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Chapter 161: Chapter 24

Tharkad System

District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth

December 20th 3050

The logistics of our travel, due to the lack of a full Command Circuit, meant that most of the travel time to Outreach for me would take place during the first half of the journey. Once we jumped from Tharkad, we would have an almost complete Command Circuit to the Wolf's Dragoons' world. Along the journey, I was able to structure my thoughts for the upcoming summit. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the Wolf's Dragoons were almost certainly either from the Clans or a splinter faction. The history of Jaime Wolf and Takashi Kurita's honor-based grudge was absurd enough for someone raised in Clan culture to take seriously. A mercenary unit boldly challenging the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the Inner Sphere over honor? Ridiculous. But more tellingly they had also appeared out of nowhere with multiple regiments and were now using the promise of technology as a carrot to bring various leaders together.

I doubt it is a trap, though. I suspect a rebel faction that fled from the Clans over some issue. I have learned that Trials of Annihilation and Trials of Absorption are fates no Clan warrior wishes to endure.

They had lived in the Inner Sphere for decades, but another clue only surfacing now was Natasha Kerensky, the Black Widow – one of the most feared MechWarriors of all time, bearing a last name that was the most prestigious of all Bloodnames. It wasn't a smoking gun, but it was starting to paint a pretty clear picture.

My staff and I were transferred to a more luxurious Monarch-class DropShip when we finally reached Tharkad. It was my mother's. Unlike a military DropShip, this one provided several creature comforts and far more room to move about. When we were reunited, the Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth enveloped me in a tight hug.

"My little girl – not so little anymore. I'm so happy you're safe."

"I am too. It is good to see you again."

She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me again. Strangely enough, I did not mind, even though being hugged by my mother in front of my officers should have been mortifying. I knew Aiko was not going to shut up about this later.

Eventually, I was released and felt an involuntary smile form on my face. It was good to see her. She, after all, was an important part of the puzzle in ensuring I received a rear position. I couldn't, of course, be so blatantly forward and inappropriate as to appeal to my mother for a safe position, but I could attempt to influence her by emphasizing the importance of keeping Victor safe.

I introduced my XO, my troublesome Leftenant, and Nick Westfield. My mother had already met Agent Ainsworth on multiple occasions.

"Thank you all for keeping my daughter safe. You've gone above and beyond the call of duty. If ever you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask."

There were many important officers and Melissa's own security team on the DropShip. Of particular note was Field Marshal Cynthia Franks, technically my boss a few levels up. She had overall command of the Tamar March and reported directly to Nondi Steiner. I was a bit surprised my great-aunt wasn't joining the summit, but I supposed someone important had to remain behind on Tharkad.

My father and Victor had already gone on ahead. By long-standing tradition, the rulers of the two halves of the Federated Commonwealth never traveled in the same vessel in case of a catastrophic attack or misjump. It was a sensible and rational precaution that I approved of, though it did complicate my ability to convince the key decision-maker – my father.

After a nice chat with my mother, I began discussing the Clan threat in exacting detail with Field Marshal Franks. We covered strategy, Clan psychology, the successful defense of Blackjack, and the capabilities and limits of their technology. The head of the Tamar March seemed to be mostly absorbing all the details, rather than being a more active conversation partner, but I felt I was making a good impression.

When I wasn't spending time with my mother or attempting to showcase my strategic acumen, I was brushing up on my language skills. Anticipating that most of the Inner Sphere leaders would attend, I practiced my Swedish and Mandarin. My Japanese remained good enough, and while I would likely be pronouncing words a bit differently, the overall amount of linguistic drift had been quite minimal within the Draconis Combine.

I also talked with Westfield about upgrades for Kommandant Lautner's Atlas. I didn't just want to install advanced NAIS tech; I also wanted some Clan weapons mounted, as we had brought along extras – both as examples of Clan technology and for the Atlas's refit. More than just improving one soldier's assault 'Mech, it would also to serve as an example of how we could make use of the salvage we and others had recovered. The salvage from Twycross was quite extensive, and results with the Atlas would help those on Sudeten put it to good use.



Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth

December 29th 3050

Victor was filled with nervous energy. The summit would begin in a few days, and his mother and sister had finally arrived in-system and were dropping toward the planet. He would get to see them again sometime tomorrow. It had been wonderful traveling with his father from Tharkad to Outreach, but he missed his sister as well.

He's proud of me. He thinks I've done well.

The thought that his father saw his value was immensely gratifying. It had also been a treat to have Kai and his wife Wendy join them. Both had faced the Jade Falcons and lived to tell the tale. Kai seemed mildly embarrassed by his wife's stories of him clotheslining a Falcon 'Mech, but Victor thought it was great. Both were more somber than they had been back in the academy; no doubt they had lost close friends. Not knowing the fate of those they had to leave behind on Zoetermeer must also have been difficult. He well knew that feeling after what happened on Trell.

They had not met with any of the other families of the Successor States. Victor knew the Kurita representatives were on-planet, as was Prince Magnusson and his family. The Liao brood was inbound by DropShip, and so far, there had been no word – at least, none shared with him – about the Free Worlds League delegation.

Various military leaders from the Federated Commonwealth were already on-site, among them were Morgan Kell of the Kell Hounds, Ardan Sortek, Roman Steiner, Doctor Anna Banzai, Sharon Zardetto, Lisa Steiner, and Michele Bjuti. There made up part of the circle of advisors that his father was keeping close.

"Tell me who that person is again?" Galen asked as they sat down in chairs in front of one of the three massively long tables, discretely indicating a petite woman further down the table.

"Field Marshal Michele Bjuti? She's the head of the Department of Strategy and Tactics. She's originally from the Lyran side but spends her time on New Avalon with most of the other department heads. Bjuti is well-liked and spearheaded the current configuration of the Deneb Light Cavalry RCTs. Everything in those units has to move at a minimum speed, and she made sure all the stars aligned to make that happen."

Galen grunted; he was rather unimpressed with lighter 'Mechs. Graduates of the Nagelring and the Tamar War College tended to see things through the lens of heavy and assault 'Mech and only heavy and assault 'Mechs.

Which is fair. Outside of the Hunchback, you couldn't fit an AC/20 on 'Mechs that small.

"And the one sitting next to her."

"That's Anna Banzai, head of Team Banzai. Their work with the NAIS basically makes them part of the AFFC, but technically, they are mercenaries. She's brilliant and is probably excited for all the new technology. To her other side is Marshal Sharon Zardetto; she's in charge of the New Avalon Combat Region. I don't really know her too well, but she wouldn't have such an important post if she wasn't capable," Victor replied.

The meal wasn't palace-worthy, but it was filling. The Wolf's Dragoons were keeping everything hush-hush until the others arrived. Victor was antsy to see how things would shape up. He didn't trust the other nations, save for the St. Ives Compact and maybe the FRR, but if they could work together, it might allow them to fight back and liberate the worlds already taken.

His father effortlessly commanded the room, and he ended the meal by reminding everyone to avoid any international incidents. That, in the coming days, they would likely be face-to-face with hated enemies, but it was important to set aside their differences until the Clans could be driven back.

I will do my part. I know the stakes and will avoid any Erandi Light Horse-like repeat performance. Katherine always told me to work in the world that is, not the one we wanted. If smiling next to a scheming Liao is what it takes to protect my people, I will do it.



Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth

December 31st 3050

Ragnar Magnusson was often called Prince Rangar, though that was a misnomer. The title of Prince was an elected position by their Parliament for 10-year terms. The position held no term limits, and there was no guarantee he would succeed his father. He, however, had been groomed for it, and given how everyone in the FRR seemed to call him Prince Ragnar, he would quite likely be tasked with ruling his people.

It was a tremendous responsibility, one that the sixteen-year-old boy preferred not to think about. Instead, he wanted to focus on being the best possible MechWarrior he could be. Thoughts of politics didn't matter when their nation was in a fight for its existence.

