Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 25: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 21 ("Hospital Night/ Timeskip Part 1")

# Part 21.


OST Fate Stay Night - Ima wa Sono Tsurugi wo Oi te #

The moonlight slowly crept in past the drapes, alone lying in a bed is a young girl with sunny blonde hair. Her eyes closed, and breath even, she lay there still as if asleep when a tall man with white hair and tanned skin stood at the side of her bed, arms crossed over his chest.

Archer:「You can stop pretending to be asleep now. 」

Harriet:「I don't want to, this bed is comfortable. 」

Archer:「Theatrics, something you definitely acquired from Merlin. 」

Her Emerald green eyes opened and met Grey ones swimming with amusement. The smaller weight she felt on her chest being that of Fou lazily stretched out and taking a nap.

Harriet:「Whatever you say, Mother dearest. 」

Archer once again sighed and looked up with his body language clearly showing his disapproval for the title of "Mother", one that she has been calling him since she accidentally walked into the shared room of His and Saber.

#This Archer is one who went through the fate route, unfortunately at the end of his journey, he was tricked by Alaya into accepting the deal. #

Archer:「Will you stop that? 」

Harriet:「Mordred is considered my "Big Brother" and Saber has taken on that fatherly role, not to mention that she would most likely call you mother due to your relationship. 」

A long drawn out suffering sigh echoed around the room as she looked out the window and at the Full moon, she admired its beauty but feared what it could be in another world. Like for example it being a giant supercomputer recoding humanity, she would never understand why she has that gut feeling.

Archer:「This will only get harder from here on out, you know? 」

Harriet:「How many Howlers have you stopped? How many times have you conveniently distracted Dumbledore so he couldn't talk with me? 」

Archer:「211 Howllers from one "Molly Weasley née Prewett", and a total of 439 times of distracting Dumb-as-a-dore. 」

Harriet:「Well, I appear to have given Ronald more ammunition. 」

Archer:「His smear campaign appears to be slowly but surely gaining traction, what with how you hang around Malfoy when you have the free time together just make sure to use protection. 」

Harriet:「Gross, I'm mentally 30 years older than him! 」

Archer:「Saber was born 1542 years before I was, but that didn't stop us from having "Fun" even if it was to transfer mana to her. 」

Harriet:「Mother, I do not need to hear about your sex life, the room was enough. 」

And like that the banter continued onward into the night as the sun came to rise upon a new day, one that promised progress and trouble... For who was a matter of perspective.

And so the months passed, with Ronald showing how effective his own brand of strong-arming others into doing things is. It was only a couple of times, nothing a teacher needed to intervene with and thus went by noticed by staff.

The girls who were following Ronald and doing his bidding were mainly those who were so jealous of Harriet that for some reason, that no one sane would understand why, they thought doing what they did would allow them to feel better about themselves.

The missing bags, clothes, assignments, and trunks were just the beginning. However, they were further infuriated by Harriet's choice to just go about her way without paying them any mind.

It was also this time that she started to stay around the library a lot, something that one Hermione Granger was very appreciative of, which had a positive effect on the teachers no longer being dissatisfied with how inquisitive the young girl was.

Harriet was someone Madam Pince was absolutely enjoying as having for a student, what with how she opted to help around near the end of the year as she had on more than one occasion directed students to the proper books they looked for.

While helping around the Libary she had met with lots of other students, no matter the house they came from she showed the utmost elegance when interacting with them, which the Slytherins subtly nodded to, the Hufflepuffs all granted her the title of Honorary Puff, and the Ravenclaw's adored her own inquisitive mind that challenged theirs.

Perhaps the only house that wasn't satisfied with her, bar the second years and older and Neville, was her own house. The upper years greatly appreciated how willing she was to help her own house, as some were forgetful and needed to be reminded a day in advance to return a book or face Pince's wrath... She saved many of them from such a "fate".



So I'm coming at you and presenting Revamped Harriet stuff! Now with Explanations behind some of my discussions.



{Parameter's - Human} (This is how she is as a human, not a servant and is her current stats, so she's basically at the top of humanity. Never clarified this but I am doing it now.)

