Chapter 57: An Enjoyable Break.
'Maybe I watched too much Pokemon growing up..If that was my first thought after being launched multiple miles away..'
Walking around some more I search around the trees next to path finding a couple Bug types are actually pretty chill with me as due to my Meowth form the birds refuse to leave their trees with me around.
'Well that's good to know. I suppose they can't tell the difference between my illusion and a real Meowth from this distance..Speaking of my illusions I've got to figure out how to give my illusions real properties like a smell and more importantly sound.'
Roaming around a picking a few small berries of some shrubs I snack on those as I slowly make my way through the terrain of the forest. 'I've also got to find a spot to hatch Larvitar. Knowing Amelia she's probably going to make a wrong turn or something. Though she must be only an hour or two away by now?'
Just continuing on with a few of bug types following after me and eating the scraps of the berries I drop as I walk. I eventually reach a sort of small clearing with various small sized rocks, and strangely no grass seems to be growing in the clearing.
As I step closer to the clearing the previously following bugs do not follow me with most of them actually leaving as soon as I step into clearing. Turning around and look at the only remaining Pokemon still following me. "What's up with this place? Why'd everyone leave?"
The only one still following is a lone Caterpie with a strange discolored blue antenna. The Caterpie doesn't answer me in words and instead they just look up to me, before looking over towards the clearing before shaking their head at me.
"It's just no good? What does someone live there or something? How about this shake up and down for yes and side to side for no." As I continue to probe for answers the Caterpie just looks up at me and stares for half a minute before slowly nodding their head.
"Good. So does someone live there?" Caterpie nods. "Kay, judging from how everyone left they're probably hostile?" Once again a nod. "What are they? Wait no, are they a poison type or something?" The Caterpie tilts their head in confusion before answering with a unsure nod. "Ah. You probably don't know what Posion type means..But since you said yes I'll just assume they know something with posion."
'It's probably some type of burrowing Pokemon right? but it probably isn't that big due to it not living in an actual cave..Nidorino? Nidorina? That'd be cool to catch. If I had PokeBalls of course, or even a stable human body...' Just shrugging my shoulders I grab the Caterpie and continue walking through the forest ignoring the clearing.
"Oh. I should've asked first, are you fine? Like your alone which is pretty weird for a bug type right?" As I ask the bug whose currently inside one of my paws without a peep. They only answer me with another seemingly uncaring nod. "Cool.."
Reaching the path with my new pocket bug in hand I sit both the egg and them on the path. "Now whats to do witht yuu?" As I speak I give myself whiplash at my slurred speech.
'What the hell was that?...Wait! I just speaking normally like 10 minutes ago..How'd I do that? is it like a natural thing???'
Attempting to speak again by saying the simple sentence of "I ate a couple a pancakes for breakfast." It comes out slurred and while understandable it wasn't at the same level of proficiency as before. 'That's weird..I'll deal with this later I guess??'
As I think about it a look down at Caterpie whose sitting completely still while looking up at me. I shift to Pokespeak before addressing them. "Wait. Did you understand what I was saying before?" A nod is what I get in response. "...Huh. Is that normal?.."
Shaking my head I just sit down next to the bug while looking the Larvitar egg over. 'Now how the hell do I get you to hatch? The Pokedex says that you hatch in the ground and eat your way out, but the Pokedex is most definitely unreliable..Like Macargo being as hot as the sun?'
As I continue to contemplate Caterpie comes up to me and slightly nudges me and turns their head behind me. "What?" Turning around I see nothing except a slight flash of pinkisk purple color wisps disappearing behind a tree.
'Why the hell is it still here!?'