Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 23: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 20 ("A cold castle morning / A spooky Samhain")


# Play Forever - RvB Season 10 OST #

- 3RD POV -

The next morning Harriet had a slow morning, Fou was nowhere to be seen today but that was par for the course when he got bored. Leisurely getting out of bed she walked along the cold stone floor to the common girl's bathroom for the First years.

A nice quick warm shower served to further energize her as she got dressed and walked demurely down the spiral stairs case into the common room, there laying in front of the ongoing fireplace lay a sleeping Fou.

Sitting on the couch in front of said place was the shivering body of one "Neville Longbottom", all dressed and ready for the day. She sat down beside him which seemed to startle him out of his thoughts.

Neville:「G-G-Good Morning, Heiress Emiya. 」

A small polite bow accompanied his words, and she responded in kind, giving him a pat on the head like an older sibling would their younger one.

Harriet:「Is the Weasely still giving you trouble? 」

His looking away was all she needed to know, a small sigh released as she leveled a firm yet accepting gaze at him.

Harriet:「What happened this time? 」

Nevile looked to the ground and didn't say anything, soon after a while she dropped her hand and he shrunk further into himself, he glanced back at her, and catching her eyes he paused. Her eyes held no contempt or pity for him, only reluctant understanding.

Harriet:「I know how hard it can be to speak, to reach out for help Neville... but you can't let that define you, if you never try you never will do. 」

At this point, the small creature known as Fou jumped up onto her lap, idly she started petting him and waited for Neville's response.

Neville:「T-Th-They kicked me out of my bedroom... *Gulp* trunk and all... T-Th-They broke my remembrall. 」

Harriet:「Well, why don't we head to Miss McGonagall and she will help us fix this all right up, eh? 」

He said nothing only looking back to the floor, he idly noted the shifting of her clothes as she stood up and place Fou on top of her currently Shifting between Cloudy-White and Sunny-Blonde. Her hand placed in front of him for her to take, she stood there and said nothing.

Soon a whole minute passed before he shakily raised his hand and grabbed hers, his grip felt so light yet so desperately holding on, he looked up once again at her softly smiling face as she pulled him up and into a one-armed hug.

Harriet:「A journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step, sometimes it's the hardest while others it's the easiest. 」

She gently started to walk away with Neville being dragged along, they walked down to the first floor in the early morning as the sun was coming up still. The bags under Neville's eyes became clearer as time went on.

They stopped just outside a door, a knocker placed just under a nameplate that read Minerva McGonagall, hitting the knocker against the door they waited as shuffling around was heard. opening the door and peering around said door was one Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts.

Upon seeing two of her Lions she opened the door further, allowing them to see the green headdress and robes wrapped tightly around her.

McGonagall:「Miss Emiya, Mister Longbottom! What has the two of you awake so early in the morn? 」

Harriet:「Heir Longbottom was kicked out of his room by his roommates late last night, I came down this morning to see him bundled up in his clothes in front of the fireplace. 」

McGonagall:「Is that true Mister Longbottom? 」

His guilty and afraid look saddened the professor's heart, and the nod she got just made her all the more sad. Quickly opening her door she gestured them into her room, the warm air was welcome to the frigid cold that was Scotland.

Walking in they came face to face with what could only be described as orderly, a bookshelf to the left filled with books that were properly arranged by alphabetical and volumetric. To the right was a fireplace and in front was a nice long couch with a coffee table and two cozy chairs on both sides of the coffee table.

To the right of the room were 3 doors, what was behind could only be guessed as they were closed. Both kids sat on the couch as McGonagall disappeared behind the middle door and shortly came back with a tea set.

- Time Skip -

Harriet:「So let me get this straight, you overheard the Weasly making plans to convince the rest of the house I was a traitor... * He nodded* The he would tell the girls to throw my stuff out the window and let it get everywhere and all trashed... *he nodded again* And then you stood up to them? 」

He nodded a third and final time, McGonagall was shocked silent at how one of her Lions would even try planning this! It took her but a second before she started lowly cursing, she quickly rearranged Neville into another room before he was allowed to leave.

Staring at the door that Neville left from, she sighed as she took another sip of her tea, her hair a bright sunny blonde from her anger. Both stayed quiet and just as Miss McGonagall was to speak up Harriet did instead, taking what she wanted to say for herself.

Harriet:「I don't blame you. 」

McGonagall:「Excuse me? 」

Harriet:「The Dursleys, I don't blame you, you were only following that old goat. 」

McGonagall:「While I'm grateful you don't blame me, I will not have a student slander the great man that is Dumbledore. 」

Harriet:「Have you looked into Occlumency? 」

McGonagall:「No, I can't say I have. 」

Harriet:「When you're pretty good at it, it helps protects your mind even from compulsions. 」

McGonagall:「I can see the advantage, however, both it and Legilimency are dying arts. 」

Harriet:「Unfortuntely, thank you for the this has been a wonderful morning... I will see you at breakfast. 」

McGonagall wanted to object, but something just told her not to, so she let her Lion go with a fair warning to watch her fellow students carefully and come to her in case she needed something.

