Chapter 56: The Journey Finally Starts!
'Well that took way longer than expected..'
Trotting along one of the well used paths on route 35 towards the northern part of the region, I'm enjoying my time out of the Pokeball due to the increasing cold weather.
'Thank Arceus that it's finally becoming fall. The summer was nice but all my fur made it super uncomfortable especially on the beach..Getting the sand out of my fur was a damn pain...'
Looking around and taking in my surroundings gets me a few curious looks from a couple of Caterpie and a Ledyba as I've currently taken a different, more unconventional illusion for the time being.
My newest and dare I say improved form being shiny Meowth. Partly because Zoura, at least in this universe are a sort of fox, cat hybrid but Meowth also can learn or naturally can stand and walk on their hind legswhich is a skill I haven't developed yet.
'Not only that but shiny Meowth is a nice color..Plus I can my whiskers to also have a nice ruby red color at their tips, then I can make the body slightly more cream colored for a nice contrast..I'm totally gonna end up changing the colors on like every Pokemon I change into.'
Moving away from my changed and frankly better color scheme I continue my balance training with skipping..Yep! Skipping, it's quite helpful with changing momentum, jumping and sticking the landing, and it's way more fun than just walking.'
"Hoppy, skippy, hoppy, skippy, hoppy, skippy.."
'Another reason why I chose Meowth is due to their mouths, after all Meowth is the only Pokemon, at least in the anime who could actually speak human despite not knowing telepathy or other things like it.
With that I've been doing some slight training with speaking alongside my skipping which has allowed for some decent results. "I cawan't speawk aal that good yet, but it'ss getting there."
Now normally I'd only do things like this on my own such as during one of my many and semi frequent sneak out nights, but due to a series of relatively unfortunate circumstances I am currently around a day's worth of travel ahead of Amelia and the rest of her Pokemon. Well except the Larvitar egg that I currently have stashed away inside of my fur, which is also just on big illusion on a sack that I camouflage and attach against my fur.
'Thank Arceus I have the egg along with this map I "borrowed" from gold. it would've been terrible if it hatched Larvitar with none around and in the middle of nowhere. Considering how a Larvitar is known to eat mountains it probably would've been bad for the environment if it hatched without anyone there. Plus it'd probably die...'
Taking the egg out of my camouflaged bag I put the egg on the ground off of the path halfway into the undergrowth and sit next it on a fallen log while looking out to both sides of the path.
'Though seriously how the hell did this even happen? What Pokemon has near invisibility, has the power to create whirlwinds, and for whatever reason wouldn't just attempt to kill me?'
Thinking back to only a few hours ago I reflect on the attack I was subjected to.
"Kage you can carry Lavitar's egg! The incubator is saying that's it's ready to hatch, all it needs is some time and it'll hatch!"
Amelia is as excited as ever but even more so after checking up on the Larvitar and Gligar eggs and find that both of them are very, very close to hatching with the Larvitar only needing a day at most while Gligar could up to 3 days to hatch.
Amelia brings out the Larvita eggs as I only nod begrundingly and stuff the egg into my tail fluff. "...I still don't know how you can fit some much stuff in there..But I guess it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't fall out!"
Nodding once again we continue to make our way down the beaten path and as we pass a gray looking tree a unsettling cool breeze glows past us and seems to settle in the air.
While Amelia keeps walking with only the slight pulling of her jacket I stop completely as the coolness doesn't leave my body. 'I've felt this before? One of the first nights we spent in Goldenrod? It was unusually chilly..I thought it was just a sea breeze combined with night making it cool but now I can tell. It's different..'
I do some glances around and out of the corner of my eye I see a hint of wispy and wavy pink tips of something that almost remind me of hair, but as soon as I take a double take it's completely gone.
'Shit! We're being stalked! Probably some sort of gost type!' I go to turn back around and alert Amelia the winds move faster than I do, and at this point Amelia notices something is wrong and reaches down towards her belt to release what I assume to be Doku I'm already caught it the winds.
'Fuck!' I charge quickly charge and release a Snarl that only travels 6-7 feet before hitting something inside of surrounding whirlwind. In response the winds let out a sobbing cry before the winds start to batter me and attempt to lift me from the ground.
'Hell no!' opening my mouth once again I am interrupted by the winds battering and actually tearing up the inside of my mouth as I let out another shriek of a snarl into the winds which only seems to increase the level of sound as the winds pick up speed and the crying sound gets even louder.
At that point my claws can no longer find ground in the shifting dirt and I'm launched into the air with the winds flinging me somewhere further towards the north that is followed by another cry.
'Well shit!! Team Rockets blasting off again!!!!!'