Chapter 26: Side Quest 1: "Beast of Calamity"
- POV Harriet -
With school being out for the inter we had a nice ride on the train out from Hogwarts and watched as Draco rendezvous with his parents, After his reconnection with parental units 1 & 2 they made their way over to the both of us.
Lucius:「Hello, Heiress Emiya. 」
He greeted me with the proper greeting of my preferred name, and a small curtsy, in return I gave him a curtsy of my own.
Harriet:「Hello, Lord Malfoy. It is a pleasure to see you again. 」
Lucius:「Please, the pleasure's all mine. I have this invitation for you. 」
He hands me a small letter with the Malfoy crest on it, I accept it and move to put it away for later.
Harriet:「May I know what such a letter is for? 」
Lucius:「Of course, it's for the annual Yule ball we hold at Malfoy manor... I do hope to see you and your current magical guardians there. 」
???: 「Harriet. 」
A beaming smile came over my face and I could in the corner of my eye that Draco held his chest and fell to his knees while wheezing... Hmm, that's not good for his heart, but with his parents, he should be fine with his mother fussing over him.
Harriet:「Father! 」
- POV 3rd person -
Lucius turned to the left as did Harriet to look at the "Father" of Harriet, however, his expectation's where thrown for a loop at the sight of a Blonde woman with eyes so green they could be cut straight from emerald.
Artoria: 「Come along now, your mother is waiting. 」
The small amused smile that graced her lips confused him greatly before a tall man with Short white hair and grey metal eyes, his shoulders slumped at the women calling him Harriet's mother and he was further exasperated
Draco who had just recovered was stunned as he caught sight of Archer, the man who was occasionally seen around the council and was Harriet's magical guardian.
Archer:「*sigh* Must you both continue to do this in public? 」
His exasperated sigh was might with the small creature known as fou leaping from Harriet's shoulder and landing atop his forehead before jumping off sending him to his ass on the floor.
A snicker came from both women as Lucius was further confused, Archer stood up before approaching both ladies and giving them both a hug at the same time as he looked at the small creature he nodded his head and the Trio just disappeared.
Narcissa:「Well, this was an interesting experience. 」
# Play Celtic Music - Moonsong by Adrian von Ziegler #
Arriving at the Tower overlooking Avalon the Trio of humans all sighed and relaxed leaving to do their own thing for a while, our fluffy little Fou stayed behind to relax on a desk that was set up there.
- POV Fou -
Hmm? Open menu.
{Quests} (New Quest!)
{Travel} (locked)
Open Quest menu
Mission: A "god" of Light has tested my patients to much. Watching you have some fun might be entertaining, destroy Belos's prime world~.
Bonus goals
- A Real Fucking Vampire
Eliminate the Cullen family first
- A Real Fucking (Disappointing) Vampire
Kill Bella after the Cullens
- EA (Enuma Elish)
- SP+ 1000
Bonus Rewards
- Hellsing ARMS .454 Casull Auto
- Hellsing ARMS 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Combat Pistol: Jackal
Who's this Lilith person? Eh, it doesn't matter, Kill twilight will certainly be a fun experience. Accept the quest and Set Time-Dilation to 100X.
With a flash of light, he disappeared from the desk as merlin walked up the stairs looking for him.
Merlin:「Hmm, Oh well, I'll just talk to him later then. 」
It was an early morning that the Cullen Family awoke too, getting ready for the day until a knock on the door was heard startling the inhabitants who hadn't heard a person walk up to the door. From the fact that the resident mind reader couldn't read any mind, they assumed the person at the door to be one Bella Swan.
Walking over to the front door Edward was surprised to find a small white fluffy dog creature sitting there, a letter sitting in its mouth. Walking over to the door to retrieve the letter he opens it and bends down as soon as the letter left the creature's mouth it stood up and started to Dance.
Edward:「The fuck? 」
Seeing as the creature wasn't leaving he opted to open the Letter, it was written in beautiful writing but was very ominous.
"To whom it may concern~ Your paid subscription to life has expired. The god paying for it has defaulted (And annoyed me). Please ask the personage who delivered this for details on your soul being released. ~Lilith, the NULL Kitsune."
#A/N Webnovel formating IDK how to work but the above is supposed to be in Italics and centred#
Looking back down at the creature as it stopped dancing he couldn't help but scoff at the absurdity of the letter, hearing the scoff from him the creature narrowed its eyes before it twirled and was standing atop an Anti-Tank rifle aimed directly at his head.
Edward:「Oh fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle. 」
In response to his words, he heard his family stopped what they were doing for but a mere moment. The resounding click and the manic grin on the creature's face were horrifying.
His head was turned into a fine paste as the deafening boom sounded out and echoed blowing the glass nearby away, his corpse was lit on fire with blue flames as the rest of his family ran to his location.
Arriving at the scene they were forced to stop moving as swords were stabbed into their shadows, the fluffy white creature dancing atop Edwards's body that burning a brilliant blue only further infuriated them.