# Change song Code - Topic: Goodbye Nostalgia ORIGINAL KARAOKE #

- Time Skip: 2 Months -

Over the course of the next to months, Harriet was scarcely found alone, she was usually with Hermione, Neville, or Draco and any of his friends. Weasley's campaign against her found strength in the first and second years with very few being from the years older than that.

She kept a very comprehensive list of everything that happened, her shampoo being changed out for water, her clothes being taken and stamped on by muddy and other such dirty footwear. Her shoes were taken and even her trunk all thrown out high windows scattering to the winds and around the castle grounds.

And she took this all in stride, asking for help from upper years to get her stuff down and house elves to clean and replace things. Neville was doing a lot better now that he was moved to a different room, however, he never felt like he fit in.

Hermione was hanging in there on a thread as she received the same treatment from other females of her year group and house, all for being friends with the one person who was nice enough to answer all her questions.

Today was finally October 31st, and Harriet spent most of her time out of classes hanging around the castle in alcoves and private spaces the students seldom reached. It was the day her parents died after all.

Fou had just been silent for most of the day, just being there and giving her the strength she needed, she may have had 30 years in Avalon to grieve. But it was all coming and crashing down on her, barely enough time to pause for 30 years, the souls screaming for release from the stone, and the bullying.

She sat down in a somber mood at the table for the feast, Neville sat to her right to somewhat protect her from Weasly. Her left was left open and was where Hermione sat, she had been missing for most of the afternoon.

The rumor mill told her of what happened, Weasley finally broke the string she was hanging onto and Harriet was gonna bring her some food when the opportunity arose. She stared numbly at the food that was on her plate when the door slammed open.

# Stop music #

Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the Hall, his turban messed up and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached the teacher's table, he slumped against the table and gasped.

Quirrell:「Troll! Troll! in the dungeons... thought you ought to know. 」

He limply fell to the floor as the student body started to panic, rushing out the door to escape they were only stopped by the loud sound of Firecrackers and Dumbledore yelling


They all froze on turned to him.

Dumbledore:「Prefects, he rumbled lead your houses back to the dormitories immediately! 」

Harriet:「NO! 」

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at Harriet who screamed out "no!". She stood up and faced the teachers.

Harriet:「The Slytherins and Hufflepuffs live downstairs! if you send them to the dorms they might encounter the Troll! The safe place is here with the teachers and prefects! 」

She gasped aloud as she remembered Hermione.

# Play song 26: 100 Tex Battle - RvB Season 10 OST #

Harriet:「Hermione! 」

She instantly sprinted out the door, rushing down the halls at high speed to get to the Girl's bathroom. Fou was hanging on and flapping like a flag in the wind, from behind she could hear the shouts of Draco and Co. along with Neville and a loud snide remark from Weasley about glory hunting.

It didn't matter as she rushed down the hallways taking lefts and rights jumping up flights of stairs and arriving in time. A puking sound was heard from behind her but she didn't have time to focus on it as the Troll had its club raised right about its head.

It swung sideways as it destroyed toilet stall after toilet stall, Hermione's screech could be heard as well as Darco yelling about Merlin's beard and speed. The Troll finally turned around and laid eyes upon both her and Draco Malfoy, it raised its club to swing again.

Harriet:「HIT THE DECK! 」

Draco:「What? 」

He was luckily pushed down by Fou jumping onto him, the Troll got ready to swing again when bright blue arms appeared out of Fou's back each holding a weird-shaped object that Draco didn't know what it was.

Harriet scrambled over to Hermione as Fou employed hit-and-run tactics against this enemy, slashing and taking chunks of its legs as it was forced onto the ground. Once it dropped its club in pain Harriet rushed a yelling Hermione over to Draco, the teachers finally arrived at the scene with her holding both weirdly shaped objects in her hands.

Both were partly stuck up the thing's nose as she yelled out.

Harriet:「Jackpot! 」

2 small explosions were heard as the backside of the Troll's head and its brains were splattered across the room, she was breathing heavily and out of breath.

# Stop music #

A slow clap was heard as a figure-wearing read walked in behind the teachers, they had their wands out for the troll but just as quickly trained them on him. His white hair slightly swaying as he walked, Steel grey eyes locked on to her figure standing there as she wiped her mouth with her arm, and the objects faded to blue motes.

Archer:「Impresive, Gakusei. 」

Harriet:「*Hah*... Thank's... Shisou. 」

And right as she started to fall she was caught by the platinum blonde student, one Draco Malfoy, worry wrought all over his face.


{Word count} 1952


I think I should revamp Harriet to be a Dual Origin.

Concepts: Death and Weapon

Her element is Unique and corresponds to her Death concept.

Something that I think links very well with the original Harry Potter.

His prophecy is basically him being a weapon against Voldemort, while Death is something linked to him at the very start with the prophecy!

Quoting the prophecy here

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."



Your vote.

Also revamping definitely,

Fou is a dual origin.

Origin: Dual

Concept: Weapon

Object: Blade

His element is Unique and corresponds to his Concept

A/N Over #

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