His father had grown distant of late, constantly reviewing war plans, looking at military rosters, and trying to do something, anything, to stem the tide of destruction that their nation faced. At the start of the war, the might of the KungsArmé was fifteen BattleMech regiments, 32 vehicle regiments, and nearly one hundred infantry regiments. It had not been nearly enough. On every world, save for Gunzburg, the FRR faced defeat. Their capital, Rasalhague itself, had fallen. As had New Oslo, the world containing their only working 'Mech factory.

My father has pinned his hopes on this summit. I pray that the larger nations around us and the Wolf's Dragoons have a plan.

The big meeting between all the invited guests would come in two days, but to Ragnar's surprise, his father announced they would be joined by Katherine Steiner-Davion for dinner. When he heard the news, he grinned, but his father grimaced.

"Do not embarrass me. Princess Katherine was raised at the knee of the Fox. It is likely at his bidding that she has come."

"Father, why are you so hostile toward Hanse Davion? Didn't he send 'Mechs to help defend our planets?"

"It would be folly to believe he is doing that out of goodwill for our realm. That man wishes to rule all the Inner Sphere; never forget his ambitions."

"Yes, father."

He might be like that, but I bet Katherine is not. She was nice to me, and I don't believe those messages were just attempts to get intelligence out of me. She's never asked me anything about our military, only given me helpful MechWarrior advice.

Generalmajor Beth Foglesong would be dining with them. She was the highest-ranked military officer in the KungsArmé on Outreach. The head of the KungsArmé was either dead, captured, or still in hiding on Rasalhague. The Iron Jarl, Tor Miraborg, was still on Gunzburg, doing what he could to prepare for the inevitable next attack from the Clans. The Iron Jarl's popularity had soared to great heights as the only commander who had been able to repel the enemy.

The Wolf's Dragoons' headquarters were massive, and each of the guest nations had been given a separate wing that could accommodate their housing needs as well as meal service. They used one of the smaller rooms, and Ragnar fidgeted nervously as they waited for her arrival. He had never met her in person and was eager to.

The guards outside opened the door, and in walked the most beautiful girl in the whole world – Princess Katherine Steiner-Davion. Tall and effortlessly graceful, her slender, toned figure moved with a quiet confidence. Her blonde hair fell in soft waves down her back. Her features drew his gaze. Her sharp blue eyes were full of intelligence, and her smile seemed to light up the room. She wore a casual yet elegant dress, the fabric falling softly around her – simple but with a quiet sophistication. It hugged her figure just enough to show off her poise without drawing attention. Ragnar was entranced by everything about her, from the way she carried herself to the way the dress flowed. It spoke of someone who was both royal and utterly at ease in her own skin.

She inclined her head to his father and spoke in perfect Swedish, "God dag, Prins Magnusson. Tack för att jag fick äta med er."

"You are most welcome, Princess Katherine," his father said in Inner Sphere English, as he stood and took her hand, brushing his lips along the air a centimeter above her hand.

Ragnar was tongue-tied and unsure which language to respond in, but his father was already helping her with her chair.

"I must admit, I was curious as to why you wished to meet with us," his father said.

"There is an old Terran saying. We must all hang together, or surely, we will hang separately. In that era, they used rope and noose for executions, rather than the firing squad of today. The Clans are a fearsome foe and we will need Lyran industry, Davion tactics, and Rasalhague courage to defeat them."

"Then why does your father not attend?" asked Beth Foglesong.

"My father will meet with you during this summit to discuss strategy, resources, and warfare. I wish to do the same, but I want to get to know the three of you better first. Ragnar was kind enough to exchange correspondence with me since before the Clan invasion. I have missed it." Her smile revealed perfect teeth, and Ragnar was once again uncomfortably aware of how stunning she was.

"I missed it too!" Ragnar blurted, earning a sharp glance from his father.

Throughout the course of the meal, much of the discussion centered on the history of the FRR. Katherine asked insightful questions that prompted his father to speak at length, detailing the hardships they had endured and the challenges they had overcome in becoming a nation. Ragnar wanted to interject but found it difficult. When he finally had the opportunity, he immediately asked what it had been like to fight the Clans.