Right as the dance ended numerous swords appeared floating in the air covered with blue fire, how the creature wasn't on fire itself was questioned but never answered as their souls were released to be caught.
- Short time skip -
Walking down the road was this small white creature, behind it was a tower of blue flames that was consuming everything in the forest that was around the now burned-down house of one Cullen family.
The Firefighters zoomed past never paying any mind to the small white creature leisurely strolling down, the weird thing about this small white creature was the Katana coated in blue flames dragging along the ground and setting even more of the forest on fire.
The Katana has a blue wrapping around its hilt, a silver handguard unusual for a katana, a silver collar above the guard, and another one on the hilt, and a green tassel attached to the hilt's end. it was being held by a solid light blue arm extending from the creature's left side.
Our fluffy creature of destruction arrives at a small, with white wooden siding, a house that's approximately 2 stories tall. Knocking on the door again he hears the loud yell of "EDWARD!?" a voice filled with concern.
A young girl with a very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair, a widow's peak, unique chocolate brown eyes and a heart-shaped face with a wide forehead opened the door and stopped before she spoke any words.
In the background could be heard her dad yelling and asking where items are before finding them, Bella Sawn was the young girl at the door, looking around she was disappointed before she noticed a small creature break dancing in front of her door.
Bella:「What? 」
At her words the creature stopped dancing and twirled in spot producing a letter, she stood for a couple of seconds before crouching and grabbing the letter ignoring the intricate seal on it she grabbed the letter out and started reading.
"To whom it may concern~ Your paid subscription to life has expired. The god paying for it has defaulted (And annoyed me). Please ask the personage who delivered this for details on your soul being released. ~Lilith, the NULL Kitsune."
#A/N Webnovel formating IDK how to work but the above is supposed to be in Italics and centred#
Evidently, this is a copy of the earlier letter, as she looked up to ask what this letter was she came face to face staring down a 30mm Barrel of a sniper.
Before she could even get out any word her head and upper torso was turned to a fine mist, just like Edward. Hearing the huge bang around the corner came running with a pistol drawn her Father, Charlie Swan, his kneecaps were gone along with a good chunk of his legs after they lined up.
As he fell to the ground he was able to capture in its full glory, the 30mm Sniper Hallconnen, and then he heard a click and his head and upper torso were a fine mist connected with his daughter and missing kneecaps.
The loud gunshot's obviously alerted the neighbours who came running to see if they could help, only for them too to be set on blue fire. Running around in pain they set other things on fire and started spreading it far and wide around the town.
Done with his main objectives our Fluffy white creature started running down the street before turning into a comment of blue energy and flying over the town, Blue fire fell off it in waves like a tsunami the fire sped its consumption of all things over North America and in a day it would consume all of The United States and the next all of Canada and Mexico.
Thus was the end of CUM brought to its knees and burned away like a Nazi-German soldier using a Flammenwerfer on an American troop, the Geneva conventions didn't exist! The fire continued to spread consuming the ocean at an alarming rate.
The next day all of North America was a smouldering wreck as the fire boiled the water away forming clouds that blocked at the sun like a nuclear winter, South America was next to go as people ran as far as they could but the end was inevitable.
Everywhere the fire was spotted, a giant white wolf appeared before like a warning system to those who were near. Over the course of a 4 day period, all of the world was burned to the ground not a single soul was left alive in this world.
It was on this day that a new creature appeared, it had a halo hovering above its head and numerous pairs of wings hovering behind its back. It seems unable to perceive the small white creature as it was taken away from the world watching the angel-like being cried out in rage at the destroyed world.
Gone was the burned world and in front of him was a beautiful garden, looking around he was able to enjoy the sight of Avalon for a while.
- POV Fou -
*Sigh* It was so much fun, yet fun only last's for so long... Anyway... NEW WEAPONS!
{Quests} (New Quest!)
{Travel} (locked)
Mission: A "god" of Light has tested my patients to much. Watching you have some fun might be entertaining, destroy Belos's prime world~.
Bonus goals
- A Real Fucking Vampire
Eliminate the Cullen family first
- A Real Fucking (Disappointing) Vampire
Kill Bella after the Cullens
- EA (Enuma Elish)
- SP+ 1000
Bonus Rewards
- Hellsing ARMS .454 Casull Auto
- Hellsing ARMS 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Combat Pistol: Jackal
Materializing in front of me were 3 items of great importance, 1 being EA, something that could destroy entire worlds.
I just threw it into my inventory after tracing it, looking at the dual pistol's in front of me I couldn't help but giggle in glee as I had the "Fuck Mothering" vampire's infamous weapons!
Turning around I looked directly at Merlin in his eyes.
Fou:「Run. 」
He started sweating at my words as I brandished the two guns in front of me, he took a cautious step back as I just stood there, MENACINGLY.
Merlin:「Now Fou, you know you don't have to shoot me right? 」
His gulp just made me smile like a shark smelling blood in the water.
Fou:「You heard me, cockbite. 」
- POV Change Harriet -
Hmm? It would seem Fou has a new weapon then... Whelp, so long as they don't destroy my cooking.