a 'Mech before you return, but if I do, I'll make sure your Gargoyle remains in one piece!"

Hopefully, I won't be returning. Given the nature of this summit, I need to arrange events in such a way that I don't get stuck on the frontlines. The best way to do that will be to impress everyone with my strategic understanding of the situation, making me too valuable to be put on the front. A posting on New Avalon would be preferable, but I can also make a strong argument for Tharkad and help integrate Clan and old Star League technology in our 'Mech and vehicle factories there.


WarShip, Dire Wolf, Assault Orbit, Thannhausen

Radstadt Province, Free Rasalhague Republic

November 25th 3050

Khan Ulric Kerensky knew the ilKhan was up to something. The aggressive nature of his Fifth Wave plans, and the successes thus far, had led to the inevitable counterstroke. Leo Showers was not a man who easily accepted defeat, and with his Smoke Jaguars humiliated on Wolcott and Ulric's Wolves gobbling up so many worlds, he had called a Grand Kurultai to discuss the invasion.

All the Khans had gathered on the Dire Wolf, and Ulric and his saKhan made ready. He greeted those Khans with whom he still had alliances, chief among them Clan Coyote. Khan Robin Steele had disappointed Ulric with his vote in favor of the invasion. Since that time, Ulric had sought to mend bridges and had even provided some favors to ensure their once-strong ties had not soured over the Operation REVIVAL vote.

The ilKhan called the meeting to order.

"I have gathered you here to discuss Operation: REVIVAL, its many successes and the few setbacks we have faced. You will see holovids of the great paradises we have taken, the rich natural resources, and the biodomes of conquered planets. You will also learn of the way the so-called warriors of the Inner Sphere conduct themselves and what we must do to fulfill Nicholas Kerensky's vision."

Ulric watched as footage played. The worlds of the Inner Sphere were practically paradises compared to the Clan Home Worlds. Showers was dangling their war prizes, causing many of the Khans not participating in the invasion to salivate.

Will he be activating the Reserve Clans? Is that his purpose?

After sharing the footage, he pivoted to discussing the Dezgra tactics of the Inner Sphere. Khan Crichell spoke of a Bloodname warrior being assassinated by a sniper outside of his 'Mech. He spoke of the Lyran Commonwealth completing raids on recently acquired planets, refusing to even initiate a batchall unless it served their purposes.

Ulric stood up. "The Inner Sphere is not one body, and each commander is different. My Wolves have found them honorable enough, and those that do participate in the batchall have honored terms. The Jade Falcons just lack the capacity to win when the technological edge is removed."

The Wolf Clan's Watch was one of the better ones the Clan had. The talk of Katherine Steiner-Davion defeating Star Colonel Anu had been easy to pick up, as the Jade Falcons had spoken of it amongst themselves. The Star Colonel had been demoted to Star Captain and sent back to Clan space.

The Jade Falcon Khan did not seem bothered by the attack; instead, he merely shook his head. "I have no need to hide my defeats from my brethren. I admit to the Clans that some of my commanders have proven themselves unfit to lead. And yet, I saw no such similar report on Icar. Star Colonel Jera Carns and nearly her entire Cluster were defeated. Then your Wolves issued a second Trial of Possession less than 48 hours later, and none of this was revealed to the ilKhan."

"Wolf business is Wolf business. I am not here to coddle you and warn you of dangerous foes," Ulric replied. "My success speaks for itself; my Wolves will reach Terra first. Though I disagree with the Council's decision to conduct this invasion, since you have granted me a place, I am honor-bound to see it through."

The Ghost Bear Khan stood up angrily. "You go further than that." Bjorn Jorgensson held himself stiffly, barely controlled rage evident in his posture. "Your bondsman feeds you information you use to harm our Clan. Your initial bid for Gunzburg was a trap for my Ghost Bears."

"And what of it?" Ulric asked, further angering the Ghost Bear Khan. Ulric had opened the bidding with two Clusters and two Trinaries. After taking Rasalhague with little more than three Clusters, the Ghost Bears had bid aggressively. When they attempted to take the well-defended world with only two Clusters, it had been disastrous. "You bid below the cut-down the ilKhan suggested. That was your decision."