"The Clans are incredibly skilled and wield technology that is far more advanced. However, they are also rigid in their thinking and set in their ways. Their use of combined-arms tactics is rudimentary, and were we their technological equal, our Marshals and Generals would defeat them."

His father grumbled, "That's the problem. Jaime Wolf dangles technology in front of us, but even if we could level the playing field, we'd never be able to manufacture enough in time to stop them."

"For your realm, it is most dire," she said. "But that is where I believe we may be able to assist. However, I should not speak out of turn. The First Prince and the Archon will no doubt wish to aid our allies in this war, but that is not my decision to make." She turned to Beth. "Generalmajor, if it would be of interest to you, I can share with your staff some of the details on how we defended Blackjack. The Clans are made up of several factions, so the Wolves and Ghost Bears may not act in the same manner, but it could still be helpful."

As the dinner ended, Ragnar asked, "Will you come again tomorrow?"

"As pleasant as your company was, I've already promised to spend time with Isis Marik. I'm sure there will be more opportunities. Our hosts have been guarded about our schedule here, but their invitation did mention a request for us to stay at least a month – possibly longer. There should be time."

Katherine left and his father exhaled.

"She has been well-trained by the Archon."

"What do you mean?" Ragnar asked, confused.

"Her poise, the way she took the time to learn a greeting in our language, her understanding of our culture, and the way she asked questions about topics I enjoy discussing—all these things make her a consummate politician in the making. She has made herself invaluable as a source of information to our KungsArmé, dangling, but never guaranteeing, promises of aid and assistance. Do not let her pretty form blind you to the fact that behind those cerulean eyes and radiant features lies a mind that may be second only to the Fox."

His eyes held him for a moment.

"You must look beyond the surface. Hanse and his son Victor arrived days before, and they made no attempt to reach out. Katherine, however, arrived with her mother, no doubt learning all she could from Melissa Steiner in preparation for these meetings. She is meant to be the velvet over Victor's iron fist." His father shook his head ruefully. "But she also has the steel of Katrina Steiner, and by all accounts, she's an accomplished warrior. A dangerous foe, so be careful."

Too much politicking has made my father suspicious of everyone. Yes, Katherine is smart, but that doesn't mean she's a schemer!



Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth

January 2nd 3051

The big meeting was finally about to begin. In the few days since he'd been reunited with Katherine, Victor had spent far less time with her than he'd hoped. He'd wanted to squeeze in some simulator duels, share war stories, introduce her to Galen Cox, and have meals together, but this was Katherine Steiner-Davion – his workaholic little sister.

I should have known better.

She was astoundingly busy – speaking with other Successor State heirs, meeting with various brass, and even working with the techs. That was where he found her today. She was in her AFFC uniform, speaking with the dwarf Clovis Holstein, Dr. Banzai, and a whole gaggle of technicians.

"Katherine, they are going to start soon."

"Coming, brother." His sister made her excuses and walked beside him. A shadow appeared next to her, and Victor blinked. One of the spooks who followed her. He was glad that he was now in the military and didn't have them tailing him everywhere. He was surprised that Katherine was still stuck with them, but it was probably their mother's influence. That, and unlike him, she was easy-going, not one to argue or make waves. It was one of the things that had worried him about her receiving a command at such an early age.

It seemed to have worked out well enough. Her passivity had never been mistaken for weakness, not once she showed them what she could do in the simulators. If there was one thing every soldier respected about their highest leadership, it was the ability to fight well in a 'Mech.

"What were you working on?"

"We were addressing the challenges of meshing Clan interfaces with those of the Inner Sphere. We have extra Clan weapons from salvage, and I'm looking to mount some of them on an Atlas."

"Oh, a new 'Mech? Finally decided to upgrade to an assault class?"

She shook her head. "I have an assault 'Mech, one of the Clan Gargoyles, though I still use my Phoenix Hawk from time to time. This is for one of my Kommandants, but more importantly, it's a test to see if we can effectively mount Clan weaponry on Inner Sphere 'Mechs. Westfield had some doubts, but Clovis found a workaround with myomer…"

She went on for a while, and while Victor recognized some of the terms, he didn't know enough to keep up fully. Instead, his mind drifted to what he could do with his Devastator. One rare Clan weapon that appealed to him was the Ultra AC/20. It could fire twice as many rounds as the standard AC/20, and just the thought of it made his mouth water.

