Chapter 22: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 19 ("Ronald B. Weasly / A Stone of Souls")
The rest of the week until Thursday had gone off without a hitch, with snape keeping mostly to himself but begrudgingly giving Harriet Top Marks because even though she appeared to never be paying attention her actions said otherwise as she completed lessons without a hitch.
And while this may have earned her the envy of a certain bushy-haired witch, it was nothing compared to the actions of one Ronald Bilious Weasly on Thursday afternoon when Gryffindor had flying lessons with Slytherin and RBW decided to take his boiling anger out on his fellow housemate Neville Longbottom.
- POV CHANGE: Flying class -
All students stood outside in 2 lines, normally they would be entirely just on house per line but of course, with Harriet there and her despising Ronald, she stood at the end of the line of Slytherin's to distance herself from him further enraging him as he quietly kept Insulting the young Longbottom.
Draco:「Heiress Emiya, may I inquire as to why you have your satchel with you? 」
The quiet "Fou" that came as a response with the creature's small head popping out and staring at him was all the answer he needed, even if he did find it odd how she brought said creature everywhere with her and talked to it like she could understand it.
Harriet:「Heir Malfoy, do you think what the Weasley is doing to be egregious as well? 」
Draco:「I do have to agree with you, what he is doing to a fellow housemate and how no one but you or that mud- 」
A sharp glare was laid upon him by Harriet as he froze at the shivers of fear going down his spine.
Draco:「*Ehem* muggle-born student trying to stand up for Heir Longbottom is not very good. 」
As her glare disappeared and a happy smile graced her face once more he silently let out a small breath, it felt as if his mother was vastly angry at him again.
Harriet:「While I understand you may not be happy with Hermione, please do not insult other students by using such terms Heir Malfoy. 」
The sharp side-eye from both her and Fou was enough to make him gulp at the pressure he felt exerted onto him.
Harriet:「I do worry for him though... 」
Draco:「May I know why? 」
Harriet:「He reminds me of someone I used to know. 」
The melancholy look upon her face caused a weird sadness to fill his heart, he didn't like this particular feeling, he wanted to see her smile again but before he could say anything Madam Hooch rushed into the field grabbing all of their attention.
Hooch:「Everyone standby a broomstick. Come on, hurry up. 」
She rushed past both lines of students as her short, grey hair rustled in the nice breeze of the clear sky and her yellow eyes watched all her students like a hawk. Her eyes Zeroed in on the satchel Harriet was carrying but more specifically she locked on to her pet.
Hooch:「Miss Emiya, I do believe that you shouldn't require your pet for this lesson at all. 」
The rest of the students locked onto her form, Ronald seeing this as the perfect chance to somewhat heal his bruised Ego pounced as soon as he spotted her pet.
Ronald:「She's so afraid of flying that she needs to have her pet with her! Hahahaha! 」
While Ronald was laughing Harriet's smile became strained and something people just took notice of was how here kept cycling between White and Blonde as she turned to Madam Hooch.
Harriet:「I have written permission from my Guardian that I'm allowed to bring my companion with me for this lesson. 」
She handed a note to Madam Hooch who took a second to look it over as Weasley was wheezing in the background, Hooch just nodded her head before stuffing the note into her pocket and looking at all the students just standing there.
Hooch:「Well, what are you all waiting for? 」
They all looked toward their teacher and stood there beside Weasley who finally stopped and wasn't paying attention.
Hooch:「Stick out your right hand over your broom, and say, "Up!" 」
The first two to get their brooms up just so happened to be Harriet and Draco, and showing compassion Harriet walked over to both of her friends in Gryffindor Hermione and Neville.
As she reached them Ronald finally got his broom to get up, however, that only resulted in him being smacked in the face something which cause Fou to laugh.
Ronald:「Shut your damn pet up. 」
She ignored him in favor of talking to Neville.
Harriet:「Hello Neville. 」
The shy boy paused before he nervously responded.
Neville:「H-hello H-Harriet. 」
Harriet:「Just think of the broom like a plant... Like a Bowtruckle, that's your friend and you're asking for its help, okay? 」
He could only nervously nod before she turned to Hermione.
Harriet:「Hermione, no amount of reading can teach you how to ride a broom. 」
Hermione swallowed and just looked away from Harriet and tried to get the broom to come up.
Harriet:「Think of this like a book, one that's alive and won't open unless you treat it with the utmost respect. 」
Hermoine paused at that for but a moment before she spoke in a firm but respectful tone.
Hermoine:「Up. 」
And the broom obeyed and firmly boosted up into the girl's hand, she just stared in awe before looking back to where Harriet was standing only to notice the only person to truly be nice to her at this school was back where she started.
