Chapter 59: Two Tricksters.
"Why are you still here again?"
"I want to learn how to scare someone just like you can!"
Looking back at the ghost gets me a look of pure reverence as her eyes sparkle in the same morbid shine as they did when she first woke up. 'For Arcues sake...'
Going back to only 5 minutes ago puts me back in the scene of a unconsious and foaming at the mouth Misdreavus nearly scared to permanent Ghost type death.
'Damn...Why'd doing that feel so right?'
Looking behind me towards Caterpie and at this point, the slightly wobbling egg I see a completely unphased bug with only a single tear rolling out from their eye betraying their air of indifference.
"...I probably shouldn't have went that far.." Slowly undoing my transformation brings me back into my original form and back out 4 legs, which is a harder transition then anyone would think.
'Well now what do I do? Leave them here?...I have a feeling they're gonna want revenge after what I just put them through, after all Ghost types are the most vengeful type...But I can't just kidnap the thing, If Amelia caught it it'd be all fine and dandy but I don't have any Pokeballs one me...'
As I'm thinking about what to do with the small ghost, the decision is made for me as one second into my deliberation the Misdreavus springs up from the ground and immediately flies right Infront of my face.
"You've got to tell me how you did that! You were like all big and stuff! Plus the fire! The nasty teeth! The disturbing colors! How. Did. You. Do. IT!?!?"
Opposite to my thoughts the Misdreavus only has a look of passion on her face as her face is lit up in an emotion akin to respect and admiration as she starts to float around my head.
"Wait! Slow down. First of all, you don't hate me? Secondly-"
As soon as I spoke Misdreavus halted as if taking everything I said as seriously as possible but when I got to the word hate she gasps in such a exaggerated way others would think that it's sarcasm.
"Of course not! Your so cool! Everyone else I've ever tried to scary never got past me showing my eyes, yet you weren't even phased! Then you showed me up in a form I could never match! Your like the god of terror!"
Misdreavus speaks with such reverence that anyone else would think I saved her life on 16 different occasions. The Misdreavus nods her head as she speaks almost crazily as if daring anyone else to have a different opinion.
"...alright then..Well like I was saying, why'd you attempt to scare me in the first place? Also was were you the one who caused that wind back in Goldenrod?"
In response to my question the ghost type slightly tilts her head and looks slightly confused, as if not understanding the word Goldenrod but she quickly puts the pieces together.
"Oh!...Yeah that was me..It wasn't my best work, but I was able to get this one yellow guy really scared of me! And to answer your first question, I...Don't know? I guess I just felt like it? It's funny to see others run away after being terrified by me, but other than that I don't really have a reason."
As she speaks her voice slowly loses her reverence and almost sounds confused and indirectioned at points, before she snaps back and looks at me with the now familiar look in her eyes.
'Well I don't know what I was expecting with that one. I suppose it makes some sense I remember in the anime and sometimes the manga, that Ghost types are usually a form of a shell of those passed so not being clear on their own desires is quite on brand. Or maybe it's just the instincts of a Misdreavus? They do like scaring people, at least their Pokedex entries said so in my previous world..'
Giving the ghost a slight nod I turn back to face both Caterpie and the Larvitar egg where I end up finding Caterpie with no problems but the egg is nowhere to be found.
My reaction is only one blink before the realization crashes into me and I immediately start darting my eyes around looking for any sign of the egg. 'How the hell did I lose the one thing shouldn't have?! This is exactly why I couldn't be trusted with carrying my siblings around!?'
As I'm darting around the immediate area Misdreavus follows closely to my side popping up in my vision every now and then while Caterpie just stays in that same spot while following me with their eyes.
And to my dismay I can't find the egg at all as even it's faint heartbeat and slight rocking have completely disappeared from my senses. 'Damnit! Fuck! Shitfuck!'
As I'm busy freaking out Caterpie only slightly moves and as they do the white of an egg shell can be seen under them.
Looking at my panic Caterpie gains a slight unperceivable smirk.