They gathered their aides – Galen and Hauptmann-Kommandant Sven Fischer. It struck Victor as odd that Katherine had chosen an artillery officer as her XO, but maybe Fischer was one of those tough-as-nails officers who kept her soldiers in line. He didn't look like much, but Victor knew better than to underestimate someone just based on appearance.

As they entered the vast hall, Victor was struck by the sea of people filling the room. There hadn't been this many influential figures from across the Inner Sphere gathered in one place since his parents' wedding. Military and political leaders mingled in small groups, while members of the Wolf's Dragoons moved through the crowd, offering drinks and snacks.

Amid the press of people, Victor spotted Morgan Kell. The man stood tall, exuding an aura of strength and power. His salt-and-pepper hair reached the shoulders of his red jacket, while his white beard was closely trimmed. Where his father radiated an air of command – vibrant and inspiring those around him to action – Morgan's presence was different. Despite his renowned leadership of the Kell Hounds, he didn't have the same power to sway like Victor's father had. Instead, he exuded an aura of personal invincibility, as if no foe could ever touch him.

As Morgan noticed them approaching, he excused himself from the two Free Worlds League officers he had been speaking with.

"Highness," said his mother's cousin, "as always, seeing you is a pleasure." He turned to Katherine. "And you as well, Princess Katherine. I would very much like to discuss your campaign on Blackjack when you have the time."

"I would be delighted to go over the decisions we made on Blackjack. Beyond the success there, there are some long-term considerations for the defense of the Tamar March that I am just as eager to discuss with you."

Morgan nodded and turned back to Victor. "Dan spoke highly of you after the action on Twycross. He said you can think on your feet and weren't afraid to put it all on the line to secure victory. That's good." His eyes grew distant for a moment. "Just be mindful, though. The same risk-taking that got your Uncle Ian killed on Mallory's World also got your father and your cousin, Morgan Hasek-Davion, out of more scrapes than I can count on all my fingers and toes."

Victor appreciated Morgan's kind words and the comparison to his father and cousin. It made him feel as though he was making progress, and earning the respect of such a formidable warrior warmed his soul.

"I'm glad you mentioned our Uncle Ian," Katherine said carefully. "His legacy is a complicated one. At a certain point, we shouldn't risk the First Prince or his heir unnecessarily."

Victor turned with a wounded expression toward his sister.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I know you are eager to get out there again, Victor. But the hopes of two nations rest on your shoulders. Leading from the front is expected, when necessary, but there's no reason to chance a stray PPC shot!"

Before Victor could argue, he saw two people making a beeline for them. It was his friends Kai and Wendy.

"More on this later, Katherine," he said, and then greeted his friends.

"Wendy, I'm not sure if you've ever had a chance to meet Morgan Kell."

Wendy shook hands with the Kell Hounds founder, and the two exchanged pleasantries. A stir coming from the entrance caught Victor's attention. Dressed in a black silk gown with red trim, Romano Liao, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, was arguing with two Dragoons at the door. She even struck one of the guards before a slender, dark-haired man slipped between them.

Sun-Tzu, the heir to the Confederation.

Romano's face had contorted in rage but then transformed into one of benign joy at the sight of her son. Another man in Capellan clothing helped lead the Chancellor away from the guard.

Kai was watching them carefully. Both Kai and Sun-Tzu were grandchildren of Maximilian Liao. When Romano passed, Kai could press his claim for the Celestial Throne. If Sun-Tzu proved as mad as his mother and grandfather, the Capellan people might even welcome it.

He probably does not want it—who would, honestly? Their entire society is built on quasi-slavery. How much of the Liao madness is due to the treachery and assassination that are the hallmark of the Capellan Confederation? It would drive even a normal person mad, let alone someone already predisposed to mental instability.