They tried to do the same to my Wolves in the bid for Rasalhague, and now the taste of their own medicine turns foul.

Khan Steele rose. "There was no mention made when Operation REVIVAL was discussed of Clans being required to share intelligence with each other. Nor do we, as Clans, do this. If I commit to a Trial with the Snow Ravens, I do not then speak to the Wolves over their battle strategies. It is a wise commander who forces an opponent to under-bid."

Showers took control again. "We are not here to censure Khan Kerensky over this, but we are here to discuss the progress of the invasion. It should be clear to all that the Inner Sphere does not follow the Honor Road, and they misuse our own, dedicated to it, in the most foul and barbarous ways. The Wolf advance has put at risk our great enterprise, and steps must be taken to ensure his boldness does not imperil the invasion as a whole."

Ulric laughed. "I am well-equipped to handle any counter-thrust. Your concerns are noted, but unnecessary."

The ilKhan stared at Ulric. "That is not for you to decide. I have a responsibility to the Clans to ensure the Inner Sphere falls and that we reform the Star League." Showers turned and glanced at each Khan in turn. "As ilKhan, I could simply order these changes, but instead, I will submit my proposal, as a whole, to the wisdom of the Grand Council and abide by your decision."

He wouldn't be doing this if he did not already have the votes he needs.

"First, you have all seen the holovids taken of these paradises. These rich worlds full of splendor are being governed by barbarians who misuse them. The Invasion Corridors march toward Terra, but many other worlds lie outside of these corridors. These worlds belong to the Clans. We have bid and fought for the right to invade toward Terra, but I would open the worlds of the Inner Sphere not on the path to Terra to other Clans."

I did not expect this.

The Khan of Clan Hell's Horses rose and enthusiastically supported the decision.

"Your voice is welcome, Khan Fletcher; however, please allow me to put forward my full proposal and all its components, for these have been carefully considered and will be voted on as one."

Showers returned to his prepared remarks.

"I propose that two Clans, not of the Reserve Clans, be granted the right to invade the Inner Sphere, so long as they do not come within sixty Light Years of the Invasion Corridor. Due to the Snow Ravens' immense assistance in providing supplies for the invasion, they should be one of the two Clans participating. The second Clan will be the one who wins the right through Trials."

Heavy murmuring spread among the Khans, with the Nova Cat Khans looking murderous, but Showers pressed on, undeterred.

"Secondly, due to Khan Kerensky's actions, we will activate the Steel Vipers as the reserve Clan. Their three Galaxies will prevent any Inner Sphere counterattack. I will not insult the honor of the Wolves or the Steel Vipers by giving away hard-fought worlds taken. Instead, the Vipers will be allowed to conduct Trials of Possession for those worlds against Khan Kerensky. From there, they and the Wolves will bid for all worlds to be invaded in their shared invasion corridor."

You go further than I thought you would, your Clan must be floundering for you to do so much to try to slow me down.

"Third, the use of the batchall will no longer be mandatory. Individual Clans and commanders may choose to use it as they see fit, but we will no longer allow ourselves to be manipulated by the Dezgra freebirths. I welcome the discussion and debate that will follow."

Immediately, the Khans sprang to their feet to voice their opinions, while Ulric mentally tallied the votes. It was unlikely that any of the Crusader Clans would oppose the ilKhan. With the Snow Ravens granted a position and the Steel Vipers activated, they too would align with him. Ulric observed as the Khans debated back and forth. The Ice Hellions were loud and eager to claim worlds from the Inner Sphere. Clan Coyote argued that it was a disgrace for the only Clan with no failed invasions to be forced to partner with another. Clan Nova Cat vehemently rejected the idea of other Clans participating in the Inner Sphere, especially when they had earned the right as a Reserve Clan.