{Strength} [A+]

{Endurance} [B+]

{Agility} [B++]

{Mana} [A+] (These three are the same as Servant becuase it's complicated to convert that and the NP covers all of Her NP's)

{Luck} [B+]

{N.P} [NONE->EX]


{Parameter's - Servant}

{Strength} [-]

{Endurance} [-]

{Agility} [-]

{Mana} [A+]

{Luck} [B+]

{N.P} [NONE->EX]



Shining Path [EX]

Succubus' Vicinity [EX]

Projection Magecraft [C->B]

Mana Burst [A] (Artoria's training, Artoria would most definitely use this and Harriet would need to fucking learn to use it if she wanted to have a fighting chance.)

Dreamlike Charisma [A] (She's been trained by Artoria, the King of Knights, on how to be a King and Knight while also picking up a few things on how Merlin can be Charismatic.)

Instinct [A] (She trained with not only Archer, that cynical bastard we love, but also Artoria, The King of Knights, and Merlin, Who we love to call The dick wizard. Instinct is something she would need to just Survive.)

Magecraft [EX] (Note this is because she's originally from the HP-Verse, where she can also use its Magic on top of magecraft which basically makes her a Magician! I will quote the fucking Wiki on this. {Sub-note by what I mean quoting the wiki, I mean what a Magician is.})

Mind's Eye (True) [B] (Again, trained by Archer on how to use his Magecraft if you think for a singal second i wouldn't have him train her on how to actually do proper archery and aim, Ya wrong.)

Charisma [B]

Dragon Reactor Core [B]

Clairvoyance [C]


Riding [EX] (Harry is seen riding BuckBeek with no problems when riding him for the first time as well as being a natural on the broom in HP-Verse.)

Mixed-Blood [EX] (Harriet's multiple bloodlines.)

Magic Resistance [A+] (Harry Survived the Killing Curse because of his Mother and her magic, So due to the stories about him surviving he gets this if he were an actual servant if ask me)

Presence Concealment [A++] (Harry is often seen sneaking around in HP and getting away with it I believe this is Okay, I will include Flashbacks in later chapters for stuff okay?)

Item Construction [C] (Transfiguration can be counted as a Type of Item construction from turning one thing into another, or as seen in the Weasly house in the movies to make objects clean themselves!)

Territory Creation [C] (Harry potters Blood-protections and Hogwarts's own enchantments, if you think Harry as head of the DMLE in 2020 didn't know jack shit about these then ya wrong! Wards.)

High-Speed Incantation [C] (Hary is an Accomplished duelist having fought through the second Wizarding war, and in 2007 Became the Head of the Auror department. {On a side note "High-Speed Divine Words" is basically Wordless magic, while "Regression to the Age of Gods" is Wandless and can be counted as both Wordless and Wandless.})

{Noble Phantasm}

Avalon [EX] (Something I gave her.)

Unlimited Blade Works (Occlumency Edition) [E -> conditionally A+] Anti-Unit (Self) (This is basically her minds defence, yes she will still have a copy of the trio of Servants there, which is each born from the very swords themselves.)

Secret-Calibur [A++] (She was gifted this by Fou for completing everything, She can choose Either Excalibur or Excalibur Morgann or Both.)

Prydwen [A] (She is able to summon the Yamaha V-Max as well but it doesn't have a rank. {Merlin also helped enchant it so it could fly like a Broom and be like Siriu's Motorbike in Harry Potter})

Caliburn [B] (She pulled this sword out of the stone, something that Symbolises her right to be the "King" of England. She would give up the throne to her "Big Brother" Mordred though.)

Invisible air [C] (She has the ability to use this on any of her weapons, combined with her Archery makes her a difficult Long ranged Foe)

Merlin's Staffs [NONE] (She just can summon her own versions of the Staffs both normal and Proto they are exact copies, and they act as an Amplfyer and Foci for her.)


Origin: Dual

Concept: Death

Object: Weapon

Her element is Unique and corresponds to her Death concept.

Object of Weapon, because that's what Harry is to the "Light" in a way, he is a weapon against Voldemort.

[Harriet] My switch is the turning of a key starting the Engine of a car, After all with my magic finally formed its power output is that of a Vehicle,

And yes, I am aware of how Harriet's sheet takes up most of this chapter, but I want to do stuff from other perspectives before "Timeskip Part 2"

Anyway, I have stuff cooking up, IRL and for this story, My birthday is December 30th BTW! #

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