At the far end of the room, the leader of Wolf's Dragoons mounted a dais. The Dragoon command staff lined up along the wall. He spotted the infamous Natasha Kerensky; age had chipped away at her legendary beauty, but Galen's lingering gaze still tracked her every move. Victor elbowed him, and his aide didn't even have the courtesy to flush, just gave him a cocky grin.

Your funereal, Galen.

"Thank you all for responding to the summons that has brought us together here on Outreach. Before I begin, however, I would like to present my new second-in-command." Wolf gestured toward one of the younger men behind him. "Some of you may have known him as Major Darnell Winningham. His real name is MacKenzie Wolf. He will replace Natasha Kerensky, who, I quote, 'does not wish to waste time on anything but leading her own battalion to victory.'"

Natasha's fierce grin made Victor's heart swell. Wolf's Dragoons were going to fight! They were the elite of the elite. He had always been partial to the Kell Hounds because they were loyal to House Steiner, but none doubted the reputation of the Dragoons. Not only were all of them fantastically skilled, but they also had numbers. Five crack regiments of that caliber would make a big difference on the front. They also had their own JumpShips and DropShips.

Wolf let the chuckles die down before continuing. "As you all know, the Inner Sphere has been invaded in the last year by an enemy possessing BattleMechs of extraordinary power. Recently, the Federated Commonwealth has had significant success against the invaders, and both the Draconis Combine and the Free Rasalhague Republic have successfully defended a world. Despite those successes, the Clans continue to conquer worlds."

"But now you will enter the fray and send these Rim-World invaders back to where they came from," Romano Liao said. "You have bided your time but will now strike. What purpose is there to having summoned us?"

"Lady Chancellor, while my Dragoons will do their part, this is not at all something we can do alone. These may be the last days of the Inner Sphere unless we can unite and defeat this common foe. Tomorrow, I welcome the leaders of the Successor States to attend the Dragoons' Grand Council Chamber. There will be a place to overlook the gathering and hear what is said, but only five seats per House. There we will convene and strategize how to best defeat this foe. Until then, I encourage you to gather and bring any information you wish to share. Most of it we already know, but the most complete and up-to-date picture would be ideal."

Victor was startled as his sister's voice rose. "Excuse me, Colonel Wolf, but can you forward the schedule you have planned for this summit?"

The leader of Wolf's Dragoons looked surprised for a moment. "We don't have a strict schedule per se; one of the items on our agenda tomorrow is combat training. Before we dive into the details, we must first make sure everyone is on board and willing to participate. That requires revealing much of what we know, which we will discuss tomorrow."

"Understood," Katherine replied, "but even a broad overview would be helpful. I imagine we'll get into the weeds. As someone who has fought both the Jade Falcons and the Wolves, I believe I have insight into their unique psychology and would like to help chair the discussion."

Murmuring among the gathered leaders of the Inner Sphere began, while Wolf looked slightly taken aback but with a shine of amusement in his eyes. Natasha Kerensky's shoulders were shaking with restrained mirth.

"I'm sure something of that nature can be arranged, but it would be best to wait until tomorrow's revelations."

As the gathering began to disperse Victor looked at Katherine. "What was that all about?"

Katherine gave an annoyed shake of her head. "This has already been dreadfully inefficient. Whatever they have planned for tomorrow could have been done today. I also want to ensure I have time for all the people I wish to speak to, and not knowing what sort of conferences and working groups the Dragoons have arranged is stymieing my own planning." She looked up. "Ah, I see Kai's sisters. I've been meaning to talk to them. Excuse me."

Galen laughed beside him and put on a faux Victor impression. "I'm worried about my sister. I fear she won't be able to control unruly parts of her battalion. They'll see how young she is and run roughshod over her," Galen mocked, and clapped Victor on the back.

Victor glared at him. "She was sixteen! I knew she was capable, but you're the one who showed me that baby-faced Kommandants aren't always trusted."

Wendy cocked her head. "You thought Katherine would be too timid? Katherine? Do you know what a taskmaster she is when training? Do you know how many times she made me… Ah, forgive me, Highness, but your sister must have changed quite a bit after joining the Academy from when she was a young child."

