Chapter 104: Chapter 104 – The Silph Co. Anomaly
Chapter 104 – The Silph Co. Anomaly
Since this was an urgent mission, Asahi didn't have time to enjoy the snacks prepared by the Gallade and Gardevoir.
"Green, we've got an emergency task."
Green had already been prepared after hearing that Asahi was speaking with Lance. She quickly stuffed the remaining half of her cake into her mouth, cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk. "What's the mission?" she mumbled.
"It's related to Silph Co."
Without further explanation, Asahi led Green outside, releasing his Dragonair. He patted its head and instructed, "Dragonair, take us to Saffron City!"
With a soft cry, Dragonair carried the two of them through the skies toward Saffron City.
Due to Saffron City's no-fly zones and to avoid drawing too much attention, Asahi recalled Dragonair as soon as they arrived.
While making their way to the Silph Co. building, Lance explained the situation to them over their earpieces.
"...Three days ago, based on evidence collected from Vermilion Gym, the League discovered traces of secret dealings between Silph Co. and Lt. Surge."
"As a result, the League sent a formal inquiry to Silph Co."
"Did Silph Co. refuse to cooperate with the investigation?" Asahi asked.
Surely, their mission wasn't to conduct a forced raid on Silph Co., right? That would be a real mess.
Lance shook his head. "No, quite the opposite. Silph Co. responded that they were willing to cooperate fully."
Green frowned. "Then why…?"
"The League sent in an investigative team. At first, everything proceeded smoothly, but earlier today—during their scheduled report time—they failed to send their update. When we tried to contact them, we received no response. That's when the League realized we had lost contact with them."
"The League then reached out to Silph Co., but their response was that the investigation team had 'left on their own accord.'"
Hearing this, Asahi immediately sensed Team Rocket's involvement.
Lance's voice grew more serious. "After internal discussions, the League believes that the investigative team must have uncovered something critical. To conceal the truth, Silph Co. may have collaborated with Team Rocket to attack and detain them."
"We need to locate the missing investigators immediately."
"I'm tied up at the League headquarters right now, and time is running out. If we don't act fast, they might transfer the team elsewhere. Asahi, I need you to infiltrate Silph Co., find the missing investigators, and gather evidence. I'm counting on you!"
After hearing Lance's explanation, Asahi actually felt that Silph Co. itself might not be the main culprit.
With their immense influence, even if they were caught in shady dealings, it wouldn't be necessary for them to kidnap and imprison League officials.
But Team Rocket? That was a different story. This was exactly how they operated.
Based on the timeline, if Team Rocket was planning to take control of Silph Co., this would be the time they'd make their move.
Asahi shared his theory with Lance.
"There are some in the League who suspect Team Rocket's involvement as well, but we lack hard evidence. That's why we need you to investigate."
"Got it. Leave it to me."
A simple investigation? That was his specialty.
As for whether it was dangerous… As long as Giovanni didn't personally get involved, no matter how many Rocket grunts there were, he could handle it.
Silph Co. Building
As the headquarters of a massive conglomerate spanning Kanto and Johto, Silph Co. was a defining landmark of Saffron City.
Near the building, Asahi and Green—disguised with altered appearances—casually sat at a café, subtly questioning the staff about any unusual activity around Silph Co.
The server thought for a moment. "If you ask me… some of our regular customers from Silph Co. haven't shown up in days. Maybe they're just working overtime?"
"Oh, and the security guards at the entrance seem kind of odd. They're wearing the same uniforms, but they look way more intimidating than before…"
Hearing that, Asahi was almost certain—the new security guards were Team Rocket members in disguise.
And if the employees hadn't been seen for days… then there was a good chance that Team Rocket had taken over the entire Silph Co. building.
He exchanged a glance with Green, who had clearly come to the same conclusion.
But the bigger question was—why hadn't anyone in Saffron City noticed this?
If normal civilians failed to pick up on it, that was understandable.
But what about the city's law enforcement?
"Is this just negligence… or something more?"
With that thought, Asahi glanced at the heavily guarded Silph Co. building, paid for their drinks, and led Green toward their target.
Silph Co. – President's Office
"President Silph, are you still refusing to hand over the documents? Our patience is wearing thin."
Sitting in a chair, Sird (one of Team Rocket's three executives) leisurely sipped coffee as she addressed the Silph Co. President across the desk.
In the corner of the room, a group of bodyguards—presumably Silph Co.'s security personnel—lay unconscious, piled together.
"You Rocket thugs are far too reckless," President Silph said in a low voice. "The League will soon realize what's happening here."
Despite the threat looming over his office, the president stood firm, refusing to back down.
"Oh, you mean those League investigators? That's all the more reason for you to cooperate with us."
Sird smirked. "If the League gets their hands on those documents, Silph Co. will be in deep trouble."
"Our collaboration has gone smoothly so far, hasn't it?" she continued. "If you just keep working with us, we Rocket members can help 'resolve' this problem for you."
"I… I didn't know Lt. Surge was one of yours…" the president muttered, trying to find an excuse.
"Let's not play games, President." Sird chuckled, stroking the Persian sitting beside her. "As the head of Silph Co., you expect me to believe you had no idea who you were doing business with? That might fool yourself, but do you really think the League would buy it?"
President Silph's expression darkened.
At that moment, he deeply regretted ever partnering with Team Rocket.
Not only was the League closing in on him, but Team Rocket was now dragging him even deeper into their mess.
Just as Sird had said, over the years, Silph Co. had facilitated the smuggling of countless illegal goods for Lt. Surge.
But the most serious issue was something else entirely.
A few months ago, when the International Police's Kanto branch was ambushed by Team Rocket, the attack had taken place aboard a cargo ship owned by Silph Co.
After that incident, President Silph had wanted to sever ties with Team Rocket.
But then, Lt. Surge's sudden exposure had completely thrown his plans into chaos.