Hooch:「10 points to Gryffindor, for helping your classes mates with their broom troubles.」
And so the lesson continued like canon up until the remembrall on the floor.
Ronald:「Did you see his face, the might-as-well-be squib? 」
No one joined Ronald in his bullying of Neville as he leaned down and picked up the remembrall, he inspected it a few seconds before he started to stuff it in his robes.
Harriet:「I do believe that item is not yours. 」
And the reason why no one joined Ronald was standing right beside him and looking directly at his hand holding the ball, he was so blinded by his own Ego he couldn't see how the rest inched away from her.
Ronald:「Shut-up, Pendragon. 」
Harriet:「I have told you and others numerous times to call me Emiya, I would appreciate it if you would do so. 」
Ronald:「What's wrong Emrys? Are you so ashamed of being here with your lessers that you couldn't dare to besmirch your family's names? 」
What happened next couldn't be described, the fluffy little animal jumped out of the satchel and walked behind Ronald. They all watched as the creature slowly got bigger and bigger, easily towering over Ronald before he noticed, he looked behind and up in abject horror.
Harriet:「Here is what is going to happen; you are going to call me Emiya, you are going to give me Neville's remembrall, you are going to stop bothering me and you are going to stay quiet for the rest of class... Or- 」
Fou's giant paw landed beside him, creating a tremor and leaving a giant crater where his paw landed.
Harriet:「You will end up nothing but a flattened mess sent home to your mother via mail, where you will be dropped onto a counter and shit on by carrier Pidgeon. 」
- Time skip -
It was currently nighttime in the castle, and Prefects and Teachers were doing rounds around the castle for troublemaking students when one Professor Minerva McGonagall happened upon the Third-floor corridor on the right-hand side where soft music could be heard.
???:「... You and your broken wings, Above all things, Give the reaper life... 」
Pushing open the door granted the Professor a view not many would ever see in their lives, siding beside the giant hell-hound was young Harriet singing a soft lullaby to the Cerberus which appeared to be calming down from a nightmare.
The door was slammed shut behind Miss McGonagall, she wiped her wand out and pointed it at the other creature in the room, this being the small pet that Harriet brought with her to Hogwarts. The song continued as the young student ignored the Professor until the beast was finally asleep.
McGonagall:「Miss Emiya, this Area is off-limits and nothing I repeat nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. 」
Harriet:「Do you have any idea what you are protecting? 」
At her words, Mcgonagall froze for but a moment before her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
McGonagall:「I- 」
Harriet:「Do not try to deny it, I hear them call for the sweet release. 」
Her words further confused McGonagall, the girl had her back facing her and her pet had grown large enough to completely block the doorway.
Harriet:「Tell me, do you know the main ingredient of a Philosopher stone? 」
McGonagall:「No, I do not but what has this to do with "them" whoever they are? 」
Harriet:「Due to the absolute law of alchemy being equivalent exchange, the stone gives the illusion that someone is able to override that law. Being that it is an illusion, the powers of the stone itself are not unlimited, and only appears to allow an alchemist to bypass equivalent exchange as long as the stone retains its power. 」
McGonagall:「What are you prattling on about? 」
Harriet stayed still for but a moment until soft choked cries could be heard as she turned around, McGonagall gasped at the sight instead of her beautiful Iridescent green eyes there was only pitch black.
Harriet:「The main ingredient of a Philosopher stone is human souls, I hear them all scream as they are trapped in that blasted stone! Fluffly hears them too, they give him nightmares. 」
McGonagall only stared stunned, as tears ran down her face as she wiped them away with her nightgown.
Harriet:「I want to destroy that blasted... VILE OBJECT! 」
A creeping cold swept the room as a large figure appeared behind her, he had grey skin and silvery hair with a large grey Scythe. He places a comforting hand on her shoulder as she continues to weep.
McGonagall fell into a trance as she exited the room, when she broke out of it she just continued on her way none the wiser.
???:「Master, if you truly wish to save them you shouldn't tell anyone of the stone until it is gone. 」
Harriet:「I'm sorry... 」
Fou:「Do not be sorry, you hear them while others can not and you shall free them given time. 」
# Look, I know what some people say, that I shouldn't focus on Harriet and all that but you know what? that's just how the story is flowing! I'm writing it as it comes to me and I don't have a big plan for the story. This started out and is still a passion project that I did to improve my spelling and grammar, sure I need to get better at writing but this is just how this story will go. I will be honest and tell you I was not at all prepared for a non-humanoid MC as I find it harder to write for that. But no matter how apocryphal my story may be I'm going to write the story I want to. I don't care if I make mistakes I'll try my best to not make them but I have major respect for Authors who can pump out long chapters like no one's business and have like 300-400 of them and a really good fucking story while having a job. #