Thoroughly embarrassed but generally pleased, he endured their good-natured ribbing as they returned to the Federated Commonwealth wing.



Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth

January 3rd 3051

I knew it! Wolf's Dragoons had just confirmed that they were, in fact, once part of the Clans. My inward self-congratulations were tempered by the annoyance of having to listen to Romano Liao shriek about it. It also made me wonder who was running the Capellan Confederation – it couldn't be her.

And now Candace Liao was arguing with her sister – what a further waste of time. Cassandra and Kuan Yin, Kai's twin sisters, looked embarrassed and rather awkward at the back-and-forth exchange.

My father rose and vouched for Wolf's Dragoons, asserting that they would have been able to detect contact between the Clans and the Dragoons since Outreach was in the middle of the Federated Commonwealth. Which was partially a lie – who knew what technology they had? It was important to get people focused, so the fib was natural.

To my surprise, Theodore Kurita—heir to the Draconis Combine and Gunji-no-Kanrei – stood up to echo my father's sentiments. The man had full military control over the Combine. His father had granted him that role, and old Takashi Kurita had not deigned to visit. There was bitter enmity between the Coordinator of the Combine and Wolf's Dragoons, so much so that I was even surprised Theodore had shown up.

"If someone was trying to entrap us, he has succeeded, for here we are, all together, in a most extraordinary gathering. As nothing untoward has yet occurred, perhaps it would be more productive to assume we haven't been betrayed."

I noticed my brother had locked eyes with Theodore's son, and I nudged him discreetly. We were here to work together. I knew Victor knew that, but Hohiro Kurita was the Draconis Combine version of my brother. The two were dynastic heirs, and had the Clans not invaded, they would certainly have been on opposite sides of the battlefield.

And that may still happen if we manage to defeat the Clans.

Thomas Marik had opted for a middle ground when he spoke, agreeing with my father and Theodore that this was not a trap but also adding that he did not fully trust the Dragoons either. Victor was briefing Galen about the rest of the Marik party. I had a cordial relationship with Isis, though we didn't truly share many interests. Her younger half-brother was sick with cancer, and the entire family wore caps in solidarity with the bald boy.

Jaime Wolf nodded toward the Captain-General. "Your caution is understandable, but we are wasting precious time. The Inner Sphere faces the greatest military threat the Successor States have ever encountered." He hit a button on his podium, and the lights dimmed slightly as a holographic map of the Inner Sphere burned to life in the center of the semicircle. It slowly rotated so everyone could get a good look, and then smaller versions danced in front of each table's delegates. They showed the progress the Clans had made, and I took careful note of the holdings lost by the FRR and the Draconis Combine.

A pity they didn't divide the Clans by faction – the invasion is all monochrome on this map. Perhaps they don't have all that information, but given the use of a batchall on most worlds, it should be rather simple to piece together if they have all the other pieces to form this map.

"As you can see, the situation is most grave. The FRR has lost its capital and over half its worlds. The invaders have made substantial gains in the Lyran Commonwealth and Draconis Combine. In less than a year, they have managed to take more worlds than changed hands in the Fourth Succession War." He paused so we could let those words sink in. "My purpose in calling all of you here is to propose that we unite to oppose these invaders. Only a concentrated and joint effort can turn back the Clans. Otherwise, we face domination by an implacable foe."

Romano scoffed at that notion and suggested that this was not a problem for her realm. Wolf tried to chastise her, again pointing to the map, but she just waved away his concerns, sat back down, and began murmuring something to her daughter Kali Liao, who seemed just as off as she was.

Thomas Marik looked disconcerted, "I must ask, Colonel Wolf. Do you believe it is even possible to stop the invaders?"

"Yes," he said without hesitation. "Blackjack, Wolcott, and Gunzburg prove that they can be defeated. Worlds such as Beta VII, Goat Path, Twycross, and Somerset reveal how spread thin and vulnerable to counterattack the Clans may sometimes be. We are more numerous than they are. With training and by devoting our full resources to opposing the Clans, I say we can slow and even stop them."

