Chapter 58: Ghostly Horrors.
"Hello? Can we talk about it?" I shout out towards the trees as I do the same cold winds past by me as if following the movement of the wisps.
'....Strange....Nothing is moving?..' As I look out to the trees the previously shifting leaves have stopped their shifting movements and the previous call and response the forest had with itself freezes as even the sounds of birds calling, and bugs eating completely stops.
Throwing a glance towards the blue antenna Caterpie at my feet I see that they are still in complete motion with them completely ignoring the oddities after alerting me to the phenomena. 'Well at least your fine..'
I slowly rise from the floor, choosing to take a quadruped stance and I slowly start shedding my illusion taking the form of Hisuian Zorua for the first time in what feels like days. As soon as my illusion fully falls the trees that the wisps disappeared behind all start moving all at once with a screech being projected from them.
Holding my ground I start preparing Ember channeling the energy into my mouth and as I do so the shaking trees seem to react to it as the cold, heavy air starts moving once again surrounding one of the larger trees right in front of me.
The winds condense and form a dense shield of wind I can't see into blocking the sight of trees. '...What the hell?? What type Pokemon am I facing?!' As I shift my weight towards Caterpie and egg, taking a step towards the two of them and in turn the dense winds the winds react once again.
This time the winds gain purple pinkish tint to them with a visage of red eyes appearing through the dense winds. '...Wait...Purple, pink, and red? Screeching?' As the winds pick up pace as I don't immediately respond to the intimidating display of power and prowess I can only tilt my head.
'The use of strange ghostly winds, a purple, red and pink color scheme, the attempted intimidation...It's a fucking Misdreavus!' Almost on cue the winds shift once again and intensify once again as the red eyes get an even more intense color.
'If you wanna play like that, I'll play!' Stepping towards the winds they respond to my every step with a flare of color. As I get within 15 feet of the winds I start leaking the previously charged fire out my mouth using another move, Posion Fang to give the fire a body to drip off giving it the appearance of lava leaking from my mouth.
The winds slightly shrink at my display before roaring back in the same ominous undertone. 'Now to truly give you fear.' I start another illusion slowly changing my form with each step. I gain height, width and I slowly stand to stand on two feet as the white wisps of my fur only grow and become even more ghostly and completely unruly.
My limbs elongate, my previously small and invisible claws grow to ridiculous lengths becoming black claws that cut through the ground with each step. Then I stand on two legs. The fur on my chest gains volume and highlights my dripping fire covered maw in horrid contrast. The rest of my now lanky body starts to give off the same wisps of ghosty presence, their red color acting like flames emanating from my body, making use of the current eeriness.
Pushing my form even further I use the remaining steps to increase my pure size expanding my form gain inch after inch of height until I've grown multiple feet above my already larger than body size with this illusion.
Gritting my teeth as I'm face to face with the cold winds I start one more shift to my form. The red and pink hues on my ghastly fur completely nearly completely inverts. The previous ghost white turns into a nearly pitch black, the flame like red changing into a dead and dull purple and my striking yellow eyes turning into a bloodshot red more intense than anything the other Pokemon could pull off.
As I'm self absorbed into my own illusions the winds have completely retracted with the only thing being Infront of me being a small floating mainly purple colored ghost as the correctly identified Misdreavus only looks up at my nearly 10 foot tall form with pure fear in their eyes.
Gaining a smile on my face I bend going onto four limbs once again I bring my face towards the small ghost. "Do YoU WAnt TO PlaY NOw?"
Dripping posionous fire onto the ground I only gain a bigger smile at the horror on the Misdreavus's face, which shows disgusting teeth each and every single one of them being black with holes in every single one of them.
"ACtUalY I'M qUiTE HuNgRy, CAn YoU FiX ThaT?"
The Misdreavus passes out.
{Wow! This one was interesting. I think I can do this horror type stuff!}
{Anyway! You all should prepare yourselves! We're about to pick up things a little more! The sotry can finally truly start! But don't get mad if things are edited ok? This is just one ulternate universe after all!}
{Anyway! Have a great day, night, and evening everyone!}