In response, Showers spoke firmly. "Clan Nova Cat, if you wish to forgo your status as a Reserve Clan, you are welcome to compete in the Trials. Do you wish to do so? I am certain other Clans would be eager to claim your position."


Showers gestured for the discussion to continue, and every Khan except Ulric had spoken their piece. At last, he stood.

"If the Great Father could see what we are doing now, he would be disappointed. You punish us for our success. You are envious of the strength of my warriors. You've made a dishonorable bargain to attempt to deny us our rightful place. Get on with the vote and end this charade."

Some of the Crusader Clan Khans looked shamed. The Steel Viper Khan instead changed the subject.

"In regards to the batchall, it is our intent to offer it, but we will require that any ground chosen by the defender be devoid of fortifications, traps, mines, and other vile ploys. The defender retains the right to choose to fight in open terrain, forests, or mountainous regions, but not to prepare the ground. If the Inner Sphere wishes to deal with us with honor, we should respond in kind."

Showers nodded. "A sound compromise. While I will not impose this on each Clan, there is wisdom in your perspective, Khan Breen."

The vote was called. Each Khan and saKhan had a vote. In favor of the ilKhan's plan were the Clans: Snow Raven, Steel Viper, Burrock, Blood Spirit, Fire Mandrill, Ghost Bear, Hell's Horses, Ice Hellion, Jade Falcon, Star Adder, and Smoke Jaguar, representing 22 votes. Against were the Clans: Wolf, Nova Cat, Diamond Shark, Coyote, Goliath Scorpion, and Cloud Cobra, representing 12 votes. It was an 11-6 split, or a 1.833 to 1 ratio. If Ulric called for a Trial of Refusal on the decision, the odds would be grim, and he had a feeling they would not bid down.

If I bid 10 stars, they can come to the table with 18. Let us see what they do.

"I challenge with a Trial of Refusal. 'Mech combat, five Trinaries. What will you defend with, ilKhan?"

Leo Showers bared his teeth. "Fifteen Stars, very well. I once again suggest that we heed the Grand Council's wisdom, and in the spirit of cooperation against these Spheroid barbarians, those who have upheld the vote should contribute Stars to defend their decision. As defenders, we can bring twenty-seven Stars."

Ulric's eyes widened as he watched the Khans bid their bodyguard Trinaries, each of which had been brought along for the summit. Every Khan had been allowed to bring a Trinary and any WarShips they wished to observe the events of the invasion. These Trinaries were the elite of the elite from each Clan. As Ulric had suspected, there was barely any bidding to cut down.

My Wolves are formidable, but this... this is an abomination. The Refusal Challenge has been issued, and I cannot back down. I could ask those who voted for me for aid, but even then, it wouldn't be enough. Still, perhaps I can salvage something from this farce.

"Galaxy Commander Conal Ward of Delta Galaxy will assemble five Trinaries from his Galaxy. They can be here within two weeks, and by that time, the world will be subdued, and it can be used for the Refusal Trial."

The Ghost Bear Khan stood up, "You won't fight us yourself?"

"Neg. I put my trust in Galaxy Commander Ward."

Conal Ward and the warriors of Delta Galaxy were Crusaders, steadily growing in power within the Wolf Clan

Council. If they managed to win, all the better, but losses among the Crusaders within the Wolves would also be welcome. It was almost certain they would lose, but if Ward did not at least make a strong showing, he would lose status and cease to be a rallying point.

When he does lose, I will still have my Golden Keshik and Alpha Galaxy to defend the most important worlds against the Viper challenges. New Oslo and Rasalhague will be critical.

Wave Six would also be delayed for the Trials of Possession to occur. This too would benefit the other three Invading Clans. Ulric had carefully crafted his plans to ensure his units always had the necessary supplies. The Falcons and Jaguars had been lax in that regard, and the Ghost Bears completely negligent.

Another month brings another wave of supplies from the Home Worlds. Not enough to change much for them logistically, but it will help. The ilKhan prepared the ground well, but it is clear there are cracks in his foundation. Wolcott hurt him; will the next failure he faces be enough to destroy him?

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