Haakon Magnusson shook his head. "The Clans make our weapons look like toys compared to what they bring to battle."

The FRR had less tech than we did, so the difference must have been even more stark.

"If you surrender to despair now, Prince Magnusson, what chance have you to win back your realm? I have the blueprints and technical diagrams for the new BattleMech technology. Right here on Outreach, the Dragoons have produced, in very limited numbers, BattleMechs based on that technology. It may be dated by Clan standards, but it is still eons ahead of what the Inner Sphere currently has available."

I interjected. "On that front, we should not worry overmuch. Most of their 'Mechs were designed decades ago, and they have made little technological progress since you arrived in the Inner Sphere. For example, one of their frontline OmniMechs, the Summoner, was designed over a hundred years ago."

He gave a nod in my direction, then returned to the larger group with his gaze. "My Dragoons have restored Outreach to the training facility it was in the days of the Star League. We have not yet begun mass production of OmniMechs, but with the help of Colonel Kell, Dr. Banzai, and Clovis Holstein, we are almost done creating working prototypes of many of the weapons the Clans use."

He pushed up the sleeves of his jacket to mid-forearm. "There it is. My cards are on the table. I'll be fighting the Clans, no matter who does or does not join me. But I say again that if we pull together, we can field an army that will stop the Clans."

I blinked. That was it? They had waited a whole damn year without sharing any information with us. The technological breakthroughs were great, as was the potential of multiple Dragoon regiments on the front. But I was underwhelmed. Perhaps I was getting too far ahead of myself – it sounded as if they wanted to provide training as well. Mustering Inner Sphere units and teaching them how to manipulate the Clans could also have value.

My problem was that it was clear that the Clan's home base was some ways away from the Inner Sphere. Which meant that our best shot of defeating them was to make them suffer from logistical failure. With each world like Twycross or New Oslo that fell, their reliance on a long supply chain lessened considerably. If they progressed even further and took Pandora and Sudeten, they could sustain themselves without any additional transport from their Home Worlds.

Well, perhaps not the OmniMechs themselves, but the armor, ammunition, and second-line 'Mechs would all be taken care of.

After that impassioned plea, the Dragoons finally told us what their agenda would be like for the next few days. As the data was sent to my noteputer I felt my eye give a twitch.

What the hell is this?

Tomorrow our elders would be running through small arms training while their children, me included, were going to attend pre-training orientation. Where were the planning conferences? Strategy sessions? Information sharing? Clan society 101. Why the hell would any national leader need to run through a damned laser tag obstacle course.

"This is insufficient." I told Wolf.

"Ah, the Fox's media darling does not think there is enough spotlight on her," Romano Liao mocked.

I ignored her and waited for Jaime's reply.

"It is orientation, you will learn how to work together with your peers, learn how to fight the Clans, learn how to pilot OmniMechs, and more. A trainee any of your military boot camps does not know all that is in store for them," he replied.

"This is a summit not a boot camp. We don't have time to dawdle on… this." I tossed my noteputer to the table. "I want to pick your brains, cross-reference what Clan society was like back then to what it is like now. I want to understand the internal political structure of the Clans and look for counterattack strategies that can exploit potential Clan divisions. I want to put together contingency plans if they unleash their WarShips again."

Natasha Kerensky laughed. "You got a lot of spunk, kid. Reminds me a bit of myself back when I was young and dumb. We know what we are doing, and this is important. You cannot skip to the finish-line before paying your dues."

I wanted to argue, but this was not the proper venue, my own father was signaling me to quit so I reluctantly did so. As I considered the situation, I realized that the Wolf's Dragoons still thought a great deal like the Clans. Their thought process was geared toward creating warriors who could fight other warriors, which was all fine and dandy as part of a larger plan, but I was starting to doubt they had a larger plan. Still, they were sources of intelligence, technology, and elite soldiers. I couldn't afford to take them to task over their inefficiency until we got what we needed from them.

Victor whispered next to me. "I agree with you; we should be doing more. But let's just give their way a try for now."

